All Chapters of The Billionaire’s not so Secret Mistress: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
107 Chapters
51. Marriage II
Abigail Hayes~•~I was in a bind.I was wondering whether I should go to my mother’s house and tell her that I was pregnant or wait until it started to show so she wouldn’t be very mad at me and only help me through it.I knew it was wrong, but my mother was a very dramatic person. She liked to make big deals out of small situations so who knew what she would do with a deal as big as this.She was surely going to ask about the man and I just didn’t know how to tell her that I was sleeping with my boss while he had a wife and his wife found out so he divorced her, then I found out I was pregnant but we were not on good terms so I didn’t know what exactly he thought about it. That didn’t exactly sound smooth, did it?I was still in my room pacing around when I heard my phone ring. For a second, I feared my mom somehow heard my thoughts and was calling me but it turned out to be George.He had made me unblock his number on Monday when he accompanied me for the check-up. It had been thre
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52. Sick
Abigail Hayes~•~“Married?” I echoed. “Just because we’re having a child together? What language does that translate to marriage?”“Calm down. Have a seat so we can talk.”George was offering me a seat in my own house but I didn’t have time to dwell on how comfortable he was in my house because there were more pressing matters at hand, like the absurd talk of marriage.Hesitantly, I sat down and waited for him to sit opposite me before I spoke again. “It seems like you don’t think it’s a bad idea.”“I don’t.” He answered honestly.I shook my head with a short laugh. I didn’t know how George and I ever got along. We were polar opposites. We had different morals and values and we saw things in different lights. George sighed. “Despite not leaving digital traces of my life on the internet, it is quite easy for even richer people to dig around and find things about me I don’t want anyone finding about, which includes you and our baby. That’s not because you are embarrassing or anything.
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53. Cervical cancer
Abigail Hayes~•~We were not poor, but we weren’t rich either. We never struggled to get the things we wanted but that was because we never tried to live above our means. We had savings but they weren’t over the top or anything.This was why when I heard the news of my mother’s sickness, I was frightened. She had cervical cancer and it was just as expensive to treat as other cancers. Every other thought flew out of my head as I tried to imagine where we would get such money from because I obviously couldn’t let the cancer take over my mom’s life.I was stunned. I didn’t know what to do or say. All I could do was wrap her in what I hoped was a warm hug as tears freely flowed down my eyes. It seemed like she was trying to be strong but as soon as I broke down in her arms, she broke down as well. We stayed in each other’s arms crying for a few good minutes. My problem seemed so minuscule compared to hers.“Does Olivia know?” I questioned when I finally pulled away from her.She wiped m
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54. Fallen
George Galanti~•~I had a lot of work to do at the office, so I had to leave early for work. Going to the office wasn’t as exciting as before because I didn’t get to see Abigail’s face anymore. Ever since I went to her house and asked for a contract marriage, we hadn’t spoken much. I was starting to think I had made a mistake by making it seem I wanted to pay her just to get married to me. I said I was going to let her think but I couldn’t wait anymore. I decided I was going to call her after work to find out how she felt about the whole situation. Every decision I made was actually in her best interest, I wanted to protect her and protect my incoming child. The world was cruel enough and I didn’t want the media to find out she was having a child out of wedlock. They were going to eat her alive and I didn’t want to watch her go through something as terrible as that. I brushed off my thoughts and parked my car in the driveway of my company. I got into my office and my assistant ha
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55. Pros and cons
Abigail Hayes ~•~George was good at keeping promises. As soon as I asked, he had transferred the money to my account. He told me he was going to transfer the rest after I signed the contract. I didn’t really care about the rest of the money. I just wanted to be able to afford my mother’s treatments. I told him not to worry about the rest but he insisted on keeping his end of the bargain. He was supposed to meet me today, but I had to take my mother to the hospital. George had gone as far as finding one of the best doctors to treat my mom. I was thankful for it.My mother questioned the source of the money but I dismissed it and told her it was from my savings. When she reminded me that I was not rich enough to have fifty grand sitting in my bank account, I then told her part of it was from the loan I took from the bank. It wasn’t like I liked lying to her. I just couldn’t tell her I got paid to get married.I stayed with her as the doctor told us the process of her treatment. She h
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56. Wedding details
Abigail Hayes~•~I was going out a lot these days because I was accompanying my mother to the hospital, which was why when George invited me out to a cafe, I declined and said he could come to my apartment instead.It was most likely a bad decision but I didn’t give myself time to think about it. I had already invited him here and I couldn’t take it back.The doorbell rang and unlike the last time, I didn’t wait for it to ring a second time before I opened it. “Hey.” I breathed out.He was still in his work clothes but he had ditched the jacket and tie and his sleeves were rolled up showcasing his muscular arms. “Hey, how are you doing?” George inquired as he entered and closed the door behind him.“I’m fine.” I smiled shyly. It was the first time I saw him after I agreed to marry him. Technically, we were engaged and he knew exactly why I accepted his proposal.“And your mom?”My heart tugged at the fact that he actually cared about how my mom was doing even if he had never met her.
