All Chapters of Throne of Wolves: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
284 Chapters
Chapter 161
Darius's POVHe lowered his head,"Sorry alpha""So you should be! Interrupt me again and I will make sure you will be punished for it, do I make myself clear?""Yes alpha""Good, now as I was saying, this is no joke" I looked over at all of them before continuing,"When I set an order I expect you to follow it no questions asked, what of my order did you not understand?"They stayed silent and I was quickly losing my temper,"Answer me!!"They all jumped at the intensity of my voice and Steven decided to answer,"We understood it all""That's very hard to believe"I walked back around the desk and sat down,"I will give you as much as a punishment as I can" They all looked at me, fear still clearly prominent on their faces,"You're banned from the games room, pool room, tennis court and the gym. You're curfew will now be 11:00pm no later and I will be checking the house every night to be making sure and lastly none of you will
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Chapter 162
Rakari's POV I looked in the mirror and then looked at Darius who seemed to be in a daze so I walked up to him and clicked my fingers,"Darius, back to earth baby"He shook his head, "Sorry, I was just stunned by how beautiful you look"Did I mention how sweet he is? I bit my bottom lip and blushed and in mere seconds, I was being pinned down on the bed,"I told you to stop doing that, you know what it does to me""I'm sorry, it's a habit""A very sexy habit that you need to snap out of""I cant help it, it just happens"I did it again and he groaned but from what I knew, it wasn't from pain,"Please Rakari, just try""I'll try not to do it, I promise"He smiled and leaned down to kiss me and I gladly accepted,"Hey, are you guys-woah, okay, not something I wanted to see!"I pulled away from Darius and looked behind him to see Mhakir facing the wall,"That should teach you a lesson for not knocking""Okay, I get i
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Chapter 163
Rakari's POV20 minutes later"Size?""5""You have some small feet Rakari"I punched Darius in the arm, "I'm a girl, what did you expect?"I took the shoes from the lady gratefully and went to our lane while Darius was still talking about how small my feet were,"I was at least expecting a size 7 or something""Yeah but I'm short so it's acceptable""I like short girls""I better be the only short girl you like"He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and leaned down to whisper in my ear,"You're the only short girl I love"I smiled and turned around so that I could kiss him properly and at that point I really didn't care that we were in a public place,"Get a room!"I smiled against Darius' lips before pulling away from him and looking at Mhakir,"Get a girl!"Mhakir blushed and me and Darius laughed and gave each other a high five while Marcus was just glaring at Darius,"Marcus, lighten up""When
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Chapter 164
Rakari's POV "I want you to kill him"My mum always told me that eavesdropping is rude but right now I can't help myself. I'm listening in to Darius' conversation seeing as he still thinks I'm sleeping,"I don't care how you find him, just find him"... "Imagine what he would've done if I didn't come when I did" ... "Exactly, don't question what I'm asking"... "Find him, bring him to me and I'll kill him myself"My heart started racing at the fact that Darius is so set on killing someone, he knows how much I hate murderers,"I know you're awake Rakari, I can sense it"I cursed under my breath and turned around to face Darius who was now staring at me intensely,"How much did you hear?""Enough to know that you're going to kill someone"He sighed, "I don't kill the innocent, I kill people that deserve it""Wait, does that mean you've killed someone in the past?"He nodded, "It had to be done"I felt bile rise up
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Chapter 165
Darius' POVI continued to hold her as she slept and I looked up at her parents,"What the hell happened Darius and we want the truth"I sighed and stood up with Rakari in my arms. I walked over to the sofa and went to put her down,"No, don't leave me, please"She was still asleep but she could sense me letting her go so instead, I sat down and just let her sleep in my lap. When I was satisfied she was comfortable I looked at her parents,"Where do you want me to start?""The beginning"I sighed and proceeded to tell them the story from when she ran out of the bowling alley to when I found her in the café toilets and by the end of it, her mum was in tears and her dad was in shock,"Why did she start crying just now?""The word 'sweetheart' triggered off her emotions, that's what the guy kept calling her""My poor baby!""Come on Clara, I think we should go upstairs and calm down a bit"She nodded and got up from the sofa to g
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Chapter 166
