All Chapters of The Alpha’s Nanny.: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
111 Chapters
Chapter 81
"We have to go!""We have to go now Gabriel!"Lori urged as she jumped out of bed. She didn't care that she was naked as she ran towards the closet, grabbing the first pair of jeans and shirt she could see. Gabriel made a quick call, Lori didn't listen to see who it was but by the time she turned he was also half dressed.He looked thoroughly confused."Where are we going?!"He finally asked her amidst the frenzy."Elliot is in danger Gabriel. We have to help him. We have to be there before something bad happens..."She murmured and Gabriel nodded, still mildly confused. "Do you know where we're going?"He asked as calmly as he could muster. Lori nodded, closing her eyes to remember the location. There was a river... a trail, grass, stone walls.. those were all that she could remember. Elliot was on the grass, bleeding out.She explained her dream to him again, specifically focusing on the details of where she had seen him. Gabriel
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Chapter 82
It all happened so fast. Everything. And Lori saw how fast life could change in the blink of an eye. How sad and gloomy it wasn’tElliot didn’t wake up. No matter how much she c cried and pleaded for him to wake up. Gabriel had to pry her away from his side when the backup finally arrived.Draco had managed to hold on to Lyle before he ran away and Vara didn’t get far away quickly. Gabriel’s men apprehended her. Lori watched as Elliot’s lifeless arms dangled while he was carried away. Lori followed Gabriel to the car and back to the penthouse when it was all over. Even though the dawn was breaking, it seemed as if they both made a silent agreement to go back to sleep since they didn’t get enough sleep.Lori was shook to her core. It all seemed surreal. Almost like a fever dream. She really couldn’t believe that Elliot was gone.She washed up and cleaned his blood off from her body. The wrist she had bitten was healed, not even a scratch
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Chapter 83
They arrived at the funeral location where Elliot’s funeral was holding. The cemetery where he was to be buried. The atmosphere not only looked gloomy but felt gloomy, oddly enough the sun was shining relentlessly. Everywhere Lori looked there were no smiles; she couldn’t remember ever attending a funeral before, but she couldn’t think of anything more depressing than one. She squeezed Gabriel’s hand and he squeezed back reassuringly as they walked towards the gathering. They had quietly dressed that morning, overwhelmed with grief. Lori spent most of her morning with Emilia, happy to have her comfort. Gabriel decided it was time she came back home and Lori couldn’t agree more. Emilia being around had comforted her a lot more She bought a dress for the funeral, she didn’t have anything funeral appropriate enough. A black lacy dress with long sleeves and a high neckline. Gabriel himself had donned on a black suit. His expression cold and grim, the same expression
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Chapter 84
"You slapped Kate. At Eliot's Funeral."Those were the first words he said to Lori as he walked into Emilia’s room where Lori was changing the baby’s diaper. He had been in a heated conversation with his family when commotion had broken out. Kate screaming, people running towards her, blood streaming down the side of her face, Lori storming off. He was shocked to hear Lori was the one who hit her. That wasn't Lori. That wasn't something she would do. He rushed after Lori, leaving everybody else there and met her standing by the car, arms folded and face stoic. She didn't look the least bit remorseful. He had decided then that she had to go home. Maybe the funeral and everything was too much for her. His family already didn't like her, he didn't want to make everything much worse. He put her in the car and made Draco escort her back home. Back at the gathering he tried to placate Kate who half of her face was covered In blood. It looked like Lori’s claws
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Chapter 85
“What do you make of all this?”Gabriel asked Draco as he took a swig out of his whisky. He rarely drank, but during times like these… he couldn’t help it.They were standing in front of Vara’s cell. She was on the floor, crouched low, her head in her hands, she had not spoken a word to them in days.Three days in isolation had not broken her will. She still wasn’t budging. Draco shuddered. Gabriel was overwhelmed, he could feel it and see it written all over his face. He was back from Kate and it seemed she even had more annoying news to give him.“I have my ears to the wall… I’m trying to get you as much information as I can.”He said but Gabriel shook his head. “That’s not what I asked.”“I don’t know what to think Gabriel. Your family says she’s too weak to be your Luna, but the alphas somehow see her as a threat?!”“It doesn’t make any sense to me.” Draco added. “Who fucking told them about her in the first place?”He asked and Gab
