All Chapters of The Alpha’s Nanny.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
111 Chapters
Chapter 21
Lori took the baby for a walk in the gardens. It was quite a sunny day but it also wasn’t too hot. She thought it would be good for her and the baby to get some well deserved fresh air.Her day had been pretty much mundane. She had been occupied with Emilia all day, she wasn’t complaining though, she loved her job. It was very rewarding and it kept all the bad thoughts away. After what had happened the night before, Lori was determined to get it over with and not think about it again. She knew she would inevitably have to talk about it, but she didn’t think she was quite ready yet. Occupying herself with Emilia kept her busy, it kept all those thoughts away. She also really loved spending time with Emilia too. It made her very happy and at peace with herself.She wandered towards the pool area and was surprised to see someone was inside the pool. As far as she knew the staff didn’t swim in the pool. She didn’t know if it was because they weren’t allowed to but they certainly didn’
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Chapter 22
Lori followed Gabriel to the nursery, where they would talk. They ran into Grace on the way. “You’re back! Early too?!”She said in a surprised tone and he shrugged.“I actually needed the rest. Decided to close early.”Grace nodded, her face beaming. She patted Gabriel on the back.“That’s great! That’s very good!” “I’ll get dinner started.”She said as she walked past them in excitement. Gabriel made sure he sent Elliot out of the house before they both left though. He specifically told him to go and wait for him in the pool house. Lori didn’t know why he did but she didn’t think Gabriel liked his cousin very much, it was visible in how little they interacted. Especially with the way he treated him, she didn’t know if there was a specific reason he didn’t, but he just seemed not to. They walked into the nursery, Gabriel had taken Emilia from Elliot before he went up the stairs with Lori. He had kissed her cheek and rubbed her head, he must have missed her and she must have mis
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Chapter 23
They had a slow day. Actually, it had been a slow couple of days. Days like that were popular at the diner, they were in a shitty neighborhood, with about seventy percent old people and a retirement home nearby, it was a wonder they got any customers at all. Finding help had also been very hard, the teenagers didn't like to stay too long, they found the job boring, plus the pay wasn't even that good. Ever since Lori left Birdie was having a hard time dealing with the new hire Yvette. The girl was nineteen and she had a really loud mouth. She questioned everything Birdie, or asked her to do. And she always came to work late. Birdie was sick of her. She honestly missed Lori, and even felt bad for the way she had treated her. Maybe if she had treated her better she wouldn't have left work. Well, who was she kidding? Lori wasn't really going to work at the diner for years like her, she didn't look like she was that kind of person. But the way she had left truly baffled her sometimes.
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Chapter 24
Dinner was salmon with buttery garlic green beans and a kale salad. Lori was ravenous. She had taken Emilia for another checkup, her doctor had been monitoring her temperature and giving her medication. Her fever had come back early that morning, after a few days of them being absent. Lori also noticed Emilia was getting bigger. She used to be able to carry her with one arm before but now it seemed like she had grown a lot more faster. She knew it was typical for babies to grow, of course, Emilia was slowly leaving the newborn stage but it didn’t make it any less weird that she was getting bigger and longer. Her hair had also started to grow out, she had been bald for months, with not a hair in sight but Lori was excited to spot a few blond strands of hair on her head. She didn’t know what Suzie looked like, but with the little she could see, Emilia would be blonde, like her mother probably, if her mother was blonde. Or maybe her hair would grow darker and she grew, it was still to
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Chapter 25
Dinner ended rather awkwardly. Even though she knew she should stop, she still poured herself another glass of wine. Gabriel eyed her glass."Are you sure you want any more of that?"Lori shrugged."It tastes okay.""Yes. It does. But you don't seem like someone who drinks.""I don't. I actually think I'm a lightweight."She said and Gabriel nodded."Have you ever been drunk before?"He asked and she nodded."Once. At prom. Some of my classmates snuck in bottles of beer and poured alcohol into the fruit punch. I think we all got drunk from it."He chuckled. "How did it feel?"Oh she could remember the moment as clear as day and it felt horrible when she thought about it. Really horrible. Everyone was either drunk or slightly tipsy and the school had sent them all home early."It felt weird. Really… I wasn't that drunk but I kept tripping, even though I wore a short dress and my heels were low."Gabriel chuckled."But you had fun right?"She nodded."Yes. It was fun." Lori finished
