All Chapters of The Billionaire's Toy: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
150 Chapters
Lucien’s wife.
“Listen, I know this has been difficult, and I haven’t made it any easier with my expectations. And I’m sorry about that. I figured we could pick up right where we left off, but we’re different people.”“Mia…”“Please let me finish. If I don’t say this now, I’ll never be able to say it.” Lucien nodded for her to continue. “I hurt you. And I will never forgive myself for that. We may not be everything we were, but I hope we can rebuild something between us again. Remember…” she laughed. “Remember that one time we got lost in the woods during that one camping trip?”“Yeah,” Lucien smiled without wanting to. “You were crying the whole time.”“Excuse me,” she feigned offense. “I remember that quite differently. You were such a scaredy cat back then.”“I was not,” He laughed. “Okay, maybe a little. But still, that time you were the one that was scared. You were convinced that a witch was going to come and eat us.”“I was eight,” Mia defended herself. “How about that time I had to save you
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Your father’s will.
Lucien realized what she was doing. He was still mad at her, but he was grateful for this interaction between her and his cousin. Mia’s visits to the office became a regular thing. Over the next few weeks, the staff grew to like her and were enthusiastic for her visits. She was charming, kind, and polite. He was happy to see this change in her. It made living with her easier. She had recovered from her miserable marriage with Philip, and some of the old Mia had begun to shine through.She seemed ready to move into the next chapter of her life but was trapped in this arranged marriage. It was unfair for both of them. He thought they should have a conversation about that soon. The more time that passed, he knew that he would never love her. Because it had become abundantly clear to him. He loved Audrey now.********Along with Mia’s regular visits to the office,Stella and Julius started visiting his home.Mia was the happy, courteous, and elegant wife society dictated she should be. Luc
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That baby.
Lucien stared at them, his eyes blank and empty.“Your position in the company is in better standing since you got married. Mia’s family is powerful and influential in high society,” Julius stated. “The board is pleased by this union.”“And it was me that arranged the marriage. We should be compensated for securing your standing in the company. My brilliant idea and quick thinking saved you.”Lucien laughed, but the sound was cynical and sour.“Of course. I should have known,” he shook his head, and a sad smile stretched across his face. “For a moment, just a moment I let myself believe that I meant more than dollar signs to you. But I should have known better. And now I see that you trapped me in a marriage I didn’t want so you two could secure your fucking pay day.”“Your father left you everything, and only gave us some stupid cottage that no one wants,” Stella screeched.“You have to take care of us now,” Julius added.“Why should I?Why have you two always been so lazy to work for
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Finding her.
After the visit with Stella and Julius,Lucien was surlier and withdrawn. His security team was unable to find Audrey at all. It was though she had disappeared from the face of the earth.The only lead he had was Damian. He was sure that she got a job with his company. But every attempt to search Damian’s employee roster was like hitting a brick wall.Lucien was certain that Audrey was working for him, but no one could find anything or confirm his suspicion. It was maddening. Part of him didn’t even know why he was looking for her anymore. He was sure she had moved on. Telling her that he knew how he felt about her now wouldn’t change anything, but something in him knew he needed to find her.Immersion into work was the only solace he had in life.Mia had once been that comfort. She was the safe place he ran to when he wanted to escape his life. Now there was nowhere to go.“Sir,” the security captain announced himself as he walked into Lucien’s office. “I have something to report.”“H
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In love with you.
The fear that he would leave her the way she left him always lingered in her mind. He had made it crystal clear that he didn’t love her. She was getting tired of hearing it. His declarations of “un-love” were getting to be too much. This plan was all she had to keep him by her side.A couple of weeks later, Mia got the confirmation she was waiting for. The investigator sent her photos of Audrey and her new boyfriend shopping for new baby necessities. Clothes, bottles, diapers, baby furniture, they were all the smoking gun she needed. The cherry on top was a photo of Audrey from the side. It was small, but there was an unmistakable baby bump visible.“These are great!” Mia commended the investigator on their weekly phone call.“Are you satisfied with the information that was obtained?”“I am. I won’t need any more photos, but what I need now is for you to continue to impede my husband’s efforts into finding her. Do whatever it takes.”“How interesting. The wife uses her husband’s money
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Damian was true to his word. The very next day went by as though he hadn’t said anything. Nothing had changed at all. It was a well-known fact at the office thatAudrey and Damian were friends. But it was also clear that he didn’t show her any favoritism. She was held to the same standard as everyone else, and that did not change after he bared his soul to her.Her baby bump continued to grow, and Damian continued to care for her whenever he was available. They spent just as much time together, preparing for the arrival of Audrey’s baby.But they were unaware of the eyes that were following them. At every turn, a camera snapped photos of them. Their movements were monitored, and at the other end, Mia was watching. She was always watching.**********It was slower than she would have liked, but Mia was improving her image with Lucien. Her frequent visits to the office had garnered favor with his staff. In her interactions with them, he was able to see small glimpses of the old Mia. She
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The perfect plan.
