All Chapters of Contract Marriage Between Mr C.E.O & Kleptomaniac: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
131 Chapters
Chapter 61
Rose's POVI couldn't be happier about the turn of events. Knowing Selena was finished, she wouldn't be a threat in this city again. Scandals here are like ruin, destroying reputations. My only concern was Jake. The scandal involved him too, and he'd likely try to cover it up or help Selena.Now, with him conflicted, this was my best chance to make a move. It was time to approach him and remind him how good things were between us. And I had something he might need: a strong family and reputation. He'd need all the help he could get to stay on top.Kelvin...I felt bad that I couldn't love him the way he wanted. He clearly adored me, his secret looks from when we were little gave that away. He was the big brother I never had. Being an only child could be lonely sometimes, but it had its perks too.First things first, I needed to ensure Selena was completely out of the picture. Dirty work wasn't for me; that's where money came in handy. As expected, my phone rang. I answered."Yes?""The
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Chapter 62
Jake's POVMy gaze locked with Rose's across the room. I hadn't realized she was there, representing her father most likely. The shock of recognition drew my attention, and I scanned the room further. To my surprise, several faces were familiar. The drugs must be working, although I hadn't been taking them regularly as prescribed.Quickly tearing my eyes away from Rose, I focused on the board. My situation could wait. "What is the board's decision?" I addressed the room at large. It wouldn't do to talk too much. Someone had obviously reached a conclusion before the meeting even began.Mr. Timothy, acting as the board representative, rose and approached the raised platform. "We've heard your statement, Chairman. The rumors are false, and your wife is taking time away to heal from the brutal media attack on her personal life. While these rumors do damage the company's image, you've assured us you'll handle containment.""We have two propositions," Mr. Timothy announced. "Either you step
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Chapter 63
Selena's POVI lunged forward just in time to stop my aunt from striking my mother, who wisely backed away. I cursed under my breath at my aunt's aggression. "I may not have had a child of my own, but I ended up raising yours," my aunt spat."Please, stop this, Aunt," I pleaded. "You're both adults. There's no reason to resort to violence.""I have a reason you never liked me," my aunt declared, pointing at my mother from behind me."Why? What is it?" my mother demanded.My aunt unleashed a torrent of accusations. "You should have stood by your daughter years ago! You didn't! You and your husband shipped me off to Italy to deal with the mess! You only want her back because your husband's career is falling apart, right? Now you suddenly remember you have a daughter? You couldn't even tell she was pregnant! What kind of a mother are you?"There was a long silence from my mother. She looked small and close to tears, but her expression remained stoic. Even with the wine stain on her dres
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Chapter 64
Jake's POVThe news was finally contained. No more articles about Selena or me would be circulating. Thinking back, I questioned my last conversation with Rose. Why would she divulge Selena's feelings to me?Selena had hinted at something similar, but why would Rose flaunt it? She must be desperate to locate Selena. Well, she'd be sorely disappointed. I couldn't even track Selena down, and her friend wouldn't budge on her whereabouts, even if she knew.Putting that aside, I scheduled an appointment with a new doctor far from home. It would be a short trip, and secrecy was paramount. Not even Jeff could know. Speaking of whom, he'd been acting strangely lately. It must be the stress of the past week. We still hadn't identified the news leak.My phone buzzed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Knowing the caller, I ignored it again. Eventually, she'd tire of trying to reach me.I shut down my laptop, grabbed my schedule, and reviewed my day's plans. It was astonishing how mu
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Chapter 65
Selena's POVMy mother and I locked eyes, the silence thick with tension. Then, in a move that mirrored something I might do myself to regain control, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them again, she sighed heavily."Selena, I don't want to argue with you," she said, her voice calmer now."Neither do I," I retorted. "But you can't just claim you're right about everything. I expect an apology from you and Dad.""He is your father," she reminded me pointedly.I held her gaze steadily. "At least apologize for these wasted years. You shipped me off when I was what, nine? Ten? You both hurt me deeply. I felt unloved, unwanted. Do you think living with my aunt was a picnic?" My voice trembled, and tears pricked my eyes."Damn these hormones!" I muttered, frustrated by my sudden vulnerability. "Where's my strength when I need it?" Wiping away a stray tear, I continued, "All those attempts to reach you were futile. I felt like I had no roots, no family. It was terrifying."