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Chapter 86
Training was harder than she expected. Myra Blackwell was a thorough woman and even though she was very gentle with Lori, she made it clear that she would not let Lori leave until she saw progress. Shifting... shifting was a different ballgame, requiring her to tap into a part of herself that had been dormant for years. Years and years.But weirdly, it took an hour, an hour of encouragement and sheer will before Lori finally transformed. She didn't know why she thought it'd be as painful as the first time, but it was relatively painless this time. And now she could feel more changes coming in that she had not noticed before. Not only were her fingers transformed into claws... her toes had become something somewhat resembling talons, pale and curved, they looked sharp to the touch, but surprisingly they looked like they were useful. They had better grip than her hands ever would. Excellent... at least now she knew what they could be used for. Myra s
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Chapter 87
“What do you mean everything?! I have nothing to offer you!”Astra spat out, confusion lacing her voice. If she could muster enough energy to at least take out the guard, then she would be free. The witch that was in the room had left moments after she came in, leaving only the three of them. Sabine would fear her enough to run for her safety and the guard was the only one she could conveniently take out even with little power left. She could do it.Her eyes darted around the room again. It was stuffy, two large work tables joined together stood at the side of it. The table was strewn with herbs, twigs, potions, everything witchy. The floor underneath her beard feet was covered in a thick rug. Sabine was across her, safely behind a table and tucked in a chair. There were two guards guarding outside the door, she had seen them coming in, after they had taken her blindfold. She could take them out just as easily too. She would be out in no time an
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Chapter 88
Lori paused. She turned her head swiftly, waiting for the ball to drop. Vara finally mustered the strength to stand up. Her knees trembled visibly. “Sabine may be my alpha… but in the grand scheme of things… I’m nothing to her.”“What do you mean?”Lori asked as she narrowed her eyes at her. Vara sighed. She had been locked in the cell for days and even though she had barely said a noteworthy tangible word or anything that could help them, she had heard everything. Everything that was happening all around her. Draco wanted Gabriel to give the order to kill her, Gabriel didn’t. They had tried reaching Sabine, all to no avail. No exchange would be made, but Gabriel somehow held on to the hope that he could exchange Vara for Lori’s son.Vara knew enough of Sabine to know that she would never give up Lori’s boy for her. “There’s only one thing I can help you with… and it’s this piece of information I’m about to give you.”Lori listened carefully,
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Chapter 89
There were only two people Gabriel really and truly cared about. Lori and Emilia. And he had tried to keep them as safe as he could. Away from his world, away from the nastiness and conflicts. But now, all that was about to change with Lori. Since she was going to be his Luna, it was only logical she attended the Alpha's summit and while he didn't dispute the fact that she ought to attend, he had the unnerving feeling that Sabine was planning something.Talking to the Alphas must have been stage one, but what the hell was stage two of her plan? No one would be gullible enough to believe Sabine without evidence, so he knew that was the next phase of her plan.Gathering evidence, getting them to believe her. Any way possible she could get it.He hoped she would attend, she was bold enough to actually attend. She would believe that he wouldn't be able to touch or hurt her in front of so many other alphas but that was where she would be wrong. If she managed to com
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Chapter 90
The Alpha Summit She had chosen correctly after all. A black satin dress, a low neckline covered with light mesh and rhinestone beading, it had a corseted bodice with a silver bone belt and the entire chest was covered in intricate tiny rhinestones beading that caught the light. The satin and the mesh fabric worked perfectly together, the mesh making up the sleeves and parts of the skirt, while the satin holding the bodice. The sleeves were long and light, almost like a cape, they were light and featherless, made of the soft black mesh material. The back of the dress was opened, just like Myra had advised, it was low enough to accommodate her wings and the skirt of the dress was full and heavy. Lori liked the way the dress made her feel. Ethereal, unreal and magical. The dress looked better in the day but it shone best when worn at night. At night, it reminded her of the night sky, glittering and starry. Even though she was nervous, something about the dress had
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