All Chapters of Tempted by My Hot Bodyguard : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
212 Chapters
Different Heartbeats Part 1
“Aura?” called mommy Erika when she didn’t hear any response from her only daughter, causing the middle-aged woman to worry. Aura sighed and replied weakly,"I don't know yet, Mom. Ji Hwan and Lionel came earlier to discuss this matter. So, I haven't had a chance to see the news again.""Then how about your pregnancy? Are you facing any difficulties?"Difficulties? Yes! Aura felt extremely overwhelmed! Especially since her baby was fussy, making her struggle every morning due to the nausea that engulfed her! Could her baby be fussy like Axel? Wasn't that man also fussy?"Yeah, I feels nauseous every morning and doesn't feel like doing anything. Lazy.""That's normal. It indicates that your pregnancy is healthy. Have you had a chance to go to the doctor to check the age of your pregnancy?""Not yet, Mom. Maybe tomorrow or the day after, I will go to the doctor.""Okay, from now on, remember, you must not hide anything from Mommy, okay?""Okay, Mom."
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Love Is Blind
Min Young came to Aura's house while the woman was sound asleep. Yes, after lunch, Aura relaxed for a while in the backyard, and the gentle breeze unknowingly made her drowsy until Axel had to carry her inside because Aura dozed off unconsciously in the garden gazebo! Even Aura didn't wake up when Axel carried her. She was deeply asleep! Oh my goodness! How can Aura sleep so peacefully?! Even though she’s pregnant, Axel has no trouble carrying Aura. In fact, for Axel, Aura’s body feels too light! Knowing this, Axel is determined to regulate Aura’s eating pattern. Aren’t pregnant woman supposed to consume a lot of nutritious food? So that’s what Axel will do! Axel will make sure that Aura and their baby get a good supply of nutrients! That’s the first thing Axel does as a good prospective husband and daddy! Axel, seeing Min Young's arrival, had to make a considerable effort not to harm the serpent woman! Especially since Min Young seemed so concerned about Aura's
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Fake Attention
Although reluctantly, Aura accepted Min Young's visit, otherwise, the woman would surely be suspicious of Aura's drastic change in behavior. No, Aura doesn’t want to make Min Young suspicious. Aura will act like she doesn’t know anything. Aura will let Min Young think she can still be fooled! Pretending to be foolish is easier than pretending to be smart! "Why do you look so pale? Are you sick?" Min Young asked (pretending to be) concerned. Damn woman! "No, I just lack sleep. Resting for a few days will make me feel better," Aura replied, forcing a faint smile. Concealing the truth that she was pregnant.Yes, Aura doesn’t want anyone to know about her pregnancy. She doesn’t want her pregnancy to be spread around. Only certain people like her parents, Ji Hwan, Lionel, and of course Axel, the biological father of her baby, are the ones Aura tells. If Min Young finds out, she could come up with another malicious plan, right? No, Aura doesn’t want her baby t
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Different Heartbeats Part 2
Lionel stared at the diamond ring he had bought some time ago with a melancholic expression. He didn't expect that this ring would be rejected by its owner even before Lionel had a chance to express his intentions! Does it sound pathetic? But that's the bitter truth he had to accept!"How could you decide to end our relationship like this, Aura?" Lionel muttered painfully. Looked so sad. Ending his relationship with Aura? Lionel didn't want that! But he also couldn't force Aura in her current condition. Although the disappointment still felt so strong, but Lionel still loved Aura! Oh God, why did they have to face trials like this? What did they do wrong?‘This all happened because of a man named Axel!’ Lionel seethed inwardly, needing someone to vent his frustration on. And it’s Axel who deserves it! Wasn’t he the one who made his relationship with Aura such a mess like this? Outrageous! Lionel ran his hand through his hair in frustration. His mind was full.
