All Chapters of Demanding All Of You: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
138 Chapters
DamionI walked back into the barn, wiping my hands on my jeans before rubbing them across the back of my neck. It was hot and I had been working hard since I had dropped Oliver off at school. It had been a hard two weeks since we’d gotten back from Wyoming. After talking with Wayne, I felt even more connected to the farm. I saw how important it was for him to have his farm stay in the family and the sadness that it wasn’t.I didn’t know if I believed in life after death or angels, but if my grandfather was somewhere looking down on me, I didn’t want him to be disappointed. I didn’t want him to have that same sadness I saw in Wayne. I was ready to give it my all and make sure he could rest easy knowing the family legacy was being taken care of.“You ready to tackle that irrigation line?” I asked Alex before taking a drink from the water bottle that was lukewarm and not at all satisfying. She got up from where she was sorting out the tools we were going to need. She was wearing anothe
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Damion“I didn’t say that.”More hedging. Then a thought crossed my mind. “I’m sorry if I’m being insensitive, but is it because you can’t have children?”She smiled. “It’s not insensitive. I don’t know if I can or can’t, but I don’t know of any reason why I can’t.”I nodded. It was still not exactly the answer I was looking for. “I see.”“Hey, you never know. Maybe one of these days, I’ll find someone I like enough to go halfsies in making a baby.”“Oh,” I said, returning my focus to the pipes.She squatted down beside me. “I’m kidding.”“Which part?” I mumbled.“Most of it.”I was on my knees and forced to look up at her. “Most of it?”“I would love to have a family. I love the idea of family.”“I hear a but in there.”She sighed. “I don’t think I would be a good mother. I have nothing to go on. I don’t have an image of what a good mother should be.”I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her knees. “You don’t need formal training. Mothering just comes naturally to you.”“Not to every
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Playing Dirty
AlexI couldn’t stop smiling. I loved teasing him. I didn’t feel the least bit guilty about doing it. I always followed through with my promises. I always made sure to take care of anything that came up while we were together. Our relationship had evolved a lot in the last couple of weeks. Once the no sex in the barn rule had been established, we had managed to get a lot of work done.He tried to pay me on more than one occasion, but I didn’t want his money. Truthfully, I wanted his company, and spending a few hours working on the farm every day was worth it. In the back of my mind, I knew I would eventually need to take a job, but for the time being, I liked what I was doing. I liked the freedom to come and go as I pleased.“Looks like they’re done,” Damion said from behind me.I looked toward the doors. The first couple of kids came out of school. I stepped away from the vehicle, waiting for Oliver to make his appearance. When he came out of school, he stopped when he saw the both o
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A Billion Dollars
AlexDamion looked up at me and smiled. I held up the sodas as I walked toward him. The phone in my back pocket vibrated against my ass. I pulled it out and saw it was Wayne. “I need to take this. I’ll be outside.” I walked out of the store and answered my phone. “Hello, Wayne.”“Hello yourself. How are you?”“I’m good.”“How are Oliver and Damion?” he asked.I turned to look through the window and saw them both laughing about something. “They are doing very well. Oliver is enjoying his time at day camp. It works out great. Oliver gets to hang out with other kids and it allows us to get some work done on the farm.”“Why don’t you hire a team to take care of that?” he suggested.I scoffed. “Because that is expensive and unnecessary.”He laughed. “When you have that much money, you don’t need to worry about stuff like that. Enjoy your time together.”I frowned, wondering if Wayne was losing his faculties. He’d said a few odd things during our visit, and just now, he wasn’t making any se
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Another Fight
DamionI rather unenthusiastically slid the bacon onto the plate of scrambled eggs before calling Oliver to eat breakfast. I wasn’t feeling all that hungry myself and stuck with my coffee. Because I wanted to give him the idea of normalcy, I sat down at the table with him.“You’re not hungry?” he asked curiously.I shook my head. “No. I had some toast earlier.”“Did you already feed the horses?”I nodded. “I did, while you were sound asleep, snug as a bug in your bed.”He grinned. “I’m not a bug.”“I think you’re the cutest bug.”He took a bite of bacon. “Did you make a plate for Alex?”Hearing her name made the burning in my gut more intense. “No. She isn’t eating breakfast here today.”“Is she going to be here for lunch?” he asked.Listening to his questions about her whereabouts only fueled my own anger. She had flipped on a dime the day before. She’d been fine and laughing one second and then her phone rang. Instead of telling me what was bothering her, she’d run away from me. I w