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57. Bachelorette
Abigail Hayes ~•~When I first told Maya that I was getting married to George, she screamed. Then, she asked if I was serious to which I answered positively.At first, she was skeptical about it but after I explained exactly what had happened between us in the past few months, she was happy that I was getting married. She didn’t care that a contract was involved. She was just happy to be a bridesmaid and to see me walking down the aisle.Too many things were happening at the time and I was feeling overwhelmed by everything. I had always dreamt about having the perfect wedding even if I never talked about it with anyone. It was one of my fantasies. And in my fantasy dream, I didn’t see myself getting pregnant before getting married or even having a contract marriage. At least, I had enough money to take care of my mum. She was getting treatments from one of the best doctors in New York. All thanks to George. I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom to have a nice and r
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58. Strippers
Abigail Hayes~•~The party was held anyway.And Olivia was in attendance.She told me it was her first time at a club but I doubted it because she was acting like a natural. It seemed like she had been in here before. It made me wonder how easy it was to fool the bouncers for a bunch of young teenagers to be let in without a chaperone.Maya took the honors of renting a room and we kept things light because I was pregnant after all. I couldn’t drink but at least I could dance with my friends.Maya had invited three other girls we met in college, Everleigh, Emery, and Evelyn, and all six of us partied together. Three of them were triplets and that was why their names all started with E. They were identifiable though as none of them looked like the other.“If Maya didn’t call me today, I would never have known you were getting married.” Emery, one of the triplets, spoke up, shouting so she could be heard above the loud music. I shot her a weak smile. When I said family and friends, I r
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59. Judgment
Abigail Hayes~•~“You look like you didn’t get any sleep last night,” George commented as soon as I opened the door to the passenger’s seat and got in. For some reason unknown to me, he was driving the car that I used to drive while I was working with him but I decided not to say anything about it.“Thank you,” I responded sarcastically and he chuckled.“When did you get home last night?”I couldn’t even remember. “I can’t recall. I think four or five in the morning.” I’d forgotten I had to be on the road around eight to get to the hospital. My mother was getting discharged today. She wasn’t done with her treatment but she was done with the first process.I was more than happy she didn’t get to the point where it couldn’t be treated anymore before telling us about it. Olivia eventually found out about it the day she found out I was getting married since my mom had to be hospitalized the next day. She cried a lot but she was happy our mom was being treated as well.She had been living
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60. Rushing
Abigail Hayes~•~Since my mother was satisfied with the man I was getting married to, George and I had been able to set up a date for the family meeting. Weddings were crazy and hard to plan, even the ones as small as the one wanted to hold. I was tempted to call it off and just go to court instead. We could just register our marriage and move on with our lives. We didn’t have to go through all these troubles.The meeting between both families was happening tomorrow while I was going shopping with George the day after that. It was one of the rare days I had to myself and as usual, I planned to waste it inside my room, curled up in a blanket, and enjoying the remnants of my singlehood.That was until I got a call from Patrick, asking to hang out.I didn’t know what he was still doing in New York. Sure, his father lived here but he was mostly based in Miami. Was he finally going to take over his father’s business? He asked me out to the arcade and when I met him there, the first ques
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