All Chapters of Tempted by My Hot Bodyguard : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
212 Chapters
'Our Baby'
Axel looked at the watch on his wrist. It was too late to visit Aura's house, especially since they had argued earlier because Aura insisted on not marrying him! But the problem was, Axel wanted to see Aura! He wanted to make sure of her condition and the condition of their future child! Was Aura okay? Or was she feeling uncomfortable because of her pregnancy? Seriously, Axel was worried!Determined, Axel immediately turned the steering wheel of his car towards Aura's house. It didn't matter if he got kicked out, as long as Axel had tried, right? And now Axel stood hesitatingly in front of Aura's house as the gate opened, and Aunt Choi appeared wearing a jacket, furrowing Axel's brow in surprise.It was already late at night, so where was Aunt Choi want off to?"Where are you going?" Axel voiced his bewilderment."Miss Ae Ra asked for some snacks because she often wakes up hungry at night, so I want to go to the convenience store over there," Aunt Choi pointed.A
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Become Awkward
Aura didn't answer and immediately moved to the living room, hoping that her heart flutter would calm down. Axel frowned, puzzled by Aura's behavior.‘Did I say something wrong? I don’t think so!’ Axel thought.Instead of wondering in his own mind, it's better to catch up with Aura and ask her directly! Axel didn't want their relationship to become awkward. Axel didn't like such situations. Axel didn't like Aura giving him the silent treatment. Axel wants Aura to cuddle with him. Axel wants Aura to say what she wants and feels.Without hesitation, Axel sat next to Aura."Why? Did I say something wrong? Or do you feel uncomfortable?" Axel asked.'Yes! I feel uncomfortable because my heart keeps pounding when I'm near you!' Aura thought, but she couldn't say something like that! Axel might run away immediately! Or even teasing her! So, Aura just mumbled softly, "No. I'm fine."Yes, Aura was fine. Only her heart was racing because Axel was sitting close to
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Blue Film Local Version
Min Young frowned as the bright sun disturbed her peaceful sleep. She looked around and realized that she wasn't in her own apartment but in a hotel room, reminding her that last night she indeed had to ‘work’.Working to serve men in bed!A job she enjoys and provides great profits for her even if it’s just for one night! A job that provides double benefits for Min Young. She’s satisfied and happy, especially since her money increases fantastically! Min Young glancing to the side, there was no one there. Hah! The man who paid for her last night had apparently left earlier! But no problem, because the payment has already been deposited into her account, which has immediately swelled drastically! Min Young yawned widely and massaged her throbbing forehead. Headache."Why am I so hungover? Did I drink too much last night?" Min Young complained without realizing what had happened. It was her bad habit, she would experience amnesia when waking up, not remember
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Heart Debate
Meanwhile, Max was reading news about Aura. He sighed heavily, surprising Lisa, his wife. It was unusual for him to be this downcast."What are you thinking? You've looked gloomy for the past few days. Is there a problem at office?" Lisa asked, concerned.Again, Max took a deep breath, as if carrying a heavy burden. Even though Aura is no longer his boss, for some reason, Max still thinks about the woman he has come to see as a younger sister. Imagining Aura having to face such a serious problem alone feels unbearable to him. Especially since all this time Max has known how kind Aura is! She has never once acted badly towards anyone, but because of this scandal, her kindness seems to vanish, replaced by unforgivable mistakes! "Aura. I don't know what will happen to her after this scandal. She must be frustrated because the public won't stop hurling insults. Poor Aura. I never thought Aura would go through such a complicated problem," Max replied with a sad, distant
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The Encounter Between Charles and Aura
Charles paced restlessly in his luxurious bedroom, feeling anxious. Charles realized that Axel could no longer be stopped. His son couldn't be advised anymore, Charles had to resort to extreme measures to prevent Axel from recklessly marrying Aura. And there was only one way – to talk directly to Aura!Charles looked at Benny, who had just entered his room."You called me, Sir?""Yes. Prepare the car now. I will go meet Aura!" Charles said, startling Benny."Meet miss Aura, Sir?" Benny repeated, making sure he heard correctly."Yes! I have to talk to that woman directly. I will ask Aura to leave Axel as soon as possible!" Charles declared his intention."But what if young master Axel finds out, Sir? Won't he be angry with you?" Benny asked, hoping Charles would reconsider. Unfortunately, Charles remained firm in his plan."Don't say anything to him! I am doing this for his own good!""But...""Don't argue with me! Besides, isn't Axel not goin
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Not Approved!
