All Chapters of Alpha Julius: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
36 Chapters
Chapter 20
Maia POVI awoke from my involuntary slumber to the sensation of gravel digging into my skin through the fabric of my cotton pyjamas. The telltale smells of damp earth and shit lingering in the air told me I was being held in some kind of dungeon, but as my eyes fluttered open all I could see was darkness. The room was completely void of light and sound, and as the hours dragged on I almost began to feel as though I was floating in another realm altogether, unable to see myself or hear the outside world. The only indication that I hadn’t died and moved on to the afterlife was the searing pain radiating through my skull from where it had been smashed against the doorframe. Surely the Goddess wouldn’t be so cruel as to make you feel pain after death, right? After what could have been hours or days later, the sound of a door opening pulled me from my existential crisis. I jumped to my feet, ignoring the ache in my stiff muscles as I tried to prepare myself for whatever Adrian had planne
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Chapter 21
**TW: sexual abuse Maia POVSomehow I had thought that this place would have simply been swallowed up by time, ceasing to exist in all realms except my memory, however as I looked around at the plywood walls and stained, crusty carpet that sat beneath the fold-out bed I was currently chained to, I realised it had been wishful thinking. Wes’ trailer looked almost exactly as it had when I left, only covered in an added layer of grime and filth that seemed to indicate that he, or at least someone, was still living in it. I waited for my heart rate to spike, for the anxiety to creep into my gut at the thought of seeing him again, but surprisingly, it never did. Instead, a feeling of anticipation washed over me, an eagerness for conflict that was completely foreign yet oddly exhilarating. “Home, sweet home.” I murmured to myself as I inspected the silver cuffs restraining me to the bed. As expected, they looked impossible to break and each one needed it’s own unique key. On the plus sid
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Chapter 22
Julius POVHer agonising screams pierced the forest air, tearing at my insides as unbridled rage threatened to overwhelm me. I locked eyes with Dean, who stood to my left, his expression mirroring my own as we tried to discern what direction Maia’s screams were coming from. He had been blaming himself for her disappearance ever since I found him barely conscious on the floor of the spare bedroom, fighting the effects of the wolfsbane that had been injected into his bloodstream. I had left the Crimson Pack with little explanation given to Alpha Marco, just a reassurance that I would touch base soon and an apology for the mess I’d made in his basement, before I jumped in the jeep and sped home. I’d made record time, but it didn’t matter, I knew she was gone the second I stepped into the packhouse, her scent and warmth quickly fading as I reached our bedroom. The splintered doorframe was the first thing I noticed, the coppery scent of her blood the next, sending me into a fit of rage at
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Chapter 23
Maia POV “Mate” his baritone voice growled. Disbelief coursed through me coupled with an overwhelming sense of relief as I felt Celeste awaken within my mind. She raised her head and howled, long and deep as she felt Thanatos calling to her through the mate-bond. How was this real? Doubt crept into my mind as tears began effortlessly falling down my cheeks. This was something I had never allowed myself to even consider to be a possibility, because I knew that if I were to either be rejected, or if something were to happen to the mate bond, the damage would be irreparable. I had endured a lot of pain in my life, more than the average person, but that…that would destroy me. And here I was, faced with my salvation and my destruction on a knifes edge. My feet failed to move as I watched Julius stalk towards me, wearing nothing but a pair of black shorts, his muscular body glistening with sweat in the summer heat. How could I be worthy of him? “The Goddess doesn’t make mistakes.”
