All Chapters of Alpha Julius: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
34 Chapters
Chapter 10
Maia POV Awareness creeped into my mind slowly, the seconds passing before the events of the night before came back to me. I groaned as memories replayed in my mind until one in particular made me snap open my eyes. My room was flooded with the morning light, illuminating the huge figure sitting across the room watching me. “Good Morning, Maia.” Julius said huskily, his voice sounding as though he hadn’t slept a wink. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, embarrassed that Julius had seen me in such a vulnerable state. In saying that, I had one of the best sleeps I’d had in a long time while he was watching over me. An interesting development I thought, seeing as I had assumed Julius would be the one giving me nightmares, not saving me from them. “Morning.” I grunted in response, still not nearly awake enough to engage in conversation. “Mind filling me in on why you wake up screaming every night?” He asked bluntly. I was taken aback, not expecting a question like that first thing i
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Chapter 11
I had no desire to sit in my room for the rest of the day, especially as I knew I’d just end up overthinking everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. Maeve had told me she’d be working on the restorations in her family’s restaurant all weekend, just off the Main Street, so I decided I’d head out and see if they needed a helping hand. I arrived at the newly re-built building just after 12. Maeve had said it used to be an old Mediterranean restaurant that had remained unchanged for decades, but it seemed her family wanted to make a fresh start and had taken a more modern approach this time round. The outside had recently been completed, it’s entire frontage consisting of one big window which gave you a magnificent view of the restaurants interior, which currently consisted of teams of people working in high-vis uniforms. It wasn’t long before I spotted Maeve, dressed in a pair of dark low-rise jeans and a white cut-off t-shirt. She was pouring over a collection of papers wit
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Chapter 12
I awoke to a pitch black room, the only indication that morning had arrived was the heat radiating from the covered windows as I looked around, feeling slightly disoriented. The spot beside me was empty, but I could feel Julius’ warmth lingering in the sheets as I stretched, sighing as my muscles groaned against the sudden movement. His scent was all-consuming as I continued to lie there, refreshingly masculine in a way that made my mouth water with every breath I took. My eyes snapped to the bathroom as I heard a tap turn on. Julius was standing at the sink in a pair of black briefs, and I watched in fascination as he ran the water through his unkept hair. Droplets flowed down his back, sparkling like diamonds as they met at the nape of his neck and travelled down the groove of his spine. Suddenly, I was feeling thirsty. I froze as Julius looked up, his eyes meeting mine through the mirror as his damp hair hung over his forehead. “Sleep well, Maia?” He asked, a smug grin tugging
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Chapter 13
Julius and I stayed out in the forest for the next hour, none of the sexual energy from our morning encounter present as he drilled me about every small and insignificant detail of Adrian I could think of. I could tell he was furious, not with me but with himself, that his pack had come so close to danger and he hadn’t realised it. I found myself having newfound respect for him, that he carried the burden of responsibility so intensely for every individual that called him Alpha. “Dean just mind-linked me, I need to go help him with something by the southern border.” He grunted before turning to me. “Make sure you’re back at the pack house before nightfall.” “Absolutely.” I replied softly, deciding to cut the attitude, just this once. “That’s what I like to hear, little wolf.” He smirked, before he disappeared to the south side of the pack. I stood there for a few moments longer, collecting my thoughts as I continued to look around me. “Whatever this is, it’s big.” Celeste said,
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Chapter 14
Julius’ side of the bed was cold by the time I woke up on Monday morning, his scent fading as the minutes ticked by. Part of me wanted to mind-link him, to start my day with his deep, velvety voice echoing through my mind, but it wasn’t long before the rational side of my brain talked me out of that idea. Wherever he was, whatever he was doing… it wasn’t my business. The small digital clock on the bedside table told me I had twenty minutes before I had to be at training, so without any further thoughts of Julius, I jumped out of bed and got ready. I arrived at the gym with enough time to keep Dean company while he unlocked the doors and turned on the lights. Surprisingly, he actually greeted me with a smile instead of rolling his eyes. Progress. Soon the room was full and Dean took his place up the front with the other warriors. I stood expectantly to the side while he delivered his instructions. “Today we will be practicing in wolf form.” He started, his hands held behind his ba
