All Chapters of Tempted by My Hot Bodyguard : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
212 Chapters
I Will Protect You
Benny was taken aback by the firmness in his master's tone. Despite this, Benny’s mind couldn’t help but wonder. Could it really be that simple? Is it possible?"What if young master Axel insists on maintaining his relationship with Miss Aura? What will you do, Sir?" Benny asked, expressing his thoughts.Yes, thought from any angle, it's not easy if you want to separate two people who have already fallen in love, right? They could do anything in the name of love!Moreover, there was already a baby involved between them! Benny wasn't sure if his young master could let go of Aura that easily! Considering it was the first time he had seen Axel act like this. Paying so much attention to a woman.Charles was lost in thought after hearing Benny's question, realizing that what his personal assistant feared might indeed happen, especially given Axel's stubbornness! But no, Charles couldn't lose to his own son. Especially since this was done for Axel's and the Xavier family's
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New Ally
Angela entered Min Young's room without knocking on the door, making the woman annoyed. Seemed like she felt superior now that she held Min Young's secret!Damn! Min Young won’t let Angela act so freely for too long! "Hello, Sister!" Angela greeted with a sly face."What do you want?" Min Young asked coldly, reluctant to engage in small talk."Why do you have to be so cold? Aren't we allies now?" Angela asked playfully, not seeming offended by Min Young's attitude. In fact, she deliberately teased to provoke her opponent!"I don't have much time to indulge in your chatter! Now quickly tell me why you came?" Min Young replied, her voice chilly. Unwilling to exchange pleasantries."Of course, to ask for something from my fairy Godmother!”"And what is your request?" Min Young asked with a pounding heart, afraid that Angela might ask for something unreasonable!"It's easy, I just want you to persuade any producers and directors you know to give me the l
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Pounding Again!
"Oh my goodness, Miss! What happened?" Aunt Choi asked anxiously, when seeing Aura's dirty and foul-smelling long coat!"Please, dispose of my coat," Aura replied without answering Aunt Choi's question."Alright, Miss,” replied Aunt Choi softly, aware that her young miss was reluctant to explain. Aunt Choi even realized that her young miss seemed frustrated. How pitiful! Aura went into the room and cleaned herself up. She let out her tears there, accompanied by the flowing water that blurred her tears. Aura stayed holed up in the bathroom for quite a while. Even Axel, who had to shower at Aura's house, was wondered. Fortunately, Axel always had spare clothes in Aura's car!Aura came out of the room with swollen eyes, a sign that she had just cried. Axel wanted to comfort her but was unsure how to do it? It was the first time Axel felt something different about a woman, so he was afraid of making a wrong move!Aura contacted Ji Hwan, deciding to resolve all the c
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Working Through Bed Scenes! Part 1
After Sandara left, Min Young checked her watch. It was time for her to meet a client who was willing to pay her double. Although it was still early evening, but it was an agreement from the start since her potential client requested a bit more time than usual. And Min Young didn't mind as long as the money flowing into her pocket was smooth and abundant!Besides, her work was already done for today. No shooting. No photo shoots. No meeting. No activities at all. So it's better to find a job that can fill her pockets and make her happy, right? Impatiently, Min Young hurried to the meeting place, unaware that she had fallen into the well-organized trap set by Axel and Clay! A trap that forced Min Young to pay for all her actions against Aura!Clay casually took a drag of his cigarette, enjoying the nicotine that could harm his health, but what could he do? It was one of the acts he needed to do to convincingly get the cunning woman named Seo Min Young! Honestly, Clay did
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Working Through Bed Scenes! Part 2
Min Young sighed in frustration because Clay was still messing with her. "Why? I think that's not something important for you to know," Min Young replied, her awareness diminishing and replaced by lust."Is that so? But I want to know, besides, there's no harm in telling me, right? Wouldn't that bring us closer?" Clay coaxed. A moan escaped Min Young's lips as Clay teased her own. Her own, which was eager to perform the job she did almost every night! The job as a night butterfly! As a prostitute! "So, how about it? Still don't want to answer my question?" threatened Clay as his hands moved even more vigorously. Just before Min Young reached her climax, Clay stopped his movements, making Min Young scream in frustration! Frustrated by the delayed pleasure!"Madam Cha connects me with clients!" Min Young quickly said, hoping that Clay would stop teasing her and give what her body wanted as soon as possible! Min Young was unaware that she had fallen int