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Chapter 26
The next morning, Lori woke up in Gabriel's arms, resting on top of his chest. She didn't know when they had switched positions, but she was pleasantly surprised that she woke up early enough for Gabriel to still be in bed. Which was quite a feat to be honest because all the times she had slept in his room, she always woke up to an empty bed. Gabriel stirred and opened his eyes."You're awake."He said as he yawned. Lori gently pulled away from him."And you're still in bed.""Hnmmm."Gabriel said as he buried his face in his pillow."Good morning."Lori said as she climbed out of the bed. She didn't wake up all through the night, Jenny and Sylvia had been alternating Emilia's night feeds just so she could sleep better."Good morning." Gabriel murmured as she walked out of the room and straight into the baby's room.Sylvia was awake and already in the room."Good morning Sylvia.""Good morning Lori."She said as she looked up from the table where she was neatly folding Emilia's clean
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Chapter 27
Gabriel woke up well rested the next morning. He had tried to get out of bed twice when Emilia got fussy but despite his protests, Lori promised to handle it. So when he woke up and still found her sleeping he decided to give her more time to sleep. She would not be accompanying him anyways. He had thought long and hard about it and decided that it was very risky for him to bring her along. Especially since there would be certain conversations that he wouldn't be able to talk about in front of her.He would ask her to stay in the hotel, then see Mrs Chrissy Garcia, taking her granddaughter with him. He had decided on an escort last minute, feeling weird that he had travelled without Draco by his side. Gabriel couldn't remember the last time he had traveled without Draco.His escort would be arriving with a car in the next few hours and he only had little time to get there. Sabine had not told him much but from what she described Suzie wasn't in good terms with her mother. But her mot
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Chapter 28
"What?!"Gabriel asked and Mrs Garcia nodded."It's actually perfectly normal for pups in our pack. We just don't experience growth spurts. It's weird that Emilia is experiencing that. What about you? Did you experience growth spurts?!""I did."Gabriel said, now totally confused, and slightly angry that he might have come all the way to Canada for nothing.Nothing at all. "Although it wasn't as early. My parents said I had one when I was six months old."Mrs Garcia nodded."I'll admit it is strange she is having one so early."Gabriel sighed."Is there anything else about Suzie's medical history that I should know?"He asked and the woman shrugged."Not that many. We are prone to difficult births in our families. If Suzie had given birth in the traditional family way, she might still be alive. But that's besides that. I assume you will have to deal with the asthma...""She'll grow out of it after her first shift."Mrs Garcia said and Gabriel shook his head."No. Emilia doesn't have
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Chapter 29
"I'm in the hot tub!!!"Lori called out quickly, embarrassed as she swiftly jumped out of the tub and wrapped the first towel she could see around herself. Luckily, her clothes were still with her so she put them back on, despite the fact that she was still wet. She quickly tried to dry as much water off her skin as she could. She ran out of the bathroom, Gabriel and Emilia were back."How was it?"She asked as he sat down on the sofa, he set the baby carrier next to him while he pulled off his shoes. Lori couldn’t help but notice that he looked like wasn’t in a good mood. "Good. Emilia slept all through, then she woke up when we got to the hotel."He said and Lori went to peep at the baby in the baby carrier. Emilia was sucking on a pacifier.“Is everything okay?"She asked as she saw that he looked a bit off, he was reclined on the sofa while he ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Gabriel nodded."Yes. Just not what I was expecting..."He answered. He looked up at her and
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Chapter 30
Gabriel was in a mood the rest of the night. He stayed up on his laptop working on the couch till one am. And when he finally went to bed, he slept on the sofa. Lori wondered if his current mood was because of the visit. Nevertheless his mood bothered her, greatly.She didn’t like tiptoeing around people’s moods, because she was always too fixated on what she would say or do that could eventually annoy them. The next morning, he was better, helping her with baby and making jokes about how they would go club hopping when they landed. He was better but she still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with him. They had breakfast in silence and a man named Luco arrived to drive them to the airport. Lori changed into a pair of pants, white shirt and paired with a green sweater she had bought recently while shopping for a coat. Lori held the baby while Luco and a frontman helped with their luggage. Finally, they were leaving, she thought as they all walked inside the elev
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