All Chapters of All Grown Up: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
139 Chapters
The Test
AudreyI took a deep breath and stared at myself in the mirror. Truth time. All I had to do was flip over the little white stick that was resting on a paper towel there on the edge of the sink. Then I would know.I still didn’t know what I wanted to see there. None of this felt real to me. It felt like something out of a movie, or like something that happened to a friend of a friend. Not the kind of thing that could happen to me. Could I really be pregnant?Of course, I knew that birth control wasn’t foolproof. That no matter how careful we had been, there was a chance that I had still gotten pregnant. I kept going over it in my head, trying to remember if there had been a day when I had forgotten to take my pill, or a day when I had even been late taking it. I knew that it didn’t really matter, though. Whatever the reason for it, this was where we were now.Was I pregnant or not? All I had to do was look.I knew everybody was waiting out in the living room. Trish had asked me if I wa
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Maternal Instincts
AudreyI gave myself one last look in the mirror, nodding as though that was some sort of pep talk. I threw the test in the trash and washed my hands. Then, I opened the door. “I’m pregnant,” I announced.Trish gave me a big hug. “Oh Audrey,” she said. She looked like she had a million questions. She tactfully didn’t ask any of them, though, waiting for me to say more.I slumped into a seat in the living room. “I’m pregnant,” I repeated. I looked around at them. “I think I’m going to keep it.” My hand came up to protectively rest against my belly, not that I was showing any signs of the pregnancy there yet. When it really came down to it, there wasn’t a question in my mind.I hadn’t prepared to have a baby yet. I wasn’t married, and I wasn’t settled down. This would shake my world down to its very foundations. At the end of the day, though, this baby had been created out of love. This baby was mine and Jesse’s, the culmination of all those years of friendship and more. I could never g
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JesseI carefully measured the board and marked it with a pencil, adding the piece to the pile of boards that were ready to be cut. Joe was doing some renovations on his place, and I had offered to help him out in exchange for beer and pizza. It was good to have a project to turn my attention to in the evenings after work, rather than going home and thinking about how much I missed a certain blonde.“There,” Joe said, fitting together one last piece on the left-hand side of the mantle. “Looks good, doesn’t it?” he asked.“Yeah, looks great,” I said appreciatively. Personally, I kept things pretty minimal when it came to furniture and decorations, so when Joe told me that he wanted these two shelving units, one on either side of the mantle, I’d been a bit skeptical.“What the hell are you even going to put on them?” I scoffed. “It’s not like you read, man.” Joe guffawed. “Books are a huge chick magnet,” he said. “Bring them home to a house full of books and they’re sure to sleep with
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Going Back
AudreyI rubbed my eyes and yawned hugely, looking at my phone again. Still nothing from Annabelle. She was supposed to be here to pick me up at the Fayetteville airport. I couldn’t help the prickle of irritation that I felt at the fact that she was late. Granted, I hadn’t given her much warning that I would be coming back.That said, I had just finished up 23 hours of travel time, including two layovers, to get back here, and I was exhausted and cranky. Not to mention the fact that I was dying for a shower and a fresh change of clothes. Fortunately, my nausea hadn’t been too bad on the flight, although I had brought my own snacks rather than trying to eat what the airline dished out to me. I’d stuck to water as well. That seemed to help.Still, I couldn’t help feeling the complete opposite of a glamorous ballerina right now. Normally, I dressed semi-professional for flights, in slacks and a nice shirt. When I’d gone to put on my slacks, though, I found that they weren’t at all comfor
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Blurting It Out
Audrey“Should we go straight over to his place? Or wait, he’s probably at the hardware store right now. That’s easy. Let’s swing by on the way back to the house. Mom is dying to see you too, but I’m sure she’ll understand if we have to make a stop on the way.” She smirked at me. “You’ll have to keep it to kissing for now, though.”I shook my head. I wasn’t ready for a confrontation with Jesse yet. I hadn’t told him that I was coming back, even though I knew it was only a matter of time before the rumor mill informed him. I should probably talk to him before he heard from someone else. I didn’t want him to think that I was avoiding him. Anyway, I wanted to see him.Not right away, though. I wanted to sleep before I saw him, at least. I was still worn out, and I didn’t want to say something that I would regret.I also didn’t want him to look at me, knowing that I was pregnant, and accuse me of not taking care of myself and, by proxy, our baby. I hadn’t realized how important that was t