Rakari's POV Well, what can I say? Darius is just, I honestly don't have the right words to describe how breathtaking that was... It was utterly fantastic,"Fantasising about it?""Cocky much?"He laughed, "I'm not being cocky, I was merely asking a question"I smiled, "Whatever but if you must know, I was thinking back on it not fantasising""I do have that effect""Don't even think about bringing up your past 'antics'""Wasn't even thinking it""Hmmmm, sure you wasn't but now that we've mated, what will change? I never actually asked my parents""Well, I'll be able to feel your pain depending on how intense it is and vice versa and we'll be able to feel each others emotions, mainly if we're happy, sad, angry and sometimes jealous so keep your hormones under control"I hit his arm playfully, "Hypocrite" He smiled, "We should have our mated mark then"He nodded, "Yep, look"He pointed to my waist and sure enoug
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Chapter 167
Darius' POVSchool. 6 hours of my life where I can hardly spend time with Rakari. I only have 3 lessons with her today but it's gonna be so difficult to concentrate in class with how sexy she looks today.I glanced at her in the passenger seat of the car and my eyes immediately went to her legs, her long, sexy legs,"Eyes on the road baby"I looked back at the road and I could see her smirk from the corner of my eye,"You just had to where that dress today didn't you?""It's surprisingly hot today, I wasn't gonna where a turtle neck jumper and jeans was I?"I laughed,"Yeah but imagine all the guys that will be looking at you""It's a shame I only have my eyes set on one guy then isn't it?"I smiled and took her hand with my free one while I continued to drive. I parked up the car in my usual spot and looked at Rakari,"Don't move"I quickly got out of the car and ran over to the passenger side so that I could open the door for her,
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Chapter 168
Rakari's POVHe ran out of the class and I felt so guilty. I didn't mean to flinch away from him, it just happened and he looked so hurt. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Mhakir,"I think it's best if we went home""Its only first lesson""I'm sure they'll understand"I nodded and gave a smile towards Chris before following Mhakir out of class and out of the building to go to his car and we just drove home in pure silence.20 minutes laterI walked into the house and walked straight upstairs to Darius' room ignoring all the stares of curiosity I got on the way up. I walked into his room and froze at what I saw next... Marcus,"Well, hello Rakari"'Darius, help''Rakari, what's wrong?''marcus is at the pack house''I'm on my way'I felt a hand grab my face, "It's rude to ignore people when they're talking to you Rakari, you of all people should know that"I pushed him away from me but he just grabbed my
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Chapter 169
Darius' POV"Shift"Rakari done what the doctor told her and shifted and I took a moment out to fully look over her in wolf form. She was brown with specks of blonde and she had green eyes. It is common for a wolfs fur to be the same as their natural hair colour and the same goes for their eyes and only in rare cases does it happen differently,"Alpha"I looked away from Rakari and looked at the doctor,"Yes?""She'll have to stay in wolf form for at least 15 minutes for her to heal properly"I nodded and sent Rakari a mind message,'I have to go to a meeting Rakari, call me when you've shifted back''Okay'I smiled and walked out of the room to go to my study and that was when I let all the anger surface. Just the thought of Marcus makes me want to punch something, the thought of him coming after Rakari makes me want to kill him slowly. I walked into my study and inputted the code. I walked into the second room to see all of my best fighters
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Chapter 170
Darius' POVWithout hesitation they shifted and ran to my side taking up an attacking stance, all of them growling at Marcus.He looked taken aback but he didn't come out of his attacking stance either so we all took a step forward while he took a step back. Without warning he lunged for me but Hunter was one step ahead and lunged into his side, making him fall to the floor with Hunter on top of him.'Let him fight'Hunter moved back and Marcus stood back up on his paws. He growled at all of us before running back into the forest but I wasn't letting him get away that easy so I chased after him, and my fighters followed,'Do not let him get away!'I ran and ran, making sure to keep him in my sights, dodging every tree, jumping every rock and never slowing down. We were both as fast as each other and everytime I thought I was getting closer to'Darius where are you?'I didn't slow down as Rhylie sent me a mind message,'Chasing Marcus''Rakari'
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