All Chapters of Sweet Hope for the Alpha Kingpin: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
Chapter 51
HOPEI had no idea why the thought of meeting Nicco’s mom made me so nervous. I think it is because that was the next step of our relationship. Meeting the parents. Or, in this case, the parent.I was also going to meet his sister. When he took over his father’s business, Nicco sent both of them away to Spain for their safety. He had a coup that he needed to overthrow and some boundaries that needed to be set. When it was time for them to come home, neither wanted to. His sister, Lucia, had met someone and his mom was enjoying being away from the business. Instead of them coming to us, we were going to go to them.“I don’t have a passport,” I said to Nicco, worriedly. Nicco looked at me with a smile. “Doesn’t matter. We’re flying privately and I know the customs guys. Shouldn’t be an issue.”“I’d feel better if I had one,” I said. I was very nervous about leaving the country. Nicco shrugged.“Fine. We’ll apply for it, and I’ll make a few calls. We should have it in han
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Chapter 52
NICCO POVI frowned at the spreadsheet that Hope had opened for me and ignored the little bit of turbulence that was going on outside the plane. I looked over at her, barely registering that her hands were clenched and her knuckles were white. I reached over and absently patted her.“The turbulence is normal,” I told her. She nodded. “Tell me about these numbers.”“The money has been moved,” she said, her voice a little shaky. She cleared her throat and spoke again, her voice a little stronger this time. “Someone put the money back into all the original accounts.” She pointed to five different accounts on my screen. “Less than five hundred thousand total taken out from all these accounts. Thirty two thousand here, forty five thousand here, hundred and six here. All because of a coding change.”I furrowed my brow. “Why would someone steal money and then put it back?” I asked. I was confused.“To see if they can,” Hope said. She said it with confidence.“Explain,” I said, pu
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Chapter 53
HOPE POVI shaded my eyes as I got off the plane, the bright sun almost overwhelming me. I turned, blindly, back towards the plane and bumped into Nicco.“Looking for this?” he asked, mildly, handing me my hat. I took it with thanks and plopped it on my head. For all of the amazing things New York City had to offer, it never really got this bright. Outside of all of the buildings and pollution, the sun was the brightest I’ve ever seen it and it made everything look like a beautiful painting.Waiting for us at the bottom of the plane steps was a limo and next to the limo were two of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. The younger of the two looked a few years younger than me and had the same eyes and beautiful black hair that Nicco did. It was long and luscious, wavy but not curly, without a strand out of place. She looked right past me to Nicco and gave a shriek, running towards the steps and flinging herself into his arms as soon as his foot hit the tarmac.“Lucia,” Nicco
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Chapter 54
HOPE POVI sat in miserable silence while Nicco and his sister continued to shout at each other. Izan didn’t seem to be worried. He finished his beer and helped himself to another. Finally, the shouting stopped and the door opened. I looked over as Nicco slid inside, scooting next to me. His sister was next, shooting daggers at me with her eyes and slamming the door behind her. I looked around for Bianca and saw her slide into the seat next to the driver.“Hope,” Nicco said, bringing my attention back to him. He tipped my head up and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. I heard a snort from Lucia that I tried really hard to ignore. “Everything okay?” I asked, willing my voice not to shake. It was a little higher pitched than normal, but nothing too noticeable. “Yes, everything is fine,” Nicco said. “As a matter of fact, Lucia has something she wants to say to you.”Inwardly I felt myself shrivel up. This wasn’t the way to endear me to his family. Lucia didn’t want to be chas
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Chapter 55
NICCO POVI watched Hope follow the Omega and disappear from my sight. Only then did I turn to my mother.“This needs to be quick,” I said, letting my voice show my impatience. “I am beginning to regret this visit.”“Your mate has no wolf!” my sister said fiercely. I turned on her in time to see my mom shaking her head at Lucia. “Yes. That is true. Hope has no wolf. She is my fated mate. If the goddess thought she was good enough for me, then who are you to say she’s not?” I was angry and my sister took a step back away from the aura that was pushing out of me. My mom put her hand gently on my upper arm.“Come inside, Nicco. We don’t need to discuss family matters outside in full view of the servants.”I pressed my lips together. “Quit calling the Omegas ‘servants,’” I said, exasperated. “They’re part of the Pack, therefore part of the family.” I could never get my mom to let go of the classes. I had many Omegas that were part of my inner circle because they were loyal,
