All Chapters of You've Got the Wrong Woman, Mr. Lance: Chapter 411 - Chapter 418
418 Chapters
Chapter 411
Jennifer bowed her head silently, and whispered, "But Rachel lost her child. Don't you blame me for it?"Would Maxwell accept her child if he no longer blamed her?Maxwell fell silent, neither blaming nor forgiving her. After all, Jennifer still didn't know Rachel never went through the abortion. The doctor was about to begin the surgery when he rushed in. But he managed to take Rachel out before they could proceed. Now that Ben was on his side, he wouldn't tell on him to Robert. But Jennifer knew nothing about this.Maxwell was conflicted. Should he tell Jennifer the truth? But knowing Jennifer, if she knew Rachel was still pregnant with his child, she would never come back to him willingly.Jennifer's hope died away with Maxwell's silence. She wished he would tell her it was all water under the bridge and he didn't blame her. But he didn't.Indeed, the child Robert forcibly aborted was Maxwell's flesh and blood. How could he not be heartbroken or resent her? Jennifer smiled se
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Chapter 412
Jennifer was delighted to hear this and said to Zion, "Dad, this means you can enjoy your retirement and not have to deal with company affairs."However, Agnes scoffed sarcastically. "If only things were that simple. Your father wouldn't even know his power was undermined if he was constantly absent from the company. What if Maxwell sucked Yale Corporation dry?"Jennifer couldn't help but feel annoyed. "Lance Group is a big company. Do you think Maxwell would be interested in a small company like ours?"For some reason, she just couldn't stand hearing others speak ill of Maxwell. She was the only one who could criticize him!Agnes didn't know how to retort to her. But since the Yale family was relying on Jennifer, she decided to let it go.Just then, Jennifer felt something warm in her pants as if her period was here. But how could she have her period when she was pregnant?Her heart dropped and she rushed to the bathroom, only to see bloodstains on her underwear. She was terrifi
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Chapter 413
Jennifer thanked the doctor, and an overwhelming sense of relief washed over her. After she left the doctor's office, she gently caressed her belly with a contented smile. She thought, "Thank you for not leaving me, my dear baby."Realization struck Quincy as she observed her. "Didn't you want to abort the child before? What's wrong? Did you have a change of heart? You looked nervous earlier, afraid that something might happen to the child."Jennifer smiled in embarrassment and muttered, "The longer I have this child, the more important they are to me. It's getting harder to say goodbye to them."Quincy gave her a pitied look. "But Maxwell still isn't aware of the child. He wouldn't have treated you like that if he knew. Besides, you can't hide it forever once your belly starts to show."Jennifer still couldn't bring herself to do it. She sighed. "Let's see as we go. I'm afraid he still resents me. After all, his first child died because of me, no matter how you look at it."Quinc
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Chapter 414
Jennifer met Jordan's gaze fearlessly. "Why did you come to see me today? If I'm not mistaken, you're also trying to use me, right? Don't you want to use me to bring down Maxwell?" Jordan's face fell, and he protested. "You should know my feelings for you by now! How can you misunderstand me? Jennifer, you're betting on the wrong horse if you're siding with Maxwell and making me your enemy! Maxwell can't even protect himself now. And you think he can protect you and Yale Corporation?"He blurted everything in his agitation.Jennifer's heart dropped and she pressed, "What do you mean by that? Why can't Maxwell protect himself?"Jordan took a deep breath. "Maxwell poured a lot of money into Yale Corporation even though they aren't worth a lot. Now the shareholders are all pissed and causing him trouble! They've decided to remove Maxwell from his position. Do you think he can still help you and your family?"Jennifer's mind buzzed. She had never imagined that Maxwell would get into
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Chapter 415
Jennifer screamed and ran to Maxwell as if he was her savior.Jordan's eyes were bloodshot and he raised his fist. "You're still so arrogant even now!"He was about to charge forward and return the punch when Jennifer suddenly shielded Maxwell with her body. Jordan's fist froze in the air.Jennifer closed her eyes but stood her ground, not budging an inch. She heard Maxwell's furious roar in her ears before he pulled her behind him."Are you crazy, Jennifer?" Maxwell yelled. "Who told you to interfere?"He didn't even want to imagine what would happen if Jordan's fist connected to Jennifer's face.Jordan's heart ached watching this. Were they acting like a loving couple in front of him? It didn't matter if he could beat Maxwell in a fight, he already lost.With that, Jordan lowered his fist and glared at them before storming off.Maxwell still had a grim look on his face. But when he met Jennifer's innocent and aggrieved gaze, his anger dissipated. He gently stroked her cheek a
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Chapter 416
"What's the point of having all this if I can't have you?" Maxwell hugged Jennifer and patted her back gently. "Don't be sad. The company's situation isn't as bad as Jordan made it out to be. Even if it is, I can handle it. Don't worry, okay?"Despite his reassurance, Jennifer could tell from Jordan's smug demeanor that Maxwell's troubles were far from small. She wondered how she could help Maxwell out of his predicament.Given the worsening tensions between Maxwell, Lorraine, and Jordan, the mother-and-son duo certainly wouldn't spare Maxwell if they gained control of Lance Group. And knowing Maxwell, he wouldn't be able to endure the humiliation.Just then, Maxwell's phone rang. He answered, and the butler's urgent voice came through. "Bad news, Mr. Lance! Please come to the hospital now! Mr. Lance Senior has fainted from anger.""What?" Maxwell's gaze sharpened and he rushed to Robert's ward with Jennifer.When they arrived, they found Lorraine and Zachary already waiting outsi
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Chapter 417
Zachary and Lorraine exchanged a look. They heard Robert had drawn up a will. With the limited time left, they needed to pressure Robert to amend the will, ensuring either Jordan or Zachary would take the position of Lance Group's president.The butler emerged. "Mr. Lance Senior wishes to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Lance."Zachary pulled Lorraine along, afraid that Robert might conspire with Maxwell. But the butler stopped them firmly. "Mr. Lance Senior specifically instructed to see only Mr. Maxwell and Ms. Jennifer. No one else is allowed in."Zachary stepped aside in frustration while Lorraine stomped her feet in anger, wishing Robert would hurry up and die.Maxwell and Jennifer entered the room to find Robert connected to an oxygen tank, his face pale and weary."You're here!" Robert smiled kindly. "Have a seat."Tears instantly welled up in Jennifer's eyes. She ran to his bedside and sobbed. "How are you feeling, Grandpa? I'm sorry, it's all my fault. It's because of my family th
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Chapter 418
Maxwell nodded. "Okay, I'll stay here for the next few days too."Jennifer hesitated and asked worriedly, "Is it okay for you not to go to the company? Didn't you say the company's shareholders are dissatisfied with you? Won't it upset them further if you don't go to work?"Maxwell explained gently, "You don't understand how the company works. Let them be. It's nothing to worry about."His confidence and composure eased Jennifer. Maxwell reassured her, "Just stay with Grandpa and don't overthink things for the next few days, okay?"Jennifer nodded. "Okay."That night, they slept in the room in Robert's ward. The bed was small, but it allowed them to cuddle together.Jennifer gazed at Maxwell quietly, her eyes filled with reliance and admiration. Maxwell was always a shoulder she could rely on, her protector, appearing at her most desperate and needy moments. She always doubted his feelings for her. But his every action made her believe in him more firmly and gave her peace of min
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