Spoiled By My Ex’s Uncle

Spoiled By My Ex’s Uncle

Oleh:  Royalty  Baru saja diperbarui
Bahasa: English
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Charlotte always hoped for forever with her college sweetheart, Jonah, but after their marriage, the man she gave her heart took her freedom and turned her into a shadow of herself. He married another woman for her money and dumped Charlotte to the curb because of his greed. Broken, with no hope from anywhere, her savior comes in form of the man she least expected, her ex’s uncle. Xavier Roman is the wealthiest man in the state, a zillionaire whose income cannot be counted. He proposes a contract marriage to his nephew’s ex-wife in order to silence the ugly rumors surrounding him and she agrees out of desperation. In return, he promises to help her exert her revenge on everyone who wronged her, and spoil her beyond imagination. Driven by hate and jealousy, her ex-husband returns with his family, tarnishing her image in every way they can to get back at her, but she cannot be touched because of the man whose name she is affiliated with. What happens when she starts to want more than just his money? What happens when he realizes that it was never just business for him? How will she ever get over him, when coupled with his money, he shows her in more ways than one, what it means to be truly pleasured by a man…?

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What d fck is Xavier planning? Dammmnnnittttt !!!
2024-06-10 12:46:12
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She’s dumber than I thought!!! Toooooooo dumb Charlotte!!!
2024-04-24 07:18:34
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Delinda Schumacher
81 chapters 4-12-24
2024-04-12 20:21:07
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Nishita Patel
Amazing book
2024-04-10 23:35:33
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Delinda Schumacher
9 chapters 2-23-24
2024-02-23 23:39:16
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Chapter 1
Charlotte’s hands were trembling. As she watched the events on the TV play out live from several miles away, she thought she would pass out. Her husband, who had told her he was going for a business meeting was sitting and laughing with another woman, who he was apparently getting engaged to. The very beautifully dressed woman on TV pulled him closer him closer, and Charlotte felt her heart twist inside of her as she watched her husband kiss the other woman more passionately than he had ever kissed her throughout their two-year marriage. The TV remote fell out from her hands as they began to shake uncontrollably. She should put an end to the show as she couldn’t possibly bear to watch any more but she just couldn’t. There was a limit her fragile heart could take. Surely it had to be a joke, an advertisement or something. But she knew that wasn’t the case. Her husband was holding the woman and looking tenderly into her eyes like she was the most precious living being ever. She cou
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Chapter 2
Upstairs in the control room of Trojan House, Xavier Roman watched the events going on from the cctv. There had been several reports of some sleazy men groping women and drugging their drinks as well as many other ugly characters he did not need to spoil the reputation of his club, so he was watching to see if he could catch one red-handed and teach them a painful lesson. Deep down however, Xavier knew that watching out for predatory behavior wasn’t his main reason for taking over supervision tonight, when he could have been doing anything else he wanted. Jonah was having his engagement party and although he had abruptly refused to go no matter how often he was asked, Xavier just had to watch it happen somehow. No one in the family truly wanted him there. They just needed to use his club as it was the most exclusive in the state and it was impossible to book an appointment there without his notice. He didn’t care that they didn’t want him though, as he had more important things to
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Chapter 3
Charlotte woke up from a dreamless sleep and tried to adjust her eyes to the brightness. She yawned and stretched, feeling more refreshed than she had been in so long. A little too refreshed, considering what had happened the day before. Her hands stopped mid-air as she took in her surroundings, a note of alarm ringing in her head when she couldn’t recognize the beautiful room she was in. Where was she? Her heart started to pound as she jumped out of the bed but when she did, she realized she was wearing a big T-shirt that didn’t belong to her. She froze. Who had undressed her? Her eyes widened when she realized she was wearing nothing underneath. The last thing she remembered was being humiliated and rejected by her college sweetheart, her husband who she had been married to for two whole years. How did she end up here? Had she been kidnapped? She heard a deep masculine voice coming from somewhere outside and she jumped to the other hidden side of the bed when the doorknob twis
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Chapter 4
“If you’re trying to joke with me it isn’t working,” Charlotte said to him, eyeing him warily after his last statement. “I don’t know you enough to want to joke with you,” he said with a set face that convinced her he was being completely serious. “When you get to know me, you’ll realize I’m a serious man with very limited time for jokes.” She swallowed when she noticed he was actually being serious. “But I don’t know you. I can’t possibly get married to you.” “I don’t know you either,” he shrugged. “That’s the whole idea.” “Marriage is supposed to be between two people who love and care for each other,” she said, hoping he would see reason. From the way he had said they were getting married, she didn’t think he was asking her permission. “Look how that turned out for you,” he said and her heart sank. “When one thing does not work, you look for an alternative.” “And in this case you’re the alternative? What makes you think you’re an upgrade from my husband?” She asked, wanting
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Chapter 5