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Chapter 56
HOPE POV“It’s up to you. Do you want to stay or would you prefer to leave?” Nicco had explained to me what had happened between his mom and sister. I was cautiously optimistic.“Do you think she’s trying?” I asked. She had seemed remorseful at the pool.“No.” Nicco was blunt. “I think she’s planning her next move and us leaving will make it harder for her to work on me.” He used his fingers to put air quotes around “work on me.” I was amused.“Is there anything to work on?” I asked. “Pretty sure you already marked me. My understanding is that you can’t take that back.” I turned my neck to him and ran my fingers over the mark, watching him shudder. I didn’t really understand how some of this wolf stuff worked, but I enjoyed manipulating it to my advantage. Nicco’s eyes darkened and he lunged for me. Shrieking, I danced out of his way.“I can’t!” I said, gasping with laughter as he caught me and tossed me over his shoulder. “I need to shower. I can’t go to dinner with
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Chapter 57
HOPE POVI was drunk or drugged. I didn’t know which, but I could feel it and I had no idea how it had happened. I had only had water to drink.My brain was foggy, and it was hard for me to put words together coherently. I could see the disapproving look on Bianca’s face every time she looked at me. Lucia was glaring daggers at me. All of their friends were ignoring me. Nicco had been spirited off to hang out with some of his old buddies and the only person who was nice to me was Izan.“Are you okay, Hope?” he asked, peering into my face, concerned.With difficulty I shook my head. “No. I don’t feel well. I need Nicco.”Izan looked around. “I think he’s out front in the driveway looking at Alberto’s new Charger. I know Alberto and I know his Charger. Nicco will be out there for a while.”I stood up unsteadily. “I think I need to go back to my room.” I lurched and reached for the back of the nearest chair. I could see Bianca pursing her lips and turning her back on me. I
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Chapter 58
NICCO POVNot taking the time to undress, I shifted into Lupo. He was insistent that something had happened to Hope and he was getting hard to control. He’d have an easier time finding her, anyway.Lupo headed towards the villa where we were staying but her scent trail was at least a few hours old. We circled around the pool, hoping to pick up a stronger scent but we couldn’t find anything.“Head for the boundary” I suggested. The entire property was enclosed by a ten foot high concrete wall and it would be impossible for her to wander off. If she was disorientated, there was a chance she would end up at the wall at some point.Lupo turned and loped towards the south, swinging our head back and forth, trying to pick up Hope’s scent. I could feel his panic and frenzy and it was affecting me. I was beginning to believe that he may be right. It was weird that we couldn’t pick up on Hope’s scent. She was our mate. We should be able to find her.“Hope!” I tried mind linking her.
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Chapter 59
HOPE POVMy head hurt. It hurt bad. I was also having a hard time breathing at this point and my chest felt like something heavy was pressing on it. I was also hot and rocking from side to side.I kept my eyes mostly closed and looked through my lashes. There was an odd red glow around me and a very musty smell. I tried to stretch my limbs and realized my hands were cuffed behind my back.I held back a whimper of fear, trying to figure out what was happening. My senses were slowly coming back and my brain was beginning to clear. I felt a big bump and, with a jolt, recognized that I was in the trunk of a car.There was some rumbling noises and then the car rolled to a stop. I kept my eyes closed, waiting for an opportunity, any opportunity. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I was pretty sure I didn’t want to be in the situation I was currently in. The red glow abruptly ended and there was some squeaking as the car rocked. I could hear footsteps crunching on gravel and th
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Chapter 60
HOPE POVI looked behind me again to see the two men gaining on me. I gasped and tried to put on a burst of speed.Ever since meeting Nicco and mating with him, my body had been undergoing some changes. I noticed I was getting stronger and faster. Maybe not werewolf strong, but more than a typical human. Since I got Nicco’s blood, my strength had increased even more. But it was failing me now. Whatever drug or poison that I had been given made my joints feel achy and leaden. I was running with my arms tied behind my back and my coordination was off. It was dark and I couldn’t see where I was going. I ran straight into someone.I bounced off them, landing on my back. I rolled to my side, scrambling to get to my feet while making mewing noises.“Shhhh, Luna. It’s me. We want to help you.”“Mario?” I gasped out, looking at him with shock. “Who is with you? What are you doing here?” I was confused and a little overwhelmed. How did he manage to be here? Could I trust him?
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