All Chapters of The Alpha’s Nanny.: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
111 Chapters
Chapter 91
She had never imagined that in her wildest dreams she would be attending such an extravagant and high end party. The thought had never even crossed her mind before. From the limo ride to the time it took them to get out of the limo and into the daunting mansion, she was utterely fascinated by it all. She had made the full switch to her nephilim form right before they walked into the Summit, the two guards that were placed in front of the large paint glass door had gaped when her wings appeared. Gabriel looked at her with adoration as he watched her transform. Trasnformations were easier now and relatively painless for her so she found herself being more and more comfortable with them. The heightened senses, the feel of power coursing through her veins and then the wings. They were the best part of it. She had been so uncomfortable with them at first. They had felt heavy, but now when she flexed them it felt like she was flexing a part of her, it felt like it was a muscle.
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Chapter 92
She heaved a sigh of relief when Axel loosened his grip and let her go. Lori walked to Gabriel's side. He must have snuck up to them. That would explain how they didn't notice him.There was an unreadable expression on Gabriel's face, while Axel seemed to be smiling. "Relax. We were just having a chat.""Really? Didn't sound like one."Axel raised his eyebrow. "Oh you were listening in? Interesting.""I was just curious about your beautiful mate here. I've never met an actual nephilim before...""She told you to let her go and you didn't. I'd advise you to steer clear of her next time."Axel chuckled."Or what?! Are you threatening me?""Interpret it however you like. But if you lay one finger on her again I'll have your entire hand dislocated from your body.”Lori placed a hand on Gabriel's shoulder, silently pleading for him to let it go, people were starting to look. Axel looked around and started laughing loudly.
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Chapter 93
The Summit has started. Everyone, alpha, Luna or their betas who had come with them moved to the large conference hall. Several alphas walked in twos and threes to their respective round tables, many of which had been arranged from rank to territory and location. Sabine watched the two main entrance eagerly and was relieved when she didn't see Lori. Even Gabriel was missing. Probably looking for his beloved mate. He wouldn't be able to do anything. She had seen the dark magic do it's work and if Astra's destruction was worse, she was pretty sure what Lori would do would be way worse. After all Lori seemed to be the fully blooded nephilim. All she had to do was sit and wait, then the commotion would commence.Ivor was the first to approach her in the conference hall. She had found her designated seat and was eagerly waiting when she saw the burly man walking towards her. She had almost groaned as she saw Ivor approaching her. "I didn't think you would make it..."
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Chapter 94
And for a long time Gabriel didn't even know if she could see what he was dreaming about. If she could see the glimpses of what he imagined of their future. Until he felt her breaking away from his tight embrace. Slowly till she was untangled from him. He opened his eyes slowly and saw that her wings were retracting, her features slowly went back to normal and her eyes went from the fearful glowing white to their familiar hazel color. He reached out and caressed her face gently, his finger catching the single tear that dropped on her cheek. "You dream of marrying me?"Lori whispered.Gabriel smiled. So she had seen it then. "I dream of the day you're truly and fully mine. As my mate, Luna and of course, my wife."Lori covered her mouth to stop the sob that threatened to escape her lips. She had seen everything. The glimpse into his head where he had imagined a quiet life for them. Not even a life as an alpha or a Luna. But a simple life real
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Chapter 95
"Leaving so soon?"Axel snickered as he snuck up to Sabine. She jumped nervously. Surprised that he had even followed her. Even in the middle of the ongoing summit. "You startled me."She murmured as she kept her distance, one eye out for her driver to bring the car around and another cautiously watching Axel. She didn't like him and for good reason too. Volatile, unpredictable, wild, they just didn't mix. She never thought they would too.She had intentionally kept him out of all her plans, she didn't need to be acquainted with him, but there he was, right in front of her.Chasing the drama presumably. He must have heard the rumors. And perhaps he was present to either confirm them for himself or he had another agenda. Whatever it was, Sabine desperately wished there was a way to wiggle out of the conversation.The night air was chilly and she was starting to feel the chilly hair on her skin. She didn't bring a coat, she had practically rushed to the Summit
