All Chapters of Me, My Husband, and His Boyfriend : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
228 Chapters
71. Normal, Abnormal
“You should check your email to know the answer to your question, Mrs. Brooks,” sternly, the doctor answered Jessica’s question. How the older woman didn’t directly say “yes” or “no” actually suggested there was something wrong with the tests’ results, but Jessica still moved her hand that was still holding the optical mouse. On the browser that was shown on the monitor, she opened her email account, and she could see some emails in her inbox whose subjects were still bold, indicating that those emails had not yet been opened. On top of those unread emails, Jessica could see an email from the hospital where she and her husband did the infertility tests, and she clicked that email to open it. On the body of the mail was formal greetings from the hospital, stating that the results of the tests were attached to the email. There were indeed two documents attached along with the mail, and Jessica clicked one of them that had her name as the file’s name. Jessica wasn’t familiar with some
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72. Azoospermia
[“This is called azoospermia,” over the phone, Sarah Hones began to explain. "The testicles produce sperm, and the sperm moves through parts of the male reproductive system and mixes with fluids to form semen. Semen is the fluid that the penis releases during ejaculation, and if a man suffers from azoospermia, he can still produce semen, but there is no sperm in it." “…” Jessica froze after hearing the doctor's explanation. Even if Jessica wasn't very good at biology when she was still a student, she knew that sperm had a very important role in reproduction, and without sperm, a woman would not be able to get pregnant no matter how many eggs she produced. That was why Jessica looked very surprised after learning the fact that her husband didn't even have sperm in his semen. “Some people are born with no sperm count, while some people develop it as teenagers or adults. Unfortunately, Mr. Brooks's testicles do not produce sperm even after he matures, and it may be difficult for you a
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73. The Ordinary
Jessica didn't understand why she kept experiencing misfortune after misfortune. Was it because she had committed such a grave sin in the past that she deserved severe punishment? But, what kind of sin did she commit in the past for her to receive this kind of punishment? Or perhaps her accumulated sins were large enough to earn her this severe punishment? Yesterday, she received bad news in the form of Noah's infertility. If she no longer had anything to do with that man, she would laugh at his embarrassing situation of being impotent, but she couldn't even smile at the news because she still had a business to do with him. The two had an agreement, and Noah's circumstances would definitely affect the outcome of the agreement. Unfortunately, while Jessica was worried about how she could achieve her goals written in the agreement, Noah calmly proposed an idea that was completely crazy to her. “He's really crazy,” she couldn't help but mutter to herself as she recalled her conversati
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74. Two In The Morning
“…” For a moment, Tammy looked taken aback by Jessica's sarcastic question, but then she blinked to regain her composure as she answered, “You can't underestimate that program, sis! I know that program is the least popular among other radio programs, but I have to admit that the concept of the program is really cool! The producer invited people who seemed ordinary but were actually extraordinary, and it shows how we should not look at others superficially without thinking about how much potential they actually have!” Jessica suddenly saw fire in her assistant's eyes. It wasn't said out of anger or anything, but more like determination showing in those pair of eyes, and Jessica didn't even have the heart to say that her assistant was too naive that she even looked stupid. In the end, Jessica chose not to argue, and once again, she focused her eyes on her computer and said, “As long as the program pays me well, I don't mind letting my voice be heard by the boring citizens who choose t
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75. The Unpopular Channel
After lunch today, Jessica and Noah went back to the hospital to see meet the urologist, Dr. Ludwig. The appointment was made two days ago after they found out the results of the infertility test. Only Noah needed to continue seeing the doctor because he was the one who was labeled 'abnormal' based on the test results, but Jessica decided to go along because she wanted to know more information about her husband's condition. Unfortunately, they couldn't immediately find out the cause of Noah's problem. The doctor said that further examination was needed to find out the cause, and after finding the cause, they could decide on a solution. Jessica and Noah could only follow the doctor's advice, Noah even agreed to arrange several examination schedules with the doctor. Even though Noah seemed reluctant at first, in the end, everything worked out, and the two of them went their separate ways after seeing the doctor. After all, they were driving their own car instead of sitting in the same
