All Chapters of The Alpha’s Nanny.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
111 Chapters
Chapter 11
The underground was a scary place. Scary and dangerous, for non-werewolves and for werewolves that were not from the Moon fang pack.It was located deep in the city, like many of Gabriel's other establishment were. Gabriel liked to drop in once a week, mostly unannounced, just to check up on what the werewolves were doing. The Underground used to be a former meeting ground, but then it had become too small and it was used as a training ground. One of the many training grounds the pack had in the city. To a normal human from the outside world, it looked like a fight club, a place where people came to box, fight and where people bet to see people fight. Draco had brought the werewolves who claimed to be part of his pack there, because that was the one of the places they couldn't escape. It was entirely surrounded by werewolves from his pack. And he wanted to be sure they were part of his pack before he provided them with whatever they needed. When Gabriel became Alpha, he would nev
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Chapter 12
Lori joined Mr Gabriel for dinner after she had put the baby down for bedtime. She had changed into a plain green shirt and sweat pants and joined Mr Gabriel at the table. He had barely gotten out of his work clothes, he had spent a long time talking to Elliot. As he sat at the table, he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt as he unbuttoned a few of the first buttons. Lori tried to look away, but she found herself checking him out. There was something about him rolling up his shirt that she found interesting enough to gawk at. And the way he ran his hands through his hair in mild frustration was just so effortlessly sexy, he didn’t have to even try. Lori caught herself quickly before he noticed her. No! She shouldn't be checking him out, he was her boss, her employer. Sylvia came out with the food. They were having steak. Steak and greens with a side of salads. A glass of Chateau for Mr Gabriel but water for her since she was breastfeeding. It was all good, she was never much of a
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Chapter 13
"Lori?"She said in surprise as she took in the sight before her. The stroller with the baby in it and Lori."Mrs Fuller. It’s so nice to see you."She said as politely as she could muster. "Who's baby is that?"The woman asked right away, her eyes set on Emilia and a frown on her face. "I'm a nanny now."She simply said and Mrs Fuller chuckled."A nanny?! That's ironic."It was true. It was pretty ironic, Lori thought as she didn't reply. "Be serious now, who's baby is that?""I am serious."Lori fired back."Since you're here Mrs Fuller, I was wondering if it's possible we talk in private."Lori started and Mrs Fuller shook her head as she raised her hand. She seemed to still be processing Lori's statement. "There's no way someone would give you a job as a nanny! Not after what you did!"She said and Lori sighed.She ignored her statement."Mrs Fuller, if you'll give me a few minutes of your time to explain...""Explain what?!"The woman snapped."There's nothing that comes out
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Chapter 14
Dinner was quiet, they ate in silence for the most part, except for Emilia fussing once in a while, Lori had brought over the baby carrier so she could be put in while they ate their meal comfortably. Lori went to her room to shower afterwards, Gabriel and Emilia stayed in the living room, with Gabriel setting up the mamaroo for Emilia before opening up his laptop to work a bit.Lori was grateful for a few moments to herself, even if it was going to be minutes.She ran to her room and practically peeled off her clothes. She checked her phone and saw no new notifications, not that she was expecting anything much, but a small part of her had wished that the Fullers called her.Maybe she should let it go, she thought as she sighed.Maybe she didn't need closure, maybe she didn't need to see her son’s grave, it was the words that kept coming to her all day after seeing Mrs Fuller. The literal anger and disgust on the woman's face.They would always blame her and for some reason, they tho
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Chapter 15
"Sucks about the mother though.""So! How is she?"Gabriel turned to look at her a she glared at her."Don't ever talk about my daughter again. Ever."Sabine made an oooh sound and started laughing."I bet your head is spinning wondering how I know about her, seeing as you kept the whole thing secret and under the wraps.""Unfortunately for you, I happen to know Susannah Garcia and I know her history a lot more better than you!"What?What did she mean?! Gabriel asked as he masked his emotions perfectly, she was trying to rile him up, get a reaction out of him, he wouldn't allow it.Stay calm.He told his wolf as he smiled at her."Do you really have nothing to do but sit around and stalk my life?"He asked."I mean, I'm an alpha, I know how busy and overwhelming it can all be but you sound like you have a lot of free time on your hands to just sit and stalk.""Have you ever considered getting a job? You know that divorce check you got from Andrew won't last forever."That seemed to
