All Chapters of Taming Her Alpha Bullies: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
99 Chapters
Chapter 41
Liv's Pov…My eyes slowly opened, getting accustomed to the ambience as the memories of what happened flashed into my head.I could recall the intimate moments between Max and I but what I couldn't recall was what happened after that.Why did I feel so suffocated? It felt as though someone was intentionally stopping my breathing and that thought scared me to stupor.I winced in pain, trying to raise my body up “Liv what are you doing? please rest some more. You aren't fully recovered” Ryder said with concern laced through his voice.He held my hand, slowly pushing my body on the bed. He arranged the pillow and I placed my head on it.There were a lot of thoughts in my head and I didn't get to notice the triplets were all in the from including the doctor.“It's been three hours and you haven't been able to tell us why she passed out?” Max asked, his gaze fixated on the doctor.“I guess that question should be directed at you because you were with Liv” Callum pronounced, thrusting his h
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Chapter 42
Liv’e POVI left the dark moon pack alongside with Frank.I was relieved none of the triplets tried to stop me, at least slowly but gradually they were respecting my wishes and nothing could be more greater than that.I was in my room trying to get some sleep, but there was a feeling of discomfort I felt. It started with the inside of my body feeling hotter than usual and then it graduated to to the feeling of something crawling into her body.I sniffed, fidgeting in discomfort, uneasy at the pain which crept up my body.My heart stopped in my chest, and for a long moment I couldn't breathe.I felt really choked and it was hard for me to talk.What reasonated into my brain was the feeling was similar to the way I felt with Max.I crawled out of the bed, dragging my knees towards the door.I felt physical pain, my hand placed on my neck as I clenched tightly onto it.I tried to scream for help but my efforts proved futile.Liv!” I heared a voice scream loudly.I whipped my head up to
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Chapter 43
Callum’s POVMax, Ryder and I were all seated including my mother and some other very important personnels of the pack while they all talked about a way to move the pack forwardNot me though because Although i was present, my mind wandered far. “I'm sure everyone sitting down here is aware of why this meeting has been scheduled. We have gotten more relaxed during the years and if we face any attacks, we would fall. That’s why we need to increase the security of our pack”one of the personnel said, his voice in an authoritative tone and loud enough for everyone to hear him.“Our pack is just fine, even when Alpha Arthur was alive no adjustment was made and no one was attacked. I can assure you that the dark moon pack isn't at war with anybody” Max voiced out, his legs crossed against each other and his gaze lifted up to everyone. “Sitting down to wait for our rival pack to attack will be an unwise decision to make and don't forget that Alpha Arthur's reign is over. We shouldn't wait
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Chapter 44
Liv’s POVFrank gestured for me to move forward, which I did. He stepped beside me, filling the space between us.I felt the warmness of his hand on mine and I blushed hard. The way he cared for me wasn't a new thing to me but each time he treated me with so much love, I couldn't help but immense myself in those feelings that clouded my heart.I was even able to have some self control around him. I mean which girl wouldn't fall head over heels in love with him especially when he was so gentle and soft.Frank was the perfect definition of my dream man, my knight in shining armor. The way he looked at me and called my name gave me a tingling sensation in between my thighs and thinking about it had only worsened matters.My fingers got intertwined with his and he lead me out of the woods with slow steps.I shut my eyes close, instantly opening it when I realised what I wanted to ask him.I was so immersed in admiring his good qualities that it slipped out of my mind.I cleared my throat
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Chapter 45
Callum’s POV…I uncocked the bottle of alcohol, pouring it into the empty glass I held in my hands.I dropped the bottle of alcohol on the table and placed the glass in between my parted lips.I gulped down everything in one go as my throat burned and I choked on it.I flicked my tongue in between my teeth and walked towards the balcony in slow steps.I looked through the balcony as I heared footsteps retreated towards me.By the over powering scent which snapped through my head, I knew who it was so they wasn't any need for me to turn my back in search of who was either ways going to appear before me sooner or later.I thrusted my other hand into my pocket and I patiently waited for her to stand beside me.Just as I had thought, Luna Rebecca stood beside me but my gaze remained at one position.“You are smart enough to know why I'm here" she said and I scoffed."What if I tell you I really don't know why you are here?” I replied with sacarsm laced through my voice and I casted a glan
