All Chapters of His Regret: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
138 Chapters
Chapter 111 ~ Thank Him Or Yell
{Isla’s POV}“I’m hungry.” Andrea announced loudly for all of us to hear. “Me too.” Daniel agreed with her and turned to Cayden. “What about you, man? You’re not hungry?”“I could eat a fox,” Cayden replied. “But from the way things are looking, I think it’s the fox that would be hunting me down.”“Let it go, man.” Daniel elbowed Cayden and he smiled. I couldn’t see his face but I knew he had smiled. Unlike the previous strolling formation, today’s arrangement was different. Cayden and Daniel were the ones leading while Andrea and I were trailing behind.Why? You may ask.Well, let’s just say I’m not in a very hyper mood. Why? You may ask again.Well, it’s the same reason why Cayden had made his statement about a fox hunting him down. He was covered, head to toe, in blood and a fox could perceive it and threaten to attack him.Why was he covered in blood? You may ask.Well, it’s due to last night’s turnout. I.. uhm. Okay, I might have accidentally slept off buddy, and left the Look
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Chapter 112 ~ Unwanted Wooer
{Isla’s POV}Daniel had come to the rescue. The Rogues had believed us and we were now one of them. I am now a freaking Rogue!Is that something to be proud of? Especially as the Queen?Well, in our case, yeah. Coming into contact with these Rogues had made things way easier for us. We wouldn’t be put under thorough scrutiny by the Lycans now. At least, I hope so.But in everything, a part of me was suffering. Others were enjoying strolling freely beside the real Rogues while I was being chained.The interrogator Rogue still held me by the wrist. For some reason, he was attracted to me - He has repeated that line to me a couple of times now.“What’s your type?“ The interrogator Rogue asked me again, revealing an ugly smirk he thought was stunning.“Uhm…” I looked at him. He was an older Rogue as he looked hoary and old— and his wasn’t due to disguising makeup like Cayden and me. His beards were like spikes and his breath reeked of alcohol, blood, and something else that made it worse
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Chapter 113 ~ Orgy Invitation!
{Isla’s POV}Decayed-Mouth led us through the checkpoint. The Lycan stationed there was scowling like it was the only expression his face could create, but Decayed-Mouth had kept to his words.He had called us his people and had even told the Lycan guy and other Rogues about how he had found a new love.Me.I couldn’t find a gun, that's why I’m still alive to live through this. We were inside the Hold now and were strolling to the supreme Lycan commander’s shelter. That’s a long name. I don’t like long names. Let’s abbreviate it and call him the SLC-- for Supreme Lycan Commander.So, we were headed towards the SLC’s Shelter. The regular Lycans and Rogues stayed in normal tents while esteemed personnel stayed in shelters which were the bigger and more advanced form of tents.Turns out Decayed-Mouth here was an esteemed personnel in the Lycan Hold as he was camping in a shelter and not a tent. From what I had learned, he was one of the Generals of the Rogue division of the Oust Resista
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Chapter 114 ~ Huh?
{Isla’s POV}A tall Lycan had stepped out of the Shelter and was bellowing for us to come in now.That must be the SLC.“Oh, he looks angry alright.” I muttered to Sir. Skippar as we sauntered towards the Shelter.Sir. Skippar whispered. “That’s not the Supreme Commander. That’s just one of his personal Guards.”“What?!”“Shhh. Keep your voice down and your head too. No eye contact.” Sir. Skippar reminded me before throwing his gaze to the ground.I promptly did the same as we stopped before the really huge personal guard. With his size, I had to wonder what the Supreme Commander would look like, and more potently… the Lycan King!These blokes be huge!“March.” Was all the huge guard said before leading us in. With his size, there was no need to have our heads lowered. He was totally obstructing the freaking view before us.The Shelter was warm and the mood in it was warm too, perfectly suitable atmosphere for an Org—Shit! The Orgy. I had totally forgotten about that, hence my calmne
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Chapter 115 ~ A Familiar Scent
{Isla’s POV}Turns out my Rogue disguise had been futile in shielding me from being attractive as the Supreme Commander had seen me that way— attractive.At least, Korr did. The supreme commander bitch just wanted to fuck me and the other She-wolves here. And you would think we taller females wouldn’t be threatened by a mere Dwarf. Well, this guy before us was no mere Dwarf. He had a thick veiny length fixed on his front side just in between his short thighs and it made him appear oddly threatening.But then again, I ask. Why is the Supreme Lycan Commander a Dwarf Lycan? I can’t be the only one that finds that highly weird.I roamed my gaze around and instead of being edgy, the other She-wolves were busy taking off their dresses. I was truly the only one who found it weird that the SLC was a Dwarf.“You there.” A voice called harshly. Because of its frequency of utterance since we’ve been in the Supreme Commander’s Shelter, I knew it was Korr who had spoken. But I didn’t know who he w
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Chapter 116 ~ Who Will You Choose?
