All Chapters of You've Got the Wrong Woman, Mr. Lance: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
422 Chapters
Chapter 111
Immediately, Bridget felt a shooting pain in her lower abdomen as the blood gushed out from between her legs and drenched her skirt. Grimacing, she pressed a hand on her abdomen and took deep breaths.Jocelyn hurried over upon hearing Bridget's scream. She was stunned by what she saw. "Oh my god. T-This is… Bridget, what happened to you?" Jocelyn frantically attempted to help Bridget up from the ground, but she was aghast at the amount of blood on the floor.Meanwhile, Bridget, who was struggling to breathe, mustered her energy to remind Jocelyn, "Do not call anyone for help. Call the private hospital, and keep this a secret.""Okay, okay. I won't tell anyone. Your dad just left home because he was mad. There's no one else at home now."Soon, Bridget was transported to a private OBGYN hospital with only Jocelyn by her side. There, a surgeon performed an abortion on Bridget. Jocelyn cried her heart out, partly because she felt sorry for Bridget, but also because Bridget had li
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Chapter 112
Zion cast her a powerless expression. "I can never not worry about you. If he doesn't celebrate your birthday this year, just come home. I'll throw a party for you.""Dad, I'll take photos of my birthday celebration this year as proof." The thought of celebrating her birthday with Maxwell excited her. She wondered, "How will he plan it?"At that moment, Jocelyn came home looking exhausted. Her expression stiffened when she noticed Jennifer.Zion glanced at Jocelyn and asked, "Where did you go with Bridget again? Where's Bridget?"Jocelyn jumped a little from the shock. She tried to conceal her emotions. "What's wrong? Can't Bridget meet up with her friends to vent, since you find her an eyesore?""Who is she meeting? Besides, she's pregnant and soon to be married. She'd better not meet up with some problematic friends and ruin her reputation," Zion nagged unhappily.Jocelyn scoffed at him coldly. "What is it again? Why do you always pick on Bridget? Jennifer always stayed out lat
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Chapter 113
"Did you mean that… the blood was Bridget's?" Jennifer felt her heart leaping into her throat. She mumbled, "That doesn't make sense. She was fine when she humiliated you. So, why did she suddenly bleed? She can't possibly be on her period since she is pregnant. Isn't that right?"If Bridget had truly lied about the pregnancy to marry Jordan, Jennifer couldn't imagine how Robert might perceive the Yales if the lie was exposed in the future. He might even look down on Jennifer, thinking that she was no different from Bridget.Jennifer had wanted to inform Zion about the discovery right away, but Jane held her back. "Ms. Jennifer, you can't do that now. Mr. Zion will not believe in your words if you don't have any solid evidence. He might even think you were trying to come between him and Ms. Bridget.""But what do I do? I can't watch as Bridget drags our family through the mud." Jennifer was worried sick. She had thought of getting advice from Maxwell, but he had boarded a flight abr
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Chapter 114
Ever since Bridget had gotten pregnant, Jordan had never initiated contact with her. Clearing her throat and collecting herself, she answered his call. "Bridget, I looked for you at the Yale residence, but I was told you were not around," Jordan addressed her with patience, which was unusual. "Since we're about to get married, Grandpa made me visit your family with some gifts for them."Bridget nearly dropped her phone from the shock. She stammered, "Uh… I… I'm occupied today. I'm not at home now. Why don't you pay a visit at another time?"After a pause, he said humbly, "Bridget, I do have feelings for you. Ours is a marriage of love. But we're still young and in our prime. It's the time to focus on our careers. I'm worried that having a baby might…"She questioned, "Do you mean that you don't want the baby? Do you still insist on an abortion?""Well… It's not that I don't want the baby." He played along with her with whatever patience was left. "I'm saying that it's not the b
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Chapter 115
A wicked gleam appeared in Jocelyn's eyes. She spat, "Old hag, I will not give you that chance since I caught up to you. You'll come with me!"Clutching tightly onto Jane's sleeve, Jocelyn was determined to pin down Jane and stop her from ever going home to the Yale residence.However, Jane broke free from Jocelyn's grip and ran across the road. At that moment, a screeching sound echoed in the air. Jocelyn watched helplessly as a truck collided with Jane, throwing Jane out. Jane lay in a pool of blood as the bystanders went up to her. They had thought that it was Jane who broke the traffic rules by jaywalking.Jocelyn quietly slid away from the crowd, thanking the heavens for the car accident. Jocelyn had thought that she was in hot water after Jane learned the truth. Thankfully, luck wasn't on Jane's side; Jane would not be able to tell the truth anymore.…Soon, Jennifer received the bad news about Jane. She rushed to the hospital and found Zion there. He contacted Jane's fa
