All Chapters of A Marriage of Convenience: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
106 Chapters
I stared at the text on my phone from James, sipping wine straight from the bottle. “We need to talk,” I repeated the words under my breath, “I’m tired of talking, James Wood,” I took another large swig from the bottle, sitting it harshly on the counter. The thing I’ve learned about James is he loves to talk when it’s trying to convince me to stay in our loveless marriage, but the second I start asking the hard questions; he shuts down. He doesn’t want to talk anymore. He wants to make demands, and old Rosa would have fallen at his feet at the opportunity to show him that I was all in. “Years,” I spoke through gritted teeth to an empty, “Three years I spent falling at your feet. And for what?” I raised my voice at the ceiling.I paced the living room of my condo gripping the wine by the neck of the bottle. I’d switched from my scrubs to fluffy pajama pants and a tank top, which had quickly become my essential nighttime routine now that I wasn’t living with James. For three year
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Run (James POV)
My sleep was plagued by images of her. And it was a fucking tragedy that I’d never actually seen my wife’s body. I tried to imagine what she looked like standing in front of her mirror, wine spilled all over her chest. The thought of running my tongue along the curves of her breasts crossed my mind more times than I could count as I lay staring at my ceiling. I don’t know what the hell is happening. When Rosa agreed to go to lunch with me, I thought things would be awkward, but she squashed that feeling almost instantly. The ease at which she joked with me and held a conversation was admirable considering I couldn’t conjure up an actual sentence. Ever since that day in the hospital, I haven’t known how to act around her. And now, I’m more certain than ever she holds the key to bringing Onyx back. The moment our lips touched; my body came alive. Her taste was intoxicating, and I could feel the walls that held Onyx prisoner bowing and bending in my mind. When she admitted
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The moment the sun hit my face as I stepped from the plane; I knew I’d made the right decision. It’s been so long since I’ve taken a vacation, and never have I visited Bali. The breeze is warm and carries the scent of the ocean. The soft sound of waves is so alluring and wraps around you like a cashmere blanket. Something about it is just putting my mind at ease. It’s like an instant weight was lifted from my shoulders. “Just wait until you see our place,” Chris elbowed me in the side, wagging his brows. The boys loaded up the car that was awaiting us at the tarmac. They’d opted for a jeep-like vehicle with no windows or doors. The sides were open, allowing the warm breeze to lash against our skin as we drove towards the villa. “Is that a smile, Rosie?” Shawn lifted his glasses, winking at me while driving. “My smile is not that rare,” I shook my head, feeling my cheeks flush from embarrassment. Have I really been that obviously miserable as of late? Chris’ hands gripped
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“This is stupid boring,” Chris groaned, thudding his head backwards onto the sand. “I think you need to learn the art of relaxation,” I tilted my head to the side, lifting my glasses to stare at his dramatics. “You woke me up at the ass crack of dawn so that we could lay here and bake in the sun like a chocolate chip cookie,” he groaned. “Has he always been this dramatic?” Shawn joined the conversation from my other side. “Yes. You were always just immune to him and his ways. Distance has made you see the truth.” “Y’all are just rude. I’m going for a swim,” Chris jumped up from the sand, running at full speed towards the ocean. “What do you think so far?” Shawn propped himself up on his elbows, making his incredibly toned abs look even more defined. “About what?” I was thankful for my sunglasses because he’d surely see me staring at the pure dedication he puts into the art that is his body. “This trip. How does it feel getting away from life?” he sat up, taking a drink
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Too late
I felt my heart rate quicken. What was he doing here? And in my room.... “Don’t scream,” he whispered as he released the hand he held over my mouth. Anger floods my veins as I slowly turn around to meet searing forest green eyes. It’s so funny to me now that the tables have turned. I can see it shining back at me in those eyes. Desperation. But it hardly brings me peace. If anything, it’s guilt. Though I have nothing to feel guilty for. James was the one who chose Marina over me. Over our marriage. He chose indifference when he could have just chosen me. I’m forced to focus on the steady rise and fall of my chest, because every breath feels as if there’s not enough oxygen in the room. I blink, trying to diffuse the stare off between the two of us, “What are you doing here?” “The question is what are you doing here?” James retorts, never breaking eye contact. A heavy breath escapes through my nose as I shake my head, “The last time I checked, I don’t have to tell you wha
