All Chapters of Taming Her Alpha Bullies: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
99 Chapters
Chapter 31
Lid’s POVThe sun crept into the tiny creek of the window while I lay on the soft king-sized bed, rubbing my tired eyes continuously. I yawned tiredly as I sat up from the bed, looking around. The sleep I felt suddenly left me when I glimpsed a figure staring at me from the corner of the room.I flinched for a second, my heart beating loudly until I realized it was just Frank. A sigh left my lips and then I frowned at him seated comfortably on a couch, legs crossed and his index finger pressing against his temple.“What are you doing here?” I asked slowly, pushing the duvet from my body.“You talk in your sleep” he smiled casually at me, bringing his legs down. My heart skipped for a second as that statement sank in.“How long have you been watching me sleep?” A little chuckle escaped his lip as he stood up, walking towards the door. “You will be late for breakfast”“That doesn’t answer my question” There I was, having the most peaceful night of my life, not aware that someone had be
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Chapter 32
Calum’s POV…Silence filled the room, my ears were attentive to the chirping sounds of the birds flying in the sky.I stared at Max and Ryder who looked downcasted but no one spewed out a word, it almost felt like we decided to engage in the vow of silence.I was unsure of what to do. Finding solutions to any task at hand had never been so hard for me but now it seemed I was trapped within what I desired for myself and mother’s thirstiness for money, fame, and power.Frank was on the other end. He had always been the silent killer. One who minded his business but it never occurred to me he was planning his comeback.I watched him take Liv away with him right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do a damn shit about it.“We seriously fucked up. I don't want to get started on the embarrassment he made us face” I voiced out with a surge of uncertainty inside of me as I slid my fingers into my hair.“Yeah, you're right and despite being so powerful we couldn't use it to our advantage. Liv i
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Chapter 33
Liv’s POV…“Liv I have some important affairs to attend to in the pack house. I'll see you later” Frank called, his voice resounded in my ears and I whipped my head to look at him wiping off his hands with a tissue.He stood up from the dinning table, pushing his chair behind then he smiled at me.An instant reminder jolted into my head. I reminisced I had a lot of questions I needed answers to and only Frank could give me those answers. I stood up immediately, following him“Frank there's something I need to speak with you about” I spoke up in a rush“Not now Liv, I don't have much time to spare. Once I'm done with running the affairs of the pack house, you won't look for me. I'll come to you” Frank replied."But my question is also important and urgent, I wouldn't stop you if it wasn't” I explianed, hoping my words could change his mind.I desperately needed answers and I couldn't wait for him for some hours. I would die of curiosity.“Try to understand Liv. We shouldn't banter word
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Chapter 34
Calum’s POV…My legs raced outside at a fast speed. The scream ignited panic inside of me as my chest clenched tightly.For some reason, it felt like I was being dragged back and I puffed out air from my mouth, trying to divert myself from filling my head with thoughts.I stepped inside the room to behold a sight that took me off balance.I was startled, seeing my father's body sprawled on the bed. His eyes closed and his body pale with lifelessness.I puffed out air from my lips, not wanting to let my thoughts occupy my head but then a low voice filled my ears and my eyes darted towards the maid whose body was shaking in sobs at the corner.“What the hell happened!" I thundered, my body shaking from the bitterness I felt. My gaze remained fixated on the maids while she trembled under it.His body looked stiff with his lips pale blue. His hands were put in a tight fist which showed how much he struggled before giving up. Even without being told, I knew for a fact he had been given wol
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Chapter 35
Liv’s POV…The blast of cold air hit my spine. I rubbed my hands together to warm them up with a look of distraught played across my face, grabbing the bed sheet at my side and I buried my face into the pillow.I let out a scream but I knew it wouldn't be heared since it was muffled by the thickness of the pillow.I hit my legs on the bed repeatedly, trying to look for a means in which I could vent out my frustration.I was losing it slowly and no one really cared.I turned my body over, my back laid on the bed and my face staring up at the ceiling as a loud sigh escaped my lips.Frank's face, his words, and everything about his entire existence flashed through my brain.The strength that over powered me when I hit Frank gave me a reason to doubt if really I was an omega.Was there more to what I was thinking? and if there was, why was lo it so difficult to unravel?.My head was throbbing in pain, my brain racking intensely just to find answers.If I wasn't really an omega then why we
