All Chapters of You've Got the Wrong Woman, Mr. Lance: Chapter 371 - Chapter 380
418 Chapters
Chapter 371
This was like getting a VIP pass!Jennifer got a second wind from the motivation. Instead of resting after her night shift, she took her books and revision materials to the study.She finally realized that her life didn't revolve around Maxwell. She had dreams and a career now. Also, she found peace between the pages of books.With this, Jennifer immersed herself in her studies for the next few days, forcing any sad thoughts out of her head.She didn't see Maxwell during this time, and Robert said he went on a business trip.Jennifer wondered if Maxwell was really on a business trip or if he was purposefully avoiding her.…Rachel was on cloud nine for the past few days.Maxwell stayed with her every day, and her prenatal checkups went smoothly. The only thing keeping her on edge was Jennifer. Rachel remembered Jennifer was still hanging around Robert. And with her still in the picture, Rachel could never win Maxwell's heart.So, Rachel told the caretaker to take her on a st
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Chapter 372
"Mr. Lance Senior has been hospitalized for a week, and Jennifer and Maxwell have been caring for him." Rachel got a hold of Lorraine's weakness. "Do you know what this means? Maxwell might take Mr. Lance Senior's inheritance for himself without your knowledge, and you and your son will be left with nothing!"Lorraine's heart dropped. Rachel's words were her worst nightmare. Her arrogance was replaced by hesitation. "Did… Maxwell tell you this?""So what if he did?" Rachel sneered. "You can't even protect your son. Do you want to go against Maxwell yourself? With his temper, I doubt he will give you anything even if you did."Lorraine grew anxious and yelled, "Why did you find me? Are you going to offer your help? Well, what's your condition?"Rachel smirked. "I like you. You're a smart woman. It's simple. Maxwell forbade me from telling Mr. Lance Senior about the child to avoid riling the old man. But I'm sure you know Mr. Lance Senior would want to have a great-grandson on his de
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Chapter 373
However, Zachary and Lorraine feigned innocence and hid their intentions.Lorraine also asked worriedly, "Zachary's right, Dad. What happened? Are you ill? Why were you hospitalized?"Robert couldn't tell if the couple was here out of concern or to gather information about his will. So, he mumbled calmly, "It's no big deal. I'm getting older and was hospitalized to get some needed rest.""I see. That's great news." Lorraine secretly cursed Robert for being sly. But she still said, "Your health is our greatest wealth!"Robert eyed them suspiciously. "Who told you I was here? I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you."Lorraine knew Robert would be suspicious of them and quickly lied, "We went to Lance Manor earlier and the maid told us you fainted a few days ago. Zachary was shocked and quickly ordered his men to find out which hospital you were in. How could we be at ease until we see you are well?"Robert nodded doubtfully. "I'm fine."Lorraine and Zachary exchanged
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Chapter 374
Lorraine pressed on, using Robert's own words against him.Robert glared at her and wanted nothing more than to chase the killjoy out. But he had to hold it in for now or they would cause a scene at Lance Group if he got in a fight with them.Robert only wanted to keep the two at bay and get rid of any possible obstacles in Maxwell's way, completely handing the company to him. But Robert couldn't help but frown at Lorraine's words. Was Maxwell not on a business trip and instead was accompanying Rachel to her prenatal checkups?Robert was enraged but didn't want his son and daughter-in-law to realize. So, he nodded calmly. "I see. You should go. I'll ask Maxwell when he comes over later. Just leave. The butler will take care of me."But Lorraine didn't want to leave. She feared Robert and Maxwell would think up another scheme and take Lance Group for themselves in her absence.Robert was annoyed and said coldly, "Why are you still standing there?"Zachary and Lorraine had no cho
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Chapter 375
"Stop right there!" Robert yelled at Maxwell angrily. "Don't try to play dumb with me! Tell me exactly what happened! Did you and Jennifer get a divorce?"Maxwell had been thinking about how to explain things to Robert on his way over. Even now, he couldn't come up with a reasonable answer that would not make the old man furious.He had no choice but to admit, "Yes, we got divorced.""Bastard!" Robert, in a fit of rage, grabbed a glass from nearby and hurled it at him. It hit Maxwell squarely on the forehead. He didn't dodge and let out a muffled grunt of pain. Blood quickly started flowing down his forehead.Robert pointed a trembling finger at him. "Why? Tell me, why would you divorce such a nice girl like Jennifer? Is it because you got that Walker lady pregnant and can't handle the situation? Do you want to bring her into our family?"Faced with Robert's barrage of questions, Maxwell calmly replied, "The divorce wasn't entirely because of Rachel. Grandpa, you always tried to