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Chapter 16
The baby was cleared to go home. Her fever had gone down and she looked better. The doctor told them to come back for regular checkups, Lori didn't have any problem with that.But she did have a problem with the way the doctor was staring at her though, she couldn't imagine why but she had a feeling the doctor didn't like her. She wondered if the woman somehow blamed her for Emilia’s ear infection since she was her nanny.She wanted to talk to Grace about it but then decided it was something too silly for her to be talking about and she decided to let it go.Gabriel drove them back to the house, his partner Draco had left much earlier, claiming he had business to take care of.Back in the house, Lori put a fussy Emilia to sleep after a bottle and pumped some milk, then she went downstairs to refrigerate it and found Grace and Gabriel talking in hushed tones.She heard the word Suzie.She didn't know much but she knew Suzie was Emilia's mother."Lori. Is she asleep now?"Gabriel asked
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Chapter 17
Gabriel checked his watch again. He didn’t want to hurry Lori up but they had a long way to go and he already made a reservation to a restaurant in the city, it was far away enough for them to at least hurry.Grace had asked his permission to offer her Suzie’s dress for the dinner and he had no problems with it. Suzie had bought a lot of dresses, many which she intended to wear after the baby was born. She had a generous allowance from Gabriel and she loved lavishing it on fine things.It was quite sad that she didn’t get to wear any of the things she bought. After her death, the staff had packed up all her stuff and put it in the garage, her room had been locked after that, with Gabriel not even daring to open the door to the room. The night she had died had been very hard on all of them, it seemed as if the ghost of Suzie haunted them all, and hung around the room heavily.Gabriel was sure nobody slept a wink that night.The next morning he had ordered that her stuff be put away, h
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Chapter 18
Gabriel watched the man talking to Lori. He didn't like him. The dressing, the nasty look on his face, the tattoos and the piercings, no he didn't like him one bit.Asher, like Lori had called him was dressed like a gang banger. Baggy, ripped jeans and a large shirt that concealed his muscular frame. He had a heavy Cuban chain on his neck and his head was shaved. His exposed arms was covered in small tattoos and there was a snake tattoo that ran from his neck to his left ear. He was handsome, not in the conventional way but in the ruggedly bad boy way most women might find attractive. The way he looked at Lori, the way his eyes slowly raked over her body, Gabriel found it disgusting. Especially the way he called her name. It sounded familiar, too familiar, like they had history together. Lori on the other hand was shaking and trying very hard to conceal the fear in her eyes, she could barely look him in the eyes, or string a proper sentence. Whoever he was, whatever he was to her,
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Chapter 19
Where am I? Lori thought as her eyes opened, she felt groggy as she took in her surroundings, slowly, and then she gasped. There was the all too familiar feeling of dread that was pooling deep in her stomach. The dirty brown bed covers, the wall with the peeling paint and the dresser that was in her view, it was all too familiar and scary. All scarily familiar. No! No! This can't be, this can't be! She couldn't be back here, in this same room, where she had so desperately tried to leave. It wasn't possible. What happened? She asked herself as she found out that her hands were tied, so hard that she was already bruising. She wiggled her legs and found out they were tied too, there was no way out.Her eyes darted around the room, she was alone, all alone, that was good, now she had to find a way to leave, because she knew what was coming.She rolled out of the bed and fell hard on the hardwood floor, hitting her head on a pair of old hard brown boots. She ignored the pain, more foc
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Chapter 20
Lori blinked, her surroundings were different. She wasn't in her own room, but rather someone else's.She rubbed her eyes as she looked around, taking in the entire room and her eyes widened as she realized she was in Gabriel's room.She sat up, startled, she looked next to her and found out that the space next to her was empty and quite cold, Gabriel must have left for work early. She looked around and her eyes landed on the bedside drawer where the time on the digital alarm read 9:45 am. Her eyes widened. How was it that she had slept for so long, so comfortably without even waking up?! She jumped out of the bed, rushing out of the room and back to her bedroom. She met the door of her bedroom completely gone and stared at her open room in bewilderment. It looked like someone had ripped it off it’s hinges.Crazy! She thought as she shook her head. She didn't have time for that though. She thought as she waved her curiosity away and changed into shorts and a large black T-shirt.Sh
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