All Chapters of The Billionaire's Toy: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
150 Chapters
Best day of her life.
“I’ll fucking pay for it,” Lucien grunted as he set her on top of the table. He held one of her legs in the air, and drilled into her.Audrey screamed his name as she came, but Lucien wasn’t stopping.​ “Lucien, I can’t,”Audrey moaned.​ “You can.”he snarled at her.Audrey came again and again as Lucien took her on just about every available surface in the hotel room. They came together one last time, and they collapsed into the bed.​ “Holy shit,”Audrey panted. “What was that?”​ “That,”Lucien tried to catch his breath. “is what I’ve been wanting to do ever since I got back from Italy.”​ “I’m not good at enforcing my own rules.”​ “Shut up,” He teased and kissed Audrey. It was a softer, more tender kiss. They had never kissed like that before.“There’s somewhere else I’d like to bring you to.”​ “Lucien, I don’t think I can walk,”Audrey laughed. “I think you broke me.”​ “Hmmm,” Lucien smirked. “I’ll do it again, too. I’m serious. It’s somewhere important.”​Audrey smiled at this p
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Pretty happy.
‘If you love him at all, you’ll come.’ The message flashed in Audrey’s mind over and over. It was easy to love him when he was like this. When he was sweet and sexy, it was impossible to resist him. When he was kind and vulnerable, it made her heart ache. She did love him despite every alarm bell going off in her mind telling her not to. Battles between the heart and the mind were seldom won by logic.​ Lucien’s eyes fluttered open and he caught her staring at him. A slow, lazy smile spread across his face.​ “Good morning,” his voice was low and gravelly with fresh sleep.​ “Hmmm, morning voice,”Audrey cooed, tracing circles across his bare back.Lucien smirked.​ “We’ve never done this before, have we?”​ “If by this, you mean wake up next to each other or go more than 20 minutes without fighting, then yes. We’ve never done this before.”​ “Who do you think will ruin it first?” Lucien asked, propping himself up on an elbow.​ “If we review the records, it’ll probably be you,” Audrey
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Mia narrowed her eyes at Audrey.​ “You little—” a knock at the door startled them.Mia smiled. “I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this, but you leave me no choice.”Mia stood up and walked over towards the door. There was a large crystal vase on a small table filled with beautiful flowers. She picked it and smashed herself over the head with it.​ “Oh my God!” Audrey shouted. “What are you doing?”​ “Help!” Mia screamed. Blood ran down her face from cuts in her head. “Audrey, please stop!”​ “You’re fucking insane!”​The knocking at the door became incessant, and frantic. Mia slammed herself against the wall, hard. More blood.​ “Please don’t hurt me,Audrey! We’re just childhood friends! Don’t be like this!”​ She staggered towards the door, and opened it.Lucien was at the door, horrified at the scene before him.Audrey was in full shock.​ “What the hell is going on here?” He shouted, catching Mia as she fell towards him.​ “Lucien,I’m sorry. I can’t see you anymore. Audrey, she…”A
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This was unbelievable. Not that long ago, they were in a reverse situation where Lucien was the one trying to explain and she wouldn’t let him. Being on the other side of it was frustrating. She couldn’t understand why Lucien didn’t want to hear her side of things. When she shut him out, it only made things worse. So, why was he doing the same thing when he knew how bad it got before?​ “Ugh!” Audrey yelled to no one. Her hands flew into her hair, and she pulled at it in anger. “This is insane! We’ll never get out this damn cycle!”​ She threw on some clothes and huffed out the house. When she arrived to the hospital, she was surprised to find Mia alone in the room.​ “Where is he?” Audrey asked in lieu of a greeting.​ “How funny,” Mia sneered. “Your husband had chosen to spend all of his free time with me.”​ “He made it seem like you weren’t doing well. Where is he?”​ “A few well timed tears and whimpers can do wonders to convince someone.”​ “Where. Is. He?” Audrey asked through
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Leaving Lucien.
​ “Whatever, Lucien.”​“Why are you mad at me? You’re the one that’s assaulting people! Did you really hit her and call her a ‘homewrecking slut’ just now?”​Audrey was starting to wish she had hit Mia.That lady was a psycho!​ “Why do you need me to tell you? You won’t listen to me anyway. Just listen to Mia’s side of the story. That’s the only truth you care about, isn’t it?”​ “Audrey…”​ “Stop it. This is enough. I’ve had enough. Clearly you think so poorly of me that you won’t take my word for it. I can’t do this anymore,” Audrey’s voice broke and she struggled to hold it together.​ “What does that mean?”​ “I want a divorce, Lucien.” The line went silent for a few seconds.​ “No,” His voice was firm and final. “Absolutely not.”​ “Why not? It’s not like either of us are happy.”​ “You’re not going to leave me, Audrey. I’ll grant you a divorce over my cold, dead body.”​ “Well, if things keep going the way they have been, we may end up killing each other, so who knows right?”
