All Chapters of Spoiled By My Ex’s Uncle : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
173 Chapters
Chapter 131
“I’ll pay you the one hundred million right now,” Charlotte said once she was sitting across from Matt in the unpopular restaurant he had picked out for them to meet. There was no exchange of pleasantries between them, just straight to business. Charlotte started digging inside her bag for her phone to make the transfer, as she tried to hide her fear. “You can stop that now,” he said quietly. “It’s too late for any of that.” “What are you talking about…?”Matt shrugged. “I don’t want your money anymore. I’m no longer interested.” Charlotte’s lips trembled. Xavier had been right. You can never pay a blackmailer enough. As long as he still had proof, Charlotte would never be free from him no matter how much she promised or gave him.“Then what do you want?” She stared to ask. He reclined in the restaurant chair and smirked at her. “I love seeing you riled up. It turns me on.” Charlotte bit her lips so she wouldn’t say something she would regret. Of all the people who could have be
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Chapter 132
Xavier had his reservations about meeting Laura, but after seeing things from Jaden’s perspective, he was curious to get to the bottom of it. Why else would Laura want to meet him? Did she want him to invest in her brother's business? Why would anyone do something this extreme just to get him to invest? She had to know that there was no way in hell he would do that after the frustration she had put him through. No. It had to be something else. And that was what he planned to find out.After finding out this specific piece of information from his friend about Laura that would have saved him a lot of stress if he had just asked Private to run a check on her sooner, Xavier gave in and finally enlisted the help of his private detective. So far, Xavier had found out that his ex-wife was now one of the richest women in the country, had been temporarily engaged to the son of the ex-president and had kept her son hidden on purpose until recently. To say that Xavier was unimpressed would b
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Chapter 133
It was just a stupid meeting with his ex-wife, so why was he so nervous? Xavier wondered, rubbing his sweaty palms on a handkerchief. “She’s in,” he heard Carlos say to Laura from outside. Xavier cleared his throat. This was it. He started to straighten his tie, but stopped mid-way and asked himself what the hell he was even doing. He adjusted himself in his chair that was now beginning to hurt in certain spots where it didn’t before. Sighing, he forced himself to stay still. He raised the mug of coffee to his lips, looking as poised as possible when Laura walked in. From an onlooker’s perspective, there was not a thing out of place with him. Laura stopped by the door and regarded him with a smile. Carlos stood watching him with the door open, silently assuring Xavier that he was there in case he needed anything. Laura, who hadn’t heard the sound of the door close turned around to face Carlos. “You may leave now,” she said, practically forcing him out of the room and pu
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Chapter 134
Xavier frowned as he stood by the door, wondering if it would be wiser to walk through or stay back to listen to what his ex-wife had to say. This was what she wanted, to put him in a position where she would be the one to call the shots. She had what he wanted and she planned to use it to her advantage. Shutting his eyes with a sigh, he turned around and walked back to the seat he had just vacated. “Talk,” he said, looking straight at her. She smiled and relaxed in her seat. “Why are you so pressed? I just want us to be comfortable and free with each other while having this conversation. I don’t know why you’re acting like I’m the enemy.” Xavier blinked. The longer he stayed here listening to her bullshit, the more he was tempted to flip out. She was twisting everything on purpose so that he’d try to correct her like before and prolong this more than was necessary. “If the next thing you say isn’t related to what you planned to tell me today, not only will I call the guards
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Chapter 135
“You must be mad,” Charlotte scoffed at Matt. She stood up, carried her bag and adjusted her sunglasses to leave the restaurant, but he was right beside her in a second and holding her hand. “You don’t want to cause a scene, do you?” He asked with a chilly voice that let her know he was not afraid to create one. “Be a good girl and sit down, will you?” If looks could kill, Matt would have been a dead man, but unfortunately, they couldn’t. With a heavy heart, Charlotte did as she was told and sat back down. “You’re way too sensitive. I was just playing with you but you had to take it seriously,” he said with a chuckle. “I wonder what the big deal is. You know I’ve always wanted you and now you’re single and free. You’ve always been such an uptight bitch.” Charlotte crossed her arms and stared straight at him with a serious face without saying a word. His hurtful words were the least of her problems right now. She had so much to lose and unfortunately, he had the power to ma