{Isla’s POV}His form was unmistakable as he stood face to face with Korr— the huge Lycan guard.— who didn’t look so huge now that Cayden was matching his height. I heard a growl again and realized it was Korr who was growling and not Cayden.“How dare you, Rogue?!” Korr bawled as he heaved before Cayden. Cayden didn’t reply to him but took his gaze slowly to the Supreme Commander, who was also heaving in anger.“Commander Supreme.” Cayden said aloud, “This she-rogue here is my lover and wife-to-be. I love her and plead that you spare her.” He said to the Commander Supreme but he wasn’t looking at the Dwarf commander. His eyes were lined to another angle and I couldn’t figure out what he was looking at.But wait… what?!Did he just call me his lover? And wife-to-be?What the fuck is happening?I looked at him in confusion but the voice of Korr interrupted me from gazing further.“Who do you think you are?!” Korr roared at Cayden’s face in annoyance that Cayden was ignoring him but Cay
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Chapter 117 ~ Sharp Claws And Dense Bones
{Isla’s POV}Who will you choose?The question kept jogging in my mind as everyone stared at me. I was growing a migraine.The Supreme Dwarf had successfully made this more fun— for himself. I wasn’t finding anything about this fun! Ha had just asked me to choose between Cayden and Sir. Skippar the Decayed mouth. Who will I choose?Now I know the answer is pretty obvious here. Cayden is cruel and evil and deserves all the torment in the world but then, he’s still one of my subjects. And we had come together on this mission. Not choosing him will be synonymous with betrayal— bad faith.So I couldn’t reject Cayden. At least I don’t think I should.Although, seeing him getting fucked in the butthole will be fun. Will it?Okay, Ew. No. I take that back. I don’t want to feed my eyes with such a horrid sight.Now, moving to the next person. Decayed-mouth? He’s kind of a bitter option to reject too. I told him I liked him and even kissed the dude. And the look on his face now told me he
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Chapter 118 ~ You’re Not Worth F*cking
{Isla’s POV}I stared wide-eyed in disbelief as I watched Cayden being thrashed into the dust like a blind 8-year-old. Only that he wasn’t blind. He very much could see and he was using that sight to look at me.Sir. Skippar was in god mode. At least he thought he was. He thought that’s how strong he was to be beating Cayden up so easily. But for the ones who knew Cayden, i.e. Daniel, Andrea, and me, we knew something was wrong somewhere.We literally had our jaws dropped at the sight. Cayden was bleeding furiously and he wasn’t defending any of the Sir. Skippar’s blows. And if it continued this way, Sir. Skippar would end up turning Cayden into Decayed-body.Cayden stood up for the 17th time now.But that’s the thing. Why does he keep standing up? If he knows he isn’t going to fight Sir. Skippar, he should just—“Ouu.” Andrea voiced beside me. This was the 7th time she was making that sound. She habitually made it at the impact of the bigger blows. Bigger blows like Cayden getting
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Chapter 119 ~ Pooping Hole
{Isla’s POV}Daniel and Andrea helped Cayden out of the Supreme Commander’s Shelter. We left gleeful appraisals and chattering behind as everyone felt like they had discovered a new Champion. Decayed-mouth The Destroyer.Fuckers!Didn’t they see that Cayden wasn’t even making an attempt to fight him, which, by the way, leads me to my reason to be furious.I waited for us to get some distance away from the Dwarf’s Shelter and the judging stares and then I stopped our stroll by jumping in front of Cayden.“What was that rubbish you did in there?!” I yelled at his face. Cayden sighed and rested against a pole and Andrea used the opportunity to escape from my glaring range to an area behind me. Knowing me fully well, she knew I was going to yell daggers and knives at Cayden.“You’re not going to say anything?!” I voiced once again, irritated by the fact that he was just staring into space. “You were just a breathing punching bag in there.”Cayden cleaned whipped blood off his face and tur
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Chapter 120 ~ Until My Breath Leaves Me
{Cayden’s POV}I strolled through the Hold, my eyes switching from one scene to the other. They looked like wild animals out here, Rogue and Lycans alike. All around me, men and women were seen chatting, drinking, laughing, and/or having sex. It was an interesting sight, yet it wasn't one I was used to.I had left Isla over at the pond. She had been very mad at me and as much as I wanted to stay there and watch her get all red and fiery, I needed to give her her privacy. I knew she wasn’t as carefree as me and wasn’t comfortable getting naked in front of anyone— she has always been that shy. And knowing this, I left as I didn’t want to trouble her more— even though it would have been fun to do so.I got to our ash-colored tent and bowed as I walked in. I still can’t believe four people would be sharing this small circle. I met Andrea inside. She was kneeling and preparing a bed space with some bedclothes. She didn’t notice me.I cleared my throat and she flinched at the sound of my
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