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Chapter 116
On the other hand, Jennifer examined Jocelyn with a doubtful look.Heart sinking, Jocelyn dodged her gaze and said, "I shall not disturb your sweet reunion. Hmph, you see me as an eyesore anyway!"With that, she escaped to the second floor.Feeling suspicious and confused, Jennifer asked Zion, "Dad, were there any maids around you when you got the call about Jane?""No." Zion fell into deep thoughts. "I got the call at work, and I rushed to the hospital."Frowning, Jennifer analyzed, "Isn't that quite odd? If that's the case, how did the family maids learn about it? Aunt Josie wasn't with you today. How exactly did she learn about Jane?"Meanwhile, Jocelyn had called Bridget. In a whisper, she cautioned Bridget, "Bridget, get discharged tomorrow. That Horst bitch got into an accident at the entrance of your hospital. I had a slip of the tongue just now. That shameless bitch Jennifer is starting to get suspicious of us."While speaking, the door to her bedroom suddenly swung open
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Chapter 117
Jennifer tossed and turned in bed at night. As Jane had helped keep her bedroom at the Yale residence clean and cozy, she swore to find out the truth. She couldn't have Jane lying in the hospital without justice.Her phone buzzed at that moment. She quickly answered the call when she saw it was from Maxwell.His low, baritone tone echoed. "Mrs. Zayne told me you aren't home yet, and she wanted me to check on you. Where are you?""Oh, I forgot to update Mrs. Zayne." Jennifer grumbled in disappointment, "Something came up at home, so I'll be staying here for a few days. An accident happened today, and I forgot to tell her I couldn't come home tonight."He grew worried. "Did something happen at home? What is it? Are you okay?"She felt touched by his concern. "It's not me." She struggled to explain the chain of events, as most parts consisted of her hollow guesses.She had no choice but to vague it up. "This lady who used to take care of me got into a car accident. She is suffering
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Chapter 118
Cheeks flushed, Jennifer mumbled, "Yes."Maxwell chuckled. He then said softly, "Go sleep. Good night."Listening to the disconnected tone, she thought glumly, "I said I missed him. But what about him?"He probably missed her too. Right?Jennifer, who had been struggling to fall asleep, finally drifted to sleep.The next morning, she was woken up by a series of urgent knocks on the door by the maid.Shocked, she answered the door irritably. "What's wrong?"Looking anxious, the maid informed her, "Ms. Jennifer, Ms. Bridget is fighting with Mr. Lance downstairs. Please check on them. He threatened to punish her by the family rules."Jennifer hurried down the stairs upon hearing that. She immediately heard Bridget's angry and brazen screams. "Wow! Did you just chase Mom out of the house after Jennifer came home? Are you planning to rely on that good-for-nothing to take care of you when you're old?""Say one more word, and I'll…" Trembling in rage, Zion grabbed a stick and approa
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Chapter 119
Zion didn't want things to turn ugly. After all, Jennifer was at the Yale residence as well. If he had a falling out with Jordan, it might make her life difficult.Because of that, he made the driver get Jocelyn from her parents' place.…At noon, Jocelyn marched pompously into the Yale residence without any hint of the fear from yesterday.Jennifer knew for sure that Bridget had told Jocelyn about Jordan's visit, which fueled Jocelyn's arrogance. Jocelyn even brought along Agnes from the countryside, knowing that Zion's dislike of her wouldn't matter as Agnes would side with her.After being sent to live in the countryside after attempting to hurt Jennifer, Agnes seemed more well-behaved this time. She warmly greeted Jennifer, "Jennifer, you're home!"Jennifer flashed a cold smile at her. "Hi, Grandma."Since Agnes had never treated Jennifer as a granddaughter, Jennifer didn't bother to go beyond basic manners.Turning to Jordan, Agnes enthusiastically complimented him, "Is
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Chapter 120
At the end of the lunch, the marriage discussion ended fruitlessly, but Bridget did not seem bothered.She wanted Jordan to pay a grand visit to back her up.After lunch, he followed her into her bedroom. He asked, "So, what now? I did everything you asked of me." In a pleading tone, he said, "Don't you think you should keep your word and get the abortion?"She said cunningly, "What's the rush? I gain nothing by getting an abortion right now.""What else do you want?" Simmering in anger, he questioned, "You wanted me to pay a visit to back up you and your mom, and so I did. How are you planning to torture me now?"She handed him a magazine. "Look at this rare pink diamond. There are only two in this world; one was made into a necklace, and the other was made into a bracelet. "Maxwell won the bid for the necklace a few days ago at an auction. I guess it was a gift for Jennifer. I can't lose out to her!"Jordan had never been interested in jewelry, but he admitted that the pink d
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