All Chapters of Throne of Wolves: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
284 Chapters
Chapter 171
Rakari's POV"Darius""Yes Rakari?""What are you doing, you've been really quiet since yesterday"He sighed and ran his hands through his hair,"I'm just really frustrated. I was so close to catching him but now the bastard is running free""As much as i despise him, i don't want you to go too far with this""I don't care what you want, i will make him pay with the worst i have""You don't care what i want? That's nice to know""Baby, you know i didn't mean that""I think you should calm down and get yourself sorted before you decide to talk to me again"I turned around to walk out of his study when i felt two arms go around my waist,"I'm sorry, i'm just under a lot of stress"I removed his arms and turned around to face him again,"And you don't think i am? You take your stress out on everyone else and i'm sick of it, sort yourself out"I walked away from him and decided to check out the second part of the pack house. I
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Chapter 172
Darius' POVI looked up from the bed and i just couldn't stop myself from watching Rakari. She's just so beautiful, so angelic, she's flawless,"Darius, are you okay?"I smiled and stood up so that i could wrap my arms around her waist,"I'm great"She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck,"Why are you so happy today?""Well, i'm happy because i have you and you are so perfect"She bit her bottom lip and blushed before looking down,"I'm not perfect"I tilted her chin up and lightly pressed my lips against hers,"I love you so much"She smiled, "I love you too, so much"I was about to lean down and kiss her again when someone knocked on the door,"Why now?"She laughed and gave me a peck on the lips,"Come in!"We looked towards the door to see Rhylie step through the door looking pretty anxious,"Rhylie what's up?""Ummmm, well, i don't know how to say this"He rubbed the back of his neck and
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Chapter 173
Rakari's POV"Darius, where's Sharise?""Other part of the pack house, why?""I wanna take her out today""Why only her?""I dunno, I feel like I connected with her somehow so I wanna take her out"He smiled,"Can I come with?""Don't you have pack duties to attend to?""Yeah but I can get Rhylie to sort it out and I would really love to spend some time with you"I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist,"I'd love that"He smiled and gave me a peck on the lips,"Lets go and find Sharise then"I nodded and unwrapped my arms from around his neck and took his hand instead so that we could walk through the pack house to find Sharise.We walked into the second lounge and everyone turned their heads to face us,"Hi Rakari, hi Darius""Hey guys, you okay?"They nodded,"Yeah but you never came back""Sorry about that, the alpha kept me longer than expected"Darius chuckled and I
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Chapter 174
Rakari's POVShe ran to the car and I just laughed and was going to continue walking to the car when Darius twisted me around and pressed his lips against mine and I was pretty shocked but it didn't take me long to get over it and kiss him back. He grabbed my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer,"Come on lovebirds!"I smiled against Darius' lips and pulled away,"Thought I'd kiss you before I wouldn't be allowed to touch you""She wont know if you do" I said seductively while running my hand down his chest and he let out a low growl and just when he was about to lean down and kiss me,"Darius! Don't even think about kissing her again!"I laughed and gave him a quick peck on the lips before we walked the short distance to the car.I got in the passenger side while he put the shopping bags in the boot of the car and got in the drivers side,"Finished making out?"I smiled and turned to face her, "For now yes"
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Chapter 175
Rakari's POV"Christophe Limier and Samantha Hart!"Me and Darius walked into the school building and i had my eyes glued on Chris and Sam,"Don't even think about walking off! Turn around you two!"They stopped walking and turned around to face us and I looked down at their joined hands and smiled,"So he wasn't lying"Chris laughed, "Why would I lie Rakari?""Who knows, how did you figure it out Sam?""Your boyfriend gave me a pretty big clue"I turned to face Darius, "You helped him?"He nodded, "He looked really upset so I thought I'd help""Awww baby, that was so sweet of you"He smiled and i leaned up to give him a peck on the lips,"I'll give you your real thank you later"I winked at him and he licked his lips before i turned back towards Sam and Chris,"At least now you wont mind us kissing because now you two can do it"Chris laughed and Sam blushed and leaned into his chest which just made Chris' sm
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Chapter 176
