Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 351 - Chapitre 360
Chapter 351
Maxwell snickered. "Too bad. This child was playing in the hallway that night."Khloe grinned. "Really? How many lollipops did you give the child to bribe them?"Just then, Michael carried a child over.The child was carrying a robot in his arms. He looked at Kylie and said, "Hello, Ms. Carter."Khloe strained a smile and patted his head. "Hello, Benji."That was the child's nickname.Khloe huffed. "Mr. Lance, Benji was born with a heart disease, and his surgery is tomorrow. It's cold today. What if he gets sick by being out here? Do his parents know about this?"Maxwell said coldly, "His parents are outside. The car is parked at the entrance and the heater is on. The child will be fine. It seems you're not as irresponsible as I thought you were, Dr. Carter. So why can't you admit your mistake?"Khloe's heart shook. Whenever she remembered the dead patient, it kept her up at night. But she couldn't admit it. Her life would be over if she did! She had been through hell to secu
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Chapter 352
Khloe stared into space and silently asked, "What... do you want me to do?""Admit to your mistake and apologize to Jennifer. Let everyone know that Jennifer was wronged!" Maxwell left no room for negotiation. "And if you don't, I will. I've already made another copy of the recording. If this goes public, you'll be blacklisted from all the hospitals in the country."Khloe stared at him in shock. She never thought Maxwell would find evidence and ruthlessly use it against her. If the truth came out, she would indeed be blacklisted from the industry, just as Maxwell had said.But if she admitted it, the hospital would definitely fire her, and all her years of hard work would be for naught. She would have to start from scratch again. Khloe didn't want to give everything up and decided to use her trump card.She gritted her teeth. "Don't push your luck, Mr. Lance! I know you want to protect Jennifer, but if I reveal your relationship to the public, everyone will know that Jennifer is
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Chapter 353
Seeing that Jennifer was at her wit's end, Maxwell stepped in. "Grandpa, you must stay in the hospital. Besides, Jennifer is doing her internship here, so it's easy for her to visit you. Your house is too far from the hospital. Do you want Jennifer to make the trip back and forth?"Only then did Robert relent. He felt guilty about troubling Jennifer and Maxwell who already had busy schedules."Sorry, Jennifer. I didn't think things through." He sighed. "I've been a handful for you and Maxwell these past few days. Alright, I'll follow your arrangements."Jennifer was distressed. Even at this stage, Robert was still thinking about them. She muttered softly, "Not at all, Grandpa. No matter how far you live, I wouldn't mind the trouble. But we can only ensure your health if you stay in the hospital. I… still want to spend time with you.""I know you are all good children." Robert sighed again. "I would have no regrets if you could give me a great-grandchild before I die!"Both Jennife
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Chapter 354
The next morning, Jennifer uncharacteristically slept in. Maxwell saw she was still asleep when he finished his morning routine and gently shook her. "Aren't you going to work today? It's almost 7:30 am.""I'm not going." Jennifer rubbed her eyes sleepily and sat up. "I'd rather spend more time with Grandpa."After all, nobody gave her any tasks at work, and she felt like a stranger there. People would even find her annoying by being there.Maxwell seemed to read her thoughts and smiled. "Maybe you'll get a surprise if you arrive early. Be a good girl and head to work."Jennifer looked at him, puzzled. "What kind of surprise?"Maxwell ruffled her hair affectionately. "You'll find out soon."Jennifer grew suspicious. "Are you hiding something from me?"Maxwell found her naiveness adorable. He kept the surprise to himself and led her to the bathroom, helping her with the toothbrush. "Hurry up and get ready. I promise the things troubling you will soon be over."Jennifer was ske
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Chapter 355
Khloe's dismissal was inevitable.However, the hospital director didn't want Jennifer to pursue the matter further. After all, this scandal could affect the hospital's reputation. The family had already decided to drop it. If Jennifer escalated the issue, the hospital would still be affected. The director gave Nathan a look, hoping he would help persuade Jennifer.However, Nathan ignored the director and said to Jennifer, "Jennifer, don't feel pressured into anything. This incident has damaged your reputation. People will understand if you decide to pursue this."Khloe was shocked and turned to Jennifer. She had lost all her dignity, and everyone despised her. But she still held onto a last shred of hope, fearing that Jennifer would expose her to the public.After a long silence, Jennifer sighed. "Sir, Dr. Lowe, can I talk to Dr. Carter alone?""Of course," Nathan nodded and told the others. "Today's meeting is over. Everyone, please get back to work."With that, Jennifer and
