All Chapters of All Grown Up: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
139 Chapters
Bad Timing
Audrey“What I will say is, you’ve listed here that you kept a pretty strict diet as a ballerina. That may need to change while you’re pregnant,” the doctor added, consulting the forms that I had brought in. “You’ll probably find yourself having cravings for foods that you wouldn’t normally eat, and you’ll need to up your calorie intake as well.”“Yeah,” I sighed. “I just wish the thought of food didn’t make me want to hurl.” I was feeling a little bit better that day. I had to hope that maybe there was a light at the end of the tunnel and that my morning sickness would fade as I got further along. I was running out of ways to explain it to everyone who didn’t know I was pregnant.Although I knew there wouldn’t be much more hiding that fact. If I was already eleven weeks along, then it was only a matter of time before I started to show. I swallowed hard, realizing that all of those nerve-wracking conversations that I had been putting off, with Mom and with Jesse, were going to have to
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Bad Person
JesseI was surprised when Audrey didn’t want to go to Gabby’s on Friday night. Granted, it wasn’t really my favorite venue either, but it was one of the few places to go out in Aberdeen, and I had thought she might welcome the change of scenery. I loved having her back at my place, but I kind of wanted to show her off a little too.“Are you in a fight with your sister or something?” I asked jokingly, sure that wasn’t really it. She probably just didn’t want to deal with the noise. She wasn’t much of a drinker, and Friday nights could get a little rowdy sometimes, especially when there was live music in there. She still looked tired, and that was probably all there was to it.To my surprise, though, Audrey stiffened, and I had to wonder how close I had hit to the truth. I blinked in surprise. I couldn’t remember her ever being in a tiff with her sister before. The two of them had been thick as thieves when they were younger. Then again, it had to be difficult to go back to sharing a r
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Everything Is Changing
AudreyJesse had basically handed me the perfect opportunity to tell him about the baby, and I still hadn’t taken it. To be fair, I had wanted to work our way up to it. Explain that I was missing Paris. Let him know why I couldn’t go back there yet, or maybe ever. I wanted to build up to it. I couldn’t seem to just come right out and tell him about it.It had seemed like the conversation was on track, just like I’d intended. He asked me about returning to dance, and I told him that things were complicated. Before I had a chance to tell him just why things were so complicated, though, he had kissed me and invited me back to his place.It wasn’t like I could say no to an invitation like that.I had stayed at his place nearly every night since I had come back from Paris, but the raw, white-hot passion that sizzled between us never seemed to cool. I knew that it had been hard to keep away from him the last time I came back home, but this time, it seemed even more impossible.Despite the f
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AudreyEleven weeks along. If he hadn’t realized it yet, he would soon.Those thoughts finally slipped out of my mind as he lowered his mouth to the soft folds between my legs. I threaded my fingers through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp, my own head falling back against the pillows with a breathy gasp of approval. He pushed his fingers into my opening as he ravished my clit with his tongue and lips, licking and sucking at the sensitive bundle of nerves until I was raw with pleasure.He nipped at my inner thigh and then trailed his lips along out to my knee. Even with his fingers still buried inside of me, I found myself whimpering with the loss of sensation between my legs. He chuckled quietly, nuzzling the inside of my knee as he used his other hand to stroke himself to full hardness.In one quick move, he replaced his fingers with his throbbing cock, sheathing himself inside of me. He hung there for a moment, staring down at me in awe, like he still couldn’t believe that
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Telling Him
JesseI was in the middle of a pleasant dream when I suddenly became aware of Audrey shaking my arm. “Jesse. Jesse, wake up,” she pleaded with me. I made a noise of protest, trying to wrap my arms around her and pull her close. Had she had a nightmare? What was wrong?“Jesse, stop. Wake up,” Audrey commanded, sounding tearful.I frowned, wondering if this was some sort of nightmare intruding on my dream. I couldn’t imagine a nightmare that would feature Audrey, though. I blinked my eyes open and then groped for the light on the bedside table.I was surprised to find Audrey looking close to tears. “I need to go to the hospital,” she said. “Please. I’m sorry.”I stared dumbly at her for a moment, brain still struggling to wake up. What she was saying didn’t make any sense. Other than the tears, she looked fine. Why would she need to go to the hospital so urgently?I remembered that she had been ill since she had come home, though. Maybe she had thrown up blood or something?“What’s wron
