All Chapters of A Marriage of Convenience: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
106 Chapters
“Mrs. Red,” Edward sighed, “I’m inclined to inform you that this is not a good look for you given everything else that has come to light in recent days. Your father is concerned, and rightly so.”I pinched the bridge of my nose, staring through the one way glass where James sat handcuffed, “Are you going to take on his case? I can’t get another lawyer in here until tomorrow, and I can’t stand the thought of him spending a night in jail.”I was basically begging at this point, but I didn’t care. Caden had pushed James and now he wants to press charges because he’s an asshole who didn’t get what he wanted. Every one of those sharks is the same. They’d do anything for a story and everyone else is just collateral damage. “Your husband tried to pay me millions of dollars to disappear,” Edward removed his glasses, giving me the same look I’d see from my father, “A word of advice?” One of his bushy brows arched, waiting for me to agree to hear him out. Chewing the inside of my cheek, I no
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Punish me
“That fucking prick!” James spoke through gritted teeth. “You shouldn’t have agreed to a damn thing, Rosalind. He’s a snake.”I flinched at his tone, but steeled my spine and leveled my voice, “I made the decision because he threatened you.”“I don’t care what he does to me,” James growled, “I don’t want you alone with him. I don’t trust him.”“You don’t have to trust him to trust me.”I didn’t tell James about the photos that Caden claims to have or the anonymous tip. He’d end up right back in a holding cell given the way he’s reacting now to me striking a deal to get him to drop the charges.“That doesn’t work for me,” he whipped open the rear door, ignoring Mr. Green’s head nod and thrusting his hand towards the opening like I was an obedient dog. His eyes swirled with the brighter green of Onyx’s, and I knew he was present.In our brief meeting, I realized that he was far more dominant than James. Which is hard to believe, but I suppose I should have expected it.A man like James
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Own me
I felt as if I were shedding the shell of the old Rosalind. The girl who was afraid to speak up when it was needed most. The girl who allowed those around her to pull the strings like a puppeteer. The girl who lost her voice but found it in the most unlikely of places. James has allowed me to find myself within him. His raw vulnerability when it could have cost him everything showed me that being yourself isn’t a bad thing, and the people who matter will stay because you are you. He’s become my safe place. My home. “I’m not so sure you can handle this side of me,” the blend of James’ voice with Onyx caused goosebumps to explode over my skin. The pain in my ribs was a distant memory once I felt his calloused hands graze the skin. “You are still healing,” his voice was softer this time. Fear laced his words as he dipped down, brushing his nose against mine.“Your touch makes it better.”He gripped the hem of my shirt, slowly lifting it from my head while never breaking eye contact.
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He quickly stands from the bed, discarding the remainder of his clothes and leaving my mouth watering at the sight of his nude body. I’ve stolen glances over the years of his muscular chest and broad shoulders. I’ve given myself a reason to ask him something mundane in the gym just to see the way his corded arms flex with every movement. But all of him is otherworldly.James grabs my ankle gently, lifting it to his mouth so he can press a trail of hot kisses down the length of my inner thigh before moving to do the same on the other side. The moment he moves towards my core, he presses his lips against my clothed clit, blowing hot air through the fabric, and making me shudder. Our eyes meet and his pupils are blown out like an addict. And it’s all for me. Because of me. Without breaking eye contact, James slowly pulls my leggings free from my body, leaving me completely exposed beneath him. For once in my life, I feel beautiful. The way James is looking at me like I’m some masterpi
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Nowhere you can go that I won't find you
He didn’t finish the sentence as I nodded, knowing what he was about to say. The two of us never had that conversation, not that it should have been necessary, but given the look in his eyes now… It’s clear that it mattered to him. “Shit,” James spoke through gritted teeth. “I’m so sorry, Rosalind. If I had known,” I shook his head as his eyes closed, “I would have been gentler with you.”His fingertips shakily wiped away the tears before his hand tenderly cupped the side of my face. Our bodies remained glued together, but neither moved a muscle. “I’m so fucking lucky,” James’ lip curled into a lopsided grin. “The luckiest man on the planet.”My mouth was dry, and no matter how much I tried to swallow down saliva to coat my esophagus; It remained like a desert. “I’m glad it was you,” I croaked out, feeling the emotions bubble to the surface once more. I felt his cock twitch inside of me, and a soft whimper left my lips just as his came down, “I’m going to go mad if I don’t start m