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Audrey“Have you at least given Jesse a heads-up already?” Annabelle asked. “It is his, right? Not some French dude’s? I mean, it’s okay if it’s some French dude’s, but Jesse’s going to be heartbroken.”I shook my head. “It’s his. But I haven’t told him yet. I wanted to tell him in person,” I said, even though I knew that part of my delay was just that I was having a hard time getting the courage to do it.“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” Annabelle said. She paused. “You probably don’t want to tell him in the middle of his work day, huh?”“Nope,” I said, shaking my head. “To be honest, I really need a shower and a night of good sleep first.” I glanced over at her, wondering if she would argue with that. I knew that Jesse had a right to know. It wasn’t like I was going to try to keep this from him. I just wasn’t ready for that conversation yet. Surely, she would understand that.Fortunately, Annabelle was nodding. “Yeah, let’s get you home.” She started the car. Was it just my imag
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JesseWe weren’t super busy on Saturday, and it was easy enough to manage the shop by myself while Joe was on his lunch break. The only trouble was, it gave me a little too much time to think. I was starting to dread that. I still couldn’t stop thinking about Audrey.That said, I was starting to finally feel like I had settled back into my old routine. All right, maybe I was still going to Gabby’s more than I used to, all for the sake of asking Annabelle about her sister. I was starting to get used to the silence around the house in the mornings and evenings, though, and that was what really mattered.I did miss the excitement of being with Audrey. Now, every day sort of felt the same. A colorless blur. Oh, there were certainly moments that were out of the ordinary, like when Chance actually clocked in on time that morning and Joe started cheering for him, confusing the heck out of the kid. That had brought a grin to my face.Most of the day was just the same as the day before: going
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Take Me Now
AudreyI had been nervous about how my reunion with Jesse would go. Would there still be that lingering anger that had driven us apart over my last few days in North Carolina? I knew that he had apologized for that, and I of course had forgiven him. Still, there might be an awkwardness that hadn’t been there before.He could have realized what I had been telling him all along, that dance was the most important thing to me and that he couldn’t factor into those decisions. He could have decided that he was better off with someone else. Because hell, he sure deserved someone else. He was a good guy, and he deserved someone who was going to put him first.He didn’t seem to be thinking along those lines, though, as he kissed me. The kiss was heated, his soft lips moving firmly against mine. He took control of the kiss, plunging his tongue into my mouth and tangling his fingers in the hair at the nape of my neck to guide me into a slightly different angle so that our noses weren’t mushed to
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Like Teenagers
JesseAudrey giggled as she turned her leggings the right way around and pulled them on. I couldn’t help grinning over at her. She sounded happy, and I knew that it wasn’t just the orgasm making her feel that way. No, she looked happy to be back, and I knew it wasn’t Aberdeen in general that was making her feel that way. She had to miss Paris and her ballet, but she was happy to be here with me. That meant the world to me.“Just like teenagers,” she commented as she pulled her shirt on. I was there immediately to push my hands up under the fabric, touching her breasts through the lacy bra that she had just covered up. “We can barely keep our hands off one another.”I raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you complaining?”She sighed happily, leaning into me as I tugged one side of her bra out of the way and toyed with her nipple. “Not at all,” she promised me. She leaned up on her tiptoes for another soft kiss. “I know you’ve got to get back to work and all, but maybe I can see you later?”I
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How Long This Time?
JesseI tried not to think about the inevitability of her return to France. She might be done with the Global Travelling Dance Academy of Performing Arts for now, but I knew her well enough to know that it wasn’t forever. She’d be back eventually. Sooner rather than later, probably.I pushed those thoughts aside, though, reminding myself of what she had said to me the last time she was here: Can’t we just enjoy the time that we have? That was what I wanted to do now. Although I also intended to have a serious conversation with her at some point about our future. There was no way in hell I was letting her go off back to France without me again. No way in hell.For now, though, we’d keep things light. “Have you had lunch yet?” I asked her as I slid into the driver’s seat of my truck.Audrey shook her head. “Nope, and I’m starving,” she admitted. “This whole jetlag thing is hell on my body, let me tell you.”“When did you get back?” I asked her. “Just today?”“Yesterday, actually,” Audre
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