All Chapters of MR. CEO'S SECRET ESCORT: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
164 Chapters
Chapter 0051
SIN"I am sorry about what happened between me and Mae but this is a bad idea, I can speak to Dad personally. We don't need to go create a scene," Ethan pleads for the fourth time but it's already too late. I drive the car into the estate, my mission to get answers from my father through any means. I make another turn parking the car right in front of the mansion, it's been years since I came back home.My intentions were never to step foot here again but for Mae's sake, I will have to, if truly my father has done all that Lily told me back in the hospital, he has to account for his crimes.Rape isn't something to be taken lightly."Get out of the car Ethan now," I yell at him realizing he is still buckled up in his seat, hesitant to step out. If anyone should be upset about everything, it should be me, not him, not after what he had done in the hospital despite my warning that he shouldn't touch her. "Sin, it's best we think this -""Don't make me repeat myself," I warn. He nods
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Chapter 0052
SINI rub my cheek, feeling the sting of her slap. "M-my child," she stutters realization hitting her. She places her hand on my cheek gently, her expression softening. "I-I didn't mean to... But you must understand, that these are serious accusations. We can't just throw words like that around without proof. Your father has his faults, but this... this is something else."I pull away from her touch, the hurt not just from the slap but from the years of neglect, of being second to whatever image my father wanted to project to the world. "Proof?" I scoff, the word bitter in my mouth. "You want proof?" I reach into my pocket bringing out my phone to show them the video. Ethan, who had been silent, finally speaks up, his voice tentative. "Sin, maybe we should discuss this calmly. There could be a misunderstanding.""A misunderstanding?" I repeat, incredulous. My gaze shifts between Ethan and my parents, seeing the family facade for what it really is—a sham. "You think someone would mi
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Chapter 0053
MAEMy eyes flutter open a mixture of confusion and concern washing over me as the muffled sounds of an argument penetrate the quiet of my room. I look at the time on the wall clock, it's just 1:00 am. I listen closely, wondering if I was dreaming, I hear a female voice this time and I recognize one of the voices as Lily's. Is she alright? I get out of bed quickly slipping into my robe, the soft fabric gliding over my skin as I move with urgency. The cool air of the night brushes against my face, heightening my senses as I step out of my bedroom.I make my way towards the living room, drawn by the sound of Lily's voice. The arguing grows louder as I approach, a mix of voices now, but Lily stands out, tinged with frustration and something else... fear? My heart beats faster, concern for her well-being pushing me forward.As I round the corner, the scene before me brings me to a halt. Two police officers stand near the entrance, their expressions serious, as Lily faces them, her body
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Chapter 0054
MAE"I can't believe this is happening," I mutter, feeling a deep sense of sadness for Lily, for Sin, for the entire situation. My mind is reeling, trying to process the gravity of what has just been revealed to me.We have always kept our distance from the Hayes, so how did this happen? and why? Of all the women in town, why did he choose my sister? He has enough money to pay any woman to do his bidding, why Lily?My head throbs and I can't help but wonder if there is any truth to the rumors that have been circulating about his father for years. Rumors of illegal dealings, bribes, and even murder.Sin reaches out to me, placing his hand on mine. "Mae, I am sorry you had to find out this way. But please, trust me when I say that I will do everything in my power to make sure my father pays for what he did to Lily."His words are sincere and I can see the pain he is holding back behind his stoic facade. I nod, trying to compose myself from breaking down as I wrap my head around the enor
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Chapter 0055
SIN"I hope you both slept well," I ask Mae and Lily as they step into the living room, they barely look like they have gotten much sleep."Good morning Ma'am," Victoria greets Mae bowing her head slightly as she places a tray on the dining table. Last night Mae had joined Lily in her room, I checked on them later in the night to find them cuddled up in bed sound asleep. I was worried they wouldn't get any sleep since I could hear they still talking in the room for a while."Yeah, I did," Mae replies. "Morning Victoria."They walk over and join me taking their seat quietly as an image on the television catches my attention, "could you turn the volume up Victoria?""Yes Sir," she nods, reaches for the remote on the table, and quickly increases the volume on the TV."Breaking news," the news reporter begins, "The renowned billionaire, Mr. Robert Hayes, has been formally arrested and charged with multiple counts of sexual assault, including the rape of Lily Winchester, the daughter of t