It was the perfect plan. Regardless of what he thought, she still knew him better than anyone else.Lucien was who he was because of her. Even when she had left him, every decision he made was influenced by Mia. She was his puppet master, and he had no idea.Mia left the room, knowing that Lucien wouldn’t come out if she was still in there. She’d give him his space for now. Her plan was already in motion.When Mia left, Lucien emerged from the bathroom. His skin was red from the searing hot water and raw from scrubbing.He swathed himself in a fluffy robe, clambered for his phone and called the only person he thought might listen to him.“This had better be good,” Mark chided.“I fucked up,” Lucien sank to his bed.“What? More than usual?” Mark laughed.“No, I’m serious. I got drunk last night and had sex with Mia.”“She is your wife. Aren’t you supposed to?”“Shut up. You know I don’t want to be in this marriage. I talked yesterday about ending it, and then this happens?”“You don’t
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Faked pregnancy revealed.
“Yes ma’am,” Minnie smiled. She’d dealt with similar employers before. But Mia was the worst.“No, I don’t think you do,”Mia talked down to her. “My husband loves me and will fire you if I tell him to. You need to know your place in the house.“My place is very clear. I’m here to care for you and your unborn child.” Minnie never lost her cool or composure.Mia was often mean and rude to her when Lucien was gone. As soon as Lucien returned, she was sweet and complementary. This wasn’t her first time dealing with a situation like this, but something didn’t sit right with her. As the weeks passed, Minnie couldn’t help but notice that Mia didn’t show any signs of pregnancy. She would talk about morning sickness and fatigue, but Minnie hadn’t witnessed any of it. She knew every pregnancy was different… but there was something wrong about this one. Something very wrong indeed.**************“I didn’t think this through well enough,” Mia said as she looked at her very flat belly. It was get
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Come back to me.
Lucien was so angry; his fists clenched and punched the wall hard.“And what did you do to Audrey?I trusted you about saying she had wanted to steal from me and my family, but now I think I wronged her because of you. I am a fool to give you so much of credit for old times’ sake.”Mia was speechless, she couldn’t stop crying, “I did wrong, I apologize, but that’s only because I love you.”Lucien told her ruthlessly, “I never want to see you ever again, and don’t think you can get a penny from me, I’ll leave you nothing. If you were only after me, I might still consider ending this marriage nicely, but you hurt Audrey, the love of my life, I’ll never forgive you for what you did to her.”“I’ll come back tomorrow; I want you to leave with all of your stuff out of here and never let me see you again.”“Where will I go?” Mia yelled.“I don’t give a fuck!” He then stormed out, leaving Mia alone sobbing.**************Lucien went to the bar alone, he blamed himself for what he did to Audre
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Pleasing her.
“By the way, here’s my business card.” He added.“Lee Tung.”Audrey took his card.“You are a Michelin-rated chef?! I can’t afford it.”She was surprised.“And I am not Mrs Reynolds.” Audrey added.“No worries, you don’t need to pay me. Lucien called me to prepare dinner for his wife.”The door suddenly opened, Lucien was coming back from the grocery store, with two bags on his hands.“Oh, you’re awake.How’re you feeling?” He looked at Audrey.Emma took a glance at the chef, and said nothing.“Lee,I bought everything on your list.” Lucien said.“Especially the vinegar from your hometown, ZhenJiang.” He added.“Are you sure it’s the right one?” Lee asked.Lucien picked up the bottle to show Lee.“Not the brand I always use, but it’ll do the trick. Now let the magic begin.” Lee walked towards the kitchen, and closed the door.“You don’t have to do this.” Audrey looked at Lucien, and walked towards the couch.Before he said anything,she felt her baby was kicked .Lucien noticed Audrey migh
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