All Chapters of MR. CEO'S SECRET ESCORT: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
164 Chapters
Chapter 0071
SIN"Why am I getting locked up again?" She yells at me, her eyes widened in surprise and anger. "Ryder," I call out to him wondering why it's taking him too long to grab her inside. Ryder also looks confused by my order but he closes the distance between him and Mae."Please Ma'am, don't make this difficult," Ryder pleads with her motioning her to step into the elevator. She rolls her eyes at Ryder and then at me before taking a step back, "You can't lock me up, I am not some pet," She cries out. She takes another step and this time she makes a run for it.She doesn't get far when Ryder catches up to her quickly. He is fast and knows how to handle situations like this. As he grabs her arm gently, Mae tries to pull away. But Ryder is strong and doesn't let her go. "Please, Ma'am, I don't want to hurt you," he says in a calm voice. She looks at him, scared and angry at the same time. She stops trying to escape as though the realization has hit her that she can't escape from me or th
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Chapter 0072
SINLily turned out to be quite cooperative during the meeting, she didn't hesitate to apologize not only to the company clients but to the media. I don't know if she was still taking in my rejection or if she felt being obedient would make me see her in a different light, but it all didn't matter to me. As we exit the meeting, the buzz of the reporters and the flash of the cameras are overwhelming, but there is a sense of accomplishment. Lily's apology has calmed the storm for now, but the real challenge is ahead.Ethan leans close, his voice barely audible over the chaos. "That went better than expected, huh?" His gaze is questioning, searching for my reaction.I nod, my mind already racing to the next steps. "It did, but we're not out of the woods yet. We need to ensure the clients are truly back on our side."As we make our way back to the car, Lily remains silent, a stark contrast to her earlier defiance. Her cooperation has been surprising, but her motives are still unclear t
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Chapter 0073
SINAs I step into her room, I see Mae sitting on the bed, awake. She's handcuffed and lost in thought. She looks up at me, and her eyes are full of anger and fear."You're going to regret this," she says.I don't say anything. I place the tray on the bedside table and stand next to her keeping my distance as I place my hand into my pocket."You can't keep me here forever," she says."I can try," I say.She glares at me, "You're a monster."I shrug, "Maybe I am.""I hate you," she says."You can try to, see how that turns out for you," I reply. If there is anything I've come to understand about her, it's that she is slowly beginning to realize that I am all she has even though she is not ready to admit it. "You can hate me all you want," I continue, my tone even, devoid of any malice or satisfaction from the situation. "But it doesn't change where we are. You are not leaving my sight, not even for a second."Her anger seems to simmer just below the surface, her breaths coming in short
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Chapter 0074
SINEvelyn?How did she get my new number? I had given her Ryder number recently in hopes that she would stop calling, her frequent calls and messages were starting to annoy me. "I have been trying to get to you through Ryder but he is always claiming that you are busy but now it seems you have been avoiding me," she says. I checked the caller ID again to be certain I saw an unknown number before placing the phone back to my ear. "I have been busy Evelyn, not all of us spend time just pressing our phones," I reply walking into my room. "So, are you saying all I do all day is nothing?" She questions. "No, Evelyn," I say, my tone even. "I'm not saying that. But I've been dealing with a lot lately, and I haven't had much time to talk to anyone," I add opening the door to my room. I place the phone on speaker and place it on the bedside table as I take off my clothes. Today has been a long day, a good shower should help."Well, now you do," she says. "And I have something important
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Chapter 0075
SIN"She didn't -""Really? You expect me to believe that, I am aware that she has been in communication with you secretly.""Okay, well she has. Is that a bad thing? She is only worried about you, about the family's reputation and -""My family's affair should be less of your concern Evelyn," I cut her off, my voice firm yet calm. The last thing I need right now is Evelyn meddling in my personal affairs under the guise of concern, especially when it feels like an orchestrated attempt to weave herself back into my life using my mother's help.I run my fingers through my hair reminding myself to speak to my mother about this, I had overlooked her communications with Evelyn because I felt it would come to an end over time but it seems my judgment had been wrong. They seem to be closer than ever, my mother would never speak about my personal affairs with any woman but in Evelyn's case it seems not. "And it's not just about Mae," I continue, picking up the thread of our conversation. "I