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Horrible Pain
AudreyI’d never been more scared in my life. I’d woken up there in Jesse’s bed to the most intense pain that I had ever felt, and when I realized where the pain was coming from, I felt absolutely paralyzed with fear. I waited for it to pass, wondering if it was just a cramp caused by something to do with the pregnancy and the sex earlier that night. The pain wouldn’t go away, though. If anything, it intensified, until I could barely breathe with the amount of hurt radiating from my uterus.I was scared to wake Jesse up and ask him to take me to the hospital, but I knew that I didn’t have a choice. There was no way that I could take his truck and drive myself there, not least of which because I only vaguely remembered how to drive a stick-shift. I supposed I could call an ambulance, but I knew that would be expensive. Anyway, I wanted Jesse to be there.Even though I knew that when he found out just what was going on, he was probably going to hate me.He flew into crisis mode when I t
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Hard Questions
AudreyBesides, what could I really say? All my fears seemed stupid now that I was faced with the fact that I might have ruined everything by saying nothing to Jesse. If I had just opened my mouth and admitted that I was pregnant, I wouldn’t be in this position now. The only reason that I hadn’t was that I was afraid that it would drive him away, or else trap him in a loveless marriage. In saying nothing, though, I had practically forced him to turn away from me.“The doctor said you’re going to be all right,” he finally said quietly. He paused for a moment. “Both of you.”I nodded. “Yeah, they said that, uh, this is totally normal. A good idea to get it checked out, though.”Jesse nodded as well. Then, he sighed and slumped into the chair next to the door. “Why did you lie to me?” he asked, sounding as though I had torn his heart out and stomped on it.I swallowed hard. I had been expecting the question, but somehow hearing him say it hurt worse than I could have expected. “I just go
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How Much Do I Mean?
Audrey“Do I?” he asked tersely. “Here’s what I know, Audrey: you left me to go dance. Once, when you went off to college, and again a couple of months ago. I’d never want to keep you from dance, but you didn’t have to cut me out of your life entirely each time. Here’s what else I know: as soon as you have the chance, you’ll be out of here again, even if it means taking my kid off with you to France or wherever else. I was ready to follow you over there, and you didn’t even want to listen to that suggestion or any other. So how much can I really mean to you?”His tone was bitter, and I curled in on myself. He was right, of course. I had done a terrible job of showing him how much I cared. I opened my mouth to say something else, but I couldn’t even think of where to start. Another couple of tears slipped down my cheeks, and Jesse made a noise of frustration.“Look, let’s just cool it for now. We’ll talk later,” he said, but the way that he said it made it sound like if he had his way,
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All The Emotions
JesseI didn’t know what in the hell to say to Audrey, so it was almost a relief when she fell asleep in the truck on the way home. She had her face pressed against the passenger-side window, and at first, I thought she was just avoiding the awkward silence in the only way that she knew how. Then, her breathing evened out, and I realized she was actually sleeping.Just as well. I knew that I was exhausted, and I wasn’t the one who was pregnant. It had been a long night, and I knew that I was worn out in the post-adrenaline mode of finding out that the baby was all right. I could only imagine how she felt.I still didn’t know what to say to her. I didn’t know what I had expected her to say when I started the conversation in the exam room about her lying, but I guess there was a part of me that expected to hear her string together some sort of excuse. I guess I was expecting there to be some logical reason that she had kept the information from me.Instead, she’d babbled a bit, giving m
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Keeping Secrets
JesseNow we were going to have a baby. We might not belong together, but we had to find a way to make things work.I sighed as I turned onto her mom’s street. I parked out front and quietly considered Audrey’s sleeping face for a moment. She still looked beautiful. Radiant.That pregnancy glow, I realized with a sigh. Nausea, exhaustion, a healthy glow to her skin. All the clues had been there. I really should have figured things out sooner. Then again, she definitely should have just told me sooner. I felt the anger bubble back up and knew I needed to get out of here before I said something dumb.I reached over and gently shook her knee to wake her up. She jolted awake, looking around in a panic, not seeming to know where she was. She must have been pretty out of it. Normally, a reaction like that would have made me smile. She was adorable. I would have teased her, called her Sleeping Beauty. Something.Now, all I could manage was a tired nod at the door. “We’re here,” I said.Audre
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