All Chapters of Contract Marriage Between Mr C.E.O & Kleptomaniac: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
131 Chapters
Chapter 71
Kelvin's POVFollowing my plan, I entered the room, but K was nowhere to be seen. The curtain was still drawn, but the space behind it remained empty. K had vanished, and communication had ceased days ago. The only information he'd provided about Selena wasn't particularly valuable, yet he'd still charged me for it.The only message K had sent was a promise of his return and the coming of revenge. Fuming, I turned to the bar manager. "I need to see your CCTV footage.""Unfortunately, it's useless," he replied. "We tried to identify K, but he's always covered up, and he doesn't leave any fingerprints.""Are you absolutely certain there's no way for Wayne to find something?" Wayne, presumably, was someone skilled in extracting information."Positive, Mr. Marino.""Damn it!" This situation was a complete mess. I stormed out of the bar, anger propelling me towards my car.I should have been overseeing the doll shipment right now, instead of scrambling to find a way to keep Jake off my bac
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Chapter 72
Selena's POVMy doctor's orders were clear: plenty of rest, minimal stress, healthy foods, and no skipped meals. The next day, after waiting for a decent hour, I called Hillary."Hey girl," she answered cheerfully."Hillary," I replied."Hold on, hold on," she interrupted. "Let's see that beautiful face of yours! Can we FaceTime?""Sure," I agreed.We switched to video chat, and I was happy to see her face. Hillary was beaming, scrutinizing me with a critical eye."You look alright," she finally declared, nodding her approval.I let out a laugh, the sound surprisingly pleasant to my ears. "Of course I do, the doctor said so too.""Good to see you, girl! How are things going?""Well, everything's fine," I said with a nonchalant shrug. The thought of Diego Lorenzo crossed my mind, and Hillary must have picked up on my hesitation."What is it? What are you thinking about? Or wait... who are you thinking about?" she asked playfully, raising an eyebrow."What!" I exclaimed quickly. "Nobody
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Chapter 73
Diego's POVPushing open the heavy oak door, I stepped into my father's study. The bodyguard followed me in, then discreetly shut the door behind me. My eyes needed a moment to adjust to the dim light – a stark contrast to the bright hallway.I always wondered why Dad preferred such a shadowy environment. Even with all the modern advancements, he clung to his old ways. And somehow, they seemed to work for him.His father had built the Lorenzo empire, and Dad was determined to maintain it, eventually passing the reins to me. The Lorenzo name alone instilled fear in people's hearts, a legend whispered of it as a nightmare to children.Cash in various currencies overflowed one of the corner chairs, while another held a pile of coins. How did he keep track of it all, practically a prisoner in his own office ever since my mother, his first wife, passed away?Of course, he'd remarried – out of necessity, to fill the role of a mother for me. I was grateful for my stepmother – a strong, bold
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Chapter 74
Selena's POVThe pain that flickered across Gracie's face was undeniable. But in a heartbeat, it hardened into a mask. Her expression turned cold, her body stiffening with an unspoken message.She placed her hands behind her back and opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off before she could get a word out. "I didn't mean it like that," I blurted.She cocked her head slightly, scrutinizing me with a look that made me feel uncharacteristically small, even in my pregnant state. "What are you talking about?" she asked coolly."What?" I stammered, confused by her sudden change in demeanor."I honestly don't know what you're referring to, Ms. Dacosta," Gracie stated, her voice devoid of warmth. It was clear something had shifted."Er... okay," I mumbled, unsure how to respond."Good," she said curtly. "Then perhaps you should consider visiting your father in the hospital. Oh, and breakfast will be ready soon. Your mother would like a word with you when you're finished." With that, she l
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Chapter 75
Diego's POVI tapped my fingers impatiently on my desk. The room was silent except for the rhythmic tapping. Glancing down at the paper in front of me, I saw my assistant waiting patiently across the desk.How easy could this be? A smirk played on my lips as I realized things were getting more interesting by the day. So, I had something like this in my possession all along?"Where did you say you found this?" I asked my assistant, raising an eyebrow."On the top shelf you requested I rearrange, sir," they replied promptly."Thank you. You're dismissed."My assistant left the room, closing the door softly behind them. Picking up the document again, I reread it carefully. It was real. An agreement signed by my father and, apparently, me years ago, stating I was to marry Selena Dacosta. How could I have forgotten something like this?The game had just shifted dramatically in my favor. A slow smile spread across my face. Reaching for my phone, I dialed Selena's number. It was unfortunate