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Moving out.
They hung up and she opened her email. As promised, Damian’s message was there.​ Dear Miss Audrey Wilson,Congratulations on your employment with Dezick Design Studios, Inc. We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to work with us and we look forward to nurturing and growing your design talents. For starting compensation, we would like to offer you a salary of $70,000 annually. Also, a signing on bonus of $14,000 will be awarded to you. A full medical, dental and vision benefits package is also included for you and a family member.Other perks can include, company housing, company vehicles and paid travel. If this is agreeable to you, please respond to this email. Again, we are glad you have chosen to have your talents represented by Dezick Design Studios.​ Respectfully,​ Damian O’Connell, CEO​Audrey blinked as she reread the email several times. Her starting salary was more than she could have hoped for, and that sign on bonus would greatly assist her in finding a
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Grant me a divorce
​ “Audrey!”Felicia called out. The nurse rushed over to her, lifting Audrey’s head off the floor. Moments later,her eyes fluttered open. “Let me call a doctor for you.”​ “No, no, I’m fine. It’s fine.” Audrey struggled to get up, but felt weak. “I’m just tired.”​ “Ma’am…”​ “Can you start the discharge process for my father? I’d like to take him home today.”​Felicia smiled.​ “He has been doing well. I think it’ll do both of you a world of good to get out of here. That poor man has been in a hospital for months. Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked, helping Audrey up.​ “Absolutely. I’m fine,” she repeated.Felicia dashed out of the room, and Audrey called to reserve a cab. She was thankful for the bonus Damian had given her. It was more than enough to secure the apartment and furnish it.He even helped her get a hospital bed for her father’s room. Everything was working out.​ “This is for the best,” she said, trying to convince herself. “This is what we need.”​**********^In the
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Why are you leaving me?
“That would be nice.”Audrey replied.​ “There is a good spot close to you. I’m at the studio now. I’ll pick you up in a few minutes.”Damian texted back.​ “No that’s okay. If it’s close, I’ll walk. I need the air.”​ “Are you sure?”​ “Positive. I’ll meet you there.”​ Damian sent her the name of the bar, and it was right down the street from her. A five-minute walk tops. As she walked towards the bar, her mind wandered in every direction except the one she wanted it to.All she wanted was to get Lucien out of her mind, and he just wouldn’t leave. Would she be able to run from him forever? Eventually, they would have to hash this out.​ Damian was waiting for outside when she arrived.​ “Are you all right? He asked when he saw her. “You look troubled.”​ “I feel troubled,” Audrey admitted. “I checked my dad out of the hospital, and moved us into the apartment without telling Lucien.”​ “I thought he knew,” Damian said as he escorted Audrey inside.​ “If he did, he’d never let me go.”
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Hollow ache.
Persistent knocking erupted at Audrey’s door.​ “What in the hell?” Audrey wondered.Her father had gone to sleep, and she was nursing a headache from last night. The banging at the door wasn’t going to help either of them.Audrey answered the door was surprised to find Lucien standing there. He looked awful, as though he hadn’t slept in days.​ “How did you find me?” she asked.​ “Are you kidding? You think you could just disappear on me?”​ “What do you want?” Audrey sighed.​ “We need to talk.”​Audrey wanted to send him away. She wanted him to turn away and walk out of her life. But they did need to talk. To resolve things once and for all.​ “Fine. Daddy just went to sleep. I have some time.” She stepped aside, making space for him.“Come in.”Lucien looked around the apartment as Audrey led him to a cozy couch.​ “This is small,” he commented.​ “It’s more than enough for Daddy and me. Did you come here to insult my apartment?”​ “Why did you leave?”​ “Really?” Audrey laughed.
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A new life.
“I should be happy.”He thought.‘Mia wants me back. It’s what I wanted, right? Then why I feel so… empty?’He stood there for what felt like an eternity. The divorce agreement felt like lead weight in his hand. He didn’t want this.​ “I wanted to try,” he said to no one.Audrey heard him on her side of the door, and did everything she could to muffle her cries.Lucien put the paperwork against the door, and signed it before he changed his mind. “Goodbye, Audrey. I’m sorry.” He pushed the signed agreement under her door and left.Audrey sank to the floor and let her heart shatter.​ “I wanted to try too,” she whimpered. Deep, painful sobs took hold her of her and she tried to let every ounce of her feelings for Lucien die.​Lucien walked to his car, feeling disconnected from his body. Audrey’s past words swirled through his mind.*I like him. Despite everything, and I tried not to. I really tried. But I’m falling in love with him. I know right? How stupid of me. How could I let that h
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