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Ensnared by The Charms Of The Bodyguard
Axel shook his head slightly, driving away his wandering thoughts."Thank goodness if you like it. Now you can eat more. If it's not enough, just tell me, and I'll make more, okay?"Aura nodded enthusiastically. It didn't take long until her plate was empty!Aura leaned back, feeling full, on the living room sofa. Her hands stroked her still-flat stomach until one question stirred Aura's curiosity."Why do you like omelets so much, Axel?"Aura's question made Axel's body tense for a few seconds."It's unusual for you to ask something like this. Usually, you're always indifferent to me! Are you starting to like me bit by bit? Do you start to get curious about me until you pay attention like this?" Axel joked to alleviate his sudden unease caused by Aura's unexpected question.Aura pouted in annoyance, sulking like a little child."Fine, if you don't want to answer!" Aura retorted with a flushed face, embarrassed by Axel’s teasing. Moreover, Aura h
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The Planning
And now Axel was busy discussing with Clay, planning to trap Seo Min Young. Well, not exactly trapping, but rather thinking of a way to get revenge! To retaliate against Min Young's dirty deeds to Aura! Clay could only gape when he heard Axel's plan. He didn't expect to be used as bait to trap the cunning Min Young! Clay didn’t expect Axel to be that ruthless towards him! Sacrificing himself to catch a cunning woman like Min Young? That guy is really heartless! Turns out this was Axel’s intention all along, daring enough to drag him to Seoul! “I don’t want to! And why does it have to be me anyway? Why not you?”"It couldn’t be me doing it because Min Young would definitely suspect if my attitude suddenly changed for the better and got tempted by her, right? Besides, I’m disgusting of seeing that woman,” Axel retorted when Clay briefly rejected his plan. "But...""I think it won't harm you. Haven't you done it often? You get pleasure and money. No loss at
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The Obstetrician
Axel sighed inwardly as he faced Aura’s stubbornness, never expecting that he would have to yield to Aura’s will. Even though when normally, it was the women who followed Axel’s words and desires! Not the other way around! But Aura, don’t know what she did to him, made Axel easily kneel like this, like a man under a spell! Yet, Axel was only worried about the safety of Aura and their baby. Axel remained silent, watching Aura leave, his growing anxiety evident. He couldn't fathom Aura's audacity to go alone, without him. Especially when she usually had a bodyguard accompanying her wherever she went!That’s in normal circumstances, let alone in the current situation where the scandal about them is a hot topic throughout Korea, right? It’s not just that, but Axel is aware that fans who already feel disappointed can act crazy! Aura didn’t do anything wrong, yet someone wants to harm her, especially now that she’s labeled as sinful by the public, right? It’s too risky!
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Trapped Criminals
Min Young whistled cheerfully, her face showing happiness. Her mood had been exceptionally good lately. What the reason? Of course, because she successfully brought down Aura according to her plan! She had succeeded in shattering the woman's career!Not to mention the numerous advertising offers to replace Aura, along with invitations to music shows that Aura was initially supposed to attend. Even though she doesn’t have a voice as good as Aura’s, but Min Young also knows singing techniques! However, Aura’s presence makes her singing ability seem insignificant! But it doesn’t matter because in the end, Aura has been successfully removed! Min Young continued to hum as she entered her office, puzzled to find Angela there. Odd! They weren't close, so why was Angela in her office so early in the morning? What did she need?"Morning! Your mood seems to be in a cheerful state!" greeted Angela, for some reason, Min Young felt a mocking undertone in Angela's words, making
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Poisonous Shot
In a different room, Angela repeatedly played the video on her phone while contemplating what would be appropriate to ask Min Young for. Of course, it had to be truly worth the video! Angela didn't want to lose. She had to be smart!Wouldn't that way Angela get a double benefit? Aura's career was destroyed according to her wishes without dirtying her hands, and she could blackmail Min Young because she held the woman's secret! Perfect!Angela didn’t expect that something good like this would finally come to her. It turns out her patience has paid off!Honestly, Angela accidentally saw Min Young yesterday when she was about to go to the toilet. Min Young looked suspicious, because she walking stealthily, looking left and right side, as if she didn't want to be seen by anyone, making Angela aware that something was amiss! And her suspicion turned out to be right!Moreover, the woman headed to a very deserted corridor, with no one passing by. Her curiosity paid off beca
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Past Tragedy
Charles stood tall by the window, showcasing the city of Seoul, not much different from Jakarta. Crowded and busy. As if everyone was racing against time, leaving no room for relaxation even for a moment. They’re all rushing to do so many things just to meet the demands of life. Charles took a tired breath. Last night, he couldn't sleep well. Of course, because he couldn't calm down, thinking about his naughty son! As a parent, it was normal for him to feel anxious about his son, right? Especially as wild as Axel! The sound of a knock on the door diverted Charles' thoughts, and Benny entered. His face looked so serious that Charles sighed inwardly, hoping not to hear bad news. It was still morning, and Charles didn't want to start the day with unpleasant news! "What's going on now? Has that kid caused trouble again?" Charles sighed wearily. Charles’ question made Benny grimace, realizing that his master could already guess that what he was going to report wasn't
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