All Chapters of Me, My Husband, and His Boyfriend : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
211 Chapters
131. A Rabbit Caught by Two Wolves
Unfortunately, the person she wanted to avoid the most was the person who silently followed her when she went down from the rooftop to the ground floor. Even when she was in the elevator, the person acted as her shadow as he stood behind her without saying anything. Jessica also chose to see the person as her shadow and pretended not to see him. Unfortunately, once again she had to meet another person she most wanted to avoid when she finally came out of the hotel and stood in front of the hotel lobby. Originally, she planned to call a taxi and go home quietly, but a familiar black car had just stopped in front of the lobby, and a familiar man had just gotten out of the car. “Why are you here, Noh?” It wasn't Jessica who asked that question, but the question came from Tyler who was standing next to her when they were in front of the hotel lobby. Indeed, it was Noah who had just gotten out of the black sedan and was standing in front of the two people wh
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132. Your Boyfriend's Slave
Why did Jessica look so annoyed with Tyler? The answer was none other than how the man dared to kiss her in front of everyone on the rooftop during the party. Of course, it was just a kiss on the cheek, but Jessica was worried that people would be suspicious of their relationship. After all, there was indeed 'something' between them, and she was trying hard not to reveal it in front of everyone. That was the reason why she treated Tyler coldly like when they first got to know each other a few months ago, but she still accepted Noah's offer who said he would send her home tonight. She was exhausted, and she was worried that something bad would happen to her if she insisted on walking to get a taxi. That was why she was sitting in the back seat of the black car tonight. She was sitting right behind the driver's seat, and the driver was none other than her husband. From her position, she could see how Tyler, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver's
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133. Lover or Stranger?
[“I learned the address from her assistant. She didn't look well at the party, but she insisted on going home alone in that condition. I was worried if something bad happened to her, and that's why I asked her assistant for her address. Thankfully, her assistant was willing to give me the address.”] That was how Tyler managed to save himself from Noah's suspicion a week ago, and Jessica almost snorted at how well he used his mouth when it came to making excuses. Tyler did manage to save himself from Noah, but Jessica failed to protect her address because of Tyler's loose mouth. In the end, Noah stopped the car right in front of her apartment building, and she got out of the car before slamming the door hard. She also didn't bother to thank the two men and quietly entered her apartment building. That was what happened a week ago, and today was the day she had to go to Noah's mother's house to celebrate her birthday. It was almost seven in the evening, bu
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134. The Real Story
Jessica had grown closer to Tyler in the past month before she decided to move away from him. While the two of them were still close, Tyler told her that he didn't have a car. He said that he had to restart his life since his family kicked him out many years ago, and he had to leave everything behind, including money. He started it all with nothing in his pocket, and even after so many years had passed, he was still a poor man who didn't have much money in his wallet. A few months ago, his life started to change after he had a project with Button Boss, but he was still not rich enough to buy a car or maybe a house. That's why he accepted Noah's offer to live in his apartment, but he still didn't own a car to this day. That was also the reason why he could only drive Jessica's car today even though he confidently said he would send her to meet Noah's mother. Jessica sat in the passenger seat, while Tyler sat behind the wheel. No one said anything as the car contin
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135. Lovesick Girl
Jessica had only known Tyler for a few months, while Noah had known that man for years. Even though the two men weren't always together, their bond remained strong, even fate seemed to support them because it finally brought them together again after years of separation. That was why Jessica couldn't compare herself to her husband when it came to Tyler, and maybe that was the reason why she could guess that Tyler wouldn't just let Noah go even if she came in between them. While Jessica's mind was preoccupied with her insecurities, she suddenly gasped when her hand in her lap was suddenly enveloped in warmth. When she turned her gaze to the left, she could see the warm hand belonged to Tyler. However, the warmth only enveloped her hand for a moment because Tyler immediately withdrew his hand before using it again to support his other hand gripping the steering wheel. “I'm right-handed, so I can't use my left hand to drive for too long. That's w