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Chapter 136
Contrary to what Charlotte had imagined would happen, Xavier did not try to initiate conversation throughout the ride. He only asked her where she wanted him to drop her off and she told him. He didn’t even ask for a specific address and didn’t pressure her to tell him more when she only gave him the name of her estate and not even the road. The ride was uncomfortable to say the least, just like it was silent, with only the classical music he never played accompanying them on their journey. They were alone in the car, with Xavier driving, since he had instructed his men to leave them once they left the building, but he didn’t let that make him overstep the boundaries she had created. “We’re here,” he said when he drove into the estate. “You can tell me when to stop or where to go.” She nodded and looked out the window. This was not how she had hoped things would go. It was too early to meet him. She wasn’t ready yet, hadn’t had the transformation she planned to have befo
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Chapter 137
“I knew you would call me back sooner or later. It was only a matter of time,” Laura said with a smirk as she sat down opposite Xavier in his conference room. “I just hoped it would have been somewhere else and not here with all your guards.” “What do you plan to do with the pictures?” Xavier asked immediately after she sat down, going straight to the reason he had asked her to come. She didn’t appear discomposed by the question at all. “I just sent them to you, to show you what you were dealing with,” she said with a shrug. “Why?” “I just wanted you to know that your wife is not the angel you think she is. If she can have an affair with a man married to her own sister…” Xavier chuckled drily. “Why are you so obsessed with me? Why won’t you just let me move on? What’s your business with who I choose to be with? So if I decide to be with a pornst@r tomorrow, you’ll send me all the clips of her work?” Laura glared at him. This was clearly not the reaction she had been
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Chapter 138
Charlotte paced around her room as she held her phone to her ear, waiting for the only person she could talk to at that moment to answer the phone. It rang twice and went to voicemail, but that was expected. Private had an official call line, but he rarely used it because of the type of job he did. It was just there to let him know who was calling and then he would call the person back with a new line. “Charlotte,” his deep warm voice greeted when she answered the unknown number. “Hi,” she greeted, now unsure what to say now that she had his attention. “How are you doing?” “I’m alright, and you?” He asked politely. “I’m great,” she said in a tight voice that showed she was anything but. There was silence. “I assume you didn’t just call me to ask me how I’m doing,” he said wisely. “Go ahead, I’m listening.” Charlotte sighed. How was she even supposed to start? She knew keeping people’s secrets was his job, but so was revealing the secrets of others to those who
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Chapter 139
“I got you some presents,” Kate said with a smile when she stepped into Charlotte’s new house. “Thanks,” Charlotte muttered politely and took the bag her sister offered her, without looking at her face. She carried the rest of her luggage into the room next to hers and remained idle in the living room while Kate made herself at home in the room. Charlotte didn’t know how to react now that her sister was here and she was being nice. She had never forgiven herself for the stupid mistake she had made that had broken her family and her tight relationship with her sister and she didn’t think she or anyone else would ever be able to move past it. The Tv was on as it had been for a while, showing the cartoon she and Xavier had laughed at during their honeymoon. It was just a coincidence that it was the channel showing, Charlotte convinced herself. “This place is so big and it looks expensive,” Kate said, appearing in the living room and looking around. “I suppose getting married to
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Chapter 140
Xavier knew Laura probably had something up her sleeve when she asked to meet him at her penthouse instead, but he agreed to go, not because it was the least he could do since he would be taking her son away for a whole month, but also because he knew that if he didn’t, she would continue to nag about his conference room. “Sorry I’m late,” Xavier said and took the empty seat in front of what he could only call a picnic table. Laura smiled, not at all offended. “It’s alright. I pulled you out of space so you weren’t under any obligation to come so early. How have you been?” Xavier nodded without giving an audible answer. One hand held up his jaw while the other held onto the side of the chair as he tried to get used to this new setting. The penthouse was scattered with toys, yoga mats, pillow and whatnot. He didn’t like how lived-in it looked, neither did he like the fact that Laura hadn’t even bothered to tidy up the place before inviting him. She was giving off the hidden
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