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Chapter 76
Selena's POVWhen I decided to forgive my parents, did they have to hit me with something else? Marriage? My father agreed to a marriage with someone I don't even know? How could he, why would he?I was thankful I allowed my driver to take me to the restaurant earlier. Because right now, I don't think I'd be able to drive myself home. My hands were shaking. How could I marry Diego? I was already married to someone else! What was happening to me? Why was my life this messed up?There's no way I'm agreeing to this. I don't care what my parents think. I need to talk to Diego. He should look for someone else to marry. Does arranged marriage like this even still exist? Well, I'm already in a contracted marriage with Jake, not getting stuck in another one.How I got home is a blur. I bumped into Gracie. She looked at me, then past me, expecting to see my mother. Sorry to disappoint her, but I left Mom at the restaurant. She can ask someone for directions home."Where's your mother?" Gracie
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Chapter 77
Selena's POVMy mother seemed on the verge of saying something but clamped her shut without a word. She cast a worried glance at my father, frail and vulnerable in the hospital bed. This was truly my Asian father, and a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. Part of me yearned to forgive him, the other to lash out.My mother drew closer to the bed, taking a seat beside him. She reached for his right hand, gently rubbing it with tenderness."Why?" I finally managed, a single, choked question escaping my lips.My mother remained focused on my father, her voice barely a whisper when she replied, "We needed help, and Diego Lorenzo isn't someone to take lightly. When the company was on the verge of collapse, he offered assistance in exchange for your father's signature on that agreement.""Without even consulting me?" My voice rose a notch."He is your father," she said, her tone defensive. "He believed he was making the best decision to secure the company's future.""Choice?" I s
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Chapter 78
Jake's POVMy mother sashayed into my office, looking like a commercial model. Wouldn't be surprised if she was actually on her way to a shoot. Lately, she'd been swamped with interviews and shows discussing the family and, unfortunately, my personal life.Conveniently enough, she saved me a trip. I had an urgent matter to discuss.She settled into the plush chair opposite my desk. I placed a file on the glass table between us. My office chair offered a commanding view from behind the desk.Mom set her bag down beside her. "Is she coming back?" she inquired, clearly referring to someone.I knew exactly who she was talking about. "No, we're not done," I clarified. "Still married. It'll be old news soon enough.""Good grief," she sighed, sinking back into the chair. "I'm exhausted by all this drama."Just as my assistant (hired to help Jeff out) entered with two coffees, I decided to drop the bomb. "How's Dad doing?"My question nearly caused a coffee catastrophe. Mom fumbled the cup, g
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Chapter 79
Diego's POVMy phone buzzed incessantly throughout my gym session. I should've silenced it – the constant interruptions ruined my weightlifting routine. Frustrated, I cut my workout short and headed for a quick shower. After washing away the sweat, I donned my suit and tie again, adjusting the knot in front of the locker room's full-length mirror.Emerging from the shower, I glared at my phone screen – it was my assistant bombarding me with calls. If something urgent required my attention, he knew where to find me. Leaving my phone in the locker would've been smarter.Just as I decided not to return the call, it rang again. This time, I answered before he could launch into another frantic message."Mr. Dacosta is dead," he blurted out, wasting no time with pleasantries.The news hit me like a sucker punch. "What? When?""This morning, sir," my assistant replied. "The Dacosta family kept it out of the news somehow. They were very private.""Private no more, I suspect," I muttered, a ne
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Chapter 80
Selena's POVJust two days ago, I had both parents. Now, I was left with only my mother. The day it happened, I couldn't even cry. When I got home, I locked myself in my room, only opening the door when Gracie threatened to break it down.She brought food, insisting I eat, and patiently stood guard until I finished. I knew she was likely tending to my mother as well. Unable to speak, I couldn't even call Hillary with the news.The next day, my aunt arrived from Italy. A lifesaver, she joined Gracie in preparing for the funeral. Once, I overheard them discussing my mother's refusal to eat. She too had locked herself away.Gracie and my aunt pleaded with me. They believed I was the only one who could reach her. They insisted my mother needed to eat to stay healthy.With a heavy heart, I approached my mother's door. Knocking softly, I called out, "Mom, I know you can hear me. Open up, please."Gracie positioned the food trolley beside me before leaving. Feeding her was my task if she ope
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