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Chapter 47
Max’s POV…I stepped forward and poured myself a second glass of wine.I drew out a chair to sit down and I leaned back, closing my eyes to finally relax.I took several gulps of the wine and stretched my legs out. I felt a shadow behind me, I tilted my head to see Mother who appeared before me.“There's no need to stir up a conversation. I’m not in the mood to talk about anything” I announced in the most calmest tone ever.I pursued my lips, dragged my gaze away from her and looked back at my glass of wine.Deep down inside of my heart I was angry and no one knew about the pain I felt after suddenly loosing my dad.There wasn't any sign of a sickness eating him up from within because if there was any of that sort, I knew for a fact I would do anything to save his life.I woke up one day to hear about my dad's sudden demise and it left an unfading mark on me. If possible I would make sure that the unfortunate date ceased to exist.The incident leading to his death was very suspiciou
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Chapter 48
Liv’s POV…The sound of the wall cracking filled my ears with my heart pounding in my chest.I couldn't seem to understand what was going on. I found myself alone in an empty hut, I tried to see through the darkness but I couldn't.Where was I and how did I end up here? Were the only questions that raced through my mind.A small light peeked it's way through the wall and stones began to fall on me.Tears stunged my eyes with my heart beating faster than ever, it felt as though it was about to pop out of my chest.I raised my hands over my head to shield myself from the stones falling on the floor.Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead, my face became pale and I wiped the sweat off with a shaking hand and tears ran down my cheeks.My muscles tensed and I knew I needed to save my self. Due to the andrenaline which coursed through my body, my legs lifted up on it's own and I ran with a fast speed trying to look for the exit out of the hut.The more I ran, I kept returning back to the
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Chapter 49
Liv's Pov…After Frank suggested I spend the night in his room or not, I braced up myself.There was no way I was going to stay in his room after what transpired between us.I was seated on my bed with my knees propped up to my chest. My eyes were already swollen from crying all night.I cried so much with the thought of going to bed but little did I know that sleep was far away from me.I wasn't sad because Frank rejected me but my fate did. I was so fed up of everything and I couldn't pretend anymore, I couldn't be that strong girl I wanted to be.Even the strongest of people had a shoulder to cry on and I wasn't any match when it came to that.Last night imploded a whole lot of thoughts into my head that I decided to think about what I had been running away from.The bitter realisation dawned on me that I had been stupid enough to deny the fact that I was in love with four men.Whenever I thought about it, it sounded so cringy in my ears and I felt so disgusted. Was it really poss
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Chapter 50
Liv's Pov…My eyes dilated around, I felt a huge lump stucked at the back of my throat and I gulped hard.I braced myself up and with a slow and well guided step as I walked down the hallway.From the side of my eye, I could see that everyone stopped what they were doing as they all stared hard at me.I was sure they weren't staring because they were surprised to see me but because my omega scent irritated them.I acted oblivious to their stares and I kept moving forward despite the fact my legs were shaking, the stares on me were too hard.I just wanted to leave that place and breathe out deeply, I was holding my breathe without even realising it. “It seems like you've become so beautiful overnight. Everyone is staring at you as though you are a goddess of beauty but that aside I'm so happy to be back home” Anne, my wolf squealed in excitement, almost as if she wanted to come out of me.Her excitement made everything feel so blissful and enlightened.I guess I just wanted a boost of
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Chapter 51
Liv's Pov…I was quite surprised at Callum's words and I began to reminisce what ever transpired during the heat season.How Max and Ryder wanted to claim me by all possible means and how Callum stepped in to protect me.I felt a surge of relief course through my veins. I was meant to be scared of them but I wasn't scared anymore.I knew I would be protected, even if it's not by Max and Ryder but definitely by Callum.He would understand I wasn't ready to accept the triplets as my mate nevertheless let them mark me. I was vividly aware about the heat season but perhaps it had slipped my memory because of all the stress I had gone through in the past weeks.I stared at Callum with slightly parted lips. I didn't utter a word for quite sometime.I was taken unaware when Callum bent down and placed his hands under my knees, lifting me up with my arms loosely wrapped around his neck.With my body in Callum's strong arms, he walked away from the field as Ryder and Max trailed behind us.A l
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