All Chapters of Tempted by My Hot Bodyguard : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
212 Chapters
Axel's Attention
Axel whistled loudly, happy that Min Young's issues finally ended with a satisfying outcome. At least now, Axel could breathe a sigh of relief. There were no more obstacles between him and Aura. Correction, there was still daddy Charles!But at least the problem has reduced by one! Axel's brain immediately started spinning just thinking about it, but sooner or later, Axel had to face it. He couldn't postpone something this important for too long, but the problem was daddy Charles had already returned to Jakarta! How could he discuss it when the person involved wasn't even in the same country as him?Even they meet face to face, they haven’t reached an agreement, let alone communicating from a distance? Axel is convinced that won’t work!‘It seems like I have to go back to Jakarta soon. Besides, it shouldn't be a problem, right? After all, Aura has officially resigned,’ Axel thought to himself.Yes, after Aura had officially resigned, didn't that mean Axel was of
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Be A Better Person
However, there was still Sandara. Several times Axel's subordinates had observed Sandara, noticing her suspicious behavior, especially when interacting with Aura! It looks so fake! It couldn't be ignored!So today, Axel visited Sandara and issued an ultimatum, hoping she would act wisely and not cause trouble for Aura! Otherwise, she would experience the same fate as her two companions who were probably regretting their decisions for causing problems with the wrong person!"Okay, you can go home early today," Axel ordered, not wanting to torture Damian any longer. Poor subordinate, he had been working overtime since yesterday, gathering information from Madam Cha and spying on Min Young!And now that all the troublemakers had been caught, so Damian could rest. Axel didn't want to be a boss who tormented his subordinates!“Alright. Thank you, Sir!” *** Aura stared at the warm soup in front of her in silence. The soup delivered by Damian. Made by Axel's hands
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The Deepest Love
Even though the sun had just risen this morning, but Axel already looked neat. "Where are you going this early in the morning?" Clay asked in amazement.It’s unusual to see Axel this neat, whenever he had to go to Aura’s house, he always wore a more casual looking t-shirt! Besides, Aura has already resigned, meaning Axel doesn’t need to work to take care of Aura anymore, right?"I'm meeting the lawyer. I need to make sure that everything is fine. I want those two damn women to accept their punishment quickly.""About that, you can relax because now the public is acting like judges, just like what happened to Aura some time ago!""What do you mean?" Axel asked, not understanding.Clay handed his phone to Axel, showing something that made Axel smile broadly. It turned out that evidence of Min Young's criminal activities had spread widely, even watched by more than a million people! Incredible!Technology was indeed frightening, making everyone know what ha
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Eradicate The Enemy
Axel hummed cheerfully, the discussion with Julius had lightened his heart. The concerns that had troubled him for the past few days were slowly being resolved. From the beginning, Axel had sworn to himself that he would never forgive or tolerate anyone who hurt Aura! Everyone had to face the consequences.Luckily, there was Julius, reliable as ever, and the man flew to Seoul without protest immediately after Axel contacted him!The cases of Min Young and Angela were already in the legal process. Even Madam Cha, who was Min Young's accomplice, couldn't escape Axel's pursuit. Axel didn't care even if Madam Cha went bankrupt! Who asked her to help Min Young?Today, Sandara had also signed an agreement, declaring that she wouldn't disturb Aura at all. If she broke this agreement, Axel could take legal action against her! Earlier, Axel had already read the statement signed by Sandara. An agreement hastily prepared by Julius within a few hours after Axel gave the or
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The Moments Of Farewell
Aura leaned against the headboard, busy watching Axel as he brought a bowl of soup and a whole-grain sandwich filled with vegetables and eggs."Eat the warm soup first, and then you can eat the sandwich. I read on the internet that whole-grain bread and eggs are good for pregnant women because they contain fiber and protein," Axel rambled on like a nutritionist, unaware that Aura was struggling to hold back tears due to his care.A part of Aura resisted leaving, but she had no other choice!Honestly, Axel’s attention makes Aura’s defenses crumble! Now Aura realizes that Axel truly loves her, but the problem is they can’t be together! Slowly, Aura sipped Axel's homemade soup, remembering its taste. A taste she might never be able to enjoy again after they parted ways. Axel, who has been watching Aura silently all this time, finally asks anxiously, "Are you feeling uncomfortable? Why are you silent? And why does your face look so gloomy? Is there something else b
