All Chapters of Throne of Wolves: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
284 Chapters
Chapter 141
Martin's POVAs we walk past the bus station, I stare down at the love of my life, trying not to imagine living without her. "I'm gonna run ahead and let the guards and pack know you will be arriving" Bryat says, sensing that me and Claire need alone timeMe and Claire both nod and tell him we will see him soon."Are you okay?" I ask for the hundredth time as soon as Bryat leavesShe nods slowly"I can't believe that all happened""I know...are you sure you just want to leave them there?" I ask still wanting to go back and punish them"I'm father has punished them in the harshest way I know...I'm glad it's over." She says and I nod"I can't believe I met my dad" Claire says more-so to herself"What was it like?" I ask still trying to unreal from what all happened"Crazy....but amazing. I've never felt more powerful" she tells me"he told me he had been watching over me and knows the hardship I had gone through. He hoped when I learned what I was that I would be grateful and
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Chapter 142
Rakari's POV"Rakari, you better be ready for school!""Yes mum!"I grabbed my school bag before looking in the mirror, checking to see if I looked okay, which I did and walked out of my room to go downstairs into the kitchen,"Morning guys""Morning princess" My dad said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.I looked around the kitchen to notice that one person was missing,"Where's Mhakir?""In his room, he should be coming down soon actually"Mhakir. My twin brother. My parents decided to name us close together just because were twins and personally, I hate it,"Okay, where's Marcus?"My mum smiled knowingly,"With his dad probably discussing his duties once he becomes alpha"Oh yes, I forgot to mention the fact that I'm a werewolf and since that's out of the bag I might as well tell you more about myself. My full name is Rakari Martin (Ka-se-la) and I'm 18 years old. I have light green eyes, brunette hair, which is currently dyed black and a caramel-like skin tone. As you know I h
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Chapter 143
Rakari's POV That automatically calmed me down, so I took many deep breaths and closed my eyes for a while. I opened them again and looked at Renee and Sam apologetically,"Sorry""It's okay, why did you get so angry?""Marissa and Kayla"I could see a hint of anger in their eyes as well"I see"Renee and Sam aren't actually werewolves but they know everything about us because I told them, I couldn't not tell them, they're my best friends, always have been. My parents and Marcus was okay with me telling them but the alpha thought differently. Let's just say that he was angry for a very long time until he finally let it go and welcomed them, so now they can visit whenever they want,"She can never just keep her mouth shut" Renee stated through her teeth,"Miss Samuels, last warning before I give you a detention""Sorry again Sir"He shook his head slightly before once again turning back to the class and we continued the rest of the lesson in silenceLunchI walked out of Biology to se
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Chapter 144
Rakari's POV2 days later“Just let me come with you”I pulled out of the hug and shook my head at him,“I can’t let you do that Lukas, you belong here”He shook his head,“I belong with you”I closed my eyes,“You belong with your mate”I opened my eyes to see that his eyes had now changed to red, a sign that he was angry,“What do you mean by that exactly? Don’t you love me?”I looked at him shocked,“Of course I love you! I’ve known you my whole life, how could you even doubt my love for you? It’s just that no matter how much we love each other, we don’t belong together, we belong with our mates”He closed his eyes for a second before opening them to reveal his normal eye colour,“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, it’s just that, you’re leaving and I’m really going to miss you”I smiled through my tears and leaned forward to give him a light kiss,“I’m going to miss you too Marcus”“Rakari, time to go!” My dad shouted from the car,“Coming!”I gave him one last kiss before hug
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Chapter 145
Rakari's POV“Don’t you knock?”“It’s my house”“Yeah but it’s my room, you’re such a guy!”I chuckled,“I am a guy, if you haven’t noticed by now”She bit her bottom lip and looked down embarrassed and the next thing I knew I was on top of her, trapping her beneath me,“Please don’t do that”My eyes were probably pitch black now because the way she bit her bottom lip just had me lusting over her, it was such a sexy gesture,“I can’t help it” She said shakily,“I do it every time I’m nervous or embarrassed”She done it again and I let out a small moan which seemed to turn her on because her eyes started to go black as well. I leaned down and started pressing light kisses up her neck until I got to the corner of her mouth and I was waiting for her to stop me but she never did, instead she grabbed my hair and brought my lips to hers, making me kiss her. I could feel the sparks flying when she kissed me and the electricity that ran through my whole body. She bit my bottom lip and I didn’
