All Chapters of His Regret: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
146 Chapters
Chapter 131 ~ Irritated Beyond Ew!
{Isla’s POV}We were prisoners in our own land. The Lycans must really think the Queen is weak and helpless, roaming the Reigns and doing anything they liked— like taking the Queen herself hostage!How fucked up is that?I know how our carelessness got us into this predicament but I don’t know what will save us. How do we escape from a really funny-looking but smart Lycan Commander whom I might just have told I loved serving him?He had said he was throwing an orgy party to celebrate his reunion with his trusted Rogues. So he thinks we’re both his trusted Rogues.That’s both a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing, because it gives us the latitude to conspire against him without being immediately suspected of the crime. But a bad thing because he had just claimed us under his small alliance, which means we won’t be returning to the ‘Rogue Lives Matter’ group anytime soon.And I had told them over at GreyHill to remain there until I return. But as it stands, I don’t think I’ll be mak
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Chapter 132 ~ Crazy Decisions
{Isla’s POV}The Dwarf commander had just said the words I dreaded to hear.Strip me naked?I’ll die before that happens. I turned my gaze to Cayden to see what he thought about our new predicament.He looked horrified.Why?He wasn’t looking at me but I could see how dazed he was by the Dwarf commander’s utterance. I hadn’t been expecting this reaction.I mean, I felt he would find it slightly weird but I didn’t know he would be this muddled by it. He wasn’t saying anything but his eyes were telling me all I needed to know. Going naked was not something that would bother him. In fact, making Cayden go naked would call all the adoration and attention in the Hold to him. I’ve seen his body and I can say for a fact that if Cayden should go naked right now, every single female here would abandon their fuck partners and fight to be with Cayden. It’s highly unsettling that I know this, but I do. So, I’m forced to wonder why Cayden looks this disturbed. Because he’s definitely not distu
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Chapter 133 ~ Oh, The Shock
{Isla’sPOV}We were led from the shelter to an open space on the outside. The Dwarf commander wanted Cayden’s humiliation to be public.I wanted Cayden’s victory to be private. I was the only one in the crowd that knew what Cayden was capable of. I was the only one that knew Cayden had been pretending.Last time we were in a risky situation and Cayden decided to make a fool out of all of them by making them believe he was powerless.But now, his life is on the line and you can’t expect him to just throw away the opportunity to save himself and save little Lily.I knew this much and it was a funny situation that I was the only one that knew this.I looked over at where the Dwarf Commander was seated on his high throne.The throne is fucking high and I don’t want to waste words on describing how high— but it’s high.He was seated up there comfortably and from any distance, you could effortlessly see the pride written on his face. He was aligned with the fact that Cayden would be a dead
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Chapter 134 ~ Gesture Of Victory
{Isla’s POV}Korr heard his name and he stepped out into the circle dripping with confidence and ferocity. He was indeed a powerful Lycan. The crowd knew this, and he knew this.He stopped some distance away from Cayden and hovered over him with his height. His form was threatening but that’s not what Cayden thought.I knew Cayden well enough to know that it would take more than ten huge and deadly Lycans to scare him. And in front of him was just one.The look on the Dwarf commander’s face revealed nothing but pure pride and trust and the crowd of Lycans and a few Rogues mirrored those feelings as they were bobbing with gleeful shouts.They hailed Korr and they neglected Cayden.An unfortunate mistake right there.“Korr!” The Dwarf commander’s voice shot into the air, claiming the crowd's attention, and Korr’s.Korr turned to look at his commander and they both stared at each other for a while before the commander started to speak.“You’re out here to only do one thing. Trash this R
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Chapter 135 ~ A Catch
{Isla’s POV}The Dwarf commander had shot up his feet in his annoyance, but so far, he hadn’t said anything.He was just standing there with his short form, pouring his glare on Cayden— who was unmoved by it. At a corner, Korr could be heard screaming like a distressed toddler as he was being carried away by his fellow Lycans. If I were to be in his shoes, I would have ended my own life. The sight of him with such a broken and fucked up neck was not friendly in the slightest.With the momentary inactivity, the crowd’s murmuring started to grow once again. They couldn’t contain their bewilderment as Cayden had defeated probably the most praised Lycan in the Hold. He had gone from being a punching bag to being the punching gloves.Don’t know if that analogy makes sense but you get my point. Anyway, Cayden’s sudden switch made me wonder what had been at play during their battle. Was it an intended act of Cayden’s or did the tables really turn?The latter doesn’t seem feasible to me. Ca
