All Chapters of The Billionaire’s not so Secret Mistress: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
107 Chapters
61. Over analyzing
Abigail Hayes~•~Wow.“Wowww.” Olivia echoed my thoughts. I knew George was from a rich family but that didn’t mean I wasn’t surprised to see his childhood home. It wasn’t huge but it was expensive and we hadn’t seen the inside yet.George and I had agreed to have dinner at his house. It was just a formal meeting between the parents so we didn’t have to go out or anything. Besides, if a random person found out about a meeting like this, it would make it onto the tabloids. No one wanted that kind of attention.I was grateful George was the kind of man who tried so hard not to leave digital traces of himself. It meant not many people recognized him.“Are we going to continue staring at the house or are we going to go in?” My mother asked, breaking Olivia and me from our trance.She couldn’t blame us. We liked pretty things and the house was as pretty as they came.It got us moving anyway. We walked up the decorated porch until we got to the door, but before I could ring the doorbell,
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62. Dress shopping
Abigail Hayes ~•~I was actually getting married. Like for real, it wasn’t a dream or anything. I was going to be a wife and a mother. A year back, I wouldn’t have imagined my life would turn out this way this soon. Since the date of the wedding was getting closer, I needed to shop for a wedding dress. I was excited about that part. I had asked Maya and Olivia to accompany me since George would be busy. He had taken a lot of time off and needed to put things in order before our honeymoon where he would take more time off while I wanted extra opinions to help me pick the perfect wedding dress. It was still very early in the morning, I had woken up early because I slept early the previous night. Dinner finished early and I crashed as soon as I got home. Slowly, I got up from my bed and went to the living room. I didn’t have anything to do and I was tired of staying in bed. I turned on the TV and put on my favorite show. After that, I picked up my phone and dialed George’s number. G
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63. Wedding bells
Abigail Hayes~•~George rented a hall at a hotel for a ceremony that lasted only thirty minutes. When I pointed that out to him, he said the reception was also going to be held there so I didn’t object anymore.It was the day of my wedding and I was feeling emotional for some reason. I was done with my hair and make-up. All that was left for me was to put on my dress.My hair was in a sophisticated bun with tendrils of it let loose. They framed my face perfectly and made me look more beautiful than I usually was. I looked like the perfect bride and I would have had the perfect husband if it wasn’t for the contract that bonded us together.Maybe, I should do my makeup more on regular days. I usually stuck to minimal makeup but what was currently on my face was a chef’s kiss. The artist knew how to do their job.“Are you going to put on your dress or are you going to stare at yourself forever?” Maya spoke up, interrupting my moment of self-admiration.The makeup artist and the hairdres
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64. Clearing feelings
George Galanti~•~The reception didn’t last long. Well, it lasted long but we were out of there before it could end properly.I had rented a private jet that would take us to the location of our honeymoon. It was not like I couldn’t afford a jet. I just didn’t see the use of it. I had enough work to do and couldn’t be stressed about the maintenance of the jet.Maybe, I’d get one once I got a license.Our flight was going to stretch for almost eight hours and I knew exactly how to spend those hours. Abigail wasn’t going to be up for it but we had to talk sooner or later. We couldn’t keep avoiding it.“I never thought I’d see the inside of a private jet in my life,” Abigail commented as she looked around before taking off.“I can buy one for you if you want.”“You’re so extra.” She laughed, looking more beautiful than usual. She had looked especially pretty in her wedding dress and as soon as she was in front of me, I wanted to kiss the shit out of her. However, I had to hold back and
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65. Animatedly
George Galanti~•~Abigail absolutely refused to stand up from me.Even when I told her I wanted to tie up loose ends at work, she asked me why I brought my laptop on our honeymoon and I had nothing to say to that.She had always been a small woman so she stayed curled up on me, talking about anything and everything in her life that I had missed. It was cute.If I had known that was what was going to happen after I properly made her mine, I would have done that a long time ago. She was clingy as fuck. I liked it.“When did you find out you were pregnant?” I questioned when it seemed like she had run out of things to talk about when we were only less than ninety minutes into our flights. I loved hearing her talk animatedly about things. I loved being able to see this side of her she had never shown to me before.“Uh, it was that day at Patrick’s house. All the food was making me nauseous which was why we left early.” She explained with a pout. “It was a shame I didn’t get to eat all th
