All Chapters of Demanding All Of You: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
138 Chapters
Have to See Her
DamionIt felt good to be back. I was exhausted, but it didn’t matter. We had touched down last night, rented a truck, and were home. Home for good. I didn’t know what the future held in store for me, but being home was the first step in the right direction. Since we had left with only a few suitcases, the rest of our things were still in the house. I had returned the car, breaking my lease and not caring about the cost.The horses were back. We were back and I was ready to get started living, like truly living. I knew it wasn’t going to be a cakewalk. There would still be shit to deal with, but it would be in much smaller chunks. I didn’t have an exit strategy, which would force me to deal with that shit instead of getting up and leaving. I had burned my bridges in New York.There was no going back.“You good?” I asked Oliver, who was sitting in the rocking chair beside mine on the porch.He looked over at me, a huge grin on his face. “I’m good.”I laughed. “Do you feel happy?”He no
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Three Words
DamionI knocked again. I could hear movement beyond the door and knew she realized it was me. “Alex. Alex, can we talk?”I waited. Nothing. I shook my head. She was going to make it difficult. I leaned my forehead against the door. “Alex, please. Open up. I need to talk to you.”I heard a noise. It sounded like the door locking. She was making sure I didn’t bust in. It was a pretty clear signal that she was not going to invite me in and she was certainly not going to come outside so we could talk. If I wanted to say what I came to say, it was going to be through the door. Not exactly the scene I had envisioned, but I would take what I could get.I turned around, leaning my shoulders and head against the door, the warm sun beating down on me as I collected my thoughts. Everything was riding on what I said next. I wanted to take a few seconds to mull it over. I wouldn’t likely get another chance.“I’m sorry,” I started. “I shouldn’t have walked away. I was angry with myself. I realized
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Chase Me
AlexI stared up at the man that had captured my heart. His dark hair fell over his forehead. His blue eyes stared down at me. The way he was looking at me sent my heart racing. He was so beautiful. I knew men didn’t want to be referred to as beautiful, but he was. He had a kind heart. It was a little bruised and battered, but I had a feeling I could help him heal. Just like he could help me heal.“Damion?” I breathed his name.“I’m just looking,” he said, a soft smile on his lips.“There’s a lot more to see,” I suggested.He chuckled. “I know there is. I want to peel it away, one slow inch at a time.”I groaned. “Can we do that next time?” I pouted, going up on my elbows.His eyes smoldered as he bent at the waist, his hand pressing into the bed on either side of me. His mouth hovered over mine. “Promise?” he whispered.I slowly nodded. “I promise. Next time.”“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” he growled, his mouth covering mine.My lips parted, making way for his tongue to swe
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Fire Inside
AlexHe lunged forward before flipping me to my back. His body pounded into mine. It was his turn to dominate. His turn to show me how much he had missed me. I gave over my need to be in control. I gave it all to him. I surrendered to him.The moment I did, the orgasm bloomed deep inside my womb. There was a slow wave of heat that rolled over me, starting at the tips of my toes. I could practically feel my heart and soul slowly opening to him. I let him in, in all ways.A low keening sound escaped my lips as the moment intensified.“Look at me,” he breathed.I opened my eyes and found his boring into mine. “I see you,” I whispered.“I see you. You’re mine, Alex. This is us. We are together.”I would have agreed to walk across hot coals barefoot in that moment. I would have agreed to do anything. His body consumed mine. I let my eyes slide closed once again, relishing in the orgasm that finally erupted after a long, slow burn.“There you go,” he coaxed. “All of it. I want it all.”I cr
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New Things
DamionIt felt weird and good to be back in the kitchen of the farmhouse. The kitchen was outdated and nothing like the upscale kitchen I had in my apartment back in New York, but it didn’t matter. It was functional and had a homey touch, something that was missing in the icy gray and black modern kitchen. I flipped the pancake in the pan, quietly humming a song I didn’t know the name of.I was happy. Content. I felt settled. I remembered feeling like that when I had first come home, but it wasn’t a true settled feeling. I looked back on those days and realized I had one foot in New York. I didn’t now. I was so over the city. It had taken me a while to figure it out, but I got it now. I was a little on the slow side. I smiled, thinking of my grandfather. He would say I was on the stubborn side. Always trying to fight against the inevitable.Oliver meandered into the kitchen, sitting down at the table with his book in hand. “Did you remember the whipped cream?” he asked.I smiled and r
