All Chapters of Teach Me New Tricks: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
139 Chapters
Breakfast With Him
ChristopherI didn’t want to jinx it, but things were going well for Olin and I. He’d barely thrown an attitude in days. He hadn’t put up a fight when it was time to return to Conroe. It was like we had turned a corner and we were on track to have a good relationship.I was thrilled with the progress. It made me even more confident I was doing the right thing by choosing to focus on him instead of dating. I was still tossing around the idea of going back to school. I had been studying the catalog of classes and was confident I could pick up a couple and still have plenty of time to devote to Olin.He’d been chatting with some kids from school and seemed to be a little happier. He wasn’t a barrel of sunshine and rainbows, but I never expected him to be that way. Angst was part of a teenager’s life. If he was too happy, I’d worry he was on drugs.I picked up the dirty dishes from his late-night snack and carried them into the kitchen, stuffing them in the dishwasher before going into th
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Making Friends
Christopher“How do you know I’m not the bad influence?” Olin retorted.I shrugged. “I guess I don’t know that, but I do know you’re smart and you know the difference between right and wrong. That will always lead you to make better choices than those who choose to ignore common sense and what they know to be right.”He rolled his eyes. “Can I go or not?”“Will there be parents there to supervise?”He groaned. “No, dad! I’m sixteen, not six.”“Olin, teenagers are probably worse than toddlers when left alone,” I told him.“We’re not going to stick our fingers in light sockets. We’re not toddlers.”“No, but teens, especially teens together, can get into some pretty ridiculous situations.”He rolled his eyes, shaking his head with disgust. “So, no. I can’t go because you think I’m a child.”“You can go, but listen, I need you to make me a promise.”He nodded. “What?”“If you see something that isn’t okay or you find yourself in a position that makes it unsafe for you to get into a car wi
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Leila I parked my car in the relatively empty lot reserved for faculty of the university. I wanted to grab a couple of things and make sure I was ready for the start of a new semester. I was a planner and an organizer, and I always made notes throughout the semester about what I could do a little different to make my class even better. I had reviewed the comment sheets that had been submitted by a few of the students from the first semester. Some of them felt like I was giving them too much information to digest. I wanted to find a way to make it easier for them to remember. I wanted everyone to love my class. Each semester was a chance for me to try again. I loved the first day. It was always exciting for me. It was always a challenge setting the tone for a new semester. It was like getting a New Year’s Day twice a year. I loved seeing the new faces and wondering who was going to be the star of the class. Hands down, Christopher had taken that title for the last class. I was goin
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A Date
ChristopherI was a nervous wreck. I kept telling myself he was old enough to make his own decisions. He’d been raised right. I had to trust Carlie’s parenting skills. She’d done a great job with him and it was my turn to take it home. I couldn’t let her down. I had to show her I could take care of him.I had gone back and forth, trying to decide if I should rescind my approval. I couldn’t. He was sixteen. I had to let him spread his wings. If I didn’t give him the okay to do it, he would do it anyway and it would likely end up going very bad for him. This was that part of parenting that sucked. I had to let him grow up.He came downstairs, tugging on the shirt we had picked up at a mall yesterday. “You look nice,” I said.“Thanks.”“You know the rules, right?”He rolled his eyes. “Yes, Dad.”“I’m serious. If you’re sloppy drunk, don’t be afraid to call. If you see something that isn’t right, call. I promise, I will be there as fast as humanly possible. No judgment. I swear to you, on
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Seeing Her Again
ChristopherLeila grinned. “I’d be happy to let you buy me a drink. I think we’re safe here. This doesn’t exactly seem like a college kid hangout.”I scanned the half-full bar and had to agree. It was mostly an older, more mature crowd. People like me, that had every intention of being home in bed by ten.“Then that’s a good thing. What’ll you have?”“Long Island,” she announced proudly.“Stout drink,” I commented.The bartender left to make the drink. “I don’t get out very often. I want to live it up.”“All right then, I can get on board with that.”After the bartender gave Leila her drink, we clinked our glasses together and both took long drinks. “What did you do for Christmas?” she asked.“I went back to Minnesota.”“What? Really?”I nodded. “Yep. I wanted to see some snow. I saw it and then I hopped on a plane and came right back.”“Do you have family there?”I shook my head. “No. I have a house there.”“Oh, wow.”I ordered myself another drink. “You?”“I stayed home and then wen
