All Chapters of LUNA REIGN: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
150 Chapters
HermoineI could smell the chaos, I sat in my room with the information I had at my disposal from my mate. A cheap miscommunication and misunderstanding must have resulted in this. Alexia was Carlos' mate but for some reason everyone thought it was me. I took advantage of the entire situation and approached Alexia."Hi," I said but she ignored me and walked passed me in a hurry."I'm sorry about your mate but it's no fault of mine that he prefers me to you," I pouted and spoke when she only glared at me and banged her office door closed.I stayed at her door and listened to her sobs, I heard smashing sounds and I knew my words had an effect on her. I smiled content because earlier I had thought that Alpha Carlos actually had an interest in me but he barely spared me a glance when he spoke with my mate.He was so formal and no matter how I batted my lashes, he remained unmoved and barely noticed me but the beautiful part was Alexia saw us stand together."The whole manor is a mess rig
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ReignCrappy ass information I had to have access to. I was going to think about what Dante had said later on. Right now what really mattered to me more than my mate's impending possibility of betrayal was finding Alexia and ensuring she was fine. I left for my office and Nailah went her way to continue her day's activities. She had stopped doing menial tasks and gradually she was being exposed to ranked information. "Would you be fine?" Nailah had asked concerned about my well-being yet I had so easily told her off. "It's not a big deal to me really. I'll be absolutely fine." "I know but I can stay a while with you till we find the beta." Nailah pressed on but I declined even more and she let me be.I just really needed to be alone. Later I would discover that was a very silly decision because being alone had exposed my mind to idleness. I ran my fingers along my cold desks and imagined someone else behind my desk. It brought a bitter sound in the the form of laughter from my li
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Reign. It was going to be pretty easy to just pack up my things and leave my entire life behind. 'who are you kidding bitch? Are you really going to ghost our mate?' where did she come from? I was excited to have my wolf back. She had gone silent after the full moon incident. 'Hi to you too,' I barely acknowledged her as I busied myself with clearing my desk and excellently concealing my excitement with my current predicament. I had already dismissed and given her back the test result. I had no intentions of confronting my mates because I could not bear to look them in the eyes after what I just discovered. It was best for me to leave quietly. I finished arranging the files for the next Luna and headed to my room to arrange a few things I planned to leave with. Eliel was ranting in my head about giving this a second thought but I did not spare her a minute. "Hi Luna," Nailah's voice startled me as I pushed aside the bag I stuffed. "Nailah! I didn't know when you came in." I
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Reign.I stared at my worst Nightmare as he materialized before my eyes. I blinked several times and tried to make sense of what I was seeing."I am sorry for the way I treated you in the past." He repeated his apology and I was convinced that I was standing face to face with Chester.Like you already know, Chester was my mate and Ex husband from Black Thorne Pack.Yes, the very same Chester that had rejected me and sent me out of his Pack with nothing.The same Chester that had sent people after me to end my life which they did before Selene gave me another shot at living.I won't exactly say Selene did me a favor given that my fate had remained the same. Was she taking me back to my beginning?What kind of joke was this? I couldn't imagine that my life was looking like a fucking repetitive cycle. The loop was crazy."I have to go," I tried to get away from Chester at all costs but he held me back."Please don't go. I need you and I was very wrong to have let you go then." Chester pl
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CHAPTER 95 - There's a reward
ReignOf course what was I expecting from Chester?He had always been sly and manipulative. He never really loved me."And Yes, I was really shocked to hear you managed to survive before so I'm not killing you again since you won't die." Chester's deep bass resonated through m ears punctuated with dark laughter but I maintained my composure as I followed the men around me and pushed the fear aside.Fear already got a better grip of me at the thought of returning to Black Thorne pack and more so as a prisoner.My life as Luna was not a tad bit admirable so I definitely did not expect my life as a slave and prisoner to be any better.I calculated my next move and complied with every instruction I was given."I see you lost all your wits all of a sudden and are complying like a little puppet that you were created to be." One of the men spited me and I knew who my first victim was going to be. I wanted more than anything to slice of his tongue since he did not know when to speak and who
