All Chapters of A Marriage of Convenience: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
106 Chapters
A favor
“Dr. Wood, there is another delivery in your office,” Sandra, one of my nurses wagged her brows. It’s been three days since I’d given James back his ring. I’ve not dared go back to the house. I can’t fathom the thought of seeing James or Marina. Not yet at least. After the meeting, Shawn drove me to my condo in the city. My mother and father protested when I’d put my foot down about keeping it after James and I got married, but I’m thankful I refused now. It was my home before I shared one with James. Everything was a bit dusty, but otherwise, it felt peaceful. The entire first night I spent crying and shoveling ice cream into my face. I’d held my tears so much over the last three years, that I cried for hours. I feel as if I’m mourning a loss. It’s tragic knowing that no matter how hard you tried, it was never going to be good enough. When I entered my marriage with James, I had hope. So much of it. I studied him from the shadows. Learned everything that I could learn. I
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Falling backwards onto my bed, I groan. My closet at my condo was still stocked full of clothing, but nothing that would fit my mother’s idea of ‘prestigious’. Everything that I owned that would still fit my body was in the closet back at James and I’s home. That was if Marina hadn’t gone in there and shredded everything I own already. There wasn’t a proper amount of time to go shopping to find something, which meant I had to go home. The last thing that I wanted to do was face Marina before I whisked James away for another evening of pretending, though I was shocked to my core when he’d readily agreed to join me at this dinner party. I don’t understand him or his new desire to remain married to me. He still won’t tell me anything. I feel like I’m a stranger in my own marriage. Everything I’ve learned about James has been from watching, not because he’s willingly given me an ‘in’ to his life. After getting ready, I ordered an Uber from my phone, missing my access to Mr. Gre
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Act like a Red
“What is this dinner party for again?” James leaned down, whispering in my ear as photos were snapped of us climbing out of the car. Mr. Green stood tall, shielding us with his body, despite James being almost a head taller. “Shawn is stepping in for my father as CEO while he and my mother travel the world,” I faked a smile, pretending we were a couple in love. James’ mood shifted and his grip on my arm tightened, “What does a football player have to offer a pharmaceutical company?” The words left his lips with a snarl. James and Shawn didn’t know each other, which meant after our meeting with the lawyer, he researched who Shawn was. “He’s also a business major,” I smiled. Shawn deserved this as much as anyone, “He’s been a part of our family for as long as I can remember. My father couldn’t have picked someone better.” James made a sour face as we walked through the doors of my parents' mansion. Bodies filled the large space, and the sound of chatter surrounded us. Soft mu
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That. Bitch. I rounded the edge of the crowd, my eyes never moving from the dress that I knew so well. My favorite emerald green velvet dress was stretched over her body. Black hair cascaded down the open back and as I stood next to my mother, icy blue eyes pinned me with playfulness. She’d come here to taunt me. “Tonight, we are welcoming a new member to our Red Pharmaceutical team. Shawn Pierce, otherwise known as number sixty-two,” my mother turned, winking at Shawn, “Will be stepping in as CEO so that Jeremiah and I can travel the world.” Marina stood with a smirk plastered on her stupidly beautiful face. She held her flute of champagne up as if she were toasting to Shawn, but her eyes remained on mine. Taking a deep, leveling breath, I turned away from her. Pretending as if her presence wasn’t affecting me. Shawn’s eyes met mine and he gave me a lopsided grin. That grin captured so many hearts during high school and has only gotten better with age. My father walk
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My heart thumped rapidly within my chest. While Shawn and I weren’t doing anything that would go against my marriage; I didn’t want James to think that. He may be the type of man who desecrates his vows; but not me. Just as I began to crawl towards the door, I heard her. “James, I wanted to see what your life was like now,” Marina sniffled, but her voice sounded anything but sincere. I heard James sigh as I scooted back to sit next to Shawn, who lifted his index finger to his lips, “Tonight was not the night for that, and you know it. I explicitly explained that I have to keep up appearances.” “But why does it have to involve her?” Marina spat the word ‘her’ as if it burned her to say. “We are married!” James shouted, “To everyone here, she is my wife. And I have already explained to you why I married her.” “Everyone here doesn’t matter,” Marina whispered, sounding hurt, “What happened to the man I knew before the accident?” James released a heavy breath that even I could