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Claiming Her
LeilaI gave in to the need. I needed him. I had needed him since the last time his lips had touched mine. The man was addictive. He was the worst kind of addiction. He could cost me everything and yet, I didn’t care.My hands ran up his back and into his short hair, pulling him closer as I pressed my body against his. I rubbed myself against his firm body, groaning with pleasure as I felt him spring to life. Knowing a man as handsome as he was wanted me was intoxicating. I felt wrapped up in a spell of lust with no way to break it accept to ride through it. Riding him through it sounded very intriguing.His hands dropped to my butt, squeezing and kneading as he rocked against me. If the man wasn’t careful, I was going to climb him on the spot. I felt ravenous, like I couldn’t get enough of him. I wanted more. I could practically feel my nails grow as I scoured them down his back. I felt like a cat in heat, rubbing against him.His hands tangled in my hair before he pulled my head bac
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Happy New Year
LeilaI smiled, reaching up and cupping his cheek. “Here this is. Take it. Take it all.”He jerked once, then again, thrusting so hard I slid across the bed several inches. I cried out, holding onto his shoulders as his body rocked hard and deep inside me. I felt uninhibited, giving in to my body’s demands. I groaned and shouted and completely lost myself in what he was doing to my body.“Yes,” he shouted when my body erupted into flames around him.I had closed my eyes, sailing away on the orgasm that washed me out to sea. “Yes,” I repeated, drawing out the word.He kept moving, his stamina remarkable for a man of his age. I held on tight, ready to go along for the ride. I arched up, taking him in deeper. His jaw was set in a hard line as he chased the orgasm. I pushed against his chest hard, nearly throwing him off the bed.He looked at me with shock. “Leila?”“Roll onto your back,” I barked.His surprise was replaced with obvious lust. He did as I ordered, dropping onto his back an
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Waking Up With Her
ChristopherI woke with a start. I was not used to having a woman in my bed. There was a split second of alarm before I went through a series of emotions as I surfaced into the conscious world. For a fleeting second, I thought it was Carlie. As I awoke further, I knew it wasn’t. I hadn’t been that drunk the night before. I knew Carlie was gone. I knew I had taken Leila home and I knew I had enjoyed every minute with her.I turned my head and looked at the sea of blonde hair draped over my pillow and resting on my bare shoulder. A smile spread across my face. I reached up, running my fingers through the silky length. I had no regrets. I was happy to have her in my bed. I wouldn’t mind waking up to her beside me again.I very carefully got out of bed, pulling on my underwear and then some sweats before quietly leaving the room. I made my way down the hall and knocked on Olin’s door. When there wasn’t an answer, I pushed it open, finding an empty bed. Part of me was relieved I wouldn’t h
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Everything To Lose
ChristopherWhen I returned to the kitchen, Leila was out on the patio, cupping both hands around the cup. I smiled at the scene. I imagined I looked the exact same way every morning. The warmth of the cup went a long way to warding off the chill of the morning. I opened the door and joined her inhaling the fresh air.“It is so nice out here,” she said with a reverent tone. “I love this view.”I nodded. “I agree. I love it out here in the morning. I usually get up early just so I can be out here and watch the sunrise. I could never do this in Minnesota.”She laughed. “I imagine you would freeze within minutes.”“Seconds,” I quipped. “Hell, the coffee would freeze before I could get it down.”She looked me up and down. “You got dressed fast. I’m ready when you are,” she said.I opened the door and gestured for her to go in first. We left our cups on the counter and headed out the door to my truck.“I think I should tell you a little more about me,” I started after we got in the truck a
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Dirty Girl
LeilaI took the towel off of my head and used it to wipe the mirror as I stared at my reflection. I took in the green eyes, blonde hair, and the thick shoulders. I didn’t have one of those slender necks with the pronounced collar bones. I stared at myself, wondering what it was that Christopher saw. He had called me beautiful. Several times.He made me feel beautiful. I changed into a pair of jeans and a clean sweater. I was brushing out my damp hair when I heard a car door. I walked out of the bathroom, checked out the window, and saw Kami standing there wearing the same clothes she had on the night before.I pulled open the door and put a hand on my hip. “Dirty, dirty, dirty girl. And I’m mad at you.”“Look who’s dirty,” she said walking in.“I just got out of the shower.”“Because you just got home.”I scowled. “How do you know that?”Her eyes widened. “Oh my god! I was only guessing! I knew it!”“You didn’t know anything.”She flopped onto my couch. “How was it?”“No, I’m mad at
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