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Chapter 136 ~ Someone Else’s
{Isla’s POV}Things grew scary. The Dwarf Commander was being nice to us.He had provided Lily, Cayden, and me a good Shelter for us to rest in for the night and had ordered his men to bring food for us. Loads of food. Meat, salad, sauce— name it!On second thought. Don’t name it.They only brought meat, salad, and sauce. That was it. But the quantity was mighty and overwhelming and this made me suspicious. However, I seemed to be the only one that was concerned about the Dwarf commander’s kindness as Cayden was just carelessly feasting on the huge chunk of food and not saying anything.Maybe he was suspicious too but was hiding it. Either way, I needed to find out.“You don’t find this fishy?” I said, interrupting Cayden’s huge bite on a meat length.He turned to look at me and I realized one of his blue eyes was still stained with blood. It was the same eye that was injured last time but unlike then, this injury seemed to be severe as the eye wasn’t healing.“Find what suspicious
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Chapter 137 ~ Chains And Magic
{Isla’s POV}For the first time in my life, I felt like my eyes and ears were lying to me at the same time.Standing before me in flesh was the Dwarf commander.And he had just said the words, “Your Highness.”Our pretense was over.Our schemes were uncovered.Our disguise was compromised. He knew who we were. He knew who I was.Cayden and I shot up to our feet simultaneously now. We stared helplessly at the Dwarf commander who gloriously strolled into the Shelter.He wasn’t hiding the fact that he had heard us. No lie could save us.“Well well well.” The Dwarf commander said as he made himself comfortable on one of our stools. “The Alpha Queen. In my Hold? Wow!” He exclaimed and cackled a bit before turning to face the entrance.“Can you believe this?” He asked openly as his escort guards trooped in to surround us. I felt Lily grip my leg tightly.“Sound the horn!” **We were dragged out to the open grounds, bound in heavy silver chains and manacles.I have never been squeezed so ti
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Chapter 138 ~ In A Freaking Cave
{Isla’s POV}The once gleeful crowd turned into a panicking and horrified one. No one seemed to know comportment anymore as everyone was racing around wildly now. The Lycans were being attacked.But by who?Cayden and I were still very much glued to our mighty wooden pillar friends and although we were immobile, our eyes could grasp the chaos happening all around us. And just then, my eyes fell on Emkay. She was at the far end with some other Rogues and she was throwing out commands as they all scattered into the chaotic mix.What is she doing here? I told her not to come!“Take them around and lock them up in the underground Pound. I want heavy guards on the Pound and more men outside it!” The Dwarf commander bawled and immediately a heavy group of Lycans surrounded Cayden and me.We were detached from the wooden post and bundled up by the Lycans as they took us to wherever they were taking us. They blindfolded us on the way and dragged us roughly onward.All around me, I could hear
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Chapter 139 ~ Free
{Isla’s POV}I bit Cayden’s blindfold off and glared at him as he blinked and adjudged his eyes to the tone of the atmosphere. “We’re in a cave.” I helped him out, still training my eyes on him in case he looked at me. He turned his gaze to look further ahead and studied the cave. “I’m not going to look at you Isla.” He said.“Well, I don’t trust you.” I rejoined.“So, you’re just going to keep looking at me?” He asked, now studying the writings on the Boulder we were chained to.“Yes, Cayden. Yes!” I scowled at him and watched a smile grow on his face.“What’s amusing you?” I asked.“You’re acting funny. You still have clothes on, Isla.” He said, still studying the weird scribblings.“I’m not acting funny! I’m being serious! … and my clothes are torn. I look like a freaking ragged stripper!” I voiced but he was still smiling.Why is he fucking smiling?“Okay, Isla. Why don’t you come over and help me take off my shirt so you can wear it?” He suggested.What?!“And then you’ll be str
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Chapter 140 ~ The South
{Isla’s POV}What’s wrong with my eyes? This has to be a trick of some sort.I gazed at the face of the Praised brother standing before me more intensely now and I was still arriving at the same freaking conclusion. I was staring at Shrill-voice. The face was a little bit rough but it was still him.“What are you doing standing so close to him?” I heard Cayden’s voice and then I felt his hand push me away from Shrill-voice. “You’re into Muscle Rogues now?” He asked, glaring at me. My gaze was still on the figure so Cayden turned to look at him too. He inched away once his gaze rested on Shrill-voice. He was also dazed.I needed an explanation. I needed to fucking understand things before my brain burned up, so I stepped closer to him.“Shrill-voice?” I said again but the figure who was Shrill-voice only bent down to pick up his mask. He attempted to put it on but I stopped him, holding the mask.“Hey! Talk to me. I’ve already seen your face. I know it’s you. What’s going on?” I said
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