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Chapter 376
At the same time, Jennifer was in the operating room with Nathan. But she was worried about Robert and asked Nathan for a day off before rushing back."Grandpa," Jennifer called out anxiously as she burst into the hospital room.Then, she froze. Robert was sitting on the bed, looking utterly exhausted, while Maxwell stood not far away with dried blood on his forehead. Despite Robert telling him to leave, Maxwell stayed and kept an eye on the old man's condition out of concern.Jennifer was shocked to see the wound on Maxwell's forehead. She turned to Robert worriedly. "Grandpa, what happened?""Jennifer, you don't have to hide anymore. I know everything," Robert said sadly. "All this time, you and Maxwell put on this act to make me happy. It must have been so hard for you!"Jennifer's heart sank. She glanced at Maxwell, seemingly blaming him for not discussing it with her before telling Robert the truth. The atmosphere grew tense. Jennifer felt a lump in her throat, but she didn
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Chapter 377
In the end, Jennifer couldn't hold back her tears and said in a trembling voice, "Grandpa, it's all my fault. I divorced Maxwell so that Rachel would let my father go. And Maxwell relented. It was my selfishness that caused this."Robert trembled with anger as he listened. He narrowed his eyes. "What did you say? Your father hit Rachel and crippled her? And she used this to blackmail you into divorcing? This... This is a trap. Can you and Maxwell not see through such a simple scheme?"Jennifer shook her head. "I didn't believe anyone could be so heartless as to risk their child back then. But I know the truth now. My father said he didn't instruct the driver to hit Rachel. He was framed! My dad wouldn't lie to me."Robert understood that this was most likely a setup. He pressed on, "Did you tell Maxwell about this? What did he say?"Jennifer sniffled and mumbled, "We were already divorced, and telling him wouldn't make any difference. Besides, we had no evidence. Who would believe
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Chapter 378
Jennifer's heart raced and she quickly said, "Grandpa, we can't do that. If Maxwell finds out we forced Rachel to get an abortion, he'll hate me forever. He'll never forgive me.""After all he's done to you, you're still looking out for him?" Anger flashed in Robert's eyes and he gritted his teeth. "I will make sure he deals with that woman of his free will. Now, go and call Maxwell in."Jennifer didn't know how to persuade Robert, so she reluctantly went out and called Maxwell in. They stood side by side in front of Robert, just as they had on their wedding day when they had stood before him to exchange their vows. But everything had changed since then.Robert looked at them and asked, "Maxwell, have you made up your mind on giving Jennifer up?"Maxwell clenched his fists tightly. Only the heavens knew how hard it was to give up on the person he loved deeply. But he had seen Jennifer sharing a room with Nathan on his birthday. His dignity was trampled. How could he lower himse
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Chapter 379
Under Robert's insistence, Maxwell had no choice but to bring Rachel over.…On the way there, Rachel bit down her excitement and asked, "Maxwell, did Grandpa really ask to see me?""Yes." Maxwell hummed, his brows tightly furrowed in thought.Rachel smiled. "See, I told you Grandpa would be eager to see his great-grandchild in his old age. Even if he didn't like me before, people's views change over time."Maxwell sighed. "Don't be too optimistic. Knowing Grandpa, things are not as simple as they seem. You'd best think your answer through once we reach."Rachel nodded. But in her mind, she was already imagining herself becoming the lady of the Lance family. She was sure she would be leaps and bounds better than Jennifer!Throughout the journey, Rachel planned how she would speak to Robert and gain his acceptance.At the hospital, Maxwell pushed Rachel into the ward.Rachel quickly presented the supplements she prepared. She smiled. "Grandpa, I bought these for you.""Put the
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Chapter 380
But Robert was just an old man close to his grave. Why should Rachel fear him?So, she maintained her facade. "Grandpa, I don't understand what you're talking about. Even though I know you don't like me, you can't just throw baseless accusations at me! I am the victim here. Thankfully, I managed to protect your great-grandchild with my life!"Robert narrowed his eyes dangerously and yelled, "You're so sly! Back then, you tried to use these flowery words to sway me, and how did it go? Maxwell still chose the Lance family over you. It will be the same this time!"Seeing this, Rachel immediately changed her approach and cried, "Grandpa, I don't understand why you dislike me. Besides, I'm already carrying Maxwell's child. You can't let your great-grandchild be born without a father and face public scorn!"She was now crying pitifully, but Robert remained unmoved. He spoke sternly, "Do you know why I called you here? It's to make you give up. I won't let you hold anything over the Lance
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