Axel emerged from the warehouse after extracting all the necessary information from Jung Goo. The plan to take over all of Min Young's henchmen had been successful, and now Axel just needed to solidify the next steps. He glanced at the watch on his left wrist, took out his phone, and called Damian."How's it?""I'm still following her, Sir.""Okay. Do as I instructed.""Understood, Sir."Axel hung up the phone and glanced back at the watch. His efforts to extract information from Jung Goo turned out to be much quicker than expected. Axel thought Jung Goo would insist on holding out and reluctant to provide information, but who would have thought that the man would be easily subdued! He even willingly betrayed his former boss! That’s good, at least Axel has more time and can visit Aura! Although Axel can’t help but feel hesitant, afraid that his presence might disturb Aura! Doesn’t she want to rest? But Axel keeps coming and disturbing her away! Tho
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Axel's Love Confession
Axel growled in frustration, not expecting daddy Charles to be so stubborn! Leaving the Xavier family? Impossible! How could Axel be so heartless to leave daddy Charles, who was already middle-aged and living alone? Even though Axel has been traveling to various countries, it doesn’t mean he hasn’t been paying attention! Axel always asks Benny about daddy Charles’s condition, even though the old man doesn’t know because Axel specifically instructed Benny not to tell his daddy! What would happen if Axel left the Xavier family?But Axel also didn't want to let go of Aura and their baby! Axel loved them both!Axel punched the wall nearby in frustration, venting his anger, not caring even if it hurt his right fist! No! Now was not the time to give up, Axel had to think of all possible ways to soften daddy Charles's heart and persuade Aura! Axel was sure that Aura was very angry with him right now because of daddy Charles's words, and Axel had to fix the mistakes made by dad
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Axel's Heart Confession Part 1
"Why? Are you surprised? Don't believe it? Think it's a dream? But it's not a dream, Aura. It's reality! Well, I also didn't expect that I would go through a moment like this. Declaring my love to a special woman. It's the first time I've done it," Axel said with a small smile, finding it amusing how Aura reacted.Especially when she yelped in pain after pinching her own arm!"Axel, I...""Honestly, since your presence, I’ve felt something different. I never thought I could fall in love with you. Falling in love and getting married were things I never even considered! But you changed everything! And again, since meeting you, I’ve been dreaming of my late mother, almost every night, dreams I always buried deep but resurface whenever I’m with you.”"Is it a nightmare?" Aura asked softly."No, not at all. It's definitely not a nightmare. It's a dream where I can still play and laugh together with my mom. Something I miss until now. At first, I didn't know why I star
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Axel's Heart Confession Part 2
"Aura?" Axel called softly when Aura remained silent, not answering his question. Doesn’t Aura know that Axel has been eagerly awaiting her answer, feeling anxious and uncertain?Doesn’t Aura know that Axel’s heart is pounding multiple times faster than usual because he’s waiting for her response?Doesn’t Aura know this is the most sacred moment for Axel and the first time he’s ever done this? Declaring his love to a woman, yet Aura remains silent!"I don't know!" Aura finally answered, playing it safe. Besides, Aura needed to convince her own heart. She didn't want to act recklessly, especially now that the situation was so complicated and gave her a headache!And it’s not just Aura and Axel involved, but also daddy Charles! It’s pointless for Aura to admit her feelings if daddy Charles refuses to give his blessing, right?"Don't know?" Axel repeated, deflated, his hopes shattered. Like a warrior defeated on the battlefield! Yet Axel is confident that Aura’
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I Will Never Let You Go!
Aura shed tears, understanding Axel's feelings. It must have been tough to be left suddenly by a beloved parent. Aura couldn't imagine how Axel went through it at such a young age, he was a child! No wonder the man grew up in such a fragile state! "At that time, I didn't know what happened to Mom. How did she die? Dad just said there was a business associate who deliberately wanted to wipe out the Xavier family. When I realized that Mom was no longer by my side, I felt angry. No wonder I often fought to channel my anger until Dad took me to a psychologist, and the psychologist suggested that I learn martial arts. At least that way, I could have a place to vent my anger, whether on a punching bag or a piece of wood for training. The important thing was not to harm others. And since then, my emotions gradually stabilized,” Axel explained made Aura understand the origin of Axel’s martial arts skills. So that’s why! Well, it has its benefits too, at least Axel can become
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