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Chapter 356
Khloe was overjoyed. "Thank you, Jennifer! I will leave Haven City and never appear before you again. I apologize for all the things I did before.""I hope you can become a responsible doctor in the future." Jennifer pursed her lips. "I shouldn't be the one saying this as a student, since you are still my mentor, but a life was lost. Don't you ever feel guilty?"Khloe broke down in tears. "How could I not feel guilty? I haven't had a single restful night since the incident. Every time I close my eyes, the patient's face appears before me, and I always wake up in cold sweat."Seeing her like this, Jennifer could tell that Khloe truly realized her mistake. She didn't want to make things harder for Khloe. At least she made Jennifer realize how much Maxwell loved her. He had always been silently supporting her.As Jennifer walked out of the room and looked at the sky outside, it felt as though the clouds hanging over her these past few days had finally lifted.When she returned to the
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Chapter 357
"I encountered some troubles at work, but they've been resolved," Jennifer said happily, placing the flowers she had picked into a vase.She sighed at the flowers. If only Robert could stand the harsh winter like these flowers. That way, everything would be vibrant and alive again come spring, with all hardships left behind.Before long, Maxwell also returned from work. Not wanting to be a third wheel, Robert shooed them away. "It's late. You two should eat. Go out and have whatever you want. Don't just stay here keeping me company. Off you go!"Jennifer had been wanting to talk to Maxwell, so the two left the hospital ward together. As soon as they stepped outside, Maxwell asked, "So, how was it? Did you get a surprise at work today?"Jennifer nodded shyly and stared at him. "Thank you."However, Maxwell wasn't happy about her reaction. He sighed. "Do you have to be so formal with me? I don't like you thanking me at every turn."Jennifer looked down and fidgeted with her fingers
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Chapter 358
Despite knowing this, Jennifer still fell first into the situation.Snowflakes drifted outside the window, gently settling on the glass, creating a beautiful scene."It's snowing," Jennifer remarked. "The first snow of this winter."Maxwell also looked out the window. "Yes, it's snowing. Let's go out and enjoy it."They headed out to the street, where many people had gathered. Most of them were couples. They had been busy taking care of Robert recently, and it had been a long time since they had a chance to stroll through the streets together.The streets of Haven City were bustling. Shops had already started selling Christmas gifts. Jennifer always enjoyed the lively atmosphere and the bustling city life, and couldn't help but glance around.As they passed a shop, Maxwell tugged Jennifer's hand and entered the shop. "How much for this scarf?""35 dollars. Do you want it?" The shop owner said cheerfully.This was probably the cheapest gift Maxwell had ever bought. But he knew
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Chapter 359
Maxwell only had eyes for Jennifer.Jennifer suddenly remembered something. "Your birthday is coming up."Maxwell's birthday was close to the first snowfall of the year. This year had been so eventful that she had almost forgotten.Maxwell was pleased. "I'm surprised you remember my birthday.""I never forget," Jennifer said, her gaze tinged with bitterness. "I would always prepare for your birthday but you never came home."Maxwell felt a sharp pang of regret hearing this. Countless moments of remorse flooded his mind. He stopped walking, his voice hoarse, "Jennifer, I'm sorry. We can spend every important holiday together if you want to from now on, okay?"Jennifer gazed at him in a daze. She wondered how long they could enjoy such peaceful days together. What would happen to them when Robert passed away and Rachel's child was born?She didn't voice her worries, not wanting to break the moment. Forcing a smile, she changed the subject. "Let's go back quickly, or Grandpa will w
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Chapter 360
Jennifer smiled bitterly. "Once Grandpa passes away, I probably won't celebrate Maxwell's birthday again, and I won't have any further ties with him. So, I want to give him an unforgettable birthday gift this year.""Got it! Leave it to me," Laura said, linking her arm with Jennifer's. "Today, I'll help you pick something out until you're satisfied!"The two of them visited almost every store in Gold Guardian. Finally, they saw a pair of exquisite black cufflinks at a luxury store.Jennifer immediately fell in love with them. Laura approved, "You have good taste! These are great, simple yet elegant, and expensive enough to show class and style."The cufflinks looked black but glowed green under the light. Its quality was assured.Jennifer bit her lip and decided to use her credit card.When Laura found out, she complained, "I told you. Even if you're divorced, you shouldn't leave with nothing! If he gives you money, take it! You still have to pay if you use a credit card!"Jenni
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