All Chapters of You've Got the Wrong Woman, Mr. Lance: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
442 Chapters
Chapter 121
Jocelyn was caught off guard for a moment before she answered in disdain, "Her? I'd much rather she go as far away as she can so she won't be an eyesore to me. But no, she didn't go. "However, she's packing up now. I'm sure she wouldn't want to stay here without your father around.""That's great!" Bridget chuckled. "I won't be able to stage my show without her here!"Jocelyn simply stared at her in confusion. "You… What exactly do you have in mind? Bridget, we can't act rashly anymore!"We've already gotten on your father's nerves. Besides, now that you've lost your child, we don't know for sure if you'll be able to marry into the Lance family. We've got to watch our every step now!""Don't you worry, Mom." Bridget huffed with a malicious look in her eyes. "I promise I'll destroy Jennifer thoroughly this time round!"…At the same time, Jennifer was already done packing up her things and was ready to go home. After all, Zion wasn't at home, and she knew that everyone else in
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Chapter 122
Jennifer's heart sank instantly as she halted her steps. The very next second, she saw Bridget sprawled out on the ground with a puddle of blood under her."Ah! It hurts! My tummy…!" Bridget wailed in agony as she clutched at her stomach.Jocelyn hurried over when she heard the commotion. "Goodness! Bridget! What happened?"When she ran over, Jocelyn shoved Jennifer aside rudely and screamed at her, "You vile wench! What has Bridget ever done to you? Why did you do this to her?"Help! Anyone, help! Quick! Call Glory Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital now!"Jennifer felt like her head was a mess. The puddle of blood on the floor was enough to send her head spinning.A liitle later, she heard the wailing sirens of an ambulance paired with Jocelyn's and Agnes' screaming.But Jennifer wasn't someone who shirked from responsibility. Besides, she'd never expected Bridget to come tumbling down the stairs like that. As such, she bolted out the door and followed behind the ambulance. T
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Chapter 123
Robert was startled by what he heard, and Jordan stared at Jennifer in disbelief. H-how could that be?Before Robert even started saying anything, Jordan began to defend Jennifer. "Are you sure? Did you see for yourself that Jennifer pushed Bridget? She isn't someone who would do something like that!"Jocelyn then recalled what Bridget told her, so she said, "How would you know what kind of a person Jennifer is? And on what basis are you vouching for her? "Bridget had often seen you and Jennifer behaving intimately with each other, but she chose to not make a big deal out of it. That's only because she didn't want to make things ugly and destroy their sisterly relationship."Are you challenging me to make things between you and Jennifer public? Could it possibly be because you were the one who instigated her to push Bridget? Did the two of you agree on it?"Jordan paled when he heard Jocelyn's words and quickly retaliated, "That's ridiculous! Jennifer's my sister-in-law, and th
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Chapter 124
Robert gave Jennifer a good look, but he already had an answer. Jennifer was certainly not the kind of person Agnes painted her to be. How could she be when she was still comforting him when she was in such a sticky situation herself?Robert sighed before saying, "Go back with your grandmother."…Bridget was finally pushed out of the operating theater that night. The doctor made it a point to emphasize that she was in a precarious state due to excessive blood loss.Jocelyn then said aggrievedly, "Mr. Lance Senior, as you can see for yourself, Bridget's in bad shape. It's unfortunate that she wasn't able to bear the Lance family a child."Heaving a sigh, Robert said, "She has indeed suffered a lot. The Lance family will not run away from our responsibilities. We shall compensate her whatever is due."Jocelyn's heart sank when she heard that. Judging based on Robert's words, Bridget had no more hope of marrying into the Lance family.Now that Bridget had lost her child, Robert no
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Chapter 125
"Yeah, something's happened back home. I need to go back immediately."Maxwell's expression was grim. He couldn't be bothered about Rachel's feelings now. Rachel's gaze hardened. She clearly heard Maxwell mention Jennifer's name.Still, she masked her emotions and walked up to him to massage his shoulders. Then, she asked in a whiny tone, "Can I go back with you, then? I don't want to stay here alone."She was worried that once Maxwell went back, he'd be hogged by Jennifer. Besides, she was tired of pretending to be depressed and having sessions with that so-called therapist every day. She was worried that she'd fall into her own web of lies and actually succumb to depression if this went on any longer.But Maxwell said, "You need to stay here. The doctor mentioned that your therapy needs to be consistent and that you cannot break it off. If you return with me, you'll have to start your therapy all over again."However, Rachel was insistent. "I'll be fine as long as you're with