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136. She Should Resign
She assumed her husband was already at her in-laws' house when she arrived there. The house was even smaller than her parents' house. Even the front yard was small, which was why she could only park her car on the side of the road. The living room was directly connected to the dining room, and the kitchen was only separated by a cupboard from the dining table. That was why Jessica could catch a glimpse of her mother-in-law's back while the older woman was preparing something in the kitchen. The woman said that the last dish was not finished yet, and that was the reason why she asked the two people to wait for her at the dining table while she finished the dishes. “Are you driving alone from your company?” Noah asked his wife at the dining table, and from the low volume of voice he just used, Jessica knew that he intended to talk only to her without his mother hearing. "Of course," Jessica lied, looking away from the man sitting next to her. “I
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137. Her Favorite Dish
Jessica was more silent when she heard Noah's words than when she heard Kelly's question. 'Why did you end up blaming me? You're the infertile one, so why are you blaming me instead?' Gritting her teeth, she really wanted to scream at her husband, but she held it in because her mother-in-law was sitting right across from her. Her blue eyes continued to stare intently at the man sitting next to her, and the man also returned her gaze this time. But, her opinion a few months ago was correct that Noah's entire existence was made of shamelessness. The man didn't look embarrassed at all after voicing that absurd statement, and he could still look at her with confidence. Jessica couldn't believe that her husband's true color was too black, but before she could say anything, she heard Kelly speak again, “You can't blame your wife like that, Noah! If there are any problems in your married life, you should discuss them with her instead of blaming her like that!”
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138. What Kind of Husband?
Noah and Kelly hurriedly followed Jessica to the bathroom in the house, and they could see how Jessica vomited in the sink. Kelly looked worried as she stood slightly behind the blonde before using her hand to massage the nape of the woman's neck to help her release all that she wanted to let out. “What's wrong with you? Does the food I cook taste bad?” Looking guilty, Kelly asked the blonde woman. Jessica didn't answer immediately because she still didn't feel relieved after taking the grilled chicken out of her mouth. She ended up emptying everything from her stomach just because of the taste of the grilled chicken, but she actually wanted to say that the chicken didn't taste bad at all. On the contrary, the dish was still delicious as usual, but it made her stomach feel uncomfortable after her tongue tasted it. “It doesn't taste bad…” Jessica finally managed to come up with a weak answer because she didn't want her mother-in-law to misunderstand. “It
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139. I'm Sorry, Dad
Jessica felt a sense of deja vu when she slowly opened her eyes and was immediately greeted by a white ceiling. “Am I in a hospital again?” She muttered to herself as she remembered that she also saw a similar ceiling not long ago. At that time, she suddenly fainted in her office, and Tammy immediately took her to a hospital. That day, she finally discovered the truth about her condition, and she was so shocked that she even took a week off just to reorganize her jumbled thoughts. Unfortunately, even after a week had passed, her mind was still chaotic, and it got worse when she was suddenly invited to dinner at Noah's mother's house tonight. "Right. I should be at his mother's house, right? Why am I at the hospital instead?" “You're here because you passed out again, you idiot!” Jessica's body jolted when she heard a familiar voice. Previously, she only saw a white ceiling because she was lying in a hospital bed, but then she turned
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140. Who Is The Father?
Their parents probably thought that Noah was too shocked and needed to process everything before he could truly feel the overflowing happiness in his heart because of the good news. They probably also thought that Noah wanted to be alone with his wife so that the two of them could celebrate the good news in private, and that was why they left the ward without hesitation after hearing the man's request. Currently, there were only Jessica who was still lying on the hospital bed, and Noah who was still standing next to the bed in the ward. The air between them felt tight and oppressive, and Jessica even felt fear in her heart when the man didn't say anything. "Who is the father?" Noah's deep voice finally broke the silence in the room. Jessica didn't look surprised by the question. After all, she already suspected that the man chose to stay with her alone in the room not because he wanted to celebrate the good news, but instead, he surely wanted
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