All Chapters of Teach Me New Tricks: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
139 Chapters
Doing it in the Library
LeilaI knew it was bad. I knew it was wrong. Kissing a student in the library was dangerous business. I didn’t care. I was desperate for his touch. His kisses were hungry and stirring up something deep inside my belly. I felt like a volcano beginning a slow eruption. Hot lava pumped through my veins, making me feel flushed and twitchy at the same time.It was too good to be bad.My mouth opened wider, sucking the man’s face as I pulled him closer to me. I got lost in the moment. I forgot all about where I was or who I was kissing. It was that good. His firm hand on the back of my neck, holding my face against his felt like a vice. I liked it. It felt good to be manhandled a little.I squeezed his thigh before leaning forward and wrapping my arm around his back. One of his arms wrapped around me and pulled me up.So much better. I moaned, rubbing myself against his body. I had to lean my head back and go up on my toes to meet his exuberant kisses. Both his strong arms wrapped around
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Commanding Her
Leila“Oh god,” I moaned, the sound more of a keening as my body wept over his fingers.He pulled his fingers out, pushed his underwear down, and spun me around. I leaned against the wall, my cheek pressed against the surface as I gasped for air. My body was still vibrating, shaking and trembling as the last vestiges of the orgasm slowly rained over me.His hand moved to my thigh, spreading my legs before grabbing my hip and jerking me backwards. The gentle man I had known had vanished. In his place was the hard and aggressive man behind me, spreading me wide and bending me over in the secret room of my school library.His cock brushed over my inner thighs as he rubbed himself over me. I turned to look over my shoulder, watching as he guided himself to my opening. He gently pushed the tip in. He was much larger than the two fingers that had been inside me.I wiggled my hips a little, adjusting myself to better accommodate him. He pushed in a little more. I felt my body stretching, ope
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Guilty But Satisfied
ChristopherI felt like I had just robbed a bank or done something equally illegal. I had stopped in the men’s room after leaving Leila in the attic area. We certainly couldn’t walk out together, and I was not quite that confident I didn’t have some kind of evidence on me. I felt guilty as hell.Guilty and oh so satisfied.After a quick check in the mirror, a little finger combing through my hair, I was confident I had removed any traces of the fact I had just gotten laid in the library. That sounded like the statement of a teen. I was still coming to terms with what I had done.I opened the library doors, stepping into the cool December air and making my way down the path towards the parking lot where my truck was waiting for me. I could smell her on me as I walked. I was sure it was probably in my head, but her scent lingered. I was half-tempted to lift my fingers to my nose and inhale.I didn’t. I resisted the urge. Partly because I didn’t want to get a woody while I was walking on
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Getting to Know Him
Christopher“Good thinking. You want to go out on a high note. I’ve seen too many guys lose everything by gambling away their fortunes. They always think they can make a little more and end up losing everything. It’s why I got out of the business. The stress and worry were making me a very difficult man to live with. I didn’t want to lose my family. Not a second time.”“I understand,” I said, knowing exactly what he was saying.“Where’s your place?” he asked, handing me a pump-action shotgun.“Lake Conroe,” I answered. I hated to flaunt my wealth, but judging by where we were standing, he wasn’t going to be too envious. He was doing just fine himself.“Oh, nice. One of those new builds?”I shrugged. “Not too new,” I answered, giving him a general idea of where my house was.“Oh, I’ve got a buddy that lives not too far from there. Nice places out there. I thought about building a house on the lake, but the wife wanted land. It’s hard to find much out there.”“Yeah, small lot, big house
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Telling Kami
LeilaI couldn’t bring myself to go home. I didn’t want to be alone with my guilty thoughts. I needed someone to talk me off the ledge. I was ready to fall on my sword and give up everything to the dean. I’d beg for forgiveness and hope for the best.I was terrible at keeping secrets. I didn’t have a good poker face. I said whatever was on my mind. If the dean came to me and asked me about my tryst with Christopher, I wouldn’t be able to deny it. It seemed smarter to make the first move, unveil the secret before it was unveiled for me.I knocked on Kami’s door, grateful she was home. She opened it, took one look at me, and moved out of the way. “Come in and tell me what happened.”“I screwed up,” I groaned walking past her and heading for her fridge. I yanked it open, grabbing a soda and flopping onto her sofa.“What did you do?”“I’m so screwed. I’m going to be in deep shit.”“Do we need to bury a body? Do you need an alibi? I’ve got your back.”I rolled my eyes. “No and no. It’s so