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One kiss
I searched James’ face for the ‘but’. For the lie. For the deception.... But it’s not there. “Why now? Why all of a sudden are you so willing to change your mind?” There was a part of me, despite seeing the truth mirrored in his eyes, that just couldn’t believe it. There was a catch. There was always a catch. His fingers ran through his mess of hair, and for the first time since we’ve been in here, I took in his appearance. He was in a suit, but the undershirt had the top few buttons popped, showing off his toned chest. The only time he’d ever done that was when he was stressed. His hair was a mess, most likely from running his fingers through the strands hundreds of times. A light stubble dotted his otherwise normally clean-shaven face. The man in front of me wasn’t the James I was used to seeing. “You want honesty, Rosa?” he huffed out a humorless laugh, “I don’t fucking know. You said something about this pull that you felt when I woke up in the hospital. You called it lo
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“Were you taking a shit or something?” Chris groaned as we climbed into the car. I rolled my eyes, trying to shake the feeling of James watching me. I knew he was. Even now, when I’d asked him to leave, he hadn’t. It was strange how that one kiss made me so hyper aware of his presence. I knew it was a bad idea. Letting him in, even if it was only for a moment. But I’d longed for so long to feel his lips and body pressed against mine. It was better than my wildest dreams. He tasted sweet and spicy, almost like one of those hot tamale candies. Reaching up, my fingers trembled as I touched my still swollen lips. His taste still lingered in my mouth. “Earth to Rosa,” Chris snapped his fingers next to my ears. At some point we’d started driving away from the villa, but my mind was still so preoccupied with James that I hadn’t realized it. “What?” “Did you hit your head while you were in your room or something?” Chris narrowed his eyes. “Give it a rest,” Shawn glanced in
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Tortured (James POV)
I watched from the window as Rosa pulled away with Chris and Shawn. Letting her leave after that kiss damn near killed me. I could feel Onyx tugging at the restraints in my mind. Fuck. I’m more sure now than ever that Rosa is my mate. But how do I bring him back to me? And how do I get her to see that she’s mine. I’ve spent the last three years royally fucking up any chance I ever had to be with her. Hell, I don’t even want to be with me most days. Stuck in this constant fucked up loop of anger. I’ve been running in circles since the attack. Trying to find the person who orchestrated the demise of my pack has proven to be nothing short of infuriating. But now, Rosa’s in the mix. How does she play a part in my life with Marina? And how am I supposed to tell Marina to move out... I know she’s my mate. We felt the bond before the attack. She was there first. She’s my only tie left to my old life, and I’d just offered to throw her to the side for a chance with Rosa. It’s all
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Whatever it takes
“I don’t understand why you are here if Rosie didn’t invite you,” Chris sounded angry as he spoke. My eyes were still closed, and the beeping sound of my heart rate woke me up from a deep sleep. “I don’t need to explain anything to you,” James spoke through gritted teeth. James.... Memories of the boat came flooding back. I was feeling so weak and faint. After walking Shawn through what to do, he created a tourniquet with my shirt, but at that point, I’d already lost a lot of blood. Then, like a knight in shining armor, James’ face appeared above mine. “How did you know where to find her?” Shawn questioned from the other side of the room. How did he know where to find me? I don’t think I told him where we were going. My eyelids fluttered open, glancing around the room that contained three massive men. “Rosie,” Chris rushed over, being the first to see me awake, “Are you okay?” “I’m,” I cleared my parched throat, “Fine. Just need some water.” Shawn quickly grabbed a wh
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The real James
“You have to be fucking kidding me James,” Marina scoffed from the other room while I lingered in the foyer of what used to be my home, “This has to be a joke.” Being here feels strange, despite it having been my home for so long. Nothing has changed as I walk around the perimeter of the room. The house still lacks warmth, void of a single personal touch. James must have dragged Marina away so that I wouldn’t be able to hear whatever he was saying to her. I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or worse. A large part of me is still so apprehensive about giving him another chance, but my heart seems to always win over my mind, and right now…. It’s screaming at me to try. The stitches on my arm itch as I stare at the wide hallway that leads to wherever James and Marina decided to take their conversation. Footsteps echo through the empty house before Marina’s angry face finds me from across the room. She stalks closer until we’re nearly toe to toe, but I refuse to cower in her pre
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