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Saying Goodbye Part 1
"Prepare the plane, I'll catch up with you later," Axel ordered after they arrived at the Incheon airport."Alright, Sir!"Clay, Damian, and Axel's other subordinates complied, understanding that their boss needed some alone time with Aura before parting for some time."I promise not to be away for too long. Don't worry, I'll definitely come back.""Hmm... I know."'The problem is, I’m the one who has to go!' added Aura in her heart.Pain struck Aura’s chest. She realized that her time with Axel was only a few minutes away! After that, Aura wouldn’t have the chance or the right to meet that man again. Forever. Silence lingered for a moment until Aura's voice broke the silence.“I never imagined that the Xavier family was this wealthy until to own a private jet!” Aura sneered, hoping it would alleviate her sadness. Aura had to distract herself, or else she would cry! And Aura didn’t want Axel to see her cry because that might raise suspicion! No, Aura
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The Hardest Choice
Axel, who had already flown to Jakarta, could only restlessly move in his bed. Although the plane provided a luxurious spring bed, but Axel's eyes still refused to cooperate! His thoughts were always focused on Aura! Frustrated, Axel decided to leave the room and head to the bar. Hoping that alcohol could make him more relaxed.Axel had just taken a sip of whiskey in his hand when Clay appeared, surprised to see how disheveled Axel's face was. Just like clothes that had been rubbed vigorously!"What's wrong, Bro?" Clay asked in surprise."Can't sleep!""Missing Aura?" Clay teased."That's right!""Love is crazy, huh? This is the first time I've seen you messed up like this. Usually, you're the one making girls unable to sleep! But now it’s the opposite! Actually, what skill did Aura use to make you kneeling down like this? That’s an amazing woman! I salute to her!" Clay's banter made Axel grimace fiercely."Noisy!""So sensitive!"After that, Clay
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Let Heart Choose
Axel closed his eyes and strengthened his resolve. No matter how heavy it was, he still had to answer and make a decision about daddy Charles’ question, right?"I don't want to choose between you. I love you, Dad, but I also love Aura and our baby. Please don't make it harder for me, Dad! How could Daddy act so cruelly towards me? I don’t want to leave Daddy because in my body also flows the blood of the Xavier family, Daddy’s blood. And in the body of my child, the child being carried by Aura, also flows the blood of the Xavier family, my blood, Dad!" Axel explained, pleading, visibly frustrated.But in vain, because daddy Charles remained silent, hardening his heart."Whatever you say won't change Daddy's decision. You just need to give an answer now. Who do you choose? No need to beat around the bush anymore, because whatever words come out of your mouth won’t change Daddy’s decision!"Damn! Axel felt like he was playing "Deal or No Deal!" Choosing what's most imp
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Saying Goodbye Part 2
Seoul – South Korea...Aura looked at the house she had bought in the last few years. Although Aura hadn't lived here for a long time, as this house was more of a stopover when she was in Korea, especially considering her job required frequent travel to many countries!But even so, many memories were created here. Memories of her and Axel. Memories that changed Aura’s feelings and made her fall for him, to the point Aura wasn’t even aware when she fell in love with Axel?Was it when he protected Aura from a thrown bottle? Or when he shielded Aura from chasing fans? Or perhaps after they slept together? Who knows! Aura doesn’t remember, but one thing Aura realizes is that she has fallen for Axel. Fallen for the man who is the father of her child. This time, Aura won’t deny that reality!Mommy Erika looked at the saddened Aura, finding it difficult to leave this house."Aura...""I never thought that eventually, I would have to leave this house,
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Oh no, where is Aura? Did she really leave him? Or is she just playing games with him? Playing hide and seek? Is Aura really this cruel to him? Especially when Axel sacrificed everything! Axel even let go of the Xavier family just for Aura and their baby! But why did Aura disappear without a trace like this?! Unbelievable! Frantically, Axel searched the entire area. Living room, family room, kitchen, bathroom, music studio, backyard—everything, but still, it was all in vain! No sign of anyone! No signs of anyone's presence other than Axel!Until Axel’s feet stepped into Aura's room, it looked so tidy. Axel opened Aura's wardrobe, there were still many clothes hanging there, but Axel realized that the large suitcase that usually sat in the corner was gone! Just like the owner of this house. Gone without a word!Axel walked slowly towards the bed, and his eyes caught an envelope placed on the nightstand. With trembling hands, Axel picked up the envelope and opened it
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