All Chapters of Tempted by My Hot Bodyguard : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
212 Chapters
Ask For Blessing
"Some people suspect that the man involved in the scandal with Miss Aura is young master Axel," Benny replied while handing over his tablet. Charles's face turned pale."How could they know about this issue? Didn't we try to erase it when the scandal first broke out?" Charles asked angrily. "Indeed, but as you worried before, news about Miss Aura always makes others curious. In the end, even though only a handful know, some can still guess that it's young master Axel," Benny explained, watching his boss’s reaction closely. “I had a feeling this would happen sooner or later! Anyway, Aura is a magnet that makes everyone curious about all the Xavier family information!” Charles complained."Your assumption is correct, Sir. It seems like one of the opposing parties intends to exploit this issue and aims to bring down the Xavier company. The circulation of this issue caused a drastic drop in stock prices, resulting in significant losses."Charles smiled sardonically
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Second Meeting
Aura blinked, making sure that what she heard wasn't a dream. How could Axel just drop this bombshell? Asking for her parents' blessing? Without hesitation too! Aura herself, the concerned woman, hasn't agreed yet! Not to mention the issue of daddy Charles, who also didn't give his blessing!So how could Axel ask for Aura’s parent’s blessing so easily? Is Axel suffering from partial amnesia, forgetting that there are still many things they need to settle first?Aura's parents exchanged glances. Marry? Mommy Erika had repeatedly called, and Aura never discussed marriage issues at all! They thought the man who impregnated Aura had no intention of taking responsibility and fleeing who knows where! But who would have thought that Axel would directly express his desire to marry Aura? Turns out mommy Erika’s suspicions all this time were off the mark! No wonder Aura’s condition isn’t too depressing, at least the man involved always accompanies Aura in times of crisis like thi
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Min Young VS Angela
The next day, as promised, Angela went to meet Philip Wu, but who would have thought that what she heard would infuriate her instead! Her arrival was rejected, and to make matters worse, Angela saw Min Young coming out of the room while holding Philip Wu’s arm! "Seo Min Young!" Angela called out, wanting an explanation.Min Young looked at Philip and whispered something, and whatever she said made him nod as he walked away, leaving the two of them."What's going on?" Min Young asked casually. Of course, she was casual because Angela no longer had any ammunition to blackmail or threaten her!Now, the video is safely in Min Young’s hands! It’s securely stored in a secret place! Yesterday, right after her informants handed over Angela's phone, Min Young immediately contacted Philip and canceled her request. She didn't want Philip to recruit Angela! It was better for her to star in the movie and terminate her contract with her previous company. That way, Min Y
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Contract? Signed!
Axel looked at the two former minions of Min Young. His expression showed satisfaction. "It's not in vain that I forgave you both because you did your job well! Good job!" Axel said sarcastically."Thank you, Sir!"“As promised, I will give you two a bonus,” Axel said, causing Jung Goo and Tae Pyung to exchange glances with gleaming faces.Axel glanced at Damian, who wordlessly handed a thick brown envelope to the two of them. It looked so thick. No wonder the two of them were overjoyed! "What are you going to do now?" Clay asked as he returned to Axel's apartment."It's time for retaliation! But I'll let Aura do it because she's the one most disadvantage here," Axel replied."Good idea!""When will you publish all of this, Sir?" Damian asked, curious. He wanted the problem to end soon. It was exhausting to keep an eye on the cunning woman like Min Young!"As soon as possible! Isn't sooner better?" Axel replied."I agree with you!" Clay supp
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Inner Contact
The next day...Aura hurriedly got out of bed, nausea returning to her, even though she hadn't felt it for several days. Mommy Erika gently rubbed Aura's back, giving her strength. This must not be easy for Aura, but she couldn't avoid it. It was the fate that a pregnant woman had to go through!"Do you feel better now?" Mommy Erika asked, concerned.As a mother, she felt happy because she would soon be carrying her grandchild, but Mommy Erika couldn't deny that she felt sorry seeing Aura in such a difficult condition. It looked so distressing."Hmm... not bad.""Do you want to eat something warm like soup or porridge?" Mommy Erika offered.Aura bit her lip. She did want to eat warm food, but the problem was, Aura wanted Axel to make it for her! However, how could she say that to Mommy Erika? Aura would surely be laughed at! Moreover, Aura couldn't depend on Axel forever, right? What if she had to leave Axel later? No, Aura couldn't be spoiled!"I want po
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Press Conference
Ji Hwan was stunned upon realizing Aura's arrival. She looked much sadder than before. Her weight dwindled, despite Aura's attempt to conceal it with a smile, but Ji Hwan could sense her deep sorrow. He couldn't be fooled that easily! Ji Hwan had known Aura for years!Unable to prevent it, Ji Hwan immediately hugged Aura, offering his support. Axel, who saw this, felt the urge to drag Ji Hwan away, but thankfully, Axel's common sense was still function well. He didn't want to worsen the situation. Axel understood that Ji Hwan's hug was merely that of an older brother to his sister, not from a man to a woman. At least Axel could still provide tolerance! It’s different with Lionel Kim!"Do what you have to do, don't think about anything else, okay? This press conference is meant to explain the actual events. Don't worry about the opinions of people out there. Understand?" Ji Hwan spoke gently."I understand, Oppa. Don’t worry.""Good! This is the real Park Ae Ra!"
