All Chapters of Sweet Hope for the Alpha Kingpin: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
68 Chapters
Chapter 21
HOPEWe finished lunch and Nicco sat down with his laptop again. I wandered out onto the little balcony, amusing myself with figuring out what all of the buildings were. If I leaned way out and looked even farther, I imagined I could see Central Park. I was leaning out when I was grabbed from behind.“Jeeze, Hope. You could fall!” Nicco put me back on my feet. I shook my head at him, laughing at his fear.“No, I’m good with heights.”Nicco shrugged. “I’m not. So, please, don’t do that.”I sighed, following him back into the room. “You’re exceptionally grumpy. What’s wrong?”Nicco pointed to his laptop. “It’s this spreadsheet,” he admitted. “I know that the numbers are wrong, but I don’t know where to even start.”I sat down on the couch. “Mind if I look? I’m really good with numbers.”Nicco hesitated a moment and then shrugged, handing over his laptop. “Wouldn’t hurt anything,” he admitted. I popped open the laptop and started scrolling through the pages. When I said I
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Chapter 22
NICCOI didn’t talk to Vinnie about what Hope had found. I needed to think about it and look at the implications. I wasn’t even sure if the person who was stealing the money from me was the same person who was following me and involved with Angelica. I shook my head. I knew that my life was dangerous. It literally killed my father. I needed to be careful.Vinnie was going over the plans with me. “We thought it would be better to go at night. Harder to see and harder to set up an ambush.”I shook my head. “No. I want to go now. I just made the decision to go. No one will have time to put anything in place.”Vinnie nodded but he didn’t look pleased. “Let me make a few phone calls,” he said. “We also need to inform the Pack about the Luna.”I fixed Vinnie with a stare. “She is not my Luna yet,” I said. “I am still deciding.”Vinnie smirked. “Lupo has made up his mind.”“Lupo is not in charge,” I said, ignoring the growl from my wolf. “Just tell everyone from the Pack to
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Chapter 23
HOPEWe pulled into Nicco’s estate late at night. We had spent a little too much time at the pizza place. The pizza was as incredible as Vinnie had promised, and I wowed everyone with my billiards playing prowess. The boys had a few beers, and I had a lot of Dr. Pepper. Then we had to stop a few times on the drive so we could all pee.The turn off from the highway was a surprise. It was dark and, if I was driving, I would have missed it. I think they leave it overgrown so that no one ventures down the road. It was bumpy and rutted, but Caleb seemed to know the trick to getting through with only a few jostlings. The estate was surrounded by a huge wall and a monitored gate. Caleb pulled up and a grumpy looking security guard came out and shined a flashlight into the interior of our car. He nodded at Caleb and left the light lingering on me a little too long. I heard a growl and looked over in surprise. It sounded like it had come from Nicco but I knew that wasn’t possible.
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Chapter 24
HOPENicco put me on the edge of the bed and tugged off my pants. My panties soon followed, and he gave me a naughty look. “Lie back,” he whispered.I obediently lay back, and Nicco nudged my thighs apart with his hands. I could feel the wetness pooling out of me. His touch was an aphrodisiac and my wanton body responded to his touch. He leaned back and looked at me, groaning, and touching himself through his pants. “You are so beautiful, Hope,” he whispered before bending his head and using his tongue to run up my slit. The heat from his breath and the gentleness of his tongue caused me to throw back my head and groan, my muscles tensing. He backed away, looking again, and then I could feel his fingers on me, pulling me apart, blowing gently on my curls. His tongue then attacked my clit, flicking it and running up and down it, circling it. I groaned; the teasing too much for me. “Please,” I whispered. “Please, what?” he asked, blowing on my curls again. “Please more,” I
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Chapter 25
HOPEI felt Nicco slide out of the bed a few hours later. I looked at my watch. It said 3:02am. “Is everything okay?” I asked, concerned. He leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. “Yeah. I just have some business to do.” He padded over to the walk-in closet and I saw the light illuminate underneath the door, briefly, before it was extinguished and he crept out. He gave me another kiss on the forehead and softly closed the door behind him. I woke up again shortly after eight. I stretched, disappointed that Nicco hadn’t climbed back into bed with me. I stood up and checked the sitting room. I wasn’t surprised that he wasn’t out there, but I was delighted to see that someone had dropped off my tote of clothing. What I had been wearing was decidedly wrinkled.I took a quick shower and braided my hair and then selected a tank top and some cut off shorts. I slid my feet into no show socks and tennis shoes and threw on a thin, button-down shirt that I didn’t bother to bu