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76. He's Waiting For You
Hastily, Jessica withdrew her arm from the black-haired man as her gaze turned ice cold. “What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?” She asked, and her tone was as cold as her gaze. “I'm not stalking you,” Tyler answered immediately. “I'm here to work, and I apologize again that my clumsy assistant almost gave you trouble.” For the second time, Tyler mentioned the word “assistant,” and Jessica quietly turned her gaze to the building entrance once again. She just remembered how a man had just entered the building through that entrance, and that man had also pushed her from behind because he looked like he was in a hurry. After remembering, Jessica turned to Tyler again before asking, "What are you doing here?" It was a repeat of the previous question that was still unanswered, and her gaze was still sharp as she directed it at the black-haired man. “I have a filming schedule at this place tonight. It's a variety show program, but I came late, and that's why my assistant was in
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77. Haunted Building
"What are you doing here?" “My assistant left before the filming was finished.” "So?" “He drives the company car, and I don't have a car.” "And?" "Can I get a ride?" “…” Jessica fell silent as she finally saw through Tyler's intentions. She and her assistant were confused when they saw the black-haired man near the entrance to the M-CHANNEL building. A few hours ago, her assistant seemed confident when she said that they would not see the man again after last night's encounter, but it only took a few hours to prove that Tammy's prediction was completely inaccurate. It was only ten minutes past 3 o'clock, and they had already met Noah's boyfriend. It was a shame for Jessica because she couldn't avoid the man. After all, he was standing near the entrance, and she would have to walk through that area if she wanted to go home. That was why she had no choice but to walk closer to the man, but before she reached the entrance, the man dared to block her way. She was also the one who
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78. Sun and Diamond
“That's why I wanted to leave the M-CHANNEL building in a hurry!” Suddenly, Tammy almost screamed as she said what was on her mind. Finally, Jessica decided to join in the conversation by asking her assistant, "When were you in a hurry to leave the M-CHANNEL building?" Jessica was sitting in the back seat, and Tammy looked back slightly as she answered, “Earlier when I agreed to take Tyler, I actually felt that something was wrong at the M-CHANNEL building. I somehow felt someone was staring at us from a distance, and the little hairs on the back of my neck even stood up when I felt that gaze!” “…” Jessica seemed speechless after hearing her assistant's answer. It wasn't that she was afraid after hearing her assistant's explanation, but she assumed that her assistant was overreacting, and she somehow doubted what she had just said. 'She could probably guess that I would scold her for letting Tyler come back with us, and that's why she made up that ridiculous story,' she lazily loo
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79. Shirtless Tyler
It turned out that Jessica had free time the next day. It was Sunday, and she didn't need to go to the office to work today. She actually didn't want to go to Noah's place just to pick up the small thing that wasn't too expensive. There was indeed a diamond on the earring, but it was only a small diamond, and it was not very expensive. However, the earrings, which were not too expensive, were a birthday gift she received from her mother last year. Every once in a while, her mother would come to her and ask, “You're not selling those earrings, are you?” Eyes full of suspicion, her mother appeared like a police officer when she asked the question, and Jessica needed to show the earrings to get the older woman to stop asking her. Now that she lost one of the earrings, she wouldn't be able to show it to her mother if the older woman came to question her as usual. That was why Jessica decided to strengthen her heart and once again went to her husband's apartment. It was Sunday, and she
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80. The Old Woman
“Oh? Is that you, Mrs. Brooks?” The old woman asked the question from a distance while squinting at Jessica, "It's been a long time since I last saw you, but I always see your husband here. Today, I can finally see you and your husband together. You two still look good together, and it reminds me of how my husband and I used to look good together. Unfortunately, my husband flew faster than me, and I no longer have him stand by my side. That's why I'm envious when I see you two together." Jessica looked at the woman in silence. The old woman was her neighbor, Catherine Poulsen. Jessica still remembered how the old lady had poor eyesight due to her age, and she often mistook other people. Catherine lived with her grandchild, and her husband died five or six years ago. In the past, the woman often visited Jessica at Noah's apartment, and the woman never stopped talking about her husband. Jessica was forced to listen to all the stories, but after she moved out of Noah's apartment, she n
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