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No One Cares
Leila“That isn’t fair! I didn’t mean to send out the signal for sex. It’s just, he’s intriguing. There is something about him I find very interesting. I like talking to him. I like being around him. He has a very soothing quality about him. He looks into my eyes when he talks and when I am talking. I always feel like I have his total attention. Do you know how rare that is these days?”She groaned. “Yes, unfortunately I do. These days they’re always staring at their phones or themselves.”“Exactly! But not him! He is an excellent conversationalist. He’s charming and dignified. It’s hard to describe all the great qualities he has. There are a lot.”“Uh-oh,” she said. “You’re heading down a dangerous road.”“I am not,” I scowled. “He’s an interesting man. I’m not falling for him.”“Okay.”I stared at her. “Don’t say it like that.”“What?” she said in a high voice.I waggled my finger at her. “No, no. I know that ‘okay.’ I know that voice. You don’t believe me. You’re saying okay to pla
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ChristopherThe test was relatively easy. I had expected it to be much harder, but it wasn’t so bad. Maybe I had a knack for the Greek stuff. It was interesting and I was enjoying the class, and not just because the teacher was hot. It was actually very intriguing stuff. I had been reading up on the subject, far more than I was asked to.I would start reading one story and then there would be a link to another story and before I knew it, I had spent hours reading about the Greeks. I had a lot of questions and was hoping to have lunch with Leila to talk about a few of those questions.I quickly finished the short paragraph answer and then reviewed the entire test. It looked good. I was convinced I was going to get an A. How could I not? Feeling confident, I got up and made my way to her desk.“Hi,” I said, keeping my voice very low.“Finished?” she asked in a cold tone, barely looking at me.“I am. I think I did pretty well.”“Good. I’ll have the tests graded before tomorrow’s class. T
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Holiday Cheer
ChristopherI wished I was the type to bake cookies. I would love to surprise Olin with some fresh cookies for when he got home. I supposed he was a little too old for that. I had missed my chance to see his face light up when he walked through the door. Carlie had gotten those moments. I had been at work. I had envied her and even been a little jealous. I felt like I was the one sacrificing to give her the big house and a comfortable life.It had caused many fights. She had always told me she would have been just as happy in a small house with us barely getting by. I had never believed her back then. I did now. Now that I saw how short life was and how precious every minute with loved ones truly was, I believed her.“You’re home early,” Olin said walking into the kitchen.“I thought we could hang out,” I said.I got the same look I always did when I suggested we spend time together. It was something between the look of gas and the look of someone who stepped in dog shit. “Why?”I shr
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First Test
LeilaI felt like everyone was looking at me. I had stopped by the faculty lounge to grab my usual donut and coffee and could practically feel the eyes on me. I had looked around and while it appeared no one even knew I was there, my guilty conscience was eating at me.I had stared at my reflection in the mirror for several long minutes that morning. I wanted to make sure there was no sign of my mistake written on my face. There was nothing obvious, but I felt like everyone would just know.I was being ridiculous. I knew that. The rational part of my mind knew it was the guilt freaking me out, but the irrational part of my mind was very strong. I took my coffee and headed out of the lounge without speaking to anyone. I kept telling myself the class was over in a week. I could make it another six or seven days.He’d get his credits and we would never see each other again. If I was lucky, he would decide school wasn’t for him and my dirty little secret would never see the light of day.
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Another Visit From the Dean
LeilaI winced. His cold shoulder was deserved, but I hated it. I hated that I had to push him far, far away. It was about the last thing I wanted to do, but it was necessary.With all the students gone, I breathed a sigh of relief. I was tempted to go to the café in the hopes I could accidentally run into Christopher grabbing some lunch. I wanted to talk to him and explain my behavior.I couldn’t. I had to stick with my plan to keep things strictly professional between us. No lunches. No funny stories. No sexy smiles and definitely none of those heated looks that always seemed to pass between us.Hands off the goods.“Knock, knock,” Dean Johnson’s voice cut through the room.A cold knot of dread filled my stomach. I turned to look at the doorway, hoping like hell it was in my head and he wasn’t really standing there. “Dean Johnson,” I said, my voice higher than usual. “What brings you by?”Guilt pounded in my brain. I looked down at my chest, making sure there wasn’t a giant scarlet
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