All Chapters of Me, My Husband, and His Boyfriend : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
226 Chapters
171. It's Mine, Not His
Unfortunately, the male sonographer was not as friendly as Helena, and his face became flat after hearing Noah's unexpected words. "Oh," he answered flatly. “If that's the case, you can look for another sonographer now. Unfortunately, this hospital only has male sonographers, so you may need to look for another hospital to find the sonographer you want, sir.” Not that the sonographer sounded offended by Noah's words. On the contrary, he sounded lazy when he said his answer, and he would have even casually left the room if Jessica hadn't tried to stop him. “Please continue with the procedure!” Jessica said, and the sonographer turned to her. "But your husband won't let me do that, ma'am," answered the sonographer lazily. "It's okay," Jessica answered, glancing at her husband. “The skin you will touch is mine, not his. I am the one who can decide whether someone can touch what is mine or not.” Even though her relationship wit
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172. You're So Lucky
Jessica was surprised by Noah's answer, and for a moment, she didn't know what to do or say after hearing his answer. However, she chose to ignore what he said in the end, thinking that Noah might be confused by some things, but he would soon return to himself. Jessica kept telling herself not to fall twice. This time, they once again sat across from Helena with only a rectangular table separating them. The results were in the doctor's hands, and she looked serious about reading them until her brows furrowed. “Is everything okay, doc?” Anxious, Jessica asked the doctor. Hearing the question, the doctor then looked up from the report in her hand before answering, "There's nothing wrong here." She smiled, then continued, “During the examination, did you see the image displayed on the computer, Mrs. Brooks?” "Yes," answered Jessica. “Is there something wrong with the image, doc?” “No, no. It's nothing like that,” the doctor answered imm
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173. Twin Cousins
The husband and wife walked side by side in the hospital corridor. It was quite a busy day at the hospital, and many people were walking in the corridors. Noah even accidentally bumped into some people several times and needed to apologize for it. “Can you focus on walking instead of continuing to look at that picture?” Walking beside him, Jessica scolded the tall man. The reason was that it was completely Noah's fault that he ended up bumping into those people. He was holding a piece of paper, and a picture was displayed on the paper. It was none other than the ultrasound image they got from the doctor, and his eyes were glued to the image after they left the doctor's room. "There are two babies in your stomach," he muttered, but it seemed like he had no intention of answering his wife's question. "I know!" Jessica answered while rolling her eyes. “The doctor has already explained everything to me, and you don't need to repeat it. Save your e
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174. Gender Reveal
The next day, when she was about to tell her mother about the results of the previous day's examination, her mother surprised her with her answer. [“NO! Don't say anything about the gender of the baby now!” Jessica even had to move her cell phone away from her ear when her mother uttered a response while raising the volume of her voice. Jessica only called her mother, instead of coming directly to her parents' house to tell them. It was Sunday, but she was too lazy to get out of bed, and that was why she just grabbed her cell phone before calling the older woman. "Why did you suddenly change your mind, Mom?" While lying on her bed, Jessica tried to be patient while asking her mother. "Before I went to the hospital yesterday, you always told me to immediately do an ultrasound examination so that you could immediately find out the gender of your grandchild. Why don’t you want to know the gender now?” “It's not that I don't want to know
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175. Fraternal Twins
“So… it will be two babies instead of one? There are twins in Jessica's stomach?” Noah's mother asked the questions in disbelief. How Noah blew up two balloons instead of just one could mean there were two babies in Jessica's belly. "Yes, twins," Noah answered his mother. “I read some articles online that women over 30 have a greater chance of multiple conception, and as a result, they often have twins. I think that’s the reason why Jessica ends up having twins in her womb.” Jessica secretly glanced at her husband. These past few days, her husband had been busy when he wasn't working at the company. Sometimes, he read articles about babies, and he also tried to know more about pregnancy. It was actually surprising since he seemed to be interested in that stuff lately. Even when Jessica didn't think much about her pregnancy, Noah still acted as if he were the father of the babies in her womb. Of course, Jessica was confused by her husband's cha