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Chapter 0056
SIN"Lily was just talking about going back to our house in the estate to get the car key of my father's car since Aunt Margaret is trying to get us back into the family but I was explaining to her that it isn't a good idea," Mae replies avoiding my eyes, a clear sign that she is hiding something. I narrow my eyes at her, sensing that she's not being entirely truthful. "Your dad's car key?" I raise an eyebrow at her."It's our right, it was our father's she can't deny us his car," Lily adds looking at me. Seems she is a better liar than Mae, if I didn't know better I would find this a good reason but Mae has never been materialistic, and even if she is a car? Are they kidding me? They could have come up with a better lie."Mae, what is it that you're not telling me?" I press, my tone firm. "We both know a car is the least of your problems right now."Mae hesitates, her hands trembling slightly as she packs the item into the bag before she finally sighs and meets my gaze. "There's som
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Chapter 0057
MAE"We'll be waiting," I reply. Maybe it's not a bad idea to let him in on our plan, the more people we have on our side the better. We pack up Lily's things and head to the ground floor. As we reach the ground floor, Ryder opens the back door of the car for us, Lily gets inside while I follow suit but I am stopped halfway by Sin, he grabs me by my arm pulling me back slowly. "No goodbye kiss," he raises an eyebrow. "What?" I stare at him with a puzzled look. He leans in closer planting a kiss on my lips. It's a quick, soft peck but it sends a shiver down my spine. As his lips slowly leave mine, I am left standing there frozen in place. He plants another kiss on my cheeks and this time he whispers into my ear, "Be a good girl, I will be back soon before you know it.""Um- yes," I nod still in shock by the public display of affection from him, I never imagined him to be someone like that or maybe he is and I am just starting to see the affectionate side of him.With a nod, I get
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Chapter 0058
SINI walk into my office to find the senator sitting down waiting patiently for me with his bodyguard standing on his side. He has been trying to reach me for a while, but I intentionally kept him on hold. A strategy I use quite well to build up desperation and looking at him now I can see it written all over his face."Good morning Senator," I greet extending my hand for a handshake. He stands up from his seat taking my hand. "Sin Hayes," he nods. "Was wondering if I will be kept on hold yet again today?" I smile as I gesture for him to take a seat in front of my desk. "I apologize for the delay, Senator. I've been quite busy with some urgent matters."He nods, taking a seat and motioning for his bodyguard to stand back. "I understand, it's no news that your father was arrested this morning for a rape charge I believe.""Yes," I nod taking my seat. "I assume that's not the reason why you are here this morning.""As much as I would love to find out what happened, that's the least
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Chapter 0059
MAE"He really said that?" I chuckle out loud sinking back into my chair and struggling to stop myself from laughing.After Ryder dropped us back home, me and Lily decided to catch up on things we hadn't been able to do due to her illness and always being at the hospital. After Lunch, Lily began to tell me all about the hilarious moments she had encountered in the hospital. I am not certain I have laughed this hard in a while. It feels good to just be normal again, even if it's just for a little while."Yeah, it was the craziest thing," Lily says with a grin. "I couldn't believe it either.""Feels like you had fun than I imagined, here I was thinking you spent most of the day in your bed," I chuckle. "Well, I did spend a lot of time in bed, but I also made sure to have some fun whenever I could," Lily replies, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know I am thinking of creating a to-do list, things I want to do before you know."I pause, my lips curling into a flat line. I know Ethan
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Chapter 0060
MAEWhen I get to the ground floor, I find him waiting by the car for me. He smiles as I approach him, "that was quick," he says."Quick?" "You women tend to spend a lot of time in the bathroom, heard it has something to do with the shower head?" I stifle a laugh, "Oh right, and you men never spend time in the bathroom?""Of course not, in and out, no fuss," he says, opening the car door for me.As I climb into the passenger seat, I take a moment to smooth down my gown. Anxiety slowly kicking in at the idea of having to distract my Aunt.I haven't done anything like this, I have never been good at keeping secrets but I will have to give it my all tonight. He gets into the driver's seat and starts the car engine, "Seatbelt.""Right," I nod, reaching for the seatbelt and strapping it in place."So, what's the plan?" I ask as he makes a turn into the street with Ryder following behind in his other car. I know I have to distract her but what else, how do I know they have gotten the pro
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