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Chapter 66
Jake's POVRelief washed over me as I opened the door to find the police waiting. However, that relief was quickly replaced by anger. What on earth was Rose doing here? How had she found this place? Even before I could see who was standing there, her scent gave her away. "What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped, fury lacing my voice. She had no business being there!"Jake! That's not nice," Rose whined, feigning hurt."Why are you here? How did you find out about this place?" I demanded."I... I just did," she stammered. "I... followed you.""What?" Her audacity never ceased to amaze me. Then, I heard the elevator doors open followed by footsteps. Glancing past Rose, I saw three police officers approaching. They stopped, taking in the scene."Mr. Marino?" one of them inquired."Yes," I confirmed, then turned back to Rose, frustration coloring my voice. "This is a terrible time, Rose. Can we talk later?"Rose frowned, her gaze darting between me and the officers. She clearly had
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Chapter 67
Selena's POVWe wasted no time registering my phone under my real name. Afterwards, Gracie drove us back home. I wasted no time in escaping to my room and dialing Hillary's number. It rang, but there was no answer.Checking the time, I saw it was past one. Italy should be around five in the afternoon. Hillary must be busy picking Max up from his friend's place. I decided to call her back at a more appropriate time. Surely she wouldn't mind me waking her if it meant reaching her.I must have dozed off because a knock on the door startled me awake. Dragging myself out of bed, I opened the door, surprised to find it locked. (Perhaps it was to deter unwanted company and avoid unnecessary arguments.)"Your mother would like a word with you before dinner," Gracie informed me, glancing at me and shaking her head as I started to leave. "It would be better if you showed up first and changed into something appropriate for dinner."I sneered at her dismissive tone, but she simply ignored me. Sla
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Chapter 68
Hillary's POVI had a hard time getting Jake Marino to leave my office. He was so persistent that I finally had to request a few private minutes with him. Taking a seat, I took a calming sip of my cold drink. (Perhaps it was something I enjoyed having whenever he was around.)"How can I help you, Jake?" I inquired evenly."Selena," he blurted out, getting straight to the point. "Where is she?""I've already told you, I don't know where she is," I repeated."I don't believe you," he said, his voice heavy with apology. "Sorry, you two are close friends. Why wouldn't she tell you where she's going?"I shrugged helplessly. "Maybe she didn't want me to know because she figured you'd pester me for the information."He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "Please," he pleaded."Why now?" I challenged. "You didn't seem to care before.""I... I don't really have an excuse," he admitted sheepishly. "But I feel bad now that she's gone. I should have treated her better.""It's too late for
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Chapter 69
Selena's POVThe next morning, I woke up early and got ready before Gracie could knock on my door. I was already seated at the breakfast table when my food arrived. My mother's empty chair across from me didn't go unnoticed."She's skipping breakfast," Gracie muttered, her voice laced with disapproval."Because of me?" I blurted out."I haven't the foggiest," Gracie replied, though her eyes betrayed her. I kept my thoughts to myself – it was probably better this way. Who knows what kind of argument we'd have gotten into if she'd been at the table?I ate my breakfast in peace, then slipped outside to the garden for some fresh air. My phone rang, and I answered it with a cheerful greeting."Hey girl!""You sound happy this… morning over there, right?""Yeah, you must be on your break.""Bingo! So, what's going on, Sel?""Nothing much. How's Max?""He's doing good, but he might blab something out if you talk to him.""Blab something? To who?""Well, Jake's been dropping by asking about y
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Chapter 70
Diego's POVMy informant must have done a bang-up job. No one dared to stop me as I strode confidently towards the floor where the meeting was taking place. Reaching the door, I flung it open.Inside, I saw the lawyer, the manager, and Mrs. Dacosta seated around a table with a stranger. "We weren't expecting you here, Diego," Mr. Luke said, a hint of displeasure in his voice. Well, I certainly wasn't happy they were having this meeting without me."Greetings all," I offered, plastering a fake smile on my face. I noticed the attractive woman stealing a glance at me, but before I could meet her eyes, she looked away."Diego, this is the new acting president, Selena Dacosta," Mr. Luke introduced us.Interesting. The daughter. So I'd been right all along. They had a hidden daughter, brought in to take over, no doubt. "The daughter?" I echoed in surprise."Yes, Selena," Mr. Luke continued, "meet Diego Lorenzo, one of our most prominent board members." I nodded curtly, my attention fixed on
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