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176. Break His Heart
Noah and Tyler. These were the names that had confused her lately. Nearly half a year ago, she had been so confident when she said that those two men were her puppets, and she was the one who could control them as she pleased. But, when she couldn't even control herself, how was she supposed to control those two puppets? Luckily, the gender reveal party had ended, and all the guests had left the apartment. Jessica was already in her room, and she was about to go to sleep when she noticed how her cell phone, which had previously been lying on the bedside table, suddenly vibrated. She said irritably, “I should have turned it off so it wouldn't bother me when I'm in a bad mood!” She scolded herself, but she still brought her feet towards the small table by the bed. She then grabbed the device before reading the caller ID displayed on the screen. Her body froze when she saw Tyler's name on it. “Speak of the devil, and the devil will come
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177. Fake Happiness
“Noah will not know the truth about Tyler being the father of my child. Even when we finally divorce, I won't tell him that this child is Tyler's," Jessica muttered to herself after the phone call with Tyler ended. She looked anxious, and her hand subconsciously moved to caress the lump on her stomach. She actually used those two sentences to respond to Tyler's statement. She told Tyler that neither of them should say anything about the child's father even after she and Noah divorced. Instead, she and Noah would pretend they couldn't be together anymore and had no choice but to separate, but no one would know the truth about the child. Everyone would still think that the child was Noah's after separating. That was what Jessica said on the phone, and luckily, Tyler agreed to listen to her. He only said that Jessica also needed to keep her promise to marry him after the divorce. In the end, Jessica could only agree to that condition. Talking to
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178. Thirty-Six Weeks Pregnant
“So, you will start taking maternity leave tomorrow? Don't you think it's too early?” “That's too early for you? Do you want me to continue working here until I am forty weeks pregnant and give birth in this office? You might as well turn this office into a maternity hospital.” “…” Karl seemed speechless when he heard what Jessica said to him. Today, he arrived at the office a little late because his wife was sulking at him again. He had to accompany his wife to shop as much as she wanted, and not only that, he was also robbed by her. When he arrived at the office, it was almost lunchtime, and it wasn't just his stomach that was hungry. Even the cards in his wallet were hungry after losing too much. Right after he entered his office, Jessica came to him to tell him that she would start her maternity leave tomorrow, and that only made him even more gloomy. "It's scary to imagine you giving birth in this office," replied the bald man.
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179. Don't Misunderstand
Actually, Jessica was very dramatic when she said that she had no one to lean on and could only depend on herself during her pregnancy. In the past few months, behind Noah's back, she often leaned on Tyler when she felt tired or couldn't take it anymore. Tyler gave her more attention after confirming that the twins in Jessica's womb were indeed his. Even though she could only do everything with that man secretly, Jessica was grateful for his caring attitude. It couldn't be denied that she fell more and more in love with that man. But, Noah certainly didn't know that, and he didn't need to know either. Jessica assumed that she didn't need Noah's attention because she already had Tyler's attention on her, and that's why she was stunned after hearing what he said. “I don't want to burden you,” Jessica finally answered, but it sounded like she was mumbling rather than speaking out loud to her husband. Everyone in the office had gone out for lunch,
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180. A Good Boyfriend
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the cafeteria, his world seemed silent. There were no visible plugs in his ears, but he didn't seem to be able to hear anything in such a noisy place. On the table in front of him was the food he ordered, but the arrangement was still the same as when he had just received the food, not even a grain of rice was lifted from the plate. He was alone at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. When the other tables were filled, he managed to find a place for himself and seemed to be lost in his own world before finally taking out his phone from his pants pocket. He only needed to press the number 2 on his cell phone before dialing the number, and he put the cell phone to his ear before waiting for the person to answer. On the fourth ring, the phone call was answered, and he received a simple “hi” from the other line. “Where are you, Tyle?” Noah did not respond to the greeting and immediately questioned the person he c
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