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Playing Games
Damion“Of course, I am,” he answered. “Haven’t I proven I’m responsible enough?”I nodded. “Yes, you have. I don’t doubt your ability, but I don’t want to keep you from doing whatever else you had planned today.”“I don’t have anything planned, except wasting a few hundred BBs.”I sighed, hating that I was bailing out on Oliver, but figured he wouldn’t even know I was gone with Justin there. Justin had a way of being a very commanding presence, which was strange because he was such an unassuming guy. “Thank you. I really do appreciate it. I’ll buy you ten six-packs.”He laughed. “You could just buy me a case. We don’t want your sourpuss face hanging around anyway. Oliver and I have some shooting business to attend to. I brought those targets I promised.”I smiled, really appreciating how much Justin had changed. “He’s going to be thrilled. He said you had some zombie ones?”Justin grinned. “I do. I asked if he was afraid of zombies. He told me they weren’t real, and he couldn’t be af
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All About Money
AlexI stared at him, trying to see him for the man I now knew him to be. He still looked like the same old Damion, but I knew he wasn’t. Everything I thought I knew about him was a lie. It had been him pretending to be someone else. I felt duped. I hated being duped. The casual shorts and T-shirt that were well worn was all part of his act. He was trying to sell himself as a casual, normal man living the country life.In reality, he was a filthy rich guy playing farmer. I wondered if he secretly looked down at all of us. He was used to his high-rise apartment in the city and having gourmet meals delivered to his door. He was the kind of man who had his dry cleaning taken out for him. He was only playing a part. Nothing about him was real, which made me question everything. All night long, I had replayed almost every moment we spent together.The thing that bothered me the most was that initial first impression I got of him. That had been the real Damion. That was the guy he really wa
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Alex“The lying bothers me.”“I didn’t lie.”I rolled my eyes. “You didn’t tell me the whole truth. I guess you didn’t want me to know the real reason you came back because that would interfere with you getting laid. I suppose you think I’ll continue sleeping with you for the next few months until you’ve fulfilled your obligations and can run back to New York.”“That isn’t true. Not in the least. I’m not using you, nor would I ever use you or anyone for that matter. You can say what you want, but dammit, Alex, I’m not like that. Don’t insult me or yourself by trying to cheapen what this is.”I scoffed. “I can’t believe you kept it from me. Honestly, I can’t believe Oliver kept it from me either. Did he think I was a gold digger?”“Absolutely not. No one knew about the money. I didn’t know until the lawyer showed up at my office. He told me about my grandfather’s investments and how they paid off. When he told me it was all mine if I could live on the farm for six months, I didn’t jump
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Can't Buy Happiness
DamionI stared out over the water that looked like glass. Occasionally, there would be a small ripple that would disturb the surface before smoothing out once again. It was representative of my life in many ways. Things had once been calm and serene. They weren’t now. I was hoping they would be again soon, but I wasn’t counting on Alex being part of that calm serenity.“You okay?” Justin asked.I blinked, the world beyond the surface of the water coming into focus. “I’m good,” I answered.The gentle rocking of the small rowboat we were in had lulled me into a meditative state. He had invited me to go fishing with him while Oliver was at school. Initially, I was going to politely decline before I decided hanging out with him was better than sitting around the house and sulking.Unfortunately, it appeared I could sulk no matter where I was at. I was having a hard time focusing on the fishing I was supposed to be doing. I was hung up on Alex. It was becoming a usual state of mind for me
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A Man Can Dream
Damion“With that kind of money, I think you can certainly buy love.”“Not real love. I didn’t want some woman faking it.”“Do you think Alex is like that?” he asked, his tone slightly accusing.“Not at all,” I answered. “She’s the real deal. I know she loves Oliver and he loves her.”He was quiet for a few seconds. “Does she know you already have the money?”I shrugged. “I’m not sure. It seemed like she thought I had it or was going to be getting it soon.”“You didn’t tell her you had it before you came back the second time?”I slowly shook my head. “No. It seemed pointless. Alex is stubborn. When she gets something in her head, there’s no dislodging it. I didn’t see any point in arguing. She wasn’t going to believe a word I said. She’s convinced I’ve been lying to her from day one. Anything I said was going to be rejected. I didn’t want to stick around and listen to her insult me or what we had. I didn’t want to get mad and say something I would regret. I left.”“You do that a lot,”
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