He suddenly stilled when she looked up at him and took his hands off her like he had just realized he was holding her inappropriately. He went back to the chair he had been sitting down on and watched from a distance. “Let’s start afresh,” he said. “I’m Xavier and I’m here to make you an offer I hope you won’t refuse. I sent my men to bring you here after I ran a background check on you and discovered you had no one. I didn’t undress you like I said before. I had a maid do it, so no, I didn’t see you naked without your consent.” Every single word that came out of this man’s mouth was always crazy. He asked to start afresh, yet the things he had said did not calm her down, but only made her more confused. “How did you know all those things about me?” she asked, relaxing a little now she knew he hadn’t really taken advantage of her. She sincerely hoped he was telling the truth. “Like I said, I ran a background check on you,” he repeated, looking at her like she was the one who was c
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Chapter 6
Xavier groaned in frustration when he entered his room, angry at himself for messing things up. He wrongly assumed that once he threw the fact that he had more money than she could ever spend, she would happily oblige him and get married to him, but that had ended up getting her angry instead. What had he been thinking? He had basically kidnapped her and no matter what he explained, she would never see past that fact. His chance to finally mend his bad reputation had slipped out from his hands. Maybe it was for the best though. It was crazy to want to marry his nephew’s ex-wife. Sighing, he lifted his phone to call his assistant to take her back to her home, hoping she wouldn’t reveal any of this to the reporters who worked tirelessly to smear his name. There came a knock on the door. “Who is it?” He asked, as he dialed his assistant’s number. “It’s me, Charlotte,” came the faint reply from the door. He dropped the phone and breathed in. He would have to send her away himself.
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Chapter 7
Charlotte read the contract again and again, as she tried to come to terms with it. According to the piece of paper she was holding, their marriage would be by paper and name for the public only, unless they decided otherwise. “What does this mean?” She asked Xavier who had remained silent ever since they entered the marriage hall. “It means we won’t have to act like a married couple when there is no one around, unless we decide to.”“Oh,” she said, unable to imagine how she could willingly pretend to live this man in private. She wasn’t even sure she could do it in public. The rest of the contract was reasonable. She would follow him for every function, meeting or party he went to as his wife and plus one, and act the part, anything to convince onlookers they were truly married. In return, she would be paid handsomely. There was no specific payment given, but she didn’t feel comfortable asking in front of all the lawyers who had to be present to legalize this. As she signed the
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Chapter 8
“No,” Xavier Roman said when Charlotte appeared once again, wearing a new dress from the boutique. This was getting exhausting. All he did was sit down there comfortably and cross-legged, saying just one word while she had to struggle to fit into a new unnecessarily complicated dress each time he rejected the last one. “I’m tired,” she said, leaning against the wall. Not only was she tired, but she was greatly insecure. She had put on some weight from staying home all day in the past year and each time he rejected whatever she put on, she automatically assumed it had something to do with her weight. He watched her for a few moments, as if he wanted to ascertain if she was really tired of testing out those ridiculously expensive outfits or if she was just being lazy. He sighed as he came to a decision. “Fine. You can rest for five minutes and that’s it.” She took off the last outfit she had put on and wore the gown she had worn originally. Unlike the others, these one didn’t snatc
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Chapter 9
Charlotte ended up getting three more dresses which were just as expensive to complement the mauve one, in case of future outings. After seeing how quickly Xavier had been willing to part with his money, she now knew he wasn’t bluffing when he told her he was very generous with his money. “Are you hungry?” He asked her after they had been driving for some time and her stomach grumbled. Perfect timing. “A little,” she whispered, feeling embarrassed. “Alright then,” he said, thankfully not remarking on what just happened. “There’s a restaurant close by that has the best roast meals. What type of food do you like?” “Roast will be fine,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. She noticed his gaze go down to where her hands were and stay for a while before he eventually turned away. Why did the car suddenly feel so hot? When Xavier spoke of a restaurant that had roast meals, she had imagined a small and simple place with smoke everywhere. This establishment that looked so glass
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Chapter 10
“How do I look?” Charlotte asked him with wide eyes when she walked down in that dress that hugged her body in the right places. He shrugged.“Good,” he said. “Let’s go. We’re getting late.” Xavier saw her face fall at his dismissal, but he pretended to be focused on something on his phone, appearing not to pay her any heed. ‘Good’ was an understatement. In that dress, she looked gorgeous, sensational, breathtaking, but he couldn’t possibly tell her any of that. She was beautiful already without any of the extras, but she always walked around with a dull expression on her face and a slouchy posture, constantly facing the ground, that it was hard to tell. Xavier had spent just less than a full day with her, yet he could tell how lowly she rated herself. He couldn’t blame her. After being with someone like his nephew whose confidence only came from putting people down, for two whole years, she had begun to doubt her self-worth. However, after wearing this dress and makeup, he knew
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