Rakari's POVLunchI was currently on Darius' back because i just couldnt be asked to walk,"You're really light Rakari"I smiled, "Glad to know"He walked into the canteen and walked towards our usual table and i jumped down from his back so he could sit down and i could sit on his lap,"How was your free lesson or should i say undisturbed make out session?"I took a fork off Lyle's plate and threw it at him,"Shut up Chris, i know you and Sam had a free lesson 3rd period, hypocrite"He winked at me and i laughed and looked at Lyle,"So, Lyle, you and Cristina should get together"Cristina spat out the drink that was in her mouth and started choking and we all laughed,"What's wrong with that idea?"She regained her breath, "Everything, me and Lyle have known each other for 4 years, we're practically family""Shes right, shes like my sister""Okay, lets stop with the bullshit" Darius chuckled and i continued, "Ch
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Chapter 177
Darius' POV I watched quietly as Rakari paced up and down the room angrily and everyone just waited patiently for her to say something. After a few more minutes, she stopped pacing and turned to face us and I flinched slightly at how intense her stare was, I've never seen her this angry before"If anyone in this room doesn't want to be involved in this war, I suggest you leave nowI looked around the room waiting to see if anyone was coward enough to leave but when no one got up, I felt quite proud because it meant that they are loyal enough to stay and fight"Okay good, as you can tell, I'm angry, actually no that isn't even the right word to use, I am fuming, I am beyond pissed right now and I do not want anyone in this room to piss me off anymore, I want to get that clear now, understand?Everyone nodded so she continued,"As you know, Marcus has taken Sharise, which is what sparked this war in the first place and believe me, I didn't want to start a war
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Chapter 178
Darius's POV I walked past her and walked towards Adele who was still on the floor catching her breath and I lowered my head to her level and bared my teeth at her which just made her try and shrink into the floor even more. I snapped my teeth close to her neck to tell her that if she steps out of line even more, I won't hesitate to hurt her and she fearfully noddedI moved away from her and gestured for Rakari to go back into the bedroom so she walked in first and I walked in behind her and closed the door with my paw. I turned back around to see that she had already shifted back and I couldn't help my eyes from roaming over her body, even though I had seen it many times"You're such a perv Darius, get dressed"She put some of my clothes on the bed and started changing into her own so I shifted back and proceeded putting on the clothes that she gave me"If you didn't stop me, I probably would've hurt her" "Yes but I did stop you, which is the main thing, w
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Chapter 179
Rakari's POV"Hurry up with this because I have more important things to do""Like making out with your boyfriend? Yes, very important"She rolled her eyes and I glared at her, "It's not only Darius that can hurt you, I'd have much fun doing it myself, do not test me" "I just wanted to ask how you could start a war so quickly" "And I want to know how that has anything to do with you" "I'm his sister" "And I'm his mate, who do you think he'll listen to more?" "Did he tell you about Lucie?" I narrowed my eyes but shook my head, "No, he didn't""Then he can't love you as much as he says""We're done here"I stood up and was about to walk out when she said something else"Don't always believe what you hear Rakari, get the real story but not just from his point of view"I shook my head and walked out of the study and upstairs to mine and Darius' room and as soon as I walked in, Darius had me trapped against the wall
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Chapter 180
Darius' POVI looked at Rhylie in shock at what he just said and looked back at Rakari to see tears brimming her eyes and thats when i got angry"How dare you say that!"He looked at me regretfully, "i'm sorry, i didnt mean that""Why would you say that?! She is my mate and your alpha female! This is very much her pack!""Darius its fine, leave it""No! Its not fine!" I turned towards Rhylie and he looked at me fearfully, "I do not care whether that was an accidental slip of the tongue or not, you will never speak about my mate like that again and i will make sure that you never do""Baby, don't do anything you'll regret, its not worth itI looked at Rakari, "He disrespected you and i am not going to stand for it"I turned back to face Rhylie, "Rhylie Lutton""Don't do it baby""I hereby revoke your status as beta of the shadow valley pack and demote you one level down to commader of the fighters""Darius please"I shook
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