All Chapters of The Lycans' Obsession: Chasing Our Rogue Queens: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
137 Chapters
CHAPTER 31- Let’s Go Pack
A mysterious vehicle creeps towards the back of Stan's Fast Food where the apartments are located.It is the same luxurious vehicle that caused quite a stir in the restaurant parking lot hours ago due to its imposing design and exorbitant price tag. At the wheel sits a beautiful woman with her eyes squinting as she intently examines her surroundings. She behaves haughtily and is clearly of high rank. It has been ages since she last took the wheel, so she is no longer skilled at driving. Tonight, she's on a special mission and doesn't want any snoopers around; thus, she gives leave to her driver. Ultimately, she cautiously halts at the entrance of Cissy and Xanna's residence.“I think this is the right place," she asserted to her fellow passengers. “Our informant said their apartment is on this side. We can't be wrong, as there are only two in proximity and it's quite apparent that this one is newly constructed." Another woman in the vehicle taps a
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CHAPTER 32- Guilty Feelings
Alpha Female Ciciane's POVThe Alpha Females were true to their word. After several hours, our SUV arrived at the entrance, and we were able to load up all of our belongings. It was quite disheartening to accept money from those with my parents and pack's blood on their hands, but I knew I needed to stay rational. With a car and money, I can complete my mother's assignment faster.We don't have to waste any more time now, if everything goes as planned, we should be in the Kingdom within three days. Our only concern is gaining entry into the Palace since it's not easily accessible to ordinary werewolves like us. In addition, I was constantly fearing that Xanna would give in to temptation and still have sex with her mate. His wolf would immediately know that she was his mate, as the pull would cancel out all other influences. And then I too would have to confess that Harad is my mate, that we are the females they chased on th
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CHAPTER 33- A Fever Running
Prince Harad's POVThe piercing jangle of a bell abruptly wakes me from my much-needed sleep.I wonder who that might be, there is hardly anyone who knows about our presence here. And with our subdued aura, not a single werewolf in this area is able to recognize us.Even Cissy and Xanna don't know where we live yet. Last night I told Cissy that we rented a penthouse but did not provide any further details. Herod and I had promised our girls a date but were forced to postpone it after the King summoned us to find our mate. So we went back to that mysterious cave in the forest in the hope that our mates had returned there and we could find a fresher scent or any clue that could put us on their trail. And again we were disappointed, it was clear that they never went back.However, we did not give up, we scoured the area again, we noticed some scents here and there but none of them proved to be from our mates. Exhausted and dejected, we interrogated every soul that crossed
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CHAPTER 34- New Scenario
Prince Harad's POV stillWe leave the penthouse in the women's lavish vehicle.They have come well-prepared, their spacious vehicle is capable of comfortably accommodating six people, three of whom are robustly built men. As I sink into the back seat, I observe the proceedings, this seems perfectly set up to me.With Shiri behind the wheel, we zoomed towards a bustling pub nestled in the heart of town, roughly twenty minutes from Stan's eatery. To be honest, I was hoping we'd go there and I'd be able to catch a glimpse of Cissy or even pull her aside for a chat.We are currently seated on the terrace in a VIP corner with prime views of the bustling street. In front of me, there is a large table filled with all sorts of delicacies being served. But my appetite just can't get going, damn, this feels like cheating, not on my unknown mate, but rather on my stunning girlfriend. I turn my gaze outward and scan over the crowd as it moves along, probably to get to work on time. But
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CHAPTER 35- A Setup
Again Prince Harad's POV You're running after fleeing mates, and here are some beautiful, willing women at your disposal. How can one be of help to the other? Oh Goodness, what should I make from this? Firstly, I'm not searching for my mate, all that I yearn for now is to be with Cissy. I can't wait until we're done here, but the women have more plans in store, encouraged by my brother and friend. It appears things couldn't get any worse. My mate can stay away for all I care, she doesn't feel like meeting me, so I don't have to anymore. When she notices that I am happy with Cissy, she will come to her senses but then it will be too late. Cissy is it for me all the way, that mate bond can be stolen from me. It felt amazing when it fell into place but it's over now. And then it starts to dawn on me. Could they… no, this is unbelievable! My eyebrows shoot up, my eyes widen as I look at the two men in front of me. 'Aahhh, I notice that the young Prince is awake,' Walter teas
