All Chapters of His Daddy Is My Second Chance Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
173 Chapters
71: Karma is a bitch
Aurora’s POV The weight of his words settled over us, I met Alpha Caden's steely gaze with a defiance of my own. He cannot be telling me what to do when he is technically not my alpha. If anything, I am his fucking Luna! But he is a damn coward to see that. “I'm not going back to Brown Wood Pack to be your slave," I declared, my voice trembling slightly with the force of my conviction. "I refuse to work like a slave when I am your mate."But as the word ‘mate’ left my lips, I felt a surge of uncertainty wash over me, and I quickly looked away, unable to fully acknowledge the significance of what I had just said. It was a truth I had long tried to deny, a reality I had been reluctant to accept.Clearing my throat, I forced myself to continue. "But it doesn't matter," I added, my voice firm despite the turmoil raging within me. "I have a life here that I love, and I'm not willing to give it up for anyone."Alpha Caden's eyes narrowed at my defiance, his expression unreadable as he abs
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72: New ground rules
Aurora’s POV Frustration and anger simmered between us, palpable in the charged atmosphere as we stood locked in a battle of wills."I'm not going back to Brown Wood Pack to be your slave," I declared, my voice trembling with defiance. "I refuse to work like a slave when I'm your mate."Alpha Caden's gaze hardened, his jaw set in a firm line. "You can do anything you want, Aurora," he retorted, his tone laced with a dangerous edge. "But you're still my personal maid until I say otherwise."The words hung heavy in the air between us, a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play. I gritted my teeth, my resolve hardening even as my heart pounded with frustration."That's not fair," I shot back, my voice rising with indignation. "I won't be treated like some servant while you get to dictate everything."But Alpha Caden remained unmoved, his expression unwavering. "Fair or not, that's the way it is," he stated firmly. "You're mine, Aurora. And you'll do as I say."The weight of his word
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73: Leo in jet
Alpha Caden’s POV I observed Aurora as she defiantly brought her German shepherd, Leo, to the tarmac, despite my earlier warning that my mansion wouldn't be able to accommodate her dog. Her face was set in that determined expression that always signaled she was ready to argue, indicating that she was going to win this one, no matter what.Leo trotted beside her, his tail wagging happily, completely unaware of the impending argument. Aurora's bond with her dog was undeniable, and I knew she wouldn't easily part with him, even for a short trip.As she approached me, I could see the fire in her eyes, a silent challenge daring me to object. "Leo is coming with us," she stated firmly, as if there was no room for negotiation.I sighed inwardly, already knowing I had lost this battle. Arguing with Aurora when she had that look in her eyes was futile. "Fine," I conceded, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice. "But don't expect any special treatment for him at the mansion."Aurora's
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74: The depth of feelings
Alpha Caden’s POV The familiar sights of Brown Wood Pack greeted us as we descended towards the runway, the private jet smoothly touching down on the tarmac. Despite its smaller size compared to the bustling airports of the human world, the airport in Brown Wood Pack was efficient and well-maintained, capable of accommodating my private jet and a few other planes for the pack members.As we taxied towards the terminal, I glanced out the window, taking in the familiar surroundings of the pack territory. The lush greenery of the surrounding forest stretched out as far as the eye could see, a testament to the untamed beauty of our territory.Stepping off the plane, I was greeted by the crisp, fresh air of the pack lands, a welcome change from the artificial confines of the aircraft. Around us, pack members bustled about, going about their daily routines with a sense of purpose and determination.Despite the allure of the old ways, I was determined to embrace modern technology and infras
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75: Future worries
The morning light filtered through the curtains, I lay in bed, deliberately avoiding the temptation to check the time. It was a small act of defiance, a silent protest against the expectations that had been placed upon me.I had agreed to go shopping today, a small concession to appease Alpha Caden, but a part of me secretly hoped he would come storming into my room, demanding that I get up and fulfill my obligations or get PUNISHED. Yet, as the minutes ticked by in silence, there was no sign of him. No impatient knock on the door, no stern voice urging me to rise and shine. It was strangely unnerving, the absence of his presence weighing heavily on my mind.I found myself torn between relief and disappointment. On one hand, I welcomed the opportunity to linger in bed a little longer, free from the pressure of his expectations. But on the other hand, I couldn't shake the nagging sense of unease that gnawed at me.As the morning stretched on, I couldn't help but wonder what he was doi