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Chapter 146
Rakari’s POVI woke up in such a bad mood. The thought of Darius get’s me so angry but I can’t hate him because he’s my mate, I’m supposed to love him but how can I when he doesn’t love me back? I don’t get him though, one minute he’s saying how he doesn’t want a mate and that I should just leave him alone and the next, he’s kissing me on the bed and saying how I’m his… it’s so frustrating!I heard a knock on my door, “Rakari”“Come in Mhakir”He opened the door and walked into the room,“What’s wrong?”I looked at him confused,“Why do you think something’s wrong?”“We’re twins, I know what you feel and right now you’re angry”I sighed,“Promise not to tell mum or dad?”He nodded,“I promise”“Okay, well uhhh… I found my mate”His eyes lit up,“That’s great Rakari!”“No it isn’t because he rejected me”His eyes changed to red,“He what?”“Don’t make me repeat it”“Who is he?”I bit my bottom lip and
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Chapter 147
Darius’ POVShe flipped me off and walked out of the room and I ran my hands through my hands. Tina just ruined everything and she needs to know that. I got up from the sofa and went into the kitchen,“Where is Tina?”“Pool room, why?”I didn’t reply, I just walked off towards the pool room and when I got there she was just coming out of the pool and if didn’t meet Rakari, I probably would’ve drooled over her body but now, she’s nothing compared to her,“So, you decided to come back to me?”My eyes went red and I was grabbing her neck against the wall in a flash,“You cost me my mate” I growled,“I didn’t know she was your mate” She managed to choke out,“Liar! You knew and now she hates me even more!!”"I didn't-""Shut up!!"She tried to loosen my grip on her neck but with the strength “Darius! Put her down!” My dad shouted,“I don’t take orders from you!!”I kept my grip on her neck and I was so close to crushing her windpip
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Chapter 148
Rakari's POV "Do we have to go?""Yes Rakari, it's a ceremony""So? Can't I just stay here?""We're all going, that's final"I sighed and let my mum do the finishing touches on my hair. I don't even know why I'm getting dressed up for this thing, it's not like it's anything important,"Kari, stop frowning"I put on a fake smile and my mum nodded. She gestured for me to look in the mirror but I just walked out of the room, I know she done a good job, she always does when it comes to events like this. I went downstairs to meet my dad and brother and they smiled when they saw me,"You look great Kari""Thanks Mhakir, you look quite handsome, planning on picking up girls?"He just winked at me and I laughed and looked at my dad, "Hi dad""You look beautiful princess""Thank you, mum done a good job""That I did"My mum walked into the lounge and put her arm around my dad's waist and he put his arm around her shoulder,"I think
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Chapter 149
Darius's POV I looked at her shocked, "I can't do that""Are you siding with her?!"I shook my head, "No! Definitely not, it's just that, she technically hasn't done anything wrong""You're right" She loosened her grip and Francesca ran out of the room as fast as she could and Rakari turned to face me, "You're the one that has done wrong""Calm down baby""Don't 'baby' me! You think you can go around kissing other girls behind my back and not get caught?!""It wasn't like that, she kissed me first""I didn't see you push her off of you! I'm supposed to be your mate!""You are my mate!"She walked up to me and I took several steps back until I was pushed back against the wall,"Am I?" I nodded, "Then I'd like to know why you were all over that girl""I wasn't all over her; it was the other way round, I would never do that to you""You just did!"I grabbed her wrists and twisted us around so that her back was agai
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Chapter 150
Rakari's POVI followed Rhylie all the way outside, where Lucie was previously held but now in her place was Francesca and I couldn't help the growl that escaped my lips,"Well well well, look what we have here"She looked at me with fear in her eyes,"What are you going to do?""Wouldn't you like to know" I walked closer to her,"You need to be taught a lesson about boundaries""I'm sorry!"I laughed humourlessly,"You think sorry is going cut it? You forced yourself on my mate!""I didn't mean to!""Oh, this just keeps getting better and better"I walked even closer and grabbed her hair,"You know what this calls for?" She shook her head so I leaned down and whispered,"Banishment"I let go of her hair and took a step back and that was when she started begging me,"No please don't banish me! I've learnt my lesson!"I shook my head,"I don't think you have... Darius!"He was by my side in a flash, "Yes?"
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