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Chapter 36
Liv’s POVI was mute with shock hearing those words from Frank. I took out my phone, gazing at the message Callum sent for a second time when he got no reply from me. “It's important”I turned to look at Frank curiously and I forced myself forward.“What's he doing here? You let him in. What does he want to say?” I bombarded him withquestions, not giving him an opportunity to reply to any.“I have no idea on that, you should go see for yourself” Frank urged.“You shouldn't have let him in Frank. Callum is smart enough to understand my silence to his message meant no but he still found his way here” I lashed out, rubbing my forehead and I tilted my head behind.“There's not going to be a difference anyways. He will still force him self in so it's up to you to spare us the drama that's about to unfold tonight” Frank suggested as I nodded my head slowly in approval.There wasn't any use going up against Callum because he is someone that gets his way around things, either by hook or by c
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Chapter 37
Liv's Pov…An overwhelming shock surged through me and I clenched my eyes closed.I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, regaining my composure.I leveled my eyes on Callum, unable to understand the intimate moment we just shared.The kiss felt so good that I couldn't compare it to anything I had ever felt. The way his hands caressed my back gently, my breast brushing against his chest and his warm breath on my neck which made me jerk in ectasy.I didn't realise I let out a moan and that made him kiss me even harder. I was convinced Callum had fallen in love with me.No man kisses a girl so intensely, especially one who he doesn't have feelings for or I'm I perhaps mistaken?I couldn't believe what my brain thought about Callum, was he really in love with me or was I just clouded in my misconception?I was lost in my thoughts when a blast of cold air hit my spine. Callum slipped his hands around my waist, tugging me even closer than earlier.His fingers trailing it's way to the ba
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Chapter 38
Liv’s POV…Last night I was under the impression I wouldn't be able to sleep but whilst giving a deep thought to the problem I had at hand, my eyes closed willingly and I drifted off to sleep.The rays of the morning sun seeped it's bright light into my room and I tossed on the bed, turning restlessly in my sleep. My eyes opened and I turned my whole body, making the bed creak as I laid on my back and drew my knees to my chest, staring absently out of the window.I put my hand on my forehead as Olivia's words awakened my brain.She was right in whatever suggestions she placed forth but it’d only take courage to do it and courage had never been a part of me.Being weak had always been a part of me, infact I exist only because of the harsh truth of being weak.After all I was an omega, so it was best if I remained this way and I shouldn't try to overpower my self and the capabilities I didnt have.Having to ignite jealously in the triplets wasn't the only problem I had at hand. I had a
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Chapter 39
Liv’s POV…Frank opened the door of the car, standing aside as he gestured me in.I walked towards the car, avoiding his gaze and I slipped myself into the seat, then he slammed the door and turned around.He plopped onto the driver's seat and turned his gaze towards me. I took a deep breath to steady the anxiety churning inside of me. “Liv" he called out. Bracing myself up, I looked at him.“This atmosphere is awkward but I won't ask you any questions because it might only make things difficult for you” he let out, his eyes clouded with a belated concern.“Why won't you ask me any question?" I queried as a loud sigh escaped his lips, and then he leaned the back of his head on the car seat.“I trust you Liv and whatever conclusion you make, it will always be the best" he muttered inwardly."I'm glad you do but it's best if things are this way because I won't be answering your questions Frank” I responded in a panicked state, adjusting my dress which exposed my thighs.Frank's eyes fo
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Chapter 40
Liv’s POVIt didn’t take long before duty called and frank had to leave to greet some of other pack Alphas alongside his fatherI felt vulnerable because I knew with Frank not being by my side I was more susceptible to Luna Rebecca. She was waiting to feast on an opportunity like this since I had noticed her staring at me but the only reason she hadn't come close was because of Frank.After Frank left, just like I had expected luna Rebecca didn't want to miss such an opportunity.As soon as she noticed Frank wasn't by my side anymore, she excused herself and strode towards me. I still had that fear in my heart but I needed to act brave because if she considered me weak, it would be much easier for her to use whatever she had at hand to her own advantage.I shifted away from her, turning my gaze and concentrating on the people in the hall.Luna Rebecca was quite smart for a woman and I expected her to understand I wasn't interested in talking to her.She scooted closer to me, placing
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