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Chapter 76
MAE"Please Ma'am, you need to eat something," Victoria pleads as she steps into the room to find the food tray from last night untouched. I couldn't bring myself to eat last night, my mind has been occupied with Lily and why she did what she did after everything we have been through. Even in my dreams, I saw her face, those eyes filled with so many emotions I couldn't understand. It's like she's asking me to understand something, but I don't know what. I had woken up sweating and realized my cuffs had been taken off probably by Ryder or Sin. "I'm not hungry, Victoria," I say softly, not wanting to upset her. She's been nothing but kind to me, but I just can't eat. My stomach feels like it's tied in knots.Maybe if I see Lily again and talk to her, maybe I will feel the need to eat. Victoria sighs, a look of worry crossing her face. "You haven't eaten anything since yesterday, Ma'am. It's not good for you. Please, try to eat something. If not for Mr. Hayes but for me?" She holds o
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Chapter 0077
MAEOne would think it was a dream yesterday when Sin told me I would be working at Hayes Tech as his personal assistant. I spent the whole day still unable to eat and in disbelief about the situation until Victoria came to wake me up by 5:00 AM this morning."Good morning ma'am," she chirps, her voice filled with a brightness that feels almost too much for the early hour. "It's time to get ready for your first day at Hayes Tech. I am so happy for you Ma'am."I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, still half convinced that everything that happened yesterday was a dream. But the sight of Victoria holding out a sleek, professional-looking outfit confirms it's all too real."I don't think this is a good idea," I say to myself but Victoria smiles at me. "It is, I have never seen Mr. Hayes hand over a job to someone in his company without a proper interview. You must have proven something to Mr. Hayes," Victoria smiles. "You think?" I ask with a puzzled look. Victoria nods, her smile
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Chapter 0078
MAEHis use of the word Princess throws me off for a second, nobody has called me that in a serious tone before. I know he has used it in the past a couple of times but now It sounds like a nickname that's too intimate, too personal for our relationship. But then again, nothing about my relationship with Sin is typical or expected."Yes, let's go," I say, managing a small smile as I get into the car. The ride to Hayes Tech is quiet, filled with the soft hum of the city waking up. I find myself staring out the window, trying to distract myself from the nervous energy building inside me.Sin doesn't say much, but I can feel his gaze on me from time to time. It's as if he's trying to read my thoughts, to understand what's going through my mind as we get closer to our destination."Here," he says pulling my attention back to him. I look at him to find him holding a company name tag, he extends it towards me. The name tag is sleek, with a simple design but unmistakably sophisticated—just
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Chapter 0079
MAE"And who might this be?" Her voice is smooth, laced with curiosity that doesn't quite reach her eyes. It's clear she's sizing me up, trying to figure out how I fit into the picture."This is Mae, my new personal assistant," Sin explains, his tone casual yet firm, as if establishing boundaries.Evelyn's smile doesn't waver, but there's a flash of something else in her eyes, surprise? Annoyance? It's hard to tell. "Personal assistant?" she echoes, her gaze lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary. "You employed her?" She asks Sin with a surprised look."Yes," Sin responds, maintaining his composure, his voice carrying a note of finality that seems to subtly mark the boundaries of this conversation. "She comes highly recommended. Her expertise and efficiency are exactly what Hayes Tech needs right now."Evelyn's eyes narrow slightly, but her smile remains intact, so intact that it feels fake, "Well, then, Mae," she says, turning her full attention towards me, "Welcome to H
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Chapter 0080
SINIt has been five hours since Evelyn left my office and Mae hasn't said a word about Evelyn showing up here so early, instead, she has spent the past hours working on the files. I don't know why but I expected a reaction from her and not getting one has made me quite uncomfortable like I have been caught doing something wrong.I find myself adjusting the collar of my shirt and at some point rolling up my sleeves. Ain't women supposed to be bothered by situations like this? It is evident Mae could sense something was up with Evelyn and me, yet, she remained silent. Evelyn. Why is she back in town? I should have known her decision to not come back to town last night was all a lie. I run my finger through my hair leaning back on the seat as I glance over at Mae. She bites softly on the top of her pen, her eyes glued on the files in front of her. I clear my throat, breaking the silence that has settled between us. "You can take a break," I inform her, checking the time on my wristwat
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