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Reign I thought my ears were not functioning properly when she said she was going to take me back to Silver Crescent Pack but her continuation made a whole lot more sense.Of course, it was all about the money again as usual. Had they really put a reward out for anyone that found me?I was gone less than twelve hours and they were already going rampage. What Chester had said earlier rang in my head and sadness clouded the joy that initially tried to surface.I was going to smile that they cared so much about me but Chester already explained to me why.It was going to make them vulnerable, if word got out that I had been extracted, it was going to attract attack because then their defense would look porous.Life in the werewolfdom was a though struggle of power tussle and domination over other Packs to maintain relevance and fear from others to be perceived as predator and not prey in order to live safely.Packs that were perceived as prey or weak were always attacked and eventually s
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Reign This was not going to end well and I saw it already. Becky and I stood with our backs up against each other."You could have brought her to me and the reward would have been great. What where you trying to do? Be a hero?" Chester spoke and from my guess, he definitely spoke to Becky.He turned his back on us."She's not your property to start with and she should have a choice," Becky spoke with a deep voice very different from the sweet innocent melody she had been communicating with me with. I looked over my shoulder as we gently moved in a circular motion to be sure it was Becky that spoke and assuredly, she was the one that spoke."Who gave you the option to help her make a choice? The assignment was simple but you failed and you will face the consequences." One of the men spoke and Becky lashed out at him."You do not scare me Draco, not one bit." Becky challenged and someone launched an attack at us. I'm impulse not wanting to lose my weapon, I took cover behind her and
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AlexiaI stared blankly into space sitting out in the garden sad and destabilized.The last thing I expected was to return and find that Reign has left.She check up on me for goodness sake! Was that when she was leaving?Or did she already leave before then?I had so many questions that made me blame myself more but as you already know I got no better answer than silence and cold empty stares from the leaves around.Maybe I should have never left, I was so selfish I had only thought about myself and my feelings that I acted on impulse without thinking now my Luna, friend and sister was gone.If the tears just fell down my cheeks maybe my heart would have felt lighter since there was a channel for me to express the ugly emotions I felt but No! the tears rather burned the insides of my throat and stung my glands painfully blurring my vision without falling."Don't think about it too much." I jumped at the sound of a masculine voice.I relaxed when I noticed it was Nirson. I had tried m
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Jude stood in his tracks as he looked at the woman in shock, unable to believe her warm gestures, he looked behind him to see if there was someone else who was walking into the store or if he was the only one at the front of the entrance door.However, the woman shot him a warm smile, assuring him that he was the one she gestured to.He stepped into the store and the chill breeze coming from the well-positioned air condition welcomed him, drying off the sweat that had formed multiple beads on his forehead. The woman kept up her smile and asked him politely if he cared for any drink or just water.He was speechless at her question as that was the last thing he was expecting from her or anyone in that line due to his previous experience. Jude collected a bottle of water and gulped it as fast as he could. However, he could notice the managers and salespersons from the other store staring at them in amazement. They were mocking the woman for accepting him into her store, they thoug
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Ava So this story just got really interesting and I decided to drop my two cents about Luna Reign. Lol.If I had known that Hermoine would be so good at doing what I tried to do all this while then I would have honestly treated her better or maybe the way I treated her pushed her to make this happen.Either ways I could not be happier that Reign was finally out of the picture. I did not need to put on any act as everyone already knew I was never a fan of Reign since I found out she was not Araya but an intruder that would not just go away.I watched the show at lunch content and picked the piece of Paper when everyone dispersed and read it's content contently."Don't bother looking for me," it read.How sweet.This was all the evidence I needed to present before the council of elders when a week was over to ensure the Alphas picked another Luna.All I had to do was prove that Reign had left willingly and she was not abducted or forced to leave.With this I could trust the Alphas to co
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