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Confession Of Love
'Does Aura know something? It doesn't seem so! I've cleaned up all the evidence! But why would Aura say something like that? As if there’s a hidden plan? Or is she just bluffing?' Min Young thought, trying to stay calm, hoping that what Aura said was just talk without any real evidence, but no matter how hard she tried, anxiety still crept into Min Young's heart."No, I can’t. I have to make sure myself. I have to go to the location!" Min Young decided, not realizing of how reckless her actions were. Coincidentally, the location of Aura's press conference was in the hall of their agency's office! Not elsewhere, making it easier for her intentions. Min Young stealthily walked through the side door, not wanting her presence to be known by the journalists. Now, her focus was on Aura, Min Young didn't want to cause a scene!Axel, who had just received a report from Damian about Min Young's presence, stepped forward and whispered to Aura."Min Young is here, we can prese
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Revealed Evidence
Hearing Axel’s declaration of love, Min Young only sneered, feeling jealous. She never expected Axel to say something like that, especially in public! Usually, he’s always so cold, but why is he so warm now? ‘Is Axel only this warm towards Aura? What’s so special about her?’ Min Young thought angrily. She couldn’t accept that even in such a bad situation, there was still someone willing to stand by Aura! How rude! Damian, not far from his young master, tried hard to suppress his grin, maintaining a professional demeanor. A bodyguard had to be tough! He couldn’t afford to look mushy, even though there was a romantic scene playing live before him! Until Damian realized one urgent matter.Reluctant, Damian stepped forward, whispering to Axel, putting an end to Axel's sweet love declaration. Wasn't it better to deal with the Min Young issue now? Love matters could be sorted out later!"Sir, it's better for us to focus on the Seo Min Young issue now."Damian's whisp
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Min Young's Hatred
"Since the beginning, I've hated you! I hate you because you always get everything so easily! I even hate that you could effortlessly make Lionel fall in love with you! Whereas I've loved that man for so long, but Lionel has never once looked my way! He only had eyes for you, and it disgusted me!" Min Young raged, pouring out her feelings.What she had harbored for so long and turned into deep rooted hatred! Aura was taken aback, not expecting it to be because of that!Oh God, back then Min Young had congratulated her after learning about Aura's relationship with Lionel. Was it all just an act? So, all those years of friendship and getting to know each other, was it all just an act? Were Min Young's actions and words nothing but pretense?The reality hit Aura hard, causing her heartache! Who would have thought that someone she considered a friend had actually viewed her as an enemy from the beginning? Oh my God! "So, all this time, have you ever considered me a
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Aura's Plan
Sandara sighed in relief, glad that she wasn't involved in Aura's scandal. Though she initially planned something malicious, fortunately, it hadn't been realized!If it had, her career would surely be on the brink, just like Min Young and Angela! Sandara jolted in surprise when her room's door opened, and Henry, her manager, appeared. Henry frowned upon seeing Sandara's shock, sensing that something was amiss and suspicious! Was his artist hiding something from him?"Why are you so surprised? Are you hiding something from me?" Henry interrogated."No. Of course not! I'm just anxious about the condition of our agency. With the exposure of Min Young and Angela's crimes against Ae Ra, won't it be detrimental to the company?" Sandara deflected the conversation.Henry rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "Well, it seems the company can handle it.""How?""Of course by kicking out Min Young and Angela! Their exclusive contracts will surely be terminated soon
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