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76: Laughable clown
Alpha Caden’s POV I made my way towards the office, Mia was already present, her poised demeanor ready to brief me on the day's meetings and tasks. Despite her efficiency, my mind was elsewhere. I had no idea what I was looking forward to. Since our return from Canada, Aurora's absence weighed heavily on me. The days had passed without a glimpse of her, and the uncertainty gnawed at my thoughts. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease, the sense of something missing.It puzzled me. Why did her absence affect me so deeply? I had deliberately kept my distance from her in Brown Wood Pack, wary of the risks our connection might pose in the human world. Yet, her absence now left a void I couldn't ignore.Mia began to detail the day's agenda, I struggled to focus, my thoughts consumed by the inexplicable longing for Aurora's presence. For the usual banter we have back and forth before we settle on something. Just for the fun of it. Despite my longing to see Aurora again, a part of me hesi
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77: Back to square one
Aurora’s POV The next morning, I woke up with a sense of anticipation, eager to start the day and get back to work. As I got dressed, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose, a desire to dive back into my responsibilities with newfound energy and determination.I opened my closet, greeted by the sight of the new clothes I had purchased with Lilian the day before. A wave of satisfaction washed over me as I ran my fingers over the fabrics, each piece a reminder of the fun we had shared and the bond we had strengthened through our shared experience.Despite the challenges we had both faced in recent times -Lilian mourning the loss of her mother and me navigating the complexities of my relationship with Alpha Caden and my parents- we had found solace in each other's company, finding moments of joy amidst the chaos of our lives.I selected an outfit for the day, I couldn't help but smile, grateful for the friendship and support that Lilian had provided. With each garment I put
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78: Wedding preparations
Aurora’s POV The days passed in a blur of monotonous routine, each one blending into the next with nothing remarkable to distinguish them. Weeks kept bleeding with me just finding my way around the office without getting into a cat fight with Mia. Despite the proximity forced upon us by our shared living space, Alpha Caden and I maintained a cold distance, our interactions limited to the bare minimum required to function within the same household. We mostly only interact at the office, mainly keeping to ourselves. Occasionally, I caught glimpses of my father as he conducted business with Alpha Caden, their discussions veiled in secrecy and urgency. He seemed preoccupied with the affairs of the pack, his attention consumed by matters that held little interest for me. He is so consumed in his affairs. Though he passed by me without a second glance, I couldn't help but feel a pang of resentment at his apparent indifference. I didn’t make the mistake here. I am not to blame for standi
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79: Private investigator
Alpha Caden’s POV As the days whirl by, it feels as though time has gained momentum, hurtling toward tomorrow, which marks Lucas's wedding day with Anna. Despite the chaos that envelops the pack, Lucas and I have only connected through fleeting video calls, his demeanor fluctuating between exuberant happiness and the weariness borne from wedding preparations. It's evident that the weight of his impending nuptials rests heavily upon his shoulders.The entire pack seems to orbit around Lucas, the only heir to the alpha throne. In their fervent desire to curry favor with the future alpha, every detail of the wedding is meticulously crafted to showcase the splendor and prestige of our lineage. Amidst the flurry of activity, Lilian's uncertain romantic fate looms in the background. With no mate in sight, she may venture beyond our pack's borders in search of her destined partner which means her wedding won’t take place here. She doesn’t look like she is eager to find her mate. She is s
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80: Moving on…
Aurora’s POV The hours ticked down to the wedding and I found myself immersed in the final preparations of the banquet hall. Alpha Caden had entrusted me with the responsibility of ensuring every last detail was perfect, and I was determined to make it happen. Dressed in my slacks, white button-down shirt, and sneakers for comfort and mobility, I moved through the hall with purpose. I instruct the staff with efficiency like I was born to do this when I have never planned an event in my life. Maybe the opening of my tattoo shop. The tables were meticulously arranged, each adorned with elegant centerpieces of flowers and candles. I adjusted the seating cards with precision, ensuring that each guest's name was perfectly aligned. I had to remove some and add some. It reminded me of the people I forgot about. The lighting was soft and romantic, casting a warm glow over the room, while soft music played in the background to set the mood. A band is also located at the far corner for the
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