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Chapter 24
Judging by the fact that the water was still running and it was still hot, I figured I couldn’t have been asleep that long when I was suddenly jolted awake by the beginning of a nightmare. Thank fuck I hadn’t been in the bath. I stood slowly, getting a minor headspin from the heat and having to lay my palms flat on the walls for support. Perhaps I’d been asleep longer than I thought. I let out a deep, sorrowful sigh and turned the water off, stepping out into the bathroom and wrapping one of the fluffy towels around my body. Steam now fogged the mirrors, not that I would have looked in them anyway, but if I had I would have seen a very red, very puffy face with swollen eyes looking back at me. “Maia?” Julius’ soft tone pierced through the silent air, making me hug my towel closer to me in anticipation. “Can I come in?”“Y-yes” I replied awkwardly. His large hand entered the room before he did, pushing open the door painfully slow, as though giving me ample time to mentally prepar
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25“Who’s in the basement?” I regrettably stood from the bed, wanting nothing more but to curl up within the sheets and pick up where I left off an hour ago.“When we got word that you might be in your old pack, I had Dean do some digging. I wanted to know if anyone that knew you back then was still there, so if we had trouble finding you perhaps they could help.” He paused, hesitating before he continued. “We only found one person still living there that knew you back then, outside of the Alpha, but he has been M.I.A for weeks now.”My stomach dropped. “Wes.” I whispered. “Yes. It was last minute, but I organised a secondary mission with a few of my warriors while I was out looking for you…” “Wes is in the fucking basement, isn’t he?” “Yeah.” I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths as I tried to quiet my chaotic mind. If I had thought the bed was looking good before, it was looking even better right about now. “This isn’t something you need to deal with tonight, Maia. He’
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Chapter 26
Julius practically purred as I ran my long nails through his thick hair, my legs still hugged around him and my body molded perfectly to his. There were no words that could come close to describe the feeling of being wrapped in his arms, our mate bond complete. It almost felt as though the terrors of my past existed in a different universe, that my real life was meant to start now. Almost, being the key word there.Julius sighed heavily as he nuzzled into my neck, a spark of anxiety flaring through the mate bond. “We have to get up, don’t we?” I groaned, as the bubble that encompassed us began to pop. “Dean just mind-linked. If I don’t answer he may take it upon himself to come find me.” Julius murmured, his hot breath tickling my skin and re-igniting the flame in my core. He pulled back and took a deep breath in, his nostrils flaring slightly as he took in my scent, which I had no doubt gave away my desires. “Maia… I have no problem taking you again, regardless if Dean walks in or
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Chapter 27
Julius POV“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I asked Maia as we approached the door to the basement. Confidence and resolution rang through our bond, but I didn’t want to make any assumptions, not when only a day ago she was almost completely catatonic. She still hadn’t told me exactly what happened, and whilst I was curious to know what Adrian had done, so I could repay the favour, there was no chance I would push her. I knew she would tell me in her own time. “I’m sure.” Was all she said, her voice filled with determination and her back straight as we came to a stop at the thick steel door. I raked my eyes over her strong body, knowing by the way the corners of her lips twitched that she could feel my admiration through the bond. “Okay, let’s do this.” We stepped through the door and made our descent into the basement, the souls of our shoes whispering against the polished concrete. I felt her bristle at the coldness, and I inwardly cringed as her anxiety crept through the bo
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Chapter 28
Maia POVMy head was reeling with the multiple bombs Wes had dropped on us as I followed Julius up the winding staircase and back into the main area of the pack house, Dean close on my heels. I could barely hear them as they spoke together, mentioning something about the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack, too wrapped up in my own thoughts and feelings to pay any attention to the real world around me. I was surprised at my reaction to seeing Wes for the first time since escaping his trailer (the first time). Anger lashed out of me as I had stood before him, watching as he trembled at the back of his cell, his dull grey eyes holding the fear that I had expected myself to feel. “Maia, are you coming?” Julius’ light touch on my arm snapped me out of my thoughts, his eyes glowing with concern as they searched my own. “Um, yes, sorry, where are we going?” My words tripped over themselves as I tried to get back up to speed with what Julius and Dean had been talking about. “Back to my office.”
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Chapter 29
My best friend climbed onto the stage, ignoring the steps she could have easily taken, and wrapped me tightly in her arms before pulling away, he small hands still gripping my shoulders as she eyed me curiously. Her face lit up when her eyes fell on the now healed mark that sat embedded within my creamy skin. “Oh my god, congratulations!” She squealed, earning us a side-eye from Julius and a muffled laugh from Dean as they stood to the side, far enough away that we had some privacy but close enough to hear just about everything we would say. Especially with how easily Maeve’s voice carried. “Thank you” I replied, an embarrassed smile forming on my face and the beginning of a blush rising in my chest. “So you two have, ya know, sealed the deal?” Maeve made some enthusiastic hand gestures, making me choke on my own saliva as the blush crept up to my cheeks. “Yes, Maeve, I don’t think the mark would have healed if we hadn’t done…that.”“I know.” She grinned, the sneaky bitch. “I’m gl
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