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CHAPTER 36- Flipped The Script
Again Prince Harad's POVHerod and Walter stormed into the sitting room like two roaring lions. Their faces don't bode well. When they see Shiri, who is almost sitting on my lap, they walk towards her menacingly. “Did you organize all of this, woman?” my brother growled in her face. “We were in the VIP room, how did the photographers know exactly where to be?”As I cast my gaze backward, I see the other two sisters guiltily watching from a distance, he has probably also scolded them. There has to be some foul play involved in all of this. Shiri rises confidently and fearlessly locks her gaze with Walter's.“Chief Warrior, may I remind you that the Princes are persons of high public interest and their mere presence turns heads wherever they go?” she reasoned. “The possibilities of how the press found out about them are open. As you'll recall, we came from a pub accessible to the general public. And When we entered this mall, we could have
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CHAPTER 37 - Alone
Alpha Female Ciciane’s POVAs we continue on our way, all concerns or anxieties that have been preoccupying us simply dissipate into nothingness.We speed past dense forests and deserted neighborhoods, while the invigorating scent of fresh air fills my lungs. This trip is fun; I forbid myself from thinking about that gorgeous guy I left back in Human Town. Instead, I focus on enjoying every moment of this exciting and adventurous journey."Cissy, let's go for a run in the next nature park we come across," Xanne suggested cheerfully. "We haven't allowed our wolves to have a leisurely run for quite some time now, not since we had to flee from Crescent Moon."That seems like a fantastic idea! Without any hesitation, I firmly press my foot down further onto the accelerator.Era is absolutely ecstatic about the prospect of spending time in nature again, instead of being constantly confined in my mind. A mere ten minutes later, we exit once more and undress. In an instant,
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CHAPTER 38- You Are Special
Alpha Female Ciciane's POV Still I stand still as loneliness slowly washes over me. The further Xanne walks away, the deeper this feeling becomes. I cannot live without my best friend. With my Alpha genes, I can easily keep myself safe at this age, but Xanna is an integral part of me. It feels like we share a special bond, it's beyond mere survival instinct for me. I snap out of my apathy and chase after her, terrified at the thought of losing her.She has disappeared among the tall trees in her human form. Perhaps she is so angry that she forgot to shift, or maybe she does not plan on traveling with me any further. "Xanne, Xanne, wait!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. When I arrived at the dense forest and still didn't see her anywhere, I was at my wit's end. I had to think of something extraordinary that could soften her heart and help to forget
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CHAPTER 39- Trivial Matters
Still Alpha Female Ciciane's POVWe're cruising down the road in high spirits.The once fraught atmosphere between us has completely cleared up, we are the best friends again as before.That is something I really admire about Xanna, her given word stands, when she indicates that she has forgiven me, she is completely done with the issue we argued about. I couldn't have a more wonderful friend! “Cissy, I'm so hungry. We've missed breakfast, went swimming and it's now almost lunchtime. My stomach is grumbling,” she suddenly complained. “According to the online map, there should be a pit stop not far from here where we can have Italian. Right now, I can eat an extra large Pizza all by myself with ease." She's right, I can hear the rumblings coming from my hungry belly as well.So we keep a close eye on the billboards along the road and after driving for a few kilometers, a gas station with an attached restaurant comes into view. After pull
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CHAPTER 40- In Hot Water
Again Alpha Female Ciciane's POV As we settled into the car, I noticed a change in Xanne's mood. There was a notable drop in her usual cheerfulness. No matter how craftily she tries to conceal it, I know her too well not to notice.It's definitely about that man in the car whom she suspects to be her mate. But in this case, I am resolute and will not capitulate, we are too close to our goal and can't afford any delay at this point. Only one more day and then we will be free to do whatever we desire. Then she can take her time to explore her relationship with the man, as long as it doesn't affect me in any way.As we approach our eighteenth birthday, Xanne's hormones are raging like wildfire, she really needs to slow down and understand that we can never have two mates. The stranger might have been a member of our pack who miraculously survived the catastrophe of Eclipse Howlers. Time will tell, but not now. W
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