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Chapter 26
NICCOI finished my eggs.  They were quite good, though missing the meat and cheese that I tend to prefer at every meal.  It was much healthier than what I usually eat, that’s for sure. I set the plate aside and gestured to Hope.  “Do you mind looking at this for me and telling me what you see?  First impression.”She nodded, putting her plate down and came to stand beside me.  I moved my chair to the side and pulled her onto my lap.  My wolf needed her close.  We leaned into her, sniffing her hair and letting her scent wash over us.  She was so engrossed in the spreadsheet pulled up on my computer that she didn’t notice.“First impression?” she asked, looking back at me.  I nodded.“Okay, first impression is that someone is doing a really good job moving money around.  It would pass most audits, but there are some discrepancie
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Chapter 27
  HOPEI had the rest of the day to explore while Nicco set up my new office.Part of me was excited about having a job and earning my keep.  I also loved that I was helping Nicco figure out who was stealing from him.  The other part of me was nervous about what could possibly be asked of me.  I knew he was keeping secrets from me.   And I was also concerned about the legalities of everything.  Nicco could do what he wanted but I wasn’t going to cross any of those lines.   When I lived with my stepdad, I was in a prison.  I had no interest in spending time in another.I left Nicco’s office and took the first exit to the outside that I could find.  It was a little used door that opened out onto a small patio that was flanked by tall bushes, making the entrance private.  I looked up to see cameras pointed at the door, so I gave a little finger wave
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Chapter 28
NICCO I ushered the men my door, closing it behind them. I grimaced. The hour had slipped into ninety minutes, and I was a little irritated that I couldn’t wrap up the business any sooner. I really needed to have that talk with Hope. Things were a little chaotic in the Pack right now and there was a really good chance that Hope would find out that she was mating with a werewolf before I had the chance to tell her. I crossed the hallway and gave a gentle knock on her office door. There was no answer, so I pushed it open. Hope was sitting in her chair, slumped over her desk. At first I thought she was sleeping, but then I realized there was foam dripping from her mouth. I gave a bellow for help and then ran across the floor, pulling Hope up from the desk and checking her pulse. There was a pulse, but she was not breathing. Vinnie came running in just as I was going to give her mouth to mouth. “Alpha, no! She’s been poisoned,” he shouted, pointing at the foam coming from he
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Chapter 29
HOPE I drifted in and out of consciousness. I was crazy tired, and my throat was so sore. I had a vague recollection of someone stuffing something down my throat and choking me, but it was fuzzy. I moaned. Someone was instantly there, wiping my head with a cloth. I could hear Nicco, speaking in a worried tone. “She’s so hot, Charlie. Is she okay?” “She’ll be fine, Alpha. She just has a little fever, that’s all. That’s how human bodies deal with infections. They don’t heal like we do. As soon as the doctor figures out what poisoned her, we can treat her. Shouldn’t be long, now.” My brain was screaming at me to pay attention because something important was just said, but I drifted off again in a fog. The next time I woke up I felt a lot better. The light was barely peeking into the room. Nicco was laying on the bed next to me, asleep, and Charlie was in a chair, bolt upright, his head leaning against the wall. His eyes opened when I moved. “You’re awake,” he said, s
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Chapter 30
NICCO I was looking through my papers when there was a light knock at the door.  “Enter,” I barked, thinking it was probably Vinnie.  Instead, it was Hope holding my laptop.  I immediately stood up. “Hope!  What are you doing up?”  It had only been five days since she was poisoned.  I wanted her to take it easy. She flushed bright red.  “I can’t take Vinnie’s cooking anymore,” she confessed.  “I made lunch for everyone.  It’s laid out in the dining room.”  She gestured behind her shoulder, arbitrarily.  “But I wanted to show you this, first.” She plopped down on the couch and put the laptop on the coffee table, twisting it so I could see the screen.  “I was right,” she said.  “They used me as a distraction to move some money around.  And I can tell it’s temporary.  It’s set to go back to the original
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