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66. Pleasure all around
Abigail Hayes~•~I had missed George a lot so I couldn’t even pretend to be reserved when he took off my dress, leaving me in just my bra and panties.His hands ran across my body as he kissed down my chest, down to my slit through the panties, and down my legs. I felt like this was different from what we usually did and it excited me as he placed gentle kisses on every part of my body.I didn’t think George could be this gentle but it was nice to see a new part of him.“It’s quite unfair that you’re still properly dressed.” I breathed out.“If you want to see me naked, you can just say it.”“I want to see you naked.” I wasted no time in admitting it shamelessly.George let out a chuckle, then moved away from me slightly to take off his shirt and trousers, leaving him in his boxers. “Now, you have to take off your bra for us to be even.”I blushed. He always knew how to turn things around. When I only continued to stare at him, he took matters into his own hands and reached behind me
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67. Doc Martens
Abigail Hayes ~•~“Baby, Abby.” I heard George’s muffled voice through my nap. “We’ve arrived.” He tapped me gently and I got up from the bed. After what we had done the last few hours, I was knocked out so I slept off. George had told me we were going to be arriving by dawn and it was better to sleep now if I didn’t want to be jet lagged, so I listened to him. I was tired anyway.I rubbed my hands all over my face, trying to wash off the sleep. We finally arrived at our destination, Paris. I had bugged George a lot before he finally told me where we were headed. “Can I have a glass of water? I requested. I had never been to Paris before and I didn’t want to feel tired when stepping out of the plane. “Sure,” George responded and poured water from the bottle into a glass cup. “Thanks,” I said as he handed it to me. After drinking to my satisfaction, I was ready to leave. The plane had already landed. “I’m ready to go.” I picked up my bag and we walked hand in hand to the entrance of
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68. Seine River
Abigail Hayes~•~“What’s on our itinerary?” I asked as the elevator took me and George down the floors. We had arrived very early in the morning and George had allowed me two hours to properly get ready and we were finally on our way out.“I was thinking we could visit the Louvre museum, take a nice seine river cruise, and then visit the Eiffel Tower.”“I’m so excited.” I squealed. I had never visited these places even if I dreamt of traveling a lot. However, I couldn’t travel when I had no money to do so. Traveling seemed like such a mundane thing but it was actually for the rich or for people who were willing to give up their last card to do it.George let out a hearty laugh. “You are so adorable. You were acting all hard-headed when you were working for me.”“Of course.” I rolled my eyes. “I couldn’t be too vulnerable with you when we weren’t even together.”“That’s understandable. If I had known you’d show me a different part of yourself, I’d have made you mine a long time ago. I
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69. Lucky
Abigail Hayes~•~I was certain I had taken more than a hundred pictures already and it was only our second day in Paris. We had one more night and we’d be flying to Hawaii. To say I was excited was an understatement.The previous day, we had extended our Seine River cruise because of how much I loved the view, so we didn’t have the time to visit the famous Eiffel Tower.At some point, I had to video call Maya to show her the view I was enjoying. She was jealous and demanded I keep her on the phone until we were done, which I didn’t because then, she’d be encroaching on my personal time with George.The night had ended as expected, George and I wrapped up in the sheets with him inside me. I’d heard that pregnancy intensified all hormones and I was beginning to think it was true.I was more emotional than usual. My anger and sadness were more overwhelming than they usually were and I was hornier than ever, especially after our time together on the private jet. According to George, I wa
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70. Waikiki Beach
George Galanti~•~At the start of our honeymoon, Abigail had been excited about the private jet, but she was already done with it.Since she heard that we were flying for over sixteen hours, she’d been whining nonstop. She’d taken three short naps and we still hadn’t arrived. I allowed her to sleep as much as she liked because we took off around ten. By the time we arrived in Honolulu, it was going to be around two in the afternoon because of the twelve-hour time difference between Paris and Honolulu.We had been on air for ten hours and we still had six more hours to go. To say Abigail was unhappy was an understatement. She was excited about Hawaii, don’t get me wrong. What put her off was the amount of time we were spending on the air. According to her, it was almost a full day.While she slept, I checked with my secretary and Zara on how things were over in New York. When she woke up, I knew I wouldn’t get any more work done so I just closed my laptop and set it aside as she crawl
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