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Axel VS Daddy Charles
Axel’s silence made Aura even more disappointed. Honestly, Aura hoped Axel would firmly deny, but instead, he stayed silent with an angry expression! Shouldn’t Aura be the one angry because Axel couldn’t prove his seriousness?"You can't answer my question, can you? Because you've never been serious with your words, Axel Xavier!" Aura retorted while turning to lock herself in the room, pouring out her disappointment and frustration because Axel's silence.If the man had denied and tried to convince her, Aura was sure she would consider Axel's plan. But the man just remained silent and appeared angry! Infuriating!Axel suppressed his emotions in response to Aura's accusation. It wasn't that he couldn't answer the woman's question, but Axel was certain that Aura wouldn't believe him even if he were serious! It seemed like Aura had already labeled Axel as an untrustworthy man!“I love you, Aura! And I’m serious! I’ve never joked about something as important as this! And
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Drama VS Real Life
Daddy Charles sighed, realizing that it was too late to discipline Axel. This child could no longer be scolded like when he was a little boy. Now, Axel would surely prefer to argue back! Such an infuriating child! However irritating Axel might be, daddy Charles still loved him, of course, because Axel was his only offspring! The sole heir of the Xavier family. No one else."What about that woman?" daddy Charles asked, reluctant to mention Aura’s name. "That's it. Aura is pregnant because of my actions," Axel answered casually, showing no signs of remorse for impregnating a woman before marriage!"For a rapist, you seem completely unashamed! Truly astonishing!" Charles sarcastically remarked."Well, it because I didn't rape Aura, Dad! I just helped Aura mitigate the effects of the aphrodisiac given to her!" Axel replied, not accepting daddy Charles's accusation. Rapist? Didn't that sound outrageous and extremely cruel? After all, Aura, who could be consider
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Heated Debate
Axel glared angrily at daddy Charles when his intention to marry Aura was outright rejected! Without even thinking! As if Aura wasn't worthy of joining the Xavier family! Even though according to Axel, that no one was more deserving than Aura! Only Aura was worthy of being by his side! No one else! Other women just disgust Axel! Only Aura gives Axel the courage to make such an important decision! It’s strange, how in one night, Axel was rejected twice, by Aura and daddy Charles, the two most important people in his life! "What's wrong with Aura, Dad? What makes you dislike her so much to reject her like this?" Axel asked, trying to think clearly even though his emotions were taking over his heated heart!"You know that our family has always kept information closed to everyone. What if, in the end, you marry a woman like Aura? A woman whose information is sought out by everyone? If that happens, the Xavier family will surely be affected!" Daddy Charles evaded, seek
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Charles wiped away his tears, returning to his role as the head of the Xavier family who had to stay strong no matter what, even though his heart was bleeding from the disaster that befell his small family. His beloved family. Resulting in him having to lose his wife, his soulmate. "Cleanse this house immediately. Take care of the injured and bury those who have passed away. And as for my wife's body, clean it up as soon as possible, I don't want Axel to see her in this condition," Charles ordered, his voice filled with sadness but still with firmness."Yes, Sir.""And most importantly, I don't want this to spread outside. Understand?"'I will retaliate against them with my own hands!' Charles thought."Understand, Sir. And what about young master Axel?" Benny asked anxiously. Regardless, he had decided to serve the Xavier family since a young age, so it's no wonder that Axel's absence added to his concern. Benny already considered Axel as his own son!
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No Longer Denying The Heart
"Anyway, I'll still marry Aura, Dad!" Axel declared, cutting off daddy Charles's thoughts about the painful past. Axel's words only fueled daddy Charles's anger. It wasn't unusual because the past made daddy Charles emotionally unstable! How could he not be unstable when he was reminded of those sad memories?"Dad will never approve of your marriage!" growled daddy Charles, and leaving Axel, he needed time to calm down!If not, his argument with Axel would surely become more intense! Daddy Charles is aware that he and Axel are both stubborn! Like father, like son!"Dad!" Axel protested, frustrated that daddy Charles was running away! After all, Axel still wanted to talk! He still wanted to persuade daddy Charles to change his mind! Daddy Charles ignored Axel's call and left his son fuming. Yes, Charles would never approve if his son married a woman from the entertainment industry, no matter what, including Aura!Charles did this not without reason. His wife's de
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