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Chapter 96
"How was it?!"Draco asked as they walked into the living room. The ride home had been long and exhausting and Lori had dozed off a few times. Eventually she was grateful when they finally got home. She wanted nothing more than to soak in a long hot bath and then go to bed. She barely sat down before she started tugging at her heels. Gabriel knelt to help her remove them. "It was awful."Lori answered honestly. Draco glanced at the both of them. He looked like he didn't believe them. "What happened?!"The two of them exchanged glances. "Truly horrible." She added. Gabriel stood up and sighed."Sabine came."Just those two words were enough to make Draco freeze."No way."He muttered. Lori nodded."Oh she did.""And you let her go?!"Gabriel nodded. "I had no choice but to. She's allied with Kate's father, there was at least a hundred people there... we couldn't find a proper way to corner her.""You
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Chapter 97
The Luna rites. Gabriel had proposed they moved forward with it. And while Lori agreed she was weary of his grandfather. Gabriel was already not close with his family, she suspected she would be making things worse if she didn't at least try to mend the relationship between them. "I will talk to grandfather... I called him already."Gabriel mentioned at the dining table as he served Lori her plate. Lori was holding Emilia with a bottle in her hand. She was feeding her. They had woken up early to Emilia's cries. And even though they were both thoroughly exhausted, Gabriel made breakfast while Lori changed and bathed the baby. Gabriel had started the whole Luna rites conversation, asking if Lori was comfortable enough to move forward with it. She agreed. She really was. Gabriel made scrambled eggs, sausage and toast. He even made a cup of coffee. The eggs were good, only a little bit salty and the toast was overdone. Lori made no complaints as she ate the food.
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Chapter 98
"And so you're here. Are you sure you were not followed?!"The voice was harsh, rough, something about the angry gruff tone made Astra even more annoyed. "I was not!"She snapped. She had never really seen Nic in person. They had never met. They kept in contact through calls. Calls, texts and occasionally social media. He was always so nice and encouraging. He had always told her that if she ever needed his help she could find him in New York. He even gave her the address, she had memorized it, just in case she would ever need it. She had never expected him to sound so dismissive, or harsh. It was unlike the Nic she was used to. Astra may be many things, but she wasn't inhospitable. That, she knew. And maybe she was foolish to have expected more from Nic. Of course he had probably thought she would never actually need his help. Maybe that was why he was acting that way. It was silly and annoying all the same. She had told him a lot about her, a
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Chapter 99
"And how exactly did she escape?!"Siobhan trembled at the sound of Sabine's voice. It was low, dangerous, deadly and with the look on her face, she feared for her life. Sabine had arrived unexpectedly and she had been burdened with telling her the truth. That Astor had escaped, under her own watch. It was an honest mistake on her part. She had overestimated her potion's potency and thought the after effects would last longer, but she had arrived back to the room to deliver a sedative and found the room empty. The only evidence of the escape was the tampered windowsills. At that point she was already trembling. She had alerted the rest of Sabine's wolves and they had set out to find her but they came back with nothing. She must have left hours ago.A mistake Siobhan wouldn't have made if she wasn't frolicking in the sheets with the guards. Of course she wasn't going to tell Sabine that, but Sabine really wasn't going to accept any excuse of hers. "The win
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Chapter 100
Gabriel was determined to find the witch, even though it seemed like Lori had lost all hope in finding the witch or Jack and Sabine. He had watched her be extremely hopeful on the flight to New York only to be dejected once they arrived at the empty apartments. He wished there was a way he could make her feel better but he suspected that the only thing that would make her feel better was an actual lead. A promising one.From his findings Sabine had left in a hurry leaving no personal items but her lingering scent, a few of the witch's personal items were scattered around the apartments and Gabriel suspected that if he tried hard enough he could track her by scent. There was enough of her scent in the room to master. And he spent time memorizing the scent while he looked through the little personal belongings she had left. There were some random books, all of which the writing looked incorrigible. She was probably practicing and writing down spells, that was what it looked like. Then
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