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Can't get enough(James POV)
I hate that I was forced into the office today.Last night was the best night of my life, and instead of remaining tangled in Rosalind’s arms; I’m here in this stuffy conference room, going over date analysis with my team. Everything about being here feels wrong. My tie is too tight around my neck. The sleeves of my button down are making my arms feel as if they’re trapped.It’s infuriating.“The FDA is pushing back against Red Pharmaceutical’s most recent trial drug, which gives us the advantage to market ours first as it’s made it through the first stage of approval,” a man whose name I cannot remember says, pushing his thick rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose.“How soon can we get the seal finalized?”“I’d say by next week, we will have their seal of approval if nothing with the clinical trials changes,” the older doctor in charge of our most recent human trials answers my question.“Perfect. And a breakdown of production cost vs consumer cost?”I didn’t go to college for bu
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Meeting (James POV)
Marina’s expression sours when I glance up at her, tucking my phone into my pocket, but she says nothing. Her dark, pin straight long her moves with every step she takes towards my desk. Her eyes narrow, “Is this why you called me here?” she scoffs. “So you can rub my nose in your happiness with your wife?” The way she says the word wife with so much disgust angers me. Since the moment she woke up from her coma; she’s been hateful towards Rosalind. Hell, I’m disgusted with myself for how I treated her. “She’s not just my wife,” I growl, feeling Onyx simmering just beneath the surface, but I hold him back. If this is going to go as I expect, that’ll be a tool for later. Marina rolls her eyes, shaking her head, “You are unbelievable. You spent years with her and the moment I wake up, she’s your mate. That makes no sense, and you know it,” she grits her teeth, “She’s a fraud and you are a fool.”Her words grate against my nerves. I have so many questions, but right now, I need to ask
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“Stats are dropping again,” Riley, one of my nurses screams from behind the curtain.My legs are moving before I can think. My eyes scan over the monitor, “Blood pressure is dropping rapidly. His heart is out of rhythm. “Two milligrams of Atropine,” I shout, and the nurse scurries away quickly.James’ grandfather’s body begins convulsing, and the shallow sound of his gasps drowns out the bustle of the hospital. I can’t let him die.The flatline of his heart pulls me back into the moment, and without thinking, I climb on top of his eerily still body, pressing my palms to his chest.One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. I make it to thirty before his heart shows any signs of life. My panicked eyes meet Riley’s as she’s thrusting the syringe into his line. My arms are tired, but I don’t stop. Right now, the only thing keeping his heart from stopping is the rhythmic pump of my hands.“Sir, you can’t be in here,” I hear a nurse shout as the curtain draws behind me. I pay no mind, smelling Jam
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“James,” Marina’s voice grated against my eardrums. “Thank goodness. Tell them to let me through.”My eyes lose focus as I stare at her and the reoccurring headache that just won’t go away intensifies.How did she know that James was here?James remains quiet behind me, almost as if he can tell I’m slowly putting the pieces together.During our phone call, he’d mentioned having a meeting with someone.“Was she with you at the office?” I turned around slowly, feeling my heart practically gallop like she was participating in a race.“She was my meeting, but I swear,” James gripped my shoulders, staring into my soul, “It’s not at all what you think. I’ll get rid of her and explain everything.”I nodded slowly, feeling numb. Every single time something like this happens, James pulls away and all the progress that we’ve made crumbles to dust.“She’s not welcome anywhere near this room,” James growls as he walks towards the nurse’s station. “Until I figure out whatever the fuck you’re up to
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“Why did he want to speak with you alone?” James growled as I walked back into the room. His eyes looked crazed as he stared at me expecting an answer.“He just wanted to congratulate me on successful compressions and ask me in private if I felt like I could remain as your grandfather’s doctor considering he was my family.” My brows pinched together as I watched his shoulders relax, “What’s going on with you?”“What do you mean?” he fired back, almost too quickly. As if he were expecting the question.“You just seem really angry,” I whispered, walking towards him.“I am angry,” he ran his fingers through his hair. “Today has been a nightmare, and it shouldn’t have been. I planned my day out perfectly. First, with you in my bed. Then, getting to the bottom of whatever the hell has been wreaking havoc on my life, and then finding myself back in bed with you.”A half-hearted smile grazed his face, making him look forlorn. The way his eyes held mine made me feel as if he were apologizing
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