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Chapter 15
“Just come out and show me.” Maeve whined from outside the dressing room.I swung open the flimsy door to reveal the hot pink dress she had plucked off the sales wrack for me, not bothering to hide my disgust as she covered her mouth to muffle the cackle that escaped her lips. “I honestly thought this would look okay but you resemble a walking confectionery.” She laughed. Maeve and I had been together all morning, chatting about the excitement of tomorrow night’s event as we sat and had breakfast before she eventually led me to local boutiques. “You knew this would look horrendous, don’t lie.” I joked before heading back into the change room, chuckling to myself as Maeve’s laughter continued to fill the small store. “Okay, okay, serious options only from now on, I promise.”“Thank fuck.” I called. “So the Alpha was fine with you coming tomorrow night?”“Yeah… about that…” I replied nervously as I stepped out of the dressing room. I was yet to tell her that Julius would be coming
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Chapter 16
Maeve really did put Jake to work, making him collect, flatten and dispose of all the unused cardboard and lift every heavy box she could find, but to my surprise he didn’t so much as shrug his shoulders with each command she threw his way. I was tasked with stocking and organising the bar, a role I volunteered for considering I would be helping serve the drinks to guests. It was almost therapeutic to work at my own pace, polishing glasses and bottles as chaos ensued around me. With all the ‘volunteers’ Maeve had recruited, the place was ready within hours. I marveled at how quickly it had come together, and how beautifully it had been designed. Maeve’s family had spared no expense, decking out the dining areas with travertine tables and lining the floors with tiles that resembled the white sand of Greece’s beaches. The bar was made of rose quartz which dazzled underneath the dim lighting, surrounded by rows and rows of mirrored shelves consisting of more luxurious bottles of liquor
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Chapter 17
Julius POV“ROGUES!” Maia’s scream rang through my mind, her panic seeping into my bones as I instinctively looked around the room for her, only to find she wasn’t here, she hadn’t been since I’d returned downstairs. Without hesitation I excused myself from the conversation I was having, something about town planning which I’d only been half paying attention to anyway, and stormed to the front of the room. “Everyone, I need your attention.” I announced. “We are under attack by a pack of rogues. Anyone who can fight, follow me. For those of you who cannot, remain here for now, you will receive updates via mind-link.” I didn’t pause to register the worried glances exchanged by those around me, I didn’t need to. I could feel their fear as if it were my own, fear that we were about to lose everything all over again. “I’ve checked in with patrols, they’re all fine, none of them even had anything to report.” Dean was by my side in an instant as I practically ripped the front door off h
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Chapter 18
Julius POV“Can I come in or is someone naked” Dean called from the hallway. I rolled my eyes and yanked the door open before returning to Maia’s side, briefly admiring the blush that stained her cheeks as our eyes met for just a second. “What was so urgent that you had to come here at three in the morning?” I sighed, folding my arms across my chest. “Clearly you were up, so it’s-“ he paused, scrunching his nose. “Oh, I was interrupting. My bad.” I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a sharp breath, my patience far too thin to deal with his lack of self-awareness. “Get to the fucking point, Dean.” “Okay, okay, sorry.” He said, putting his hands up in surrender as he slumped on the armchair facing us. “So when I got back from the… disposal… of that last rogue, I reached out to the neighbouring packs to see if they had had any similar attacks. Obviously I expected that I’d hear back in the morning, but surprisingly Marco got back to me straight away.” “Alpha Marco of the Cr
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Chapter 19
Maia POV“Come on, is there a bicep muscle where your brain should be? Just let me in!” A familiar loud, sassy voice whined from the front door. Dean and I had been in the lounge for the better part of the morning, abiding by our house arrest as we watched every serial killer documentary our local streaming service offered, when an unrelenting sequence of loud knocks had come from the entrance to the pack house. I looked over to Dean, who looked completely oblivious to the outside world as he watched the latest Jeffrey Dahmer series with nothing but pure worship in his eyes. Honestly, I wouldn’t have been surprised if the next documentary that came on was about him. “So?” I finally asked as I stared at him incredulously. “So what?” He replied, not so much as sparing me a glance as his eyes remained glued to the screen. “Are you going to answer the door?” “Why? They’re not allowed in.” He said bluntly. “Fine, guess I’m going then.” I huffed, standing from the couch. He let out
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