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Chapter 126
After ending the call with Zion, the female housekeeper asked, "Mrs. Yale Senior, Ms. Jennifer has not eaten or drunk anything for a day. Should we give her some water?"Agnes instructed, "No need! We'll give her food and water when she admits she pushed Bridget down the stairs. Otherwise, continue to starve her. I bet she'll confess by then!"Under Agnes' orders, nobody cared about Jennifer anymore.It was already late at night, which meant it had almost been a day.Jocelyn also returned from the hospital and complained to Agnes about how sad Bridget was. Now that the child was gone, so was the Yale family's prosperity.Agnes gritted her teeth in anger. "What did we do to deserve a bastard like her? Why did we even accept her in the first place? Zion is so unlucky to have met them." Jocelyn felt even more confused after hearing that. It seemed that Agnes was saying that Jennifer was not from the Yale family.After all, if Jennifer was the Yale family's grandchild, Agnes wouldn
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Chapter 127
Maxwell suppressed his anger and spoke indifferently. "Did you get confirmation? What did Jennifer say?"Agnes continued to tarnish Jennifer. "Naturally, she still refuses to tell the truth. However, she'll admit it sooner or later. Plus, she'll also pay the price for doing something so evil."Maxwell continued to ask, "What are you planning to do?"Agnes replied seriously, "Of course, I'll send her to the police station and let the law punish her! How could Bridget lose her child just like that? All in all, your family also suffered a great loss."When Maxwell saw how stubborn she was, he started to worry about Jennifer.A hint of anger appeared on his face as he asked lowly, "Did you manage to find any evidence?"Agnes' expression turned grim. She lost her confidence as she whispered, "Not yet.""Okay. Since you didn't obtain any evidence, please cooperate and let me bring my wife back home." Maxwell was firm as he said, "If you find any evidence proving that Jennifer pushed B
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Chapter 128
"I'm afraid you can't wait for Jennifer's apology as you'll be questioned by the police soon. I'll let my bodyguards keep an eye on you. The police will come and look for you soon." Maxwell's voice was ominous. It was as if he came from hell himself.Agnes felt her heart leaping to her throat.She didn't expect that Maxwell would go as far as to report her to the police.After all, she was still Jennifer's grandmother.Agnes could only look on as Maxwell brought Jennifer away. Then, she rushed over to Jocelyn's room.Although Jocelyn heard what happened, she didn't dare to come out of her room.This was until Agnes knocked on her door and hurriedly called out to her.Jocelyn pretended to have just woken up as she opened the door. "Mom, what's wrong? Shouldn't you be asleep at this hour?""Josie, something bad happened! Maxwell came just now."Agnes didn't know Jocelyn was pretending to be oblivious. Thus, the former was thinking of asking her to devise a plan.However, the po
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Chapter 129
Maxwell asked worriedly, "Do you still have the energy?""I still want to wash up. After they locked me up in such a stinky place, I reek!" Jennifer complained.Maxwell grinned before probing, "How about I help you out?"Jennifer suddenly turned beet red. Her heart thumped as she whined, "You rascal. I won't let you take advantage of me!"After saying that, she quickly went into the bathroom and locked the door.When she finished washing up, Maxwell had also finished showering. Plus, he also ordered Martha to cook plenty of food for dinner.Maxwell pointed at the scrumptious food on the table. "Here. Eat all of it. Martha cooked them just for you."Jennifer smiled awkwardly. "I feel full. Perhaps I ate too quickly on the way home.""You should at least have the soup. I called Martha up in the middle of the night to cook all of these. You should at least have it for her sake." Maxwell looked at her dotingly.Therefore, she had the bowl of soup obediently.That night, Maxwell e
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Chapter 130
The next morning, Jennifer suddenly woke up from a dream."Let me out! No!" Jennifer screamed, covered in sweat.Maxwell quickly embraced her and comforted, "What happened? Was it a nightmare?"She calmed herself down and looked at him in a daze.Thankfully, it was just a dream. It was all over now!She let out a sigh of relief and asked, "What time is it? I think I have class today."Maxwell replied indifferently, "I already asked Michael to get you some time off. Don't go to class this week. Just stay at home and rest.""But I need to apply for my Master's soon. I … I can't afford to take some time off." Jennifer still wanted to head to university, even if she only stayed in the library.Maxwell smiled and replied, "I can still afford to support you even if you don't pass the exam. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, okay?"Jennifer rolled her eyes at him. "Do you want to make me your sugar baby? If that happens, don't I need to consider your feelings in everything I do
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