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Bow Fishing
DamionI shook my head. “Nope. Just the standard fishing. I had a couple of buddies who used to go out from time to time, but I think fishing was the last thing on their minds.”“Some things never change,” she said with a laugh. “What about deer hunting?”I cringed. “I’ve done it, but it’s not necessarily something I enjoy.”“Me either,” she agreed. “It’s too much meat for one person anyway.”“I had no idea you were such an outdoors kind of girl,” I joked.“I’m always outdoors, but usually, I’m taking care of the outdoors.”It was another piece of the puzzle that was Alex. She was a little tomboy and a lot sexy. She was capable of taking care of herself and being dainty at the same time. It was the perfect combination of tough and vulnerable.“All right, kid, go brush your teeth and find your shoes,” I ordered Oliver.He hopped up and raced down the hall to his room. Alex got out of her chair and walked to where I was standing. Her arms slid around my waist before she gave me a quick
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Glad You're Back
AlexOur fishing had been a bust—again. I promised Damion I would eventually catch him an entire bucket of fish that he could feast upon. It just wasn’t going to be that day. I personally didn’t care that we hadn’t caught any fish. I had such a great time hanging out with the boys, the rest of it didn’t matter.“How about ice cream?” I suggested.“Yes!” Oliver jumped up and down.“I think ice cream would be great,” he agreed.We loaded up our gear into the back of my truck and headed to the diner to get some hot fudge sundaes. We took a booth near the back of the place, taking advantage of it being mostly empty.“I’m glad we’re back,” Oliver said as he scooped a big chunk out of the sundae.“I’m glad you’re back as well,” I told him.“We had to live in a hotel,” he pouted. “Dad promised me we would get a yard. We didn’t. We had to be in a hotel. I didn’t have my own room or my toys. The hotel room was tiny and I had to be quiet all the time. It only had one TV.”“Wow,” I said with fei
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Happy Ending in Sight
Alex“He’s such a good kid. I almost envy him. Not envy him, like jealous, but I wish I would have had you as my dad.”“I don’t know if you want to envy him. He hasn’t had a mother all these years. He’s had a dad that works too much.”“But he’s had a dad that loves him and supports him. That’s what a kid needs. I don’t think it matters if it comes from a dad, a mom, a grandparent, or even an adopted parent. It doesn’t have to be all sunshine and flowers, but just mostly sunshine.”He laughed. “That was a very good pep talk. Thank you for that. I am going to be a better father. I’m going to shower him with so much sunshine and flowers he’s going to want to escape me.”I burst into laughter. “Maybe you don’t have to go that far.”“Thanks for hanging out with us today. He really does like you. Love you. The whole time we were in New York, he talked about you. He was so pissed at me. The kid really gave me a run for my money.”“I’m glad he pressured you into coming back. I’ll have to than
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What Brought You Back
DamionI pulled up to the school, parking the truck and climbing out. I was hoping the day camp program would be a great way for Oliver to hang out with his friends while possibly learning new stuff. I hated the idea of sending him off while I was at home, but this was something he wanted to do.“Okay,” I said, prepared to give him a little pep talk.“See you later, Dad!” he said, rushing up to the front door.I laughed. It was not the same kid I had dropped off at the summer program in New York. “Can I at least get a hug?”He turned around and ran back toward me. I gave him a quick hug before releasing him. It was a lot like releasing a caged animal back into the wild. He raced inside the small building and was already down the hall by the time I made it in. The drop off was so much easier and less stiff. There wasn’t a mountain of forms or security guarding the place. It didn’t feel like I was taking him to prison. He was going to be a kid and have fun with other kids. I could hear
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The Fifth
Damion“Oliver needs to be here. This is a great place to raise a kid. He was happy here and I had no business yanking him back and forth across the country. It is official. I am here to stay, and I have no plans to leave again. I don’t care about the inheritance or any of it. I’m going to live the life of a farmer. I’m stepping into the very large shoes my grandpa left behind. I just really, really hope I don’t completely fuck it up.”He smirked. “And Alex had nothing to do with it.”I grinned, shrugging a shoulder and saying nothing.“Ah, I see you’re taking the fifth. That says everything. Not having an answer is the answer in itself.”I avoided his gaze. “How have you been?” I asked, doing a very poor job of smoothly changing the subject.“I’m good. Have some time off and trying to stay busy. If I’m not chasing women, I’m drinking. Both activities get me in trouble.”“I could see why,” I said with a laugh.“Maybe I should go on over to New York and see what trouble I can find,” he
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