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Possessive(James POV)
I spent the last three years taking every chance I could to work from home, but now; it just doesn’t feel the same. Marina doesn’t understand where my head is at. She can’t wrap her head around my decision to step in as CEO. But the entire time she was in a coma, I was using my resources to try and track down the people responsible for the desecration of our pack. My pack. Utilizing those resources takes connections and money. Both of which I didn’t have without my pack. My office at Wood Industries sits on the top floor of a fifty-story building. The floor to ceiling windows allows light to flood in, touching every square inch of the room. Every time I’m back here, I’m reminded of how I’m literally on top of the world. Some days, even the clouds sit at eye level with me. Lately, my mind is stuck on Rosalind. What she’s doing... Where she’s at... Who she’s with.... Ever since that day in the hospital, I’ve grown more possessive. I need to know the answers to all those qu
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“Your labs all look to be improving,” I listened to the steady beating of my patient’s heart through a stethoscope, “I think it’s safe to say we will be able to send you home tomorrow.” The woman looked so relieved at the news, warming my heart. I’ll never understand how my mother could look down on my position. Every day I come here excited to be making a difference in the world. Sure, my father’s groundbreaking drug trials are making massive changes in the world, but it has just never felt the same to me. Walking out to the nurse's station, I don’t even get a word out before I hear the dreamy sighs and giggles of my coworkers. Lifting my eyes from my clipboard, I see the reason standing with an awkward smile on his face and a bouquet of white roses. “James,” I furrowed my brows, “What are you doing here?” The whispers around me intensified as did the horrified looks. I’d just addressed my husband by his name and not some endearment as well as not being excited to see him.
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I feel as if I’m in a trance staring into James’ eyes. Like the tiny flecks of gold are locking me in some sort of chokehold. I’ve lost the ability to speak or even breathe properly. Where his thumb rests against my chin is so warm and inviting. His words from only a moment ago seemed like the first real truth that I’ve gotten from him. “Please, Rosalind. I’m not a man who begs, but for you; I will,” his voice was thick like honey. “Okay.” He opened his mouth in shock as his eyes widened before moving down to my lips. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and a surge of something foreign sparked between us. But no matter how much I wanted this to work; I wasn’t going to make it easy. “I want to lay some ground rules,” I swallowed hard, breaking whatever hold he had on me only a few moments ago. “Let’s discuss over lunch,” he reached behind me, his chest pressing against mine before swiping the roses he’d just brought into the trash. James quirked a smile as he pulled
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Not a princess
My mind was still stuck on whatever had just happened. I couldn’t think beyond the look that I’d just seen in James’ eyes. I quickly scooped up a bite of food, trying to buy my brain to catch up. “Let me guess,” James’ lips curled slightly, “No more white roses?” I stifled laughter, “That is definitely rule number one,” but my mood was short lived, “I suppose I should give you my real number one and give you the opportunity to walk away now.” “Marina isn’t going anywhere,” James pinned me under a frustrated glare. My lips pulled into a frown and my heart began racing, “Who is she to you, James?” “Who or what she is doesn’t matter. Why is it that you can’t accept that?” he sounded exasperated. I closed my eyes, feeling the all-too-familiar sting of tears burning my eyes, “It matters because I’m your wife. I didn’t marry you so that I could share you with someone else.” “We married each other for our own reasons,” he gritted his teeth, making the muscle in his jaw tighten. Ho
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Break from life
“Do I have to?” At this point, I simply felt defeated. James had once again lured me in by exploiting my weakness... Which just so happened to be the man himself. I don’t know why or how I turn into a fumbling mess of a woman whenever he’s around. I’ve never had that issue around men before. Not even Shawn. But James has this aura about him. It’s as if he demands your attention, and you don’t have the ability to deny it. It was something that I learned to love about him over the years. When he walked into a room, he had your attention. When he spoke, you had no choice but to listen. That’s how I continuously get lost when I’m around him. James’ voice is thick and velvety, and it’s as if my brain short circuits when it hits my ears. “When was the last time you’ve taken a vacation?” Shawn’s brow arched at the same time his lips curled into a lopsided grin. “What does that have to do with anything?